Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Coming Soon: The House Un-Obama Activities Committee?



Coming Soon — The House Un-Obama Activities Committee?
GrassTopsUSA Exclusive Commentary
By Don Feder

        Here's the first concrete evidence of global warming: Deval Partick's brain is melting. 

        Speaking at Suffolk University Law School last week, the Democratic Governor of Massachusetts became the latest, and most prominent, liberal to charge that refusing to roll over for Obama was borderline treason. 

        What he calls reflex opposition to the messiah-in-chief's program "is almost at the level of sedition… I'm most frustrated by folks who seem to be rooting for failure," Patrick charged. Like, Democrats never rooted for Ronald Reagan, Bush '41 or W. to slip and fall flat on their faces. They did handstands, cartwheels and goal-post victory dances (while waving pom-poms wildly in the air) every time a Republican president failed to achieve his policy goals. 

        "The number of people in the Grand Old Party who seem to be absolutely committed to saying 'No,' whenever he (the president) says 'Yes' … is just extraordinary," Patrick confessed. Liberals have always been mystified by rejection of their agenda, usually attributing same to stupidity, malice, misanthropy or lunacy. Perhaps, like their Soviet counterparts, they'll end up consigning us to mental institutions. 

        Head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division under Clinton, Patrick is Obama's best friend among the governors. He's also the latest leftie to charge conservatives with sedition, which leads to the reasonable assumption that this ongoing campaign is part of the White House strategy to discredit its critics. 

        On the anniversary of the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, ex-President William Jefferson Clinton began beating his favorite drum: That anti-government rhetoric on the right leads to violence. ("There can be real consequences when what you say animates people who do those things you would never do," the perjurer-in-chief warned The New York Times) But if words incite deeds, how much more so do actions? Recall the increase in adultery, oral sex in the workplace, and lying under oath following the revelations in the Lewinsky case. 

        Partick has upped the ante. In recent weeks, conservative talkers like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have been accused of sedition for saying mean things about the current occupant of the White House (in Limbaugh's case, referring to Obama's administration as a "regime"). 

        Earlier, Time Magazine columnist Joe Klein explained to fellow media-droid Chris Matthews that political rhetoric "especially the ones (sic.) coming from people like Glenn Beck and to a certain extent Sarah Palin, rub right up close to being seditious." 

        The non-thinking of the left here has evolved from hateful/hurtful words about St. Barack being seditious to Congressional opposition to the president's legislative agenda constituting sedition. What's next, seditious bumper-stickers? Seditious humor? 

        In the popular mind, "sedition" is first cousin to treason. In law, it's a felony, defined as "a revolt or an incitement to revolt against established authority." 

        You know what, I can't recall a single reported instance of any speaker at a Tea Party rally telling activists to march on Washington, overthrow the current "regime," demolish the Capitol brick by brick, send Obama into exile, etc. To the contrary, the goal of the Tea Parties this year is to mobilize an army of outraged and informed voters to march to the ballot box and send Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and other Obamaites in Congress into a happy retirement. 

        Let's start with what sedition is not. (Deval Patrick and Joe Klein, you may want to take notes here.) Sedition is not saying naughty things about your political opponents, up to and including the President of the United States. It may be hyperbole. It may be overblown rhetoric. It may even be slander or libel. Sedition it ain't. 

        When Bush was president, the left acted like a snarling pack of mutant dogs. Bush was a "dictator," a "tyrant" and a "fascist," who stole the 2000 election, and engineered the war with Iraq (manufacturing evidence of weapons of mass destruction) to sate his bloodlust. Those are about the kindest things Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan ("The biggest terrorist in the world is George W. Bush.") and George Soros (who compared W. to the Nazis) had to say about our 43rd president. 

        Then there was the assassination chic — leftist playwrights, comics and commentators who publicly fantasized about offing Bush. The foregoing was complimented by "kill Bush" buttons, posters and t-shirts. 

        Prior to the 2004 election, a columnist for the Guardian in the U.K. wrote that if Bush won, it would disprove the existence of God and lead to "four more years of idiocy, arrogance and unwarranted bloodshed, with no benevolent deity to watch over and save us, John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckly Jr., — where are you now that we need you?" 

        The above was moronic, ugly, slanderous and evil. It was not seditious, and no one in the media — no Republican counterpart of Patrick — suggested it was. 

        Sedition isn't opposing the president's plans — even when that opposition seems intransigent and wholly unreasonable to his supporters, and constitutes rooting for the big guy to fail. If so, a majority of Americans are guilty of sedition. 

        According to the latest Rasmussen poll, 10 weeks after it passed, 63% of Americans favor repeal of Obama-care. A Zogby Poll informs us that by a 3-to-1 margin, Americans want the fate of don't-ask-don't tell (repeal of which is now being rammed through Congress at the behest of Butch Obama) decided by the military, not by politicians. The daily Rasmussen poll for May 29 showed 40% of voters "strongly disapprove" of Obama's performance, with 28% strongly approving. Call out the troops! Read the riot act!

        Sedition is — well, perhaps a few examples will illustrate the point. Sedition is, as noted above, calling for the violent overthrow of the duly elected government. Sedition is assaulting cops and troops, throwing rocks, bottles and nail-studded tennis balls at the boys in blue (which I witnessed in Harvard Square, circa 1969). 

        Sedition is blowing up government buildings, like Barack-buddy Bill Ayers. ("I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough.") It's plotting to assassinate government officials. It's going to Hanoi during the Vietnam War, calling American soldiers "war criminals," and urging the defeat of U.S. forces. 

        In other words, it's what the New Left — the intellectual progenitors of the modern Democratic Party — did during the Viet Nam era. Those who should have gone to jail in the 60s and didn't (and their ideological progeny) are now accusing loyal Americans of sedition, based on our quite reasonable detestation of a man who is in the process of radically remaking this nation in the image of a Euro-socialist state. 

        In a political debate dripping with irony, this is the most ironic. The case file should read "Traitor Left Accuses Patriotic Right of Sedition." Okay, that's a bit of hyperbole. But, at the very least, those who are blithely flinging around charges of "sedition" are psychic traitors – traitors of the heart. 

•  We love America. They hate it. Witness the Reverend Jeremiah Wright — Obama's pastor and spiritual mentor for 19 years — saying: "America is the #1 killer in the world." "God bless America? No, no, no, no. God damn America!" 

•  We defend America. They slander her — charging the United States with genocide, imperialism, exploitation, wars of aggression, atrocities and racism. (Moore: The United States is "a nation founded on genocide and then built on the backs of slaves.") When her husband received the Democratic presidential nomination, Michelle Obama admitted that for the first time in her life she was proud of America. Obama's former partner in crime (three times a guest in the White House since Barack took office), Bill Ayers, said America "makes me want to puke." 

•  We salute the flag. They burn it. Initially, during the 2008 campaign, Obama refused to wear an American flag lapel pin — which offended his internationalist sensibilities. Within weeks of assuming the office of president, Barack Hussein launched his worldwide apologize-now tour. 

•  We want to secure the borders. They want to dismantle them, to further their process of deconstructing America through illegal immigration, bilingualism and multiculturalism. Consider the way Democratic Congressmen heartily applauded Mexican President Felipe Calderon as he bashed Arizona during a recent White House visit — or the fact that the left wants to boycott Arizona for trying to deter illegal immigration from Mexico rather than the Mexican government for encouraging it — or the fact that John Morton, Obama's Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, said the administration wouldn't necessarily "process" the illegals apprehended by Arizona. 

•  We defend the Constitution. They flout it. We are faithful to the vision of the Founding Fathers. They believe in a Silly-Putty Constitution which can be twisted into whatever shape suits them. Solicitor General Elena Kagan, Obama's nominee for the United States Supreme Court, is one of those brilliant legal minds who believe the great judicial challenge of the 21st century is "integrating" the Constitution with foreign law. 

•  We want to win the war on terrorism, on which America's survival depends. They can't even say the word "terrorism." Obama's Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Janet (Inspector Clouseau) Napolitano, prefers "man-caused disasters" to terrorism. 

•  We support Israel. They support a Palestinian state. We support the people who mourned when word of 9/11 reached them. They support the people who danced in the streets of their dung-filled cities when they heard the news of the deaths of more than 3,000 Americans. 

•  They really believe Islam is the "religion of peace" and "tolerance." We believe Islam is what it is. 

•  We believe the first and foremost mission of the U.S. military is to defend American lives and America's sovereignty. They believe that, if it is to exist at all, our armed forces should serve as a laboratory for social experiments and a means to advance their dubious notion of equality. That's why they're adamant about homosexuals serving openly in the military, despite the high levels of sexually transmitted disease and sexual assault among them, and notwithstanding that over 1,100 retired flag and general officers (generals and admirals) signed a petition opposing the move. 

•  We believe in honoring our war dead and the men and women who fought under the flag. For the second year in a row, Obama will skip the wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. Instead, he'll pay homage to machine politics in Chicago. If he tries really hard, perhaps by next Memorial Day, he'll have learned to place his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance.

        The un-American left charging the patriotic right with sedition is the ultimate chutzpah. What's next, the House Un-Obama Activities Committee? 

        "Do you identify with the Tea Party movement?" 

        "Are you committed to saying 'No' whenever the president says 'Yes'"? 

        "Do you question this administration's legitimacy?" 

        "Do you believe Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, Indonesia or on the Planet Zorak in the Klaatu nebula?" 

        "Are you now, or have you ever been, a Rush Limbaugh listener or a Glenn Back viewer?" 

        "Are you rooting for the president to fail?" 

        Oh, God, yes!

Don Feder is a former Boston Herald writer who is now a political/communications consultant. He also maintains his own website, DonFeder.com.


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