Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Christian Hoteliers - Victims of Persecution

fn:Sean Gabb
org:The Libertarian Alliance
adr:2 Lansdowne Row;;Suite 35;London;;W1J 6HL;England
tel;cell:07956 472 199


In Association with the Libertarian International

Release Date: Tuesday 18th January 2011
Release Time: Immediate

Contact Details:
Dr Sean Gabb, 07956 472 199, sean@libertarian.co.uk

"Christian Hoteliers are Victims of Persecution," Says Free Market and Civil Liberties Policy Institute

The Libertarian Alliance, the radical free market and civil liberties institute, today condemns the conviction of Christian Hoteliers Peter and Hazelmary Bull, for their refusal to provide a room with a double bed to a male homosexual couple.

Speaking today in London, Dr Sean Gabb, Director of the Libertarian Alliance, comments:

"Mr and Mrs Bull have been victims of persecution. If they choose not to do business with homosexuals, that should be their concern alone. They are using their own property and using up their own time. They should be at liberty to associate or not associate as they please. Any law that says otherwise is morally indefensible.

"We are told that this prosecution has been a 'victory for human rights'. It has not.

"Every person has the right to life and justly-acquired property, and to do with his own whatever does not infringe the equal rights of others.

"From this primary right can be derived all the rights of the liberal tradition - freedom of expression and contract and association, together with security against oppressive or arbitrary behaviour by the State.

"It does not generate any right not to be hated or despised or shunned.

"It does not justify laws against discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, religion or sexual orientation, or laws against expressing or inciting hatred against any group.

"By forcing people to associate with or contract with persons whom they would otherwise reject, anti-discrimination laws are an attack on life and property. They are a form of coerced association. They give some people uncompensated claims on others. They amount to a form of slavery mediated by the State.

"Politically correct authoritarians like to hail each new set of anti-discrimination laws as an extension of human rights. Such laws are in fact violations of the only human rights that mean anything.

"And we see no exception to these principles just because money may change hands. The right to offer goods and services is just a subset of the right to freedom of association."

The Libertarian Alliance believes:

* That the Equality Act 2006 should be repealed, together with all delegated legislation made thereunder;:
* That the Commission for Equality and Human Rights set up under the above Act should be abolished at the first opportunity, and that all its records should be destroyed;
* That the records of the Equal Opportunities Commission, the Commission for Racial Equality, and the Disability Rights Commission should be destroyed;
* That those sections of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Race Relations Act 1976, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, and the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 not already repealed by the Equality Act 2006 should be immediately repealed;
* That any organisation arguing against the above should receive no public funding.


Note(s) to Editors

Dr Sean Gabb is the Director of the Libertarian Alliance. His new novel, The Churchill Memorandum is available on Amazon. He can be contacted for further comment on 07956 472 199 or by email at sean@libertarian.co.uk

Extended Contact Details:

The Libertarian Alliance is Britain's most radical free market and civil liberties policy institute. It has published over 700 articles, pamphlets and books in support of freedom and against statism in all its forms. These are freely available at http://www.libertarian.co.uk

Our postal address is

The Libertarian Alliance
Suite 35
2 Lansdowne Row
Tel: 07956 472 199

Associated Organisations

The Libertarian International - http://www.libertarian.to - is a sister organisation to the Libertarian Alliance. Its mission is to coordinate various initiatives in the defence of individual liberty throughout the world.

Sean Gabb's personal website - http://www.seangabb.co.uk - contains about a million words of writings on themes interesting to libertarians and conservatives.

Hampden Press - http://www.hampdenpress.co.uk.- the publishing house of the Libertarian Alliance.

Liberalia - http://www.liberalia.com - maintained by by LA Executive member Christian Michel, Liberalia publishes in-depth papers in French and English on libertarianism and free enterprise. It is a prime source of documentation on these issues for students and scholars.

Sean Gabb
Director, The Libertarian Alliance (Carbon Positive since 1979)
sean@libertarian.co.uk  Tel: 07956 472 199
Skype Username: seangabb


Wikipedia Entry: http://tinyurl.com/23jvoz

What would England and the world have been like in 1959 if there had been no Second World War? For one possible answer, read Sean Gabb's new novel "The Churchill Memorandum". If you like Bulldog Drummond and Biggles and the early James Bond, this will be right up your street: http://tinyurl.com/39lpade. Don't be frightened of the TinyURL - the original is just too long for a sig file.

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