Friday, December 17, 2010

Cut the CRAP, and start cutting government!!

Fifteen years ago, when I started writing my New Constitution of the
United States of America, the issues being debated were so numerous
that I decided to write a FAIR and democracy-wise document that would
let law-abiding citizens determine the specific laws under which they
should be governed. That way, I wouldn't be dictating solutions so
much as I would be establishing the right climate in which the best
and most workable solutions can be found. My model for doing that was
our present, weak but conceptually-desirable US Constitution. My mode
of writing included repeatedly asking myself how the Founding Fathers
would feel about every tweak or addition which I have made.

The spirit of our original Constitution is very much alive in my New
Constitution! But the vague language which has sent too many of our
issues to the biased courts to be decided, has been clarified to the
maximum. In addition, the Supreme Court has been demoted to be a
"lesser" branch of government. In the future, all really
controversial issues will be decided by the direct vote of the People,
with the vote for "passage" (or directive) being 60%. Never again
will "court appointments" or "court decisions" be a bypass of the
macro Will of the People! Nor will the courts be allowed to be biased
toward any… 'group'. That's because group influences will be negated
to the maximum, while increasing the FAIR power of the collective
INDIVIDUALS to the maximum. Condoleezza Rice—a rare individual herself
—said, "I favor the influence of individuals over the influence of
groups." That most simple concept, once embraced by all Americans,
will be sufficient to change the entire course of our nation for the
better! Group power struggles, including the most divisive Democratic
and Republican Party forays, have been screwing up this country for
too long!

I'll candidly admit to having been a champion of the Democratic Party
until Hillary R. Clinton betrayed America by… "defecting" to the enemy—
Barack Obama. All of her talk about "cracking glass ceilings"
wouldn't have been 'apt' if she had simply done as I proposed and SUED
the Democratic Party, and the US government. It has never been FAIR
to have primaries spread over months, rather than all be held on the
same day. And in our modern era, it isn't "fairest" to determine
delegates to conventions based on our outmoded electoral college
allocation of delegates—whereby there can be no… "fractional"
delegates. The ideal of democracy is to have the delegates be
determined by the direct popular vote. Hillary won the nomination (or
would have, if she hadn't chickened out) as determined by the direct
vote of the people. She, or John McCain, should be President.
However, based on what I now know… it would be 'slightly' better had
John McCain won. That's because he probably would have been more
agreeable to having economic sensibility than Hillary would have been,
since she was and is a self-proclaimed… "progressive", i.e., socialist/

Never, have I been other than an ultra fiscal conservative! Years
ago, before Republicans made inroads in SC, I had 'registered' as a
Democrat. It wasn't until the last two decades that economic
considerations have eclipsed "social" considerations. For me, there
were only two fundamental Democratic Party ideals worth fighting for:
The right of every female to have control over her own body, including
within the first half of the first trimester. And the right of all
creatures in the environment to remain safe from the unhealthy
exploitation of our natural resources—either in the obtaining of those
resources, or in the manufacture and use of products made from such.
In most fundamental ways, my New Constitution will protect the
environment, and protect individual freedoms. The popular vote
position favors giving females control over their own bodies. The
'right-to-life' groups, wrongly, seek unjustified power by shaming any
person or group who champions FREEDOM. Those same RTL groups,
apparently, have no problem sending hundreds of thousands of our
military into harms way. Folks, I'll argue that ONE adult life lost
on the battlefields exceeds the "value" of a million clumps-of-cells
that the right-to-lifers keep "anthropomorphizing" as already being
human. Is the dandruff in your comb… "human"? If so, save all of it
to be cloned, "by edict", into more human lives!

The "plane" that is the USA is in a spin-out, and the economic crash
will be certain… unless… Unless the God-damned elected officials in
our governments; the corrupt media; and a near majority of our naïve
electorate can get it through their millions of hard heads that THEY
plane can pull itself out of a hard spin if the pilot will let-go of
the stick! Our free enterprise, capitalist system made this country
great. It did so will little or no tweaking by governments. A
revitalized and FREE, free enterprise system can start saving the USA
the moment my New Constitution is ratified!

