Monday, January 10, 2011

RE: Reagan; Dubya; Orange Boner, Cryer of the House...

From our friend Jim:

RE: Orange Boner, Cryer of the House, Sheds Crocodile Tears Again a...

I thought that was a given that Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's years before he
became President.

(Before I go any further, I know whereof I speak concerning Alzheimer's.)

Like most people in the early stages of the disease, he was affable and
able to parrot what was given to him to read and/or say.
With his experience of doing this for a living, he became the "Great
What he communicated was what his handlers told him to say.
To hide his deficiencies, Nancy was constantly at his side...prompting him
and covering for him. She was his enabler.
That is the "normal behavior" for the spouse or significant other of an
Alzheimer's patient. They will pursue it relentlessly, calling it love, no
matter how harmful the deception.
Ronald Reagan was never properly intellectually able to be President.
That meant nothing to the morally bankrupt ReTHUGlican Party.
Neither was DUH-Byah. Again, there was no concern because all they needed
and wanted was a front (AKA Shill) to use as a diversion from their
destruction of America...for personal gain.

Both Reagan and Bush were what I refer to as Post Turtles.

Everybody knows a turtle cannot climb a fence post.

Put one up there to create a diversion while you go about your dastardly
deeds and then claim they are "Presidential policies."

Think "trickle down economics" and the illegal invasion of Iraq.
Both...crimes against our nation for the benefit of the power brokers.

Neither of those two had enough sense to craft a policy on anything. Much
less economics or war.

Reagan, because of his Alzheimer's.

Bush, because he's just plain stupid and a sociopath.

Both were the malleable court jesters for the powerful forces that put them
in office.

We suffer from what happened during the term of office for both of these
dunder heads. Our nation will continue to suffer for generations to come.

The latest twist or "innovation" on the Post Turtle theme is the Tea Party,
financed and controlled by billionaires who are also sociopaths.

With the current Gang of Five on the Supreme Court gutting the Constitution
to suit the power brokers, we're in for much more...and worse...of the
same insanity.
Our very existence as a nation is in jeopardy. Unlike the ReTHUGlicans,
that is not empty hyperbole!
Stay tuned...


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