Friday, June 10, 2011

Re: Keith In Köln, please explain Germany for us

On Jun 9, 1:14 pm, Mark <> wrote:
> One cannot be unemployed if one has never been employed.

I know wealthy people who retired when they were 40 years old and
never looked for a job again.
Only a Republitard would call that "working".

I conveniently forgot about how Bush Jr.'s $1 trillion war and how he
used to ask Congress for an extra $150 billion every 6 months.

I conveniently forgot about how Bush Jr. had the wars put in an off-
line budget so the costs wouldn't be realized.

I conveniently forgot about how wealthy people used their tax breaks
to invest in foreign markets and create 10 times the amount of jobs
there as here in the US (10 times there, nothing here).

I conveniently forgot about how de-regulation of financial markets
bankrupted the US and how Bush Jr. needed an extra $700 billion to buy
more political kickback contributions from Wall Street.

I conveniently forgot about how much the wealthy have sacrificed.

Well, I didn't forget, but that's how dumb you hope the American
people are.
Newsflash: they're smarter than you'll ever give them credit for.

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