Thursday, July 1, 2010

American people wants me to get laid!

If Hitler was a Vegetarian.
(So What )

Heard about the Libertarian who got caught shop lifting at a
grocery store ? They asked him why he did it, he answered, I
believe in the Free Market. The security cop asked
"so" ? The Libertarian answered, well....this is a market, so
that means every thing is free ! OK, bad joke. But one thing that
isn't funny is revisionism. It seems that the dorks on the right are
pushing the colossal lie that the Nazi were Left wingers. Can you
believe that Rhinoceros doo doo ? In their Gangrene brains , they
equate National Socialism with Marxists Socialism. Fucken
brilliant ! EH ! Did you know if you were a pure Aryan, you were
allowed to own your own business ? Now it was not exactly Laissez
faire economy, but Capitalism is enterprise, free or not. All the
cool German corporations, From Volks Wagon to simens, existed during
the Nazi regime. The
Nazi Party gave Volkswagon a goverment contracted to produce cheap
cars for the
farting German masses. Sort of like Hughes getting a contract from
the U.S goverment.
So..the Nazi are in the same league as Conservatives, Libertarians,
Objectivists, Anarcho-Capitalists and Black Muslims, so on, so forth.
The American right don't dig the fact, the Nazi are in the same
League as them. So they pawn them out as leftists, to clean the
slate. Hey you right wing Baboons ! Don't feel bad. We Anarchists
got Trotskites and Stalinists to put up with. We all got crosses to
bare. Now we Anarchists are not into this
so-called Political Correctness, in fact, we into Political
perfection. If your not politically
perfect, go join the reform party. Look at Jesse Ventura, he's A
libertarian, but belongs
to the reform party. That says a lot for The Libertarian Party.
There's this Libertarian
radio talk jock in Los Angeles, California. He's not even registered
Party member. says a lot dude. They took a survey
recently and found out , of political beliefs...
Anarchists had the hightest I.Q. Surprised ? Neither was I. The
lowest was
Republicans. Surprised ? Neither is any body. One more thing
before I go,
No matter what the right retards tell ya, The Los Angeles Times,
Obama, and the Democratic Party are not Socialists, I wish they were,
they are not. If The Democratic Party was Commies, why in the fuck
Bill Gates be a Registered member ? I guess you John Birch Society
would say he's part of the new world order conspiracy. God, so many
in this land of the wealthy free. May be Fascism is not bad idea.
Admit it, wouldn't
you like to see Jehovah witness put in gas chambers ? Or "Boys to
men" go in with
them ? Don't get excited, I'm being a Jerk.

(Sorry , I got emotional)

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