Sunday, December 12, 2010

morality in public schools

    I pledge alligence to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, under God, with Liberty and Justice for All.
    "The Congress shall...provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;"  Keeping religious phrases of moral teachers out of our public school system does not provide for the general welfare.  Religion teaches its followers right from wrong.  All Religions have a moral code within the writings.  The argument to keep, only as an example, the Ten Commands fo the Jewish Faith out of school buildings is the First Amendment to the Constitution for these United States of America.  But a plain reading of that Amendment says that "CONGRESS (my emphasis) shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."  But by allowing the Supreme Sourt to rule that having those Commandments within the confines of a public building (school) is a violation of that Amendment, THEY are establishing Atheism as the accepted Religion.  Yes, this means that Congress did NOT make the law.  But it is not within the Supreme Court's Constitutional Authority to make Law either.  But by a strict reading of that sentence, that means that when it comes to Religion, Congress is not to interfer in any way, it is beyond their realm to even bother with it.  BUT, there is a way to keep the Juditial and the Executive branch from making law in the absense of Congress doing it.  That is for Congress to make Regulation that says that the Judiicial is NOT to review any appellate case involving religion.  This authority is Congress' by Article III, Section 2, paragraph 1, sentence 2 of the Constitution for these United States of America says "In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Sourt shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions , and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make."  So you see, by plain reading of the Constitution, you simply make exception for Religion within the Courts realm.  It is my honest opinion that the rise in high school violence is directly related to the lowering of the teaching of morals within our education system.  I am NOT saying that Preaching the Bible or the Koran would be acceptable, but a work of art in the form of lettered marble would then be acceptable.
sign me
daniel karl seigler, born in Ft. Benning, Georgia, son of
Clarance Roland O'Niel Seigler, born in Ozark, Alabama, son of
Thomas Malcolm Seigler, born somewhere in Alabama

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