Monday, September 20, 2010

Re: A history of political gay-baiting.

Good Afternoon  Nominal,
Just to address a couple of issues that you raised:
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 12:08 PM, nominal9 <> wrote:
1) They call it "gay" marriage... to distinguish it from hetero
marriage (I Think)... just like Mormon, Jewish, Muslim, Catholic (all
Christian), Buddhist, Civil (as in State of Govt.), Hindu,Taoist,
Shinto, Las Vegas etc. state or religious weddings all differ among
As stated, the term, "Gay Marriage" is oxymoronic.  Out of all of the religions that you name above, all of them define marriage as a union between a man and a woman.   Although there really isn't a "civil definition" of marriage, the federal government, (under President Clinton) attempted to pen a definition:  See 1 U.S.C. § 7:
If states choose to create "civil unions" for Gays, (as California has done, and of which was done long before Proposition 8)  I don't think most conservatives have any objection to this notion.  Again, this is not about equal rights, it is about forcing a way of life down Americans' throats, and forcing America to become further secularized.

2) What does "marxism or socialism" have to do with it... last I
heard, there were at least heterosexual marriages in all of those
places, or nation states (if many "pure" political states still
Good question Nominal.
There is a movement in this Nation, to further secularize the United States.  As I pointed out, most of these far left individuals hate our history!  They detest that our founding principals are vested in Christianity.  
This same movement (e.g.; the secularists)  are without a doubt the same far left extremists that are openly advocating for a Marxist regime change in the United States. These individuals detest a free market economy, and they are the ones who openly advocate for our Nation to become more in tune with third world and fourth world Nation-States.   
This also gets into my point (Which I have discussed in other threads)  about there being  only two classifications of individuals who can hold these far left extremist points of view.   I am not referencing individuals who hold "slightly left of center" points of view; I am referencing those individuals like Tommy and others who are far left extreme socialist-elitists:   (1)  They are either uninformed, not well read, and ignorant of our history, and how we came to be at this juxtusposition in our Nation;   or (2)  They are literally Anti-American, and want to see the demise of our Nation as we know it.  There is no room for any other reason as to why one would hold far left extremist points of view. 

This is a Cultural issue... I agree with you....but I suggest that
everyone is still free to marry or join togetheron the basis of their
own specific preferred "idelogocal" or more important (for some)
"religious" convictions... nothing is being taken away from anyone.

Still, I'm sure that the "religious" Cultural issues followers won't
give up the's like a matter of founding religious
principle for them.... I understand....

On Sep 20, 11:30 am, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> We've been down this road before, but just a couple of points.
> First, there has been no "Gay Baiting"  by anyone that I am aware of from
> the Republican Party.
> Second, the push by those militant Gays who are attempting to redefine the
> word "Marriage"  has nothing to do with equal rights or with attempting to
> have the same benefits and privileges that married couples do.  It is an
> extreme anti-American movement that is intent on pushing a Marxist agenda
> down the American public's throat, and in the same vein,  this Anti-American
> movement is attempting to further secularize the United States.
> By example, the push by secularists is not about equal rights.   When the
> majority of Californians voted to amend the California Constitution to state
> that marriage is between a man and a woman, California had an
> existing "domestic partner" law, which granted every right to a homosexual
> couple, that a man and a woman joined in matrimony has.  Check it out:
> this issue doesn't have anything to do with equal rights.  It has to do with
> those far left extremists who are pushing a secularist agenda, and those who
> want to destroy the very tenets that made our Nation great.  They would love
> to rewrite history, taking away our Christian heritage, and it frustrates
> them to no end, because the majority of Americans, although not
> objectionable to all Americans being treated with dignity and guaranteed
> equal rights,  they get pissed when their true intent is exposed!
> With purposeful , extensive, methodical propaganda, planning, massive
> amounts of funding by the likes of George Soros, Hollywood elitists and
> others, and  with controlled, extensive media manipulation, it is my opinion
> that many Americans have been intentionally misled and mislead.  There has
> been a concerted effort by a select hard core group of socialists and
> secularists, who want to destroy the traditional values of this Nation, the
> very core values that made this Nation great.
> By example, there is no other definition of and for marriage, other than the
> term's  religious connotation.  The premise that there is some kind of
> "civil definition" of marriage is incorrect.  Marriage is in total, an
> ecclesiastical function; marriage always has been and continues to be.  If
> one studies the history of marriage in this Nation,  the several States got
> involved in the contract of "Marriage", only because of the conflict of
> varying religious tenets, and in part, to regulate miscegenation back in the
> early to mid nineteenth century.  As stated, marriage is now, and has always
> been between a man and a woman, and this  is at the very core of traditional
> values in western civilization.   The definition of marriage extends
> throughout recorded history of western civilization.
> The term, "same sex marriage" is an oxymoron, there can be no such thing,
> without literally changing the definition of marriage.  That is the goal of
> these socialists and secularists; e.g.; to redefine the definition of
> marriage.   This would be the equivalent of  changing the definition of
> "Murder", or "giraffe"; or any other noun, adjective or adverb.
> Despite the concept that many individuals and entities are trying to sell
> the American public, (including Tommy For News)  most of which are from
> socialist-elitist movements here in the United States, and in this
> particular case, *e.g.;* the push for "gay marriage"; it is the militant gay
> movements within the United States, that has, and attempts to portray any
> individual that is opposed to gay marriage as somehow being bigoted, and
> equivalent to being racist, comparing themselves to the black community  and
> the black leadership that pushed for racial equality who were treated
> unjustly during the mid to late 20th century.
> It is not discriminatory for Americans to be opposed to, and rejecting same
> sex marriages as being a part of normal, mainstream behavior.  There is no
> other definition of and for marriage, other than the term's  religious
> connotation.  The premise that there is some kind of "civil definition" of
> marriage is incorrect.  Marriage is in total, an ecclesiastical function;
> marriage always has been and continues to be."

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