Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Suggested Romney AD
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The Threat of Sharia and the (lack of) Leadership of America’s Two Parties
creeping posted: "via The Threat of Sharia and the Leadership of America's Two Parties | FrontPage Magazine. Imagine you were a teenage girl in Pakistan, and your parents married you off very young. The marriage is a disaster but you have no rights. You flee with your d"
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Yahoo Fires Reporter Who Said: “Romney Wants to Party as Blacks Drown”
Scotty Starnes posted: "[caption id="attachment_30672" align="aligncenter" width="320"] Look, another liberal suffering from White Guilt[/caption] All that was need was that ignorant ass Kanya West declaring "Bush don't care about black people." From Politico: Yahoo News "
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‘Barack Obama’ Robber Arrested
Scotty Starnes posted: "[caption id="attachment_30676" align="aligncenter" width="443"] Is it Raaaacist?[/caption] From the stupid criminal file! RIVIERA BEACH—The gun-toting 'Barack Obama' restaurant robber is in custody, police said early Wednesday. According to Rivi"
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Re: Some Advice for those Who Won’t Support the GOP
"Romney holds virtually the same beliefs as Obama, and we're the brainwashed idiots for NOT supporting Romney? Pull your head out of your ass!" -- Jason Krasnoff
Dog torture, cruelty toward women, raping and sodomizing little boys pervasive among Afghan forces
creeping posted: "via Army ignores Islamic motivations for Afghan killings of US troops | The Daily Caller. The U.S. Army command recently announced that only 25% of the lethal "green on blue" Afghan military insider attacks against U.S. and N.A.T.O. troops were att"
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Real News: Tea Party and the GOP
Sard posted: "[youtube] h/t: TMH"
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Giant vaginas invade Republican National Convention!
Dr. Eowyn posted: "I'd always thought it odd that Lesbians-Gays-Bisexuals-Transgenders seem to equate their self identity with their sexuality. If you don't embrace their "life style," then piss on you! Isn't the human person more and greater than our gender, sexual orie"
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**JP** who is this fraudia?
He is refrening to NAJIM SETHI and his programe of 28 Aug 2012
Nisar Awan
The Sign of Sincerity
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Fwd: