Friday, June 10, 2011

Re: Keith In Köln, please explain Germany for us

On Jun 9, 4:47 am, Keith In Köln <> wrote:
> I would only add:
> That in my opinion, the unemployment in Germany is far higher than the
> numbers reflect, at least in the Köln/Dusseldorf/Bonn region where I am
> currently residing.  

But it's still lower than the US...
how can that be when we have no socialized health care system and
higher schooling costs?

>  The rest of Europe is literally envious, and looks to Germany
> (through the EU) to bail them out.  Germans are pissed off about the fact
> that they are now financing Portugal,  Spain and other EU Nation State's
> retirement plans, (and entire government's!)  which are far more lavish than
> the German retirment benefits.

Yet German retirements are more lucrative than US also.
Not to mention their vacations while they're working.

> Another observation:  I have had a chance now to experience the German
> socialized medicine program first hand.  It doesn't work, unless you have
> money to buy your way out of the socialized portion of it.  To be dependent
> upon the "free" socialized medicine, means that you will die.  If Germans
> knew how our system worked, there would be a revolution in this Nation to
> instill a capital market system much like what we have.   It is very similar
> now anyway, those that can afford to pay, do so, those that cannot, depend
> upon the government, but the services are not nearly as good as what one
> expects or receives in the United States.
> Although I possess a Juris Doctorate,  I am not a member of the Florida
> Bar.

Care to mention the company your doing legal work for, and why they
would need you?

> I pay no taxes to Deutschland, (other than the normal value added tax,  rent
> tax, and every other socialistic tax that the Germans have instilled)  but
> instead, pay taxes to my Nation,  the United States of America.

Then you're paying taxes.
It makes no difference to me whether it's local or federal.

> Once Again, more Moonbat spin and rhetoric by communists such as Studio, who
> believe that Socialism, Communism, Maoism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, Marxism,
> Engelsism, *et. al*, are all really wonderful economic and political social
> systems, if we only had the right folks to implement them and run them!

Oh, the old Republitard; "I'm an American and studio isn't routine".
Well Keith, I live here all the time and you don't.
I've never been out of the country and have no desire to.

This is what makes you a lousy lawyer; you're disconnected from the
reality of the here and now, while you protect the wealthy's wealth
and not the rights of the poor.
I got news for you Keith, Americans by overwhelming majority do not
give a rats ass about the wealthy and their tax breaks and non-
sacrifice to their country in time of war.

More Wingnut spin and rhetoric by crony capitalists who don't even
live here, such as Keith and Annointed,
who believe that crony capitalism, de-regulation, religious
indoctrination, police states, prisons and *et. al*, are all really
wonderful economic and political social systems, if we only had the
right folks to implement them and run them!

Keith no matter how many times you say it, or pay for it to be said;
the facts are the American people overwhelmingly *do not* believe your
philosophy that states; "if only the rich had just a bit more money
from not paying taxes, everything would be so much better".
If only the CEO's made 500 times earnings above the average American
instead of the 350 times earnings they currently enjoy...

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Care to remind us how Bush Jr. stated the above?
No I doubt it, I'd be embarrassed to repeat it also.

> Finally,  I will be returning back to Tampa (and Washington D.C.) here
> soon,  as my visa is going to expire at the end of this month.   I will be
> back!

I never left.
Have a safe flight.

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