Saturday, April 14, 2012
Der Fubar
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REASON #83 for never, ever hiring a Muslim
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OFF TOPIC: Tiger Woods & Stevie Wonder are in a bar...
Tiger Woods & Stevie Wonder are in a bar...
Tiger turns to Stevie and says, "How's the singing career going?"
Stevie replies, "Not too bad. How's the golf?"
Woods replies, "Not too bad, I've had some problems with my swing, but I think I've got
that right, now."
Stevie: "I always find that when my swing goes wrong, I need to stop playing for a while and not think about it.
Then, the next time I play, it seems to be all right."
Incredulous, Tiger says, "You play GOLF?"
Stevie: "Yes, I've been playing for years."
Tiger: "But -- you're blind! How can you play golf if you can't see?"
Stevie: "Well, I get my caddy to stand in the middle of the fairway and call to me.
I listen for the sound of his voice and play the ball towards him. Then, when I get to where the ball lands, the caddy moves to the green or farther down the fairway and again I play the ball towards his voice."
"But, how do you putt" asks Tiger.
"Well", says Stevie, "I get my caddy to lean down in front of the hole and call to me with his head on the ground and I just play the ball towards his voice."
Tiger: "What's your handicap?"
Stevie: "Well, actually -- I'm a scratch golfer."
Woods, incredulous, says to Stevie, "We've got to play a round sometime."
Stevie: "Well, people don't take me seriously, so I only play for money, and never play for less than $10,000 a hole. Is that a problem?"
Woods thinks about it and says, "I can afford that; OK, I'm game for that.. $10,000 a hole is fine with me. When would you like to play?"
Stevie: "Pick a night."
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Re: NRA Prevents Gun Control: Keep, Bear and Use
I disagree with you.... it does indeed support it. The populace is to
be armed with all manners of weapons that are available. That populace
which is armed IS the militia. It just happens that in our present day
they do not need to be organized in the same manner as Militias once
did. They know how to shoot, they understand command structures and
tactics therefore rudimentary training in the churchyard or public
square is no longer needed.
What I do question, however, are the laws that ban guns in public
parks and squares that inhibit this practice/drilling if it were
desired by the local group/militia to do so.
I believe that if large groups of well armed private citizens were to
begin to publicly drill and let the people and the Government know
just how many they are and how serious this issue is and remind the
U.S. of the original purpose of the second amendment (protection FROM
the Government and unjust laws) is that those holier than thou idiots
(seems to afflict all elected officials) would start to think twice
about what they are doing.
On Apr 13, 9:43 am, MJ <> wrote:
> The simple English grammar of Amendment II does not support the claimed, absurd meaning cited in your article.
> Regard$,
> --MJ
> Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword because the whole body of people are armed and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States ... -- Noah WebsterThe modern drive against gun control started with an expansiveinterpretation of the Second Amendment as bestowing an absolute,
> individual right to keep and bear arms, rather than a societal
> right based on the need for a well-regulated militia.
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**JP** Daily Quran and Hadith
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Re: Find your seamen --
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Re: Churches aiding anti-marriage equality referendum effort in Maryland
Churches aiding referendum effort
The Maryland Marriage Alliance, an organization committed to defeating
the Civil Marriage Protection Act through a referendum in November,
listed 12 churches on its website ( where
petitions are available.
In Baltimore City, for example, the following churches are
distribution points for the effort: Greater Harvest Baptist Church,
Mount Pleasant Church and Ministries and Manna Bible Christian Church.
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Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
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Churches aiding anti-marriage equality referendum effort in Maryland
The Maryland Marriage Alliance, an organization committed to defeating
the Civil Marriage Protection Act through a referendum in November,
listed 12 churches on its website ( where
petitions are available.
In Baltimore City, for example, the following churches are
distribution points for the effort: Greater Harvest Baptist Church,
Mount Pleasant Church and Ministries and Manna Bible Christian Church.
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
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Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
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Find your seamen
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DOJ makes first anti-gay hate crime indictment with Matthew Shepard Act in Kentucky assault
The U.S. Justice Department announced on Thursday it has issued its
first indictment under the hate crimes protection law for an alleged
anti-gay crime.
In a statement Thursday, the Justice Department announced that two men
from Harlan County, Ky., were indicted for kidnapping and assaulting a
gay man because of his sexual orientation.
According to the Justice Department, a federal grand jury in London,
Ky., returned a three-count indictment charging David Jason Jenkins,
37, and Anthony Ray Jenkins, 20, for kidnapping and assaulting Kevin
Pennington, and for conspiring with each other and with other unnamed
individuals to commit the kidnapping.
