Monday, January 10, 2011

Re: More Evidence that the Arizona Assassin, Jared Loughner, was a Liberal Extremist...he was a 9/11 Truther

Since when does seeking the truth about an historical event make one a Liberal Extremist?

On 1/10/2011 3:07 AM, Travis wrote:
Moonbat with additional bats in the belfry.

More Evidence that the Arizona Assassin, Jared Loughner, was a Liberal Extremist...he was a 9/11 Truther

The evidence that assassin was on the left of the political spectrum continue to pile up. Friends, political ideology, religious beliefs, favorite books and activities already proved this lunatic was a progressive-liberal. Now comes word that Loughner was anti-Bush and a 9/11 Truther.

Hardly a Palin follower or Tea Party member, wouldn't ya say? It seems Loughner didn't like the way Congresswoman Gifford answered a question back in 2007...before anyone knew Palin and before the Tea Party was formed.

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — At an event roughly three years ago, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords took a question from Jared Loughner, the man accused of trying to assassinate her and killing six other people. According to two of his high school friends the question was essentially this: "What is government if words have no meaning?"

Loughner was angry about her response — she read the question and didn't have much to say.

"He was like ... 'What do you think of these people who are working for the government and they can't describe what they do?'" one friend told The Associated Press on Sunday. "He did not like government officials, how they spoke. Like they were just trying to cover up some conspiracy."

Both friends spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they wanted to avoid the publicity surrounding the case. To them, the question was classic Jared: confrontational, nonsensical and obsessed with how words create reality.

The friends' comments paint a picture bolstered by other former classmates and Loughner's own Internet postings: that of a social outcast with nihilistic, almost indecipherable beliefs steeped in mistrust and paranoia.


Mistrust of government was Loughner's defining conviction, the friends said. He believed the U.S. government was behind 9/11, and worried that governments were maneuvering to create a unified monetary system ("a New World Order currency" one friend said) so that social elites and bureaucrats could control the rest of the world.

Sounds like a Van Jones disciple. Van Jones, President Obama and most of those on the left love to read Marxist/Communist material. Obama even said he sought out Marxist professors in college. Read his book, he said so himself.

On his YouTube page, he listed among his favorite books "Animal Farm" and "Brave New World" — two novels about how authorities control the masses. Other books in the wide-ranging list included "Mein Kampf," ''The Communist Manifesto," ''Peter Pan" and Aesop's Fables.

The Associated Press didn't want to use Adolf Hitler's or Karl Marx's name, since these are the heroes to those on the left who have a fondness for Socialism and Marxism.

Over time, Loughner became increasingly introspective — what one of the friends described as a "nihilistic rut."

An ardent atheist, he began to characterize people as sheep whose free will was being sapped by the government and the monotony of modern life.

"He didn't want people to wake up and do the same thing every day. He wanted more chaos, he wanted less regularity," one friend said.

Sounds like a lefty anarchist to me.

The friends said Loughner told anyone who would listen that the world we see does not exist, that words have no meaning — and that the only way to derive meaning was during sleep. Loughner began obsessing about a practice called lucid dreaming, in which people try to actively control their sleeping world.

Continue reading>>>

H/T to HotAir

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