Thursday, October 7, 2010

Man has a point here!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oppressive Government

A few weeks ago I was having a discussion with a woman about politics. I mentioned that I felt that government was too oppressive. She replied, "I don't think our government is oppressive". I had to wonder what she thought real oppression would feel like.

Here is a quick run-down:

  1. Government is in my wallet.
  2. Government is in my paycheck.
  3. Government is in my employer's HR department.
  4. Government is in my glove compartment.
  5. Government is in my steering wheel and door panels.
  6. Government is in my car's engine compartment.
  7. Government is in owns my car's manufacturer.
  8. Government is in my gasoline.
  9. Government is in my medicine cabinet.
  10. Government is in my toilet.
  11. Government is in my shampoo.
  12. Government is in my washing machine.
  13. Government is in my light sockets.
  14. Government is in my television set.
  15. Government is in my television station.
  16. Government is in my radio.
  17. Government is in my radio station.
  18. Government is in my telephone.
  19. Government is in my computer.
  20. Government is trying to get into my internet.
  21. Government is in my liquor cabinet.
  22. Government is in my gun cabinet.
  23. Government is in my ammo locker.
  24. Government is in my back yard.
  25. Government is in my lawn mower.
  26. Government is in my garden supplies.
  27. Government is in my food supply.
  28. Government is in my grocery store.
  29. Government is in my refrigerator.
  30. Government is trying to get into my diet.
  31. Government is in controls my doctor's office.
  32. Government is in controls my hospital.
  33. Government is in controls my medical insurance.
  34. Government is in runs my retirement fund.
  35. Government is in my kids' school.
  36. Government is in controls my kids' college financing.
  37. Government is trying to get into my kids.
From the moment I get up in the morning to the moment I close my eyes at night, practically nothing I use or touch is immune from government regulations, mandates and taxes. I can see my liberty diminish by the day. With very few exceptions, only the most trivial decisions are left up to me anymore. How is that not oppressive?

There is practically nothing that the government controls or regulates that we do not already have the tools in the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, to handle on our own.

Send me your suggestions and we'll keep adding them to this list.


Kevin Byford said...

Maybe if that woman were forced (against her will) to wear a burqa she might begin to understand what oppression means.

Sadly, nearly every American already wears the U.S. Government mandated "burqa" of over-taxation, under-representation, insidious violations of our Constitutional rights, bills that get passed without Congress reading them, a depraved President who apologizes for America to the rest of the world, a foreign policy that bolsters our enemies while pushing away our allies, etc...

It's very odd to wake up every day living an Orwellian novel being written in real time by our pathetic government.

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