Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Is socialism a good thing in moderation?

I lived in a country, the USA that wears its capitalism on its sleeve.
That is till the last six years were I now live in the PRC, commonly
known as China, a retired vet working part time here.

What I have learned over these years is that major industries and
services are jointly owned by the government and private enterprise,
and that small businesses are privately owned.

This seems to have created a check and balance system within big
business where the good of the country and private investors is
protected while encouraging competition. They have also seemed to
have created a system that allows small businesses flourish. This has
also created shared profits where the tax burden on the people seem to
be far less.

While the political and social impacts are obvious in their system,
nevertheless this is not about that, this is about an economic system
that enjoys 9% growth for the last few decades and that I believe we
should take a few pages out of their economic playbook and learn to
beat them at their own game.

What are your thoughts?

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