Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Re: List of President Obama's Accomplishments OBAMA 2012!

Tommy, in obvious jest, reported:

> List of President Obama's  Accomplishments
> Ending Iraq War
> Did just what he was elected to do.
> Steady Decline in Unemployment Rate
> Obama did not make things worse.


As one who has published on propaganda analysis, I could spend the
rest of the day dissecting his list. Yes, there may be one or more
actual facts buried deeply therein, but most of the list is composed
of odd collection of agitprop tactics that fail rational analysis.
From the Catalog of Canards, we see Tommy committing:

The Lie of Association: Using invalid associations to demonize/glorify
a person or position.

The Lie of Mass(ive) Assault: Generating a huge amount of convincing
but inadequate "research" in order to make an issue appear to have
"scientific consensus." (in this case a massive list of misdirection)

The Lie of Historical Vectoring: Presenting one historical element as
a proof of concept without presenting the full scope of historical

Let's take a few for educational sake:

> Steady Decline in Unemployment Rate

Oddly, it kept going up until the real estate market started to bottom
out, rising far above the 8% limit his own administration guaranteed
we would never exceed.

> Obama did not make things worse.

Odd. My freedom to chose my own health care policy has been removed,
it unemployment did rise under his watch, border agents are being
killed with guns Obama oversaw leaving the country, and now people are
being told to violate their religious beliefs via health insurance
premiums. That's worse.

> Killing Osama Bin Laden

You are kidding, right? American intelligence agencies find OBL, the
military devises and analyzes multiple plans for the hit, and Obama's
job was to make a go/no-go decision. He had as much to do with OBL's
demise as Rick Santorum has to do with gay rights.

> Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Indeed, it is so affordable that insurance premiums continue to rise
and the latest CBO report says the new rules will accelerate
Medicare's collapse.

I could continue, but the point is that pointlessness comes from
misinformed minds.

Guy Smith
Author, Shooting The Bull, a field guide to identifying political lies
in real-time

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