Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Re: A Very Important Message!

A vote used to be a sacred secret right...
now it's a; "I wear my political philosophy on my sleeve, and this
small quote (pictogram, saying, video) proves I'm right".

Don't vote for the 2 major political parties!
It's all a scam, propaganda, and a numbers game they play!
You will not be the winner no matter who you vote for!

They control the money, or how much is borrowed, and it doesn't matter
what phoney ideology it is.
They can make it do, or not do, what ever it is they want, or don't

P.S. did you know that if all the physical money in existence were
divided up equally amongst everyone in the US, everyone would have
Money is not money, it's just numbers anymore. And the people who made
it that way, have the biggest numbers.

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