Obama continues his praising of Islam while leaving out the truth about the radical religion. Islam is a part of our national story, but not in the glorious ways Obama describes. Thomas Jefferson is the first president that had to deal with the mythical "religion of peace." Jefferson was president during the first Barbary War. Islamic pirates from Muslim countries were attacking and capturing US ships and enslaving crews. This is one of those facts President Obama leaves out. Besides this, the only other connection between Islam and our national story is the 19 Muslim hijackers who flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. What religion did they all practice? Islam.
Obama can't name much more than these instances where Islam is a part of our national story.
Lefties wander why over half of Americans don't know Obama's religious affiliation. The worshiping of Islam from our President is a major factor.
From IBD:
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. (Applause.) Please, please have a seat. Good evening, everyone. And welcome to the White House.
Of all the freedoms we cherish as Americans, of all the rights that we hold sacred, foremost among them is freedom of religion, the right to worship as we choose. It's enshrined in the First Amendment of our Constitution -- the law of the land, always and forever. It beats in our heart -- in the soul of the people who know that our liberty and our equality is endowed by our Creator. And it runs through the history of this house, a place where Americans of many faiths can come together and celebrate their holiest of days -- and that includes Ramadan.
Yet his contraceptive mandate forces Catholics to violate their religious freedoms and beliefs.
As I've noted before, Thomas Jefferson once held a sunset dinner here with an envoy from Tunisia -- perhaps the first Iftar at the White House, more than 200 years ago. And some of you, as you arrived tonight, may have seen our special display, courtesy of our friends at the Library of Congress -- the Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson. And that's a reminder, along with the generations of patriotic Muslims in America, that Islam -- like so many faiths -- is part of our national story.
More revisionist history from Obama. It appears the ambassador was here for 6 months and Jefferson invited him to dinner at 3:30 that day, but because of Ramadan he couldn't eat until sunset and told Jefferson this. All Jefferson did was change the time of the dinner and was not celebrating Ramadan in anyway and the dinner was not an Iftar dinner. It's called respect. Something this president lacks. The ambassador was their to work on a treaty, since Islamic pirates were attacking US ships. Liberals, and Obama, love to spin history to spread their lies.
This evening, we're honored to be joined by members of our diplomatic corps, members of Congress -- including Muslim American members of Congress, Keith Ellison and Andre Carson -- as well as leaders from across my administration. And to you, the millions of Muslim Americans across our country, and to the more than one billion Muslims around the world -- Ramadan Kareem.
Two radical Muslim Democrats. Carson just stated that US schools won't prosper until they become like Muslim Madrassas that teach hatred toward all non-Muslims and force children to read the intolerant Koran. This is the company Obama keeps.
Now, every faith is unique. And yet, during Ramadan, we see the traditions that are shared by many faiths: Believers engaged in prayer and fasting, in humble devotion to God. Families gathering together with love for each other. Neighbors reaching out in compassion and charity, to serve the less fortunate. People of different faiths coming together, mindful of our obligations to one another -- to peace, justice and dignity for all people -- men and women. Indeed, you know that the Koran teaches, "Be it man or woman, each of you is equal to the other."
More Obama bullshit. Ask Muslim women, who are force to cover their entire bodies, how equal they feel under Islam. Ask Muslim women how it feels to not be able to leave the house without a male relative being with them or drive a car. Ask Muslim homosexuals how equal they are. That would be difficult since they are stoned to death under Islam. More revisionist history from Obama.
And by the way, we've seen this in recent days. In fact, the Olympics is being called "The Year of the Woman." (Laughter.) Here in America, we're incredibly proud of Team USA -- all of them -- but we should notice that a majority of the members are women. Also, for the very first time in Olympic history, every team now includes a woman athlete. And one of the reasons is that every team from a Muslim-majority country now includes women as well. And more broadly -- that's worth applauding. (Applause.) Absolutely.
Obama didn't mention how these women were covered from head-to-toe and followed behind the Muslim men.
More broadly, we've seen the extraordinary courage of Muslim women during the Arab Spring -- women, right alongside men, taking to the streets to claim their universal rights, marching for their freedom, blogging and tweeting and posting videos, determined to be heard. In some cases, facing down tanks, and braving bullets, enduring detentions and unspeakable treatment, and at times, giving their very lives for the freedom that they seek -- the liberty that we are lucky enough to enjoy here tonight.
Obama forgets he didn't do a damn thing for this women in Iran or Egypt.
These women have inspired their sisters and daughters, but also their brothers and their sons. And they've inspired us all. Even as we see women casting their ballots and seeking -- standing for office in historic elections, we understand that their work is not done. They understand that any true democracy must uphold the freedom and rights of all people and all faiths. We know this, too, for here in America we're enriched by so many faiths, by men and women -- including Muslim American women.
Where are all the foaming-mouth liberals shouting "separation of church and state?"
Continue reading Obama's praise of Islam>>>
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