Sunday, May 22, 2011

Re: Fwd: Obama: Enemy of Israel

Any Islamic state in a non-Islamic backyard is going to be a rogue and hostile.period.
 I am not talking about the citizen people - but who would Govern them (like Hamas).

I am giving you an example which is similar to this issue.

Pakistan was carved out of India in 1947.

Various Indian states were persuaded by then Indian Home minister to  formally join Indian Union. Then King of Kashmir, who was a Hindu was about sign the agreement/ or even signed.

Pakistan made a surprise attack on Kashmir and occupied 2/3rd of it, which was never part of mutually agreed Pakistan.

Now, the Muslims of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir are not telling Pakistan to declare at least that 2/3 rd of Kashmir as a new country Kashmir; because their so called oppressor is a Muslim country with Shariah Law.

Where as the people (Muslims)  of Indian's Kashmir are protesting against Indian Oppression in spite of diverting billions of federal money to their state because of a poor economy. We can't buy land in Kashmir because they fear demographic change.

Pakistan thrice attacked India - each time got defeated. Now, it went nuclear - it is now a global threat and blackmailing all civilized countries.

So, Here our Gentleman President Obama is somehow convinced that - the day Israel goes back to the 1967 line and new Palestinian state is created - Israel will live in peace.
The fact of the matter is - that is going to be the beginning of the trouble because Israel will have 4 hostile neighbor in stead of 3. So, status quo is the best solution and very much sustainable. US is lucky because Mexico is  not a Muslim Nation. So he has to look guidance from Indian PM and Homeland Security Minister; not from Farid Zakaria GPS, whose GPS is mis-aligned.

Muslims  must tell Pakistan to return Kashmir to India if they want Israel to go back to 1967 status. We won't tolerate the hypocrisy - where occupying Muslim land is issue while occupying non-Muslim land by Muslims are okay..



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