Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Re: Conservatives: if your unemployed, you're lazy and uneducated


> Oh, please do tell us all about Bristols economic theories dick.
> While you're doing that, it will also explain them to the 20%
> unemployed who may read this.

Of course, if Obama's economic policies *did* work, there wouldn't be
a "20% unemployed" to explain it to.

> "Conservatives: if your unemployed, you're lazy and uneducated...and you don't deserve any benefits. "

What you Democrats continually seem to ignore is the hundreds of
billions of dollars already being spent on benefits. It's like, no
matter how much is already spent, if someone opposes spending even
more your argument will be "those cold, heartless bastards don't want
to spend a dime on benefits for you". And here's a news flash - there
ARE lazy and uneducated within the unemployed ranks; and there IS an
incredible amount of corruption and fraud stealing from the existing
benefits system. Throwing more (of other people's) money at a problem
is rarely the solution.

> But if you're unemployed, you need to accept $10 hour jobs with a
> smile, a dance, deep never-ending loyal gratitude and work your ass
> off.

So what you're saying then is if you're unemployed and there are $10/
hr jobs available you *shouldn't* take them and instead remain
unemployed and milk the benefits system for even more? In my opinion,
if you're unemployed and there are $10/hr jobs, then yes, you DO need
to work your ass off and continue to do all you can to support
yourself or your family. I've worked my ass off my entire life. I
never took anything from anyone, least of all from the government. I
would rather work three $10/hr jobs than receive unemployment, but
then, that's me. But I DO know people who figure it's easier to
collect an unemployment check, and they just love people like you who
believe you can't ever expand or extend government benefits enough.

On Feb 14, 8:20 pm, studio <tl...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 14, 8:09 pm, dick thompson <rhomp2...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> > And at that she probably has more experience in life than our beloved
> > Dem president community organizer has.  Also probably has a  lot better
> > idea of how the economy works than he does also.
> Oh, please do tell us all about Bristols economic theories dick.
> While you're doing that, it will also explain them to the 20%
> unemployed who may read this.
> Please ONLY use quotes and links from Bristol herself and not your
> personal views of what you think she says.

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