On April 4, the two defendants allegedly kidnapped and assaulted Kevin
Pennington because of his sexual orientation. After getting the victim
into a truck, the defendants allegedly drove Pennington a secluded
area of the Kingdom Come State Park in Kentucky and assaulted him.
According to the Lexington Herald-Leader, Anthony Jenkins' wife,
Alexis, and sister, Mable, allegedly cheered the attack and yelled
things "Kill that faggot." Neither were named in the indictment.
The Herald-Leader reports Pennington was able to escape during a lull
in the attack and hid in the woods until the four stopped looking for
him. Among the injuries he suffered were bruises over his body, a torn
ligament in his shoulder, a closed-head injury and a torn ear.
According to a local ABC news affiliate, both men pled not guilty on
Thursday and a June trial date has been set.
The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act,
which President Obama signed into law in 2009, expanded the federal
hate crimes law to include bias-motivated crimes against LGBT people
and reiterates previous protections based on race, color, national
origin and religion.
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The case marks the first time a federal hate crime has been charged
over a violation of the sexual orientation provision of the statute.
If convicted, the defendants face a penalty of up to life in prison
for each charge.
The case was investigated by FBI Special Agents Anthony Sankey and
Mike Brown. It's being prosecuted by assistant attorney Hydee Hawkins
of the U.S. Attorney Office for the Eastern District of Kentucky and
trial attorney Angie Cha with the Civil Rights Division.
The indictment is only an accusation. Neither person indicated in the
case have been convicted of any crime.
Michael Cole-Schwartz, spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign,
praised the Obama administration for drawing its authority under the
Matthew Shepard Act to take action in the case.
"The Department of Justice should be commended for stepping in to
ensure that this crime – which was allegedly motivated by the victim's
sexual orientation – is prosecuted to the fullest extent,"
Cole-Schwartz said. "The ability for federal officials to work with
local law enforcement and bring appropriate resources to bear in cases
like this is a critical reason why the Shepard/Byrd Hate Crimes law is
so important."
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
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Re: The Problem with White Guilt
The Problem with White Guilt
By Sheria Reid
I recently read an article by Mark Judge in The Daily Caller entitled,
The end of my white guilt. Judge recounts how the theft of his bike on
Good Friday made him let go of white guilt. Judge concludes that black
people use "...the moral authority of past generations for their own
personal gain and self-aggrandizement."
But his grand conclusion is that black pain is no different than white
pain, which is the fall-back position of the "but I'm not a racist"
crowd. We're all alike and it's black people who insist on holding on
to the past.
. . .
"If you are white, and you feel uncomfortable or even attacked by my
consistent reference to white people as including every white person
in this country, you have experienced to some extent what it is like
to be black in this country when every infraction committed by any
black person is attributed to the character of all black people."
- Sheria Reid, The Examined Life
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
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Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
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The Problem with White Guilt
By Sheria Reid
I recently read an article by Mark Judge in The Daily Caller entitled,
The end of my white guilt. Judge recounts how the theft of his bike on
Good Friday made him let go of white guilt. Judge concludes that black
people use "...the moral authority of past generations for their own
personal gain and self-aggrandizement."
But his grand conclusion is that black pain is no different than white
pain, which is the fall-back position of the "but I'm not a racist"
crowd. We're all alike and it's black people who insist on holding on
to the past.
. . .
"If you are white, and you feel uncomfortable or even attacked by my
consistent reference to white people as including every white person
in this country, you have experienced to some extent what it is like
to be black in this country when every infraction committed by any
black person is attributed to the character of all black people."
- Sheria Reid, The Examined Life
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
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Re: [NEWS] Barack Obama's bodyguards sent home from Colombia summit amid prost
On Saturday, April 14, 2012, wrote:
Barack Obama's bodyguards sent home from Colombia summit amid prostitution allegations
A dozen Secret Service agents sent to Colombia to provide security for President Barack Obama at an international summit have been relieved of duty over alleged misconduct.
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CANADA: ‘Muslim Baghead with Bra’ photo ignites free expression firestorm
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GERMANY: Muslims hand out 25 million free pooper scoopers (aka qurans)
(aka qurans)
Posted : April 11, 2012 at 6:35 pm
Author : barenakedislam
Categories : Islamization of the West A
QURAN IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD: Germans will find many uses for the sudden
influx free qurans - pooper scoopers for their dogs, kindling, door
stops, even bathroom tissue in an emergency.
