Saturday, December 31, 2011

Re: Is a vote for Ron Paul a vote against George W. Bush?

Posted by Rob Anderson  December 30, 2011 04:10 PM
" Yet there may be plenty of other reasons for that -- the strange rhetoric about Fort Knox, his fixation on the Federal Reserve, and a stance on drug issues that puts him far to the left of Obama. What's clear is that some GOP voters are rethinking issues that were off the table four years ago.

To the LEFT of Obama? Really?

THIS is what the Establishment and its Mainstream Useful Idiots are shoveling:
L---------D---------- M ----------R--------- R
In reality, America's political machines would be placed somewhat like:
L---DR--------------- M -------------------- R
OR possibly:
L---RD--------------- M -------------------- R

Linearly, what do you have?
T------------------- M ------------------- A
Where T is Totalitarianism and A is Anarchy (absence of Government)
S------------------- M ------------------- C
Where S is Socialism and C is Capitalism (Capitalism being the system in which people are free to use their private property without outside interference.)

LEGITIMATE Government, like that identified by Jefferson (and so many others in his era) secures (natural) rights <period>. This would necessarily be very far to the right.
The CONSTITUTION -- which provides a very few enumerated Powers restricting this Government of the Sovereign States -- is necessarily LEFT of Legitimate Government, but certainly far to the right.

T/S------------------- M --------------USC---L A/C

The Issues Anderson lists in his hit piece/smearbund:
o strange rhetoric about Fort Knox -- he wants to know if the gold that is supposed to be in Fort Knox *is* where it is supposed to be ... this is 'strange'? How is this 'left' (or 'right' for that matter)?
o fixation on the Federal Reserve -- the Fed, of course, is unconstitutional, VIOLATES (natural) rights and would find itself well LEFT of the middle and approaching Totalitarianism & Socialism
o the war on drugs, of course, is unconstitutional, VIOLATES (natural) rights and would find itself well LEFT of the middle and approaching Totalitarianism & Socialism

Opposing and seeking to 'repeal' these immoral, unconstitutional LEFT issues is somehow 'ultra-left wing'? Really? How do you figure? In reality it is the Seven Six Dwarfs that are as far to the left as Obama AND his predecessor whose policies he has simply co-opted and expanded. Ever hear of a guy named George Orwell?

Anderson -- like so many others -- confuses NEOCONS with Conservatism and the Old Right. One might seek out Justin Raimondo for some HISTORY of the right and what occurred to it.


"GOP strategy: scare people into believing state socialism is an imminent threat, then drape state capitalism in free-market garb as the alternative." -- Sheldon Richman

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