Saturday, May 14, 2011

And this guy's experience is why I think the State Dept needs to rethink the actions they took on this Visa problem

The off-handed way the State Dept handled this - "oops, my bad!! - and
then nothing happened to the guy who screwed up and that they still
wanted the applicants to keep on sending, expensively, the materials
even after they realized that they were going to throw out the results
makes it even worse. Really gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling for the
people in charge of our foreign policy. Also kinda explains why so many
things got screwed up in the past 2-1/2 years under the rookie.

Government Accountability (Score:5, Interesting)
by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 13, @08:31PM (#36123660)

My girlfriend was one of the initial winners. I don't have to tell you
how furious/disappointed we both are.

The incompetence demonstrated by the State Department is fucking mind
boggling. They have 6 months to draw winners, sample the results -make
sure everything is OK. They don't. Instead of drawing 100,000 applicants
they draw 22,000 most of which were no randomly drawn, but were among
the first to apply. They post the results and after a week shut down the
website with no explanation. People email the Kentucky Consular Center
to make sure everything is OK before they send in their documents (It
can be very expensive for internationally tracked packages, especially
from people all around the world-many of whom are not well off.) The KCC
emails people telling them everything is fine and to continue sending in
documents, even they know at this point that the whole lottery is a
clusterfuck. Then they announce that the first drawing was not random
and has been disqualified.

Why wouldn't the State Department at least try to request permission
from congress to increase the number of VISAs awarded to 75,000 up from
50,000 or randomly draw another 78,000 names to that 78,000 would be
random and the initial 22,000 would be less random.

It just seems so unfair to announce winners and then revoke that
announcement two weeks later, all the while telling people everything is OK.

Saved the best for last: The State Dept has announced that they will not
be taking disciplinary action against anyone involved in the "Incorrect
results" being posted. I would like to know of any other job on the
planet where you can fuck up 15 million visa applications, blame a
computer for what clearly is a persons job to ensure the results are
accurate before posting them, and not even receive disciplinary action.

David Donahue should resign in shame and Hillary Clinton should make a
public apology at the very minimum
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and if your girlfriend hadn't been selected... (Score:3)
by YesIAmAScript (886271) on Friday May 13, @08:45PM (#36123728)

Would you be screaming for heads to be cut off?

Your girlfriend was selected in an unfair lottery. It wouldn't be right
to let all that stand.

How do you know the KCC was informed the results weren't accurate at the
point they were telling people to send in their documents?
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Re:and if your girlfriend hadn't been selected... (Score:2)
by AK Marc (707885) on Saturday May 14, @12:10AM (#36124676)

Your girlfriend was selected in an unfair lottery.

But the process is a black box to the applicants. -So what's wrong with
saying "oops, we'll take the wrongly posted ones and the whole set of
rightly posted ones this year."
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Re:Government Accountability (Score:2)
by thisisauniqueid (825395) on Saturday May 14, @12:56AM (#36124860)
I'm just glad I didn't check the results until after the website became
inaccessible. I'd rather not go through what you and your girlfriend
went through. Will be checking back on July 15th for sure -- but now I
have to wonder if their programmers are competent at all.
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Re:Government Accountability (Score:2)
by rastoboy29 (807168) on Saturday May 14, @01:03AM (#36124898) Homepage
Most people don't understand computers at all, the way we do
(slashdotters). Their feelings about it could be summarized essentially
as "Zeus has frowned on us" and that's that.

Truly a special bummer, but that's life, isn't it? And I hope your
girlfriend gets lucky for real on the next draw.
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I Hate To be That Guy... (Score:3, Insightful)
by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 14, @01:42AM (#36125012)

But how about we just cancel the whole darn thing?

I'm going to assume that most of you here are Americans. And as such,
you probably feel like America kicks butt and that we rock and everyone
wants to come here (and you'd be correct). You've probably heard how
it's REALLY HARD to come to America legally and probably have some view
on illegal immigration. What you probably aren't aware of, because
you've probably never tried, is just how difficult it is to immigrate to
other countries.

These same countries that are condemning our immigration system offer an
even more rigid, more unforgiving system. And these are really crappy
countries. Countries that, objectively, are the equivalent of a tiny
state in the US. 'Hey crappy EU country; you are the size of Iowa and
have 1/2 GDP, who exactly are you trying to keep out?'

These countries don't have lotteries. They have standards (high
standards). Upper middle class, educated, high paying job? If so, you've
got a tiny shot....only if you happen to work in one of these 3
professions and only if you can line up a job while on the other side of
an ocean. Anything less? No. Marry a citizen. That's it.

It's harder to immigrate into Mexico than it is the US. Stop and think
about that for a second. Screw em. You don't want us? Well, we sure as
heck don't want you. /Bitter //Really amazed at how difficult it is
///Will almost certainly be an 'illegal alien' in the next six months

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