> Salafists also believe that democracy, because it is a man-made form of government, must be destroyed.. According to Die Welt, the Salafists have launched a "frontal assault" against people of other faiths and "unbelievers". Many Islamists believe Islamic Sharia law is a divine ordinance that is to replace all other legal systems. The number of Islamic radicals in German is surging. Islam is giving them respectability.
Gatestone Institute
( (H/T Martin)
Islamic radicals in Germany have launched an unprecedented nationwide
campaign to distribute 25 million copies of the Koran
, translated into the German language, with the goal of placing one
Koran into every household in Germany, free of charge.
The mass proselytization campaign -- called Project "Read!"
( -- is
being organized by dozens of Islamic Salafist groups located in cities
and towns throughout Germany, as well as in Austria
( and inSwitzerland
( .
Salafism is a branch of radical Islam, practiced in Saudi Arabia, that
seeks to establish an Islamic empire (Caliphate) across the Middle
East, North Africa and Europe -- and eventually the entire world. The
Caliphate would be governed exclusively by Islamic Sharia law, which
would apply both to Muslims and to non-Muslims. Salafists also
believe, among other anti-Western doctrines, that democracy, because
it is a man-made form of government, must be destroyed.
Although Germany's domestic intelligence agency, the Bundesamt für
Verfassungsschutz (BfV), regards the Salafist groups as a threat to
German security, Salafists have free reign in the country, and
Salafist preachers are known regularly to preach hatred against the
West in mosques and prayer centers that are proliferating across
The campaign to place a Koran in every German household is being
spearheaded by a Rheinland-based Salafist, Ibrahim Abou-Nagie, a
Palestinian preacher of hate, who leads a radical Islamic group called
"The True Religion ( "
("Die Wahre Religion").
In September 2011, German public prosecutors launched an investigation
into Abou-Nagie after he called for violence against non-believers
in videos posted on the Internet. In his sermons, Abou-Nagie
glamorizes Islamic martyrdom and says that Islamic Sharia law is above
the German Constitution. He outspokenly believes that music should be
prohibited, that homosexuals should be executed, and that adulterers
should be stoned.
Abou-Nagie has tens of thousands of followers across Germany. Among
them are two German Muslim converts-turned-terror suspects
trained by Abou-Nagie and recently arrested in Dover, England, after
British border police searched their luggage and found a document
entitled "How to Build a Bomb in Your Mom's Kitchen," an article from
the English-language online magazine "Inspire
( " produced by
Al-Qaida in Yemen.
In one video ( , Abou-Nagie
tells his audience that "whoever follows the Christian Bible or the
Jewish Torah instead of the Islamic Koran will go to Hell for
Not surprisingly, Abou-Nagie sees it as his calling to save the German
people from the wrath of Allah by converting them to Islam. To achieve
this aim, Abou-Nagie founded Project "Read!" to distribute tens of
millions of copies of the Koran throughout Germany.
The campaign is now well under way. More than 100 Salafist
"information booths" have already been set up in dozens of German
cities, particularly in the regions of North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower
Saxony, Hessen and Hamburg.
Abou-Nagie's approach is simple and effective
( : German
Muslims are encouraged to purchase a copy of the Koran (red cover) in
order to fund the free distribution
( of
additional copies of the Koran (blue cover). In addition to the public
distribution of the Koran on the streets and market places,
non-Muslims can order a free copy of the Koran on an Internet website
called ( .
During the extended Christian Easter weekend from April 5-9, Project
"Read!" entered into a new phase. According to the Berlin-based
newspaper Die Welt
, the Salafists have launched a "frontal assault" against people of
other faiths and "unbelievers". On April 7, for instance, Project
"Read!" organized a nationwide campaign to distribute the Koran in 35
German cities, including Berlin,Cologne
( , Dresden,
Frankfurt (
, Hamburg, Hanover, Heidelberg, Konstanz, Munich
( and
According to Die Welt, German authorities view the Koran project,
which fundamentalists are using a recruiting tool, as a "most
worrisome" campaign for radical Islam. Security analysts say the
campaign is also a public-relations gimmick intended to persuade
Germans that the Salafists are transparent and "citizen friendly."
In an effort to improve their image, the Salafists have removed from
their "information booths" all literature about the role of women in
Islam or the supremacy of Islamic Sharia law over democracy. Moreover,
the German translation of the Koran has edited out many of the verses
which call on Muslims to make war on non-believers. According to BfV,
the German domestic intelligence agency, the German version of the
Koran is "rather non-controversial." (Most English versions have been
sanitized as well)
German authorities also say, however, that Project "Read!" is being
organized by Islamist networks that hold an extremist world view and a
militant ideology.