Numbers of times I've listed three approximately equal problem areas
in this country: Governments; education; and the media. The burden of
governments, on anyone, can instantly be reduced by 75% if governments
close most bureaucracies and fire about 75% of those who had been
employed by government. At the same time, all outlays to individuals,
including pensions—other than to those who are too old, poor, or sick
to survive on their own—must be cut. These actions should coincide
with a declaration that zero interest will be paid on any government
debt or bond. Additionally, the principal will be repaid, but only on
a schedule that doesn't jeopardize the economic survival of the

The huge upside of such high cut-backs will be the elimination of 75%
of taxation! All taxes can be switched to value-added, and can easily
exclude food and medicines. Since governments will cease writing
checks of any kind to individuals—except as in the above paragraph—
every able-bodied person will sink-or-swim based on their own work
ethic. Because of our just-freed, free enterprise, capitalist system,
the new job openings will skyrocket. There will be no finger-
twiddling, leftist, socialist fools standing on any street corners, or
shooting hoops in any public park or gym, while waiting for welfare
checks which shall be no more. Suddenly, the GAME of survival and
prospering will be played fairly. Your worth as an individual will be
determined by the WORK that you perform, hopefully by making goods or
providing services that our revitalized nation needs.

The tough-love of all of this will put 75% of public school teachers
out of work. My guesstimate is that 20 plus percent of the GNP gets
wasted on education. So, stop public-financed education at age 14-16,
depending upon ability! Limit college to those in the top 10% - 15%
of their classes. Presently, 30% go to college, but there are only
burger-flipping jobs for them when they graduate. Reduce all
Bachelors level degrees to two years, by cutting out the DEADWOOD in
all courses! Reduce medical training in half, as well, by accepting
this premise: Knowing "everything" about the human body is in-one-ear-
and-out-the-other for most who don't plan to become general
practitioners. To compensate, teach everyone how to find needed
information, quickly. And stop paying doctors as if they are… Gods!
Their expectations of a high lifestyle cause them to immediately
borrow huge amounts of money to have the… "things" they think they
deserve. The interest that they pay on the loans causes them to keep
the charges high for their services.

Getting doctors employed quicker will lower the "relative" 300% over-
price of everything medical. And there will be enough doctors such
that no hospital nor individual must be beholden to any of them. Do a
botched job, and they are out-of-a-job. As things are, today, when a
doctor botches his job, he keeps right on working, because there is no
one to take his place. *** Correcting the education time to become a
doctor will improve the quality of medicine!

The main "news" of the media is the unending play-by-play of the GAME
of politics. To STOP that game in-its-tracks, the media must be
prevented from polling about, commenting on, or assessing any news
that relates to elections or referenda. However, the media can
'cover' news as it happens. By closing the US Capital to the media,
no more will our elected officials seem to be royalty because of
public interviews by the media. In fact, elected officials will loose
there jobs if they knowing talk to any news medium that is outside of
their home district. There will be no more show-hopping Lindsey
Grahams. Any public official appearing on even ONE national TV show
will be out of a job. Of course, all Senators will be out of a job
from day one, because they are not apportioned based on the population
of the area served. Since that is neither FAIR, nor democratic, the
US Senate is gone!

Glenn Beck spends about 1/3 of his time crying about how bad things
will be and how we must all be "charitable" to help out others who
struggle to survive. At no time has that fool considered that calling
an ace an ace and a spade a spade is all that is needed to turn the
country around. While many… "mention" treason regarding wikileaks and
our nation's secrets, few other than me are mentioning TREASON on the
part of the entire leadership of the Democratic Party. Those
bastards, at least the ones holding (or having held) public office,
swore to uphold and defend the US Constitution. Tell me,
intellectuals, where in our Constitution is it said to be acceptable
to tax the rich (or anyone) without representation? And where is it
acceptable for supposed elected officials to disregard the will of
their electorates? For me, the latter is clearly TREASON when
leftist, socialist/communist Democrats try to change our
Representative Republic into a socialist or communist nation. At no
time has Barack Obama, the Anti-Christ, responded to the Will of the
People. Instead, he keeps driving to reach his own personal agendas,
while effecting DAMNING the Will of the People. That's why he is
OUTLAW number one in this country.

The speed with which we correct our heading-straight-to-the-ground
plane will depend on our being honest enough to stop treating the
CRIMINALS in Washington as anything other than traitors. My time is
too valuable to list the hundred or so Democrats and cross-over
Republicans, like Lindsey Graham, who should be arrested, tried, and
hanged for treason. Once any "chance" of socialism or communism has
forever been ruled out for America, we can start reassuming our lost
position as the Greatest Industrial Nation in the World!

I invite each of you who are interested to read my just-published,
socioeconomic genre book: 'The Shortest Distance; Harmony Through
Prosperity', which is available at Amazon and B & N. If you like what
have to I say, I hope you will leave a reader comment for others to

All across this great land, we must unite as INDIVIDUALS, because:
"United we stand; divided we fall!" May we all unite to SAVE the USA!

Respectfully submitted,

— John A. Armistead — Patriot

AKA NoEinstein on Google's sci.physics

Start the Revolution! Government is out-of-touch with the People!

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