Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Perry’s Faith-Based Foreign Policy Directive
Perry's Faith-Based Foreign Policy Directive
God says: 'Put Israel first'
by Justin Raimondo, September 21, 2011
If Rick Perry makes it to the White House, what will American foreign policy in the Middle East look like? We got a clear indication of that, recently, when he stated:
"As a Christian I have a clear directive to support Israel, from my perspective its pretty easy both as an American and a Christian. I am going to stand with Israel."
Earlier, in an interview with the Weekly Standard, he was even more emphatic, averring that "My faith requires me to support Israel."
What kind of faith requires knee-jerk support for a foreign country? Apparently, Perry is a follower of a Protestant brand of Christianity known as " dispensationalism," which holds that the End Times are approaching – and that one of the signs of the imminent apocalypse is the gathering of the Jews in the land of Israel, as supposedly foretold in the Bible. Some dispensationalists equate this with the founding of the Israeli state, in 1947, and the subsequent migration of many Jews to that country. According to dispensationalist theology, this phenomenon prefigures the start of an earth-shattering war, one that will pit Israel against the Forces of Darkness, herald the rise of the Anti-Christ, and ignite a battle that will take place on the field of Armageddon – after which Christ will return to earth and the faithful will be "raptured" up into Heaven.
Now, I don't intend to disparage anyone's religious beliefs, nor do I want to engage in the kind of snickering that usually accompanies commentary on this subject: everyone is entitled to their own faith, and, aside from that, there is something a little unsavory about the smugness and self-righteousness that is usually attached to discussions of the impact of Christian fundamentalism on American politics. There is no religious test for holding office in these United States, and it seems to me that some liberals have been trying their best to establish one – a test of ir religion – in order to marginalize millions of Americans. This kind of intolerance is mirrored, on the right, by some – like GOP presidential aspirant Herman Cain, for example – who have raised questions about the ability of religious Muslims to have their voices heard, or even to hold office.
However, the idea that a US President's religious convictions will compel him to support a foreign government, regardless of whether that support serves specifically American interests, is appalling – and dangerous. And we can see how dangerous it is by looking at Governor Perry's attacks on the Obama administration for supposedly not kowtowing to Tel Aviv with sufficient obeisance. At a press conference held in New York City, where he appeared with an Israeli government official, Perry declared:
"It is time to change our policy of appeasement toward the Palestinians to strengthen our ties to the nation of Israel, and in the process establish a robust American position in the Middle East characterized by a new firmness and a new resolve."
What, exactly, does this "policy of appeasement" consist of? The Obama administration is determined to veto the Palestinian statehood proposal being advanced in the UN Security Council, and has made it clear that the US government stands behind the Israelis in their attempt to grab as much land – via the construction of " settlements" – as they can, all of it funded by generous dollops of American "foreign aid."
Who is being "appeased" here – the Palestinians, or the Israelis?
Perry supports continued "settlements" of Palestinian lands, and also says he wants to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem – a symbolic affirmation of Israel's claim to the "undivided" capital of the Jewish state. This contradicts the policies of two Republican presidents – both named George Bush. It also violates the essential meaning and function of US foreign policy – to protect specifically American interests. We gain nothing by weighing in on where the capital of the state of Israel shall be – although I'll note that nearly every successful presidential aspirant made such a promise during the campaign season. That this promise was summarily broken once they got in the White House speaks volumes about the politics – and the reality – of this issue.
Perry says we should "stand by Israel," our faithful ally and the only state in the region with a long democratic tradition, and this proposition seems reasonable enough – until one begins to examine it a little more closely. Because the Israel of yesteryear – the Israel of Exodus, of the " peace process," of the liberal humanistic tradition out of which Labor Zionism sprang – is not the Israel of today.
The foreign minister of the Jewish state is one Avigdor Lieberman, a fanatic whose bigotry and aggressively nationalistic views have made him an embarrassment even to the hardline government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. For example, when relations with Turkey soured, Lieberman threatened to arm the PKK – a Kurdish terrorist group that has been attacking the Turks for years. Netanyahu tried to distance his office from such irresponsible ranting, but when I awoke, this morning, to the news that a bomb had gone off near government offices in Ankara, I wasn't all that surprised.
This raises serious questions about who, exactly, is in charge in Tel Aviv – the crazies, represented by Lieberman and the "settlers," or Netanyahu?
However, a larger question needs to be raised: what has Israel become in the years since the signing of the Camp David Accords? Since that time, the Israeli electorate has moved so far to the right – that is, in the direction of expansionist nationalism – that there seems to be no room for moderates of any stripe. After years of nurturing, subsidizing, and otherwise encouraging the "settler" movement – which is imbued with the ultra-Zionist dream of establishing a " Greater Israel" – the chickens, so to speak, have come home to roost. The settler movement represents almost as great a threat to the stability and authority of the Israeli government as the radical Palestinian factions – greater, perhaps, because the danger is coming from within.