A spokesperson for the Berlin branch of the BfV told Die Welt
that "the objective of this campaign is to help bring those who are
interested into contact with the Salafist scene in order to influence
them in the context of their extremist political ideologies."
Although not everyone who takes a Koran into their home will convert
to Islam, German authorities say Abou-Nagie's Project "Read!" is a
establishing a breeding ground for anti-constitutional ideas.
In any case, the number of Islamic radicals in Germany is surging.
According to the BfV, there are an estimated 29 Islamist groups in
Germany with 34,720 members or supporters who pose a major threat to
homeland security. Many of them want to establish a "Koran-state" in
Germany because they believe Islamic Sharia law is a divine ordinance
that is to replace all other legal systems.
The head of the German Police Union (DPolG), Rainer Wendt, has told
the Hamburg-based Bild newspaper
that he is concerned about the presence of clandestine Islamic
sleeper cells made up of Muslim immigrants and converts in Germany. He
has called for the recruitment of undercover agents to infiltrate the
Islamic environment. It is the "only way to monitor the scene," Wendt
"Radical Islamists live everywhere and nowhere in Germany. One cannot
rule out that that nice young man from next door, who brings grandma
her fresh bread every morning, is not in fact an Islamic sleeper and
terrorist," Wendt warned.
The BfV is particularly concerned about Muslim youth who are prone to
"rapid radicalization patterns," and who possess a "high willingness
to use force" and "to attack." Some of them are under surveillance by
the security authorities, according to Wendt.ăiesc-în-Germania-impozitaţi-de-statul-german-şi-contribuind-la-dezvoltarea-lui1.jpg
The BfV is also monitoring a surge in online Islamist propaganda, much
of which warns Muslims that they are not to integrate into German
society. With an estimated 4.3 million Muslims, Germany has Western
Europe's second-biggest Islamic population after France.
Some of the home-grown Muslim radicals are being alienated from German
society by means of Sharia law, which is now competing with the German
criminal justice system
in all major cities in Germany.
According to Kirsten Heisig, the author of the book "The End of
Patience (
": In Germany "the law is slipping out of our hands. It is moving to
the streets or into a parallel system where an imam or another
representative of the Koran determines what must be done."
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**JP** Re: Bhutto Treachery
Bhutto's Treachery
Bhutto was a resident of Bombay at the time of
Partition and owned properties there.
ZULFIKAR ALI BHUTTO was one of those persons who, however talented, were inherently incapable of being truthful. He was treacherous to India, his country of birth, and simultaneously to Pakistan, the country of adoption. In India, he pursued cases to establish that he was an Indian citizen, whose properties could not be declared evacuee property, while pursuing, around the same period, claims for compensation in Pakistan as its citizen who had lost properties in India.
Ayub Khan's Diaries have two entries of March 3 and June 30, 1967. One of them reads thus: "Certain documents from India came into my hands, stating that Mr. Bhutto had been, till 1958, claiming that he was an Indian citizen and that he was staying in Karachi only temporarily. I have asked for further confirmation. It just shows how unscrupulous and soulless this man is."
The second entry reads: "An awkward question was asked in the National Assembly. Up to the time he became a Minister in 1958, Bhutto had been declaring before the Indian courts that he was an Indian citizen residing in Karachi. The object was to get some compensation for the property left by his parents in India. In fact, he was selling his soul for about one lakh fifty thousand rupees. All this was not known to us till recently when the matter was discussed in the Indian Parliament and came out in that press."
The official report of the proceedings in the Rajya Sabha on November 19, 1965 (Vol. LIV; No.12) and court records establish the charge incontestably. Mahavir Tyagi, the Minister for Rehabilitation, said: "Shri Z.A. Bhutto, Minister for External Affairs, in Pakistan was a resident of Bombay along with his parents at the time of Partition and owned properties there. He was declared as an evacuee on 6th July, 1949 by the Deputy Custodian and his properties were taken over as evacuee property. Shri Bhutto contested the declaration order in various proceedings taken by him before the Custodian, Custodian General, Bombay and Punjab High Court and ultimately before the Supreme Court of India for 9 years. While on the one hand he was contesting the decision that he was an evacuee and disowned any connection with Pakistan, its nationality or domicile, on the other hand he had filed an application in Pakistan as an evacuee, claiming payment of a court deposit lying with the High Court, Bombay. However, in November 1958, the year in which he became a Minister in Pakistan and took oath of secrecy there, on a petition made by Shri Z.A. Bhutto that he had then settled in Pakistan and that his appeal be dismissed as withdrawn, the Supreme Court granted the prayer and passed an order accordingly.
