Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The "Treyvon Martin Problem" & Virginia's immediate cost-effective permanent fix

Taking the wind from Race Baiter (Democrat) Sails - Two points:
1) 'Never let a crisis go to waste' can be turned on BHO & crew.
2) When the courts prove that they can be trusted NOT to administer
the law as legislated demagoguery and cronyism will rule rather than
constitutionally guaranteed republican-rule-of-law
Use 1) to fix 2). Apply 2) to the POTUS candidates Constitutionally
required 'natural-born-citizen' requirement. BHO's signature on
legislation & legislation-by-EO becomes void ab inito.
The "Treyvon Martin Problem" & Virginia's immediate cost-effective
permanent fix
From the "Journal of Constitutional Reset from Virginia"

In any state the has an uncorrupted base of English common law (Magna
Carta +) Treyvon's mother could directly present her complaint to the
citizen grand jury and the grand jury could ORDER the prosecutor to
prepare an INDICTMENT on the killer.
Virginia has the law right in statute § 19.2-191. "Functions of a
grand jury.
The functions of a grand jury are twofold:
(1) To consider bills of indictment prepared by the attorney for the
Commonwealth and to determine whether as to each such bill there is
sufficient probable cause to return such indictment "a true bill."
(2) To investigate and report on any condition that involves or tends
to promote criminal activity, either in the community or by any
governmental authority, agency or official thereof. These functions
may be exercised by either a special grand jury or a regular grand
jury as hereinafter provided.:
But the judges of Virginia regularly resist VA19.2-191(2) under the
[false] color of the laws authority – which is defined as
VA18.2-481(5) felony statutory treason that they can only perpetrate
in their personal capacity. EVERY LAWYER WITNESSING that and the daily
violations of the VFOIA is conclusively evidenced as perpetrating
felony VA18.2-482 "Misprision of Treason".
Please ask Gov. McDonnell to correct Virginia's 'Treyvon Martin
Problem' by demanding that he do his constitutional duty to 'take care
that the laws are enforced' using all necessary force. Ask that Gov.
McDonnell demand the surrender of EVERY officer of the SCOVA (every
lawyer, judge & justice) offering them full pardon upon the virtue of
proper parole oath. Virginia could easily fix this 'Treyvon Problem'
in less that a week and at almost no cost.
'The "Treyvon Martin Problem" & Virginia's immediate cost-effective
permanent fix' at

From the "Journal of Constitutional Reset from Virginia" at

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