Sunday, June 19, 2011

Obama is a Socialist! Sure he is....

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Real Obama is a Little Left of Center

(But you probably knew that)

If you think that there are no conspiracies or secrets in
the world, then broadcast your innermost thoughts over an FM station.
No conspiracies? Then what do they do in the CIA, anyway? Why don't
they offer an open house in McLean, Virginia, like your local fire
department does? You could just walk up to the receptionist and say,
"I would like to see the files on the Kennedy assassination." The
receptionist, with her reading glasses down her nose, would retort,
"We had to kill JFK before the KGB did! After all, it was the Cold
War and the USA had no sweater!" Well, that just isn't going to
happen; you wouldn't get past the front gate! Don't be so naïve!
There are state secrets. The real question is, does the CIA conduct
secret projects for the sake of evil or good? You will never know!

That is why we have binomial thoughts on political
conspiracies. One example is that of left wing conspiracy theories,
which are well researched and nicely analytical, but rejected by
mainstream society. Then, there are right wing conspiracy theories,
originating from The John Birch Society to Glenn Beck. The media
allows these theories to be broadcast over the public airways because
they are all fantasy and everybody knows it. I mean, come on! If
Obama were really this tyrannical dictator that the right espouses,
would he allow Glenn Beck to broadcast night after night, exposing
"Obama's evil plans?" I think not! What got Beck kicked off the air
was Free Enterprise—nobody with any capital wants to advertise on his
crappy show anymore! With right wing conspiracy theories, you can put
forth anything you want, as long it's not overtly racist or sexist.
You get airtime as long as you've got a sponsor!

However, if you want to be racist, you can always use
surreptitious methods to express those sentiments. In the past, some
spokesman from some Nazi group would appear on a talk show and use
racial epithets, and it was considered entertaining. But, he couldn't
recruit anybody to his cause, so David Duke put on a suit and tie, and
used substitute words. (i.e. "Nigger" became "Socialist;" "Jew"
became "Hollywood Liberal.")

The 21st Century, right wing movement in the U.S. has
become this syncretist coalition of right wing Christians and
Libertarians. Most Libertarians are atheists, but strangely, the
religious right has adopted this Laissez-faire view of the economy.
You want to talk about a left wing Caliphate between Islam and Marxism
and think that it's strange? By the way, no such thing exists. But
consider it. These pot-smoking Libertarians have united with this
these anti-masturbation Christians. We all know Ayn Rand hated
Christians, and even her own Judaism. What's up with that shit?!

The Texas Aryan oil barons are the men behind the curtain
of the Tea Party movement. Some of them claim to be Libertarians, but
in truth, they are white supremacists and followers of Theodore
Lothrop Stoddard. They hide behind Libertarian masks.

The reason the rich invented government is to have a
convenient scapegoat. Don't deceive yourself into thinking that the
white ruling class hates government. As a matter of fact, the biggest
welfare kings are the oil companies. The WASP rich loves government!
We've got socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for the
middle class and the poor!

So is Obama a socialist? Let's take inventory…

If Obama were a socialist, then:

Members of the Bush Administration would be doing time in prison for
their war crimes. What is Bush doing now? Oh, giving motivational
speeches for big money! The right should kiss Obama's feet!
All the oil company conglomerates would be nationalized by executive
order. When British Petroleum ruined the Gulf of Mexico with their oil
spill, did Obama send troops to arrest the crew on the oilrig? No!
He did nothing, except to make them create an "escrow" account of $20
million from which to pay "damage claims" filed by "legitimate"
Is giving loans to car companies socialism? Are you shitting me?!
Reagan did the same thing for the banks in the 80's!
Is there a self-managed, decentralized planned economy, based upon
autonomous, self-regulating economic factors and a decentralized
mechanism of allocation and decision-making? Hell no! What we have
is rich white guys in country club parlors, laughing about how tea
party members are such stupid dupes!
Do we have equal distribution of wealth? The top 5% has most of it!
By the way, there is no such thing as "Redistribution of Wealth."
That's something the right wing think tanks came up with.
How come you are paying taxes? In socialist society, you work for no
wages, and get everything you need for free. There is no taxation
under socialism—well, in theory at least.
Are you paying for food? All food is free under socialism.
Are you paying for doctors and medical care? Not in a commie
society! All health care is free.
Obama's new health care reform makes private doctors even richer
because it includes compulsory law, requiring that you obtain health
insurance! That's not socialism! Neither are the states' compulsive
car insurance laws, which make the insurance companies get even
richer! Good commie government!
Do you have a job? Oh, you don't? Whose fault is that? Oh yeah, the
socialist government! Actually, it's the fault of the American
Capitalist CEO who was too cheap to pay union wages and saw he could
hire slave labor overseas and avoid doing so!

So what have we learned? That Obama is a socialist like
Senator Bernie Sanders is a Libertarian! But, Tea Party freaks will
always think that Obama is a socialist because their mommy and daddies
of the corporate world told them so! There are two features of the
authoritarian mindset: One is that the rich man feels the world must
submit to his will because has a lot of money. The other is that the
underlings must submit to the rich man's will because he is their
father figure and what he says goes. If he says Obama is a socialist,
then, by God, he is!

What do you think?

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