Monday, December 20, 2010

**JP** Fonts Can Hamper PCs Performance – Part 5 (English)

As Salaam o Alaikum,


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This is part 5 of my mail which is related to speeding up your computers. If you didn't receive my previous emails then just send me an email or visit my blog  On the blog you can also read the Latest IT related News / Articles / Updates or just add me as a friend on facebook o Twitter so that you will not miss any of my mail

Can these beautiful, stylish, unique fonts make my pc run slow? Well  there are many applications which uses different type of fonts but there are a number of unnecessary fonts as well. Removing them can increase the performance of the system

Actually, fonts effects the speed at the startup of any application (Software). Most of us have not noticed such thing in our daily work routine but these are the things which runs in the background and makes the daily operations slow. Let me explain a bit more.
First of all at the boot time, computer load the fonts in the memory. Secondly when you start any software like Ms-word, Adobe Photoshop etc these softwares loads the entire collection of fonts first and then gets started. If you have a large collection of fonts, then starting any kind of application (especially graphics softwares) will delay your work and causes lot of time (depending on the RAM)

Most of us would like to have a collection of fonts. As you search on the internet, you will find very stylish, funky and unique types of fonts and would like to have it as well. But these fonts, we don't use it often. It's just for 1 time work or for some special occasions only. Therefore keeping them in the font directory will only causes you trouble which is not noticeable.

font 2

Some people would say that even though we haven't installed the fonts manually in our system but in the font directory there are so many of them. It's because when ever you install any application, the software itself install some fonts. And as many softwares you have it in your system, each application have its own collections of fonts.  Like this, your collection of fonts gets increased time by time without your knowledge. 

There will be a time when you operating system cannot install further fonts and will give an error that fonts cannot be installed. Well there is as such no exact limit but generally after 800 to 1000 fonts you cannot install more fonts in your system. But this figure also depends on the system hardware and specifications. But tell me really, after having such a huge collection of fonts will you really use them all. For example just open you Ms-word and go to the fonts collection and try to browse to the no. of fonts you have it. You will be totally confused and most of them will almost looks alike.

Rule of Thumb: 
Best practice says that having a collection of 500 fonts in your system is ok. But believe me, in my experience, 500 fonts is also too much. I say like 200 to 250 fonts are more than enough. But to manage these fonts also you need font manager, if you really into these font collection business.

So now what i have to do? 
You can't just go and delete the fonts from the system like that. Many applications have their basics fonts which they really need it. Some are system fonts as well. So how come you would know that what to delete and what shouldn't be? 

Well i discovered a very nice list on a site . They have given details of the fonts which shouldn't be deleted and are required by either your operating system or some other important applications. you can review the list on their site by 
Clicking Here. Do review the site for reference.

An easy apporach …. Remove unnecessary fonts from the computer. Keep only those fonts which are required on daily usage. 

We will talk about how to remove unnecessary fonts from the system in the next post. Please advise below your suggestion and comments.

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