Perry is encouraging this tendency in Israeli politics: he appeared at the press conference with Israeli Knesset member Danny Danon, an ultra-nationalist rival to Netanyahu who wants to revoke the citizenship of Arab Knesset members on dubious grounds, and heads up the wing of Likud that considers even a hardliner like Netanyahu a sell-out. Danon is the darling of the settler movement, and enjoys more support outside of Israel than he does on his home turf. He headed up the ultra-extremist Betar group – an organization which has its origins in an early wing of the Zionist movement that modeled itself on the example of Italian fascism, merely draping a "Zionist" façade over an authoritarian vision of a homogenous volkish state. He is a regular on America's "Israel First" circuit, lecturing to groups of born-again dispensationalists – Perry's crowd – as well as more mainstream venues, updating Betar's authoritarian stance by calling for legal sanctions against those who organize "anti-Israel" boycotts, which apparently also means boycotts of "settler" products.
By appearing on the same stage with Danon, Perry is legitimizing and encouraging the worst impulses in Israeli society – and putting our own interests at risk. If Israel should implode in civil war – and, with the settlers getting increasingly militant, and in open rebellion against the Israeli government – it is numbskull opportunists like Perry who will bear a large part of the blame. By egging on the Israeli equivalents of the Aryan Nations, they will wind up with blood on their hands.
Aside from that, it hardly seems all that presidential for the would-be Republican nominee to be onstage with Bibi's rightist rival in the Likud party – not someone who came in second in the bid for the party leadership, but Danon, who came in third!
What gets me is that these people actually believe they are helping Israel, when their actions are the quickest way to destabilize that country I can think of. A Christian of the dispensationalist variety, who truly believes that the safety of Israel is of paramount concern to God, would have no reason to incite an extremist element to violence against the legitimate government of Israel. And even if that government came to embrace that extremism – and, say, was taken over by the Liebermans and the Danons – their policies would endanger Israel's very existence, and deliver the country to the Devil.
So, even in their own theological terms, Perry and his fellow dispensationalists are wrong, wrong, wrong.
I'm just sayin'…
How the "Great War" Began
How the "Great War" Began
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
by Anders Mikkelsen
[Introduction to The Myth of a Guilty Nation]
Albert Jay Nock wrote one of the first American books of World War I Revisionism -- revising the received story of why WWI began. As a lover of history, what I find particularly fascinating about his book The Myth of a Guilty Nation is not whether this is the best explanation for WWI. What is fascinating is the great contrast Nock makes between two wholly different views of the origin of the war. What "everyone knew" about the origins of The Great War at the time is quite different from what "everyone knows" now.
The common American notion was that Germany was responsible for the war. No less a personage than David Lloyd George declared,
- What are we fighting for? To defeat the most dangerous conspiracy ever plotted against the liberty of nations; carefully, skilfully, insidiously, clandestinely planned in every detail, with ruthless, cynical determination.
What Nock brings to the fore is the extent to which WWI may be viewed as the opposite of a conspiracy by Germany. If there was a conspiracy it would have been by the allied Entente powers. To a large degree it was blundered into by state officials, whose desire for peace was fatally undermined by their imperialist ambitions.
We should first note that Nock also touches on how many powerful parties simply wanted peace. However, small powerful parties in France, Britain, and Russia all pushed for war and created secret treaties amongst each other. As Ralph Raico has pointed out, English foreign policy was dominated by a small, secret clique no more answerable to Parliament and the people than a dictatorship like Nazi Germany. Those who knew of England's secret obligations lied to Parliament and denied their existence.
As Nock shows, English, French, and Russian foreign policy was directed against Germany and Austria-Hungary, and military spending was quite large, and much greater than Germany and Austria-Hungary's. All three had powerful cliques who were aggressive towards the Central Powers. They were bound by secret treaties, though this alliance was not publicly acknowledged.
In Nock's book, this is roughly what happened to start WWI: Serbia and the Balkans had a foreign policy dominated by Russia. The assassins of Archduke Ferdinand were linked to the Russian prowar clique. Russia had been "test" mobilizing since the spring of 1914, and its army alone was equal to Germany and Austria-Hungary combined. Russia had a secret treaty with France calling for France to support Russia if Russia mobilized and went to war. The UK had a secret treaty with France calling for it to support France during war, and, to a much lesser but important degree, Russia. Bound by secret treaties, all three powers found themselves thrust into war. Germany saw itself encircled by superior numbers. (Therefore it had to defeat France and Russia in decisive battles before it succumbed in a war of attrition.)
The assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand, conveniently for the prowar Entente cliques, set off the train of powder to the powder keg of a general European war of France, Russia, and England against Germany and Austria-Hungary.
For sources, Nock makes great use of Belgian diplomatic correspondence, which noted little evidence of German aggression. The Soviet Union also released many embarrassing secret documents from the Tsarist archives. Nock highly recommends English Liberals Francis Neilson's and E.D. Morel's works of WWI revisionism. (Neilson's How Diplomats Make War is hard to read, while Nock's is a breeze. Neilson focuses more on how English and other nations' diplomats created uncertainty.) It should be noted too that Nock shows evidence that Belgian neutrality was a fig leaf to justify unpopular UK involvement.
Having documentation of a push for war by cliques in Russia, France, and England, Nock shows how German war guilt is a myth and, if anything, prowar cliques in Russia, France, and England were successful in conspiring for war.
What makes this book worth reading is not whether this is the best explanation for WWI. It is worth seeing how small groups of state officials engaged in secret actions that led to a catastrophic war, and continually lied throughout the whole process to provide themselves ideological cover. What is fascinating is the great contrast Nock makes between two wholly different views of the origin of the war. While history and reality seem settled and known, people at different times have radically different understandings of the exact same events.
Anders Mikkelsen is a cost-management consultant in New York City.
Re: Fwd: [New post] Solyndra Executives to Plead the 5th During Congressional Hearing
a model for government investment in green technology
another waste of our tax dollars and another BO failure
On Sep 21, 10:27 am, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> **
> <>
> Solyndra Executives to Plead the 5th During Congressional
> Hearing<>
> *doctorbulldog <>* |
> 21 September, 2011 at 9:02 am | Categories:
> Environ-mental-ism<>,
> Obama Sucks <>,
> politics<>| URL:
> *Hm... If you have nothing to hide, there's no reason to plead the 5th.
> Come to think of it, notoriously, the only guys who seem to consistently
> plead the 5th during congressional hearings are mob bosses and communists.
> How apropos:*
> *Solyndra execs will decline to testify at hearing*
> Sept 20 (Reuters<>)
> - Solyndra LLC's chief executive and chief financial officer will invoke
> their Fifth Amendment rights and decline to answer any questions put to them
> at a Congressional hearing on Friday, according to letters from their
> attorneys obtained by Reuters.
> In the letters sent to the House Energy and Commerce Committee's
> Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, attorneys for Solyndra CEO
> Brian Harrison and CFO W. G. Stover said they advised their clients not to
> provide testimony during the hearings.
> The bankrupt company's $535 million federal loan guarantee is being
> investigated by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
> Harrison is represented by Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe and Stover is
> represented by Keker & Van Nest.
> Solyndra's offices were raided by the FBI two days after the company filed
> for bankruptcy, although the FBI did not say what prompted the raid.
> *I'll tell you what I think prompted the FBI raid: Obama and his cronies in
> the Justice Department who are desperately trying to keep any incriminating
> documents away from Darrell Issa...*
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> post<>
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Zombies eat brains....
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**JP** Fw: ~:C.C.4.U:~ Wikileaks: The Gangs of Karachi
From: S K Afridi <>
Sent: Wednesday, 21 September 2011 11:25 AM
Subject: ~:C.C.4.U:~ Wikileaks: The Gangs of Karachi
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Fwd: [New post] Solyndra Executives to Plead the 5th During Congressional Hearing
| Solyndra Executives to Plead the 5th During Congressional Hearing doctorbulldog | 21 September, 2011 at 9:02 am | Categories: Environ-mental-ism, Obama Sucks, politics | URL: |
Hm... If you have nothing to hide, there's no reason to plead the 5th. Come to think of it, notoriously, the only guys who seem to consistently plead the 5th during congressional hearings are mob bosses and communists. How apropos:
Solyndra execs will decline to testify at hearing
Sept 20 (Reuters) - Solyndra LLC's chief executive and chief financial officer will invoke their Fifth Amendment rights and decline to answer any questions put to them at a Congressional hearing on Friday, according to letters from their attorneys obtained by Reuters.
In the letters sent to the House Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, attorneys for Solyndra CEO Brian Harrison and CFO W. G. Stover said they advised their clients not to provide testimony during the hearings.
The bankrupt company's $535 million federal loan guarantee is being investigated by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Harrison is represented by Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe and Stover is represented by Keker & Van Nest.
Solyndra's offices were raided by the FBI two days after the company filed for bankruptcy, although the FBI did not say what prompted the raid.
I'll tell you what I think prompted the FBI raid: Obama and his cronies in the Justice Department who are desperately trying to keep any incriminating documents away from Darrell Issa...
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