"Extracts from his various petitions and statements recorded in the course of proceedings are contained in the statement which I place on the Table of the House (See Appendix XLIV, Annexure No. 19)."
Those documents reveal a lot. He gave the details to the Deputy Custodian of Evacuee Property on oath on July 27, 1949 and to the Custodian on November 17, 1951: "After passing the Senior Cambridge examination, the applicant on or about 8th September 1947, left for the United States of America from Bombay where he had been permanently residing. The applicant further says that when he so left for abroad on 8th September, 1947, he did so on an Indian passport."
On July 27, 1949, he had said earlier, also on oath: "I do not know when my mother or sisters left Bombay. I made applications to several universities from 1945 onwards. My father received replies from them. I returned to Karachi after 10 years. My education was in Bombay. I am not residing in Karachi."
In his appeal to the Custodian-General on January 30, 1956, he described himself as temporarily residing in Karachi. "The applicant was sui juris and had attained majority and merely because the applicant's parents resided in Karachi and his marriage took place there, it did not follow therefrom that the applicant's home was also in Karachi."
He added in his appeal: "That the learned Custodian failed to appreciate that the applicant went to the United States of America as an Indian national on an Indian passport and continued to be an Indian national at the relevant time. That the learned Custodian erred in holding without any evidence on record that the applicant after obtaining majority has at any relevant time accepted Karachi as his domicile."
On September 11, 1957, he filed an appeal in the Supreme Court of India praying that all the proceedings against him as evacuee be quashed. He became in 1957 a member of Pakistan's delegation to the United Nations General Assembly, which commences its session in September every year. He became a member of Ayub Khan's Cabinet as Minister of Commerce in 1958. He withdrew his appeal in the Supreme Court stating "that the petitioner is, however, now settled in Karachi and does not propose to prosecute appeal No. 489 of 1957 pending in this honourable court any further". That was on August 13, 1958. The Court allowed the withdrawal on November 3, 1958. He had become a member of Ayub Khan's Cabinet three weeks earlier.
Before that he wrote an obsequious letter to President Iskandar Mirza in April 1958 from Geneva, where he had Pakistan's delegation to the Conference on the Law of the Sea. He wrote: "When the history of our country is written by objective historians, your name will be placed even before that of Mr. Jinnah. I say this because I mean to, and not because you are the President of my country" (emphasis added, throughout).
Meanwhile in Pakistan, Bhutto was pursuing his claims under the Registration of Claims Act, 1955. He filed them in 1956. He owned the Astoria Hotel at Churchgate in Bombay and the proceeds of a bungalow, `My Nest,' at Worli which his father, Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto had sold. He was Dewan of Junagadh, which acceded to Pakistan in August 1947. In November 1947, Sir Shah Nawaz settled down in Karachi.
In the claim that he filed, Bhutto assessed the value of the Astoria Hotel in Bombay at Rs.12 lakh and that of the house at Rs.1,40,000. The Claims Officer, however, verified the first claim for Rs.3,93,952; as to the second, he held that he was entitled to securities of the value of Rs.1,40,000.
Bhutto appealed to the Deputy Claims Commissioner who, by his order dated October 6, 1956, raised the value of the hotel for purposes of compensation to Rs.9,97,991. This enhancement of nearly Rs.6 lakh did not satisfy Bhutto. He went in revision to the Claims Commissioner, who, applying the revised compensation formula approved by the government (40 times the gross annual rental in 1946), assessed the capital value of the property at Rs.44,30,400.
This final order was passed on September 18, 1957 - exactly one week after Bhutto submitted his appeal to the Supreme Court of India claiming as an Indian citizen the same property against which he was simultaneously claiming compensation in Pakistan as a Pakistani citizen. All this for filthy lucre
----- Original Message -----From: Riaz JafriTo: Join Pakistan ; Moderator ; Pak Alert ; Pak Awam ; Pak Post ; Pakistan ; Pakistan Front ; Pakistan Futures ; Pakistanpress ; Socialist Pakistan ; Kamran Shafi ; Meekal Ahmed ; Haroon Wasti ; betterpakistan@gmail.comSent: Friday, April 13, 2012 10:31 AMSubject: Bhutto TreacheryBHUTTO's TREACHERYNo Comments; Forwarded as receivedCol. Riaz Jafri (Retd)----- Original Message -----From: bakhtiar hakeemSent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 9:10 PMSubject: An article on ZABm d honorable and learned members,aa,please find to your dismay, this article by A G Noorani.Men of character.rgds,
Secretary General TFPBakhtiar