Sunday, February 13, 2011

Re: The poor are not getting poorer

In your world, how do you determine 'how much' is necessary for
someone to 'live'? 
If two people mutually agree how does one determine whether Party A
or Party B is getting the short end of the stick? You do realize that
when they mutually agree, they BOTH have determined that they are
receiving MORE than they are giving.

People do not necessarily 'turn' to socialism. Those seeking Power
seeking to maintain it NEED to control as many of the people as is
necessary for them to maintain their position. What better way than
to make them dependent upon them?


"When the first cave man clubbed his neighbor to expropriate the food his neighbor had gathered, he gave blunt, physical expression to the essence of socialist society"  Lawrence W. Reed (1978).

At 07:34 PM 2/11/2011, you wrote:
right, the question is should i pay wages that pay the employees bills
or just pay him whatever he will submit to. People are always going to
settle for less wages than they need therefore you wil always have a
high percentage of the population that works for less than it takes to
pay the bills. they will tun to socialism to meet their needs. thus
socialism is caused by to much capitalism. as i said it's a morality
question. everyone who works should have their bills paid and then
some but they will settle for less.

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