Sunday, June 19, 2011

RigthOnLine happening now: Cain, Pawlenty, Bachmann, Breitbart, Malkin

RightOnLine Problems and Triumphs

RightOnLine's main problem of course is the tea party's problem: herding libertarians and conservatives together in a small government fiscal responsibility coalition together, at least long enough to take the Senate and defeat Obama.

It's triumphs are just existing and growing and dispensing useful information and a fun time. One of the main staffers at Americans for Prosperity, Erik Telford (who has been threatening to quit for months as his schedule is exhausting) is a fairly decent comic. Two good lines:

His counterpart at NetRoots Nation told the press that NetRoots liked having the smaller, younger RightOnLine conference next door, because it was like "a little brother tugging on your sleeve," to which Telford replied "I like that -- NetRooters recognizing that they are Big Brother!"

His other good line (so far) was also about NetRoots. A White House press flak was chewed up earlier by disillusioned Leftovers at NetRoots who think Obama is not screwing the country hard enough. Telford quipped: "I regret he didn't come over here so we'd have a chance to beat on him too."

Now for the bad stuff: the sound system at the Hilton is awful, too loud and full of static; the AV staff and the dinosaur media journ-0-lisps here covering the event seem to think they can have loud cell phone conversation at the edge of the main hall during major speeches (I may kill one before the day is over); the Hilton's wifi system is crap, bifurcated into one network one accesses in your room (for $20 a day), or a free system in the common areas, both unreliable. I've been in prettier Hilton's (the Dallas one outfitted with Trammel Crowe's Asiatica) and it had crappy internet access too. My vote is that no one ever schedule a conference at a Hilton again.

And now for some more Breitbart with leftover loonies at NetRoots:


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