Monday, July 11, 2011

The tea party is so over! The Koch brothers will move to Germany!

FOX news ratings keep dropping and their owner is neck deep in a major
scandal. This is no longer 2010 when American voters decided to give
Republicans a chance out of frustration over the economy.

Republicans got that chance and they blew it badly. Newly elected
Republican Governors are fighting it out to see who can lose the most
voter approval polling points each month, while recall petitions
blossom for them and their legislative stooges. There isn't a single
Republican Presidential candidate to the left of loony who is
generating any grass roots Republican enthusiasm.

Republicans took power in the House of Representatives over the issue
of lost jobs, then promptly ignored the economy to focus on "social
values" issues and their crusade to strangle government. That included
fumbling Republican assaults on two of the most admired government
programs in the country, Social Security and Medicare. Meanwhile
Republicans continued to hitch their wagon to homophobic outrage while
a sea change took place among the electorate in favor of gay
marriages. With unemployment stuck at extremely painful high levels,
the Republican response boiled down to eliminating the jobs of public
workers. The only group of voters who want the national debate to
focus on cutting the deficit rather than adding jobs are tea party
fanatics who keep shrinking in numbers and loosing support from the
public every week.

So how on Earth, with Democrats perfectly positioned to cash in on the
electorates buyers remorse over having voted in Republicans last time,
after the electorate has vehemently rejected Republican plans to
"reform" Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and with Americans
clearly demanding more jobs, rather than more belt tightening, how on
earth did we end up in this place?

Why is a Democratic Party President agreeing with the increasingly
marginalized Right that deficit reduction is the central debate in
America, with trillions of dollars of spending cuts now one of his
highest priorities? And why the hell did he put Social Security,
Medicaid and Medicare back on the table to face cuts when the public
emphatically wants those benefits preserved?

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