Tuesday, October 19, 2010


>THINK about how having no regulations will allow the return of the
>same predatory banking and Wall Street games that almost destroyed our

Why not instead think about how the myriad of regulations and controls that
have existed in the banking and investment industries for decades upon decades
CONTINUE to create such problems that we are currently ?

Who is it you imagine will be eliminating them? Certainly NOT the Republicans
NOR the Democrats ... hell even the banksters do not want their advantages

>THINK about if there were no regulations, we would have no guarantee
>of clean water, safe food or reliable electricity. If no regulations
>were in place how safe would flying be?

Yeah. Americans are so fucking stupid that were it not for the (illusion)
myriad of alphabet agencies that create all these standards and regulations
that STILL yield endless examples to the contrary ... they would buy and drink
dirty water, eat green hamburgers and not ever find electricity.

>THINK about the recent SCOTUS ruling that gives incredible power to
>corporations to flood the media with support for their greedy agenda
>and drowns out our individual voices.

Corporations that are owned by individuals ....

>THINK about the growing gap between the wealthy and the rest of us as
>jobs and wealth are shipped offshore... as the middle class withers,
>so to does the american dream.

All those REGULATIONS that you laud above coming home to roost.

>THINK about the suffering of americans who have lost jobs and health
>insurance through no fault of their own if the 'every man for
>themselves' agenda of the GOP prevails.

What 'agenda' specifically? There is little to no difference between
the Republican
and Democrat 'agendas' for the past several decades or more.

>The GOP created the meltdown, ignored the American people, started
>unwarranted wars, took us from a $236 billion dollar surplus to $1.3
>trillion dollar deficit, and now tells us they are the ones to fix it!
>Even though they have no plan!

Actually, it began way back under FDR with Fannie Mae ... was enhanced
along the way INCLUDING the Community Reinvestment Act under Carter.
It was further seeded with MORE of those regulations along with desires
to force the availability of that 'American Dream' to those who could not
afford it ....

The Democrats swept into power in 2006 to END those 'unwarranted wars'.
Similarly, Obama promised to END those 'unwarranted wars'.
It is NOW 2010, when were the Democrats planning on carrying out
their promises?

>These tea party types have vowed to undo the modest changes that have
>begun and to tie up Congress with partisan investigations. Their
>tactic of obstruction will continue as they play politics and simply
>ignore the needs of Americans...just as they have been doing for
>almost two years.

Tea Party efforts were started in reaction to the REPUBLICANS. The
GOP then tried desperately to bring them under their wing and into the
fold of the Duopoly -- cannot have any REAL change ... MUST maintain
the current sham.

The choices are stark. The GOP wants to return to the status quo. They
>believe we should remove any safety net for struggling Americans, take
>away insurance coverage for 30 million Americans and help insurance
>giants maximize profits. They are anti-gay ... anti-immigrant ...
>xenophobic ... and all too often racist.

If ONLY the GOP wanted to eliminate the immoral welfare state
that KEEPS Americans poor and needy.

If ONLY the GOP wanted to eliminate the Government's intervention
into health care that is responsible not only for bloated insurance
costs, but the bloat in the costs of treatment and care.

The GOP drowns puppies too! <gasp>


"If you would not confront your neighbor and demand his money at the
point of a gun to solve every new problem that may appear in your
life, you should not allow the government to do it for you" --
William E. Simon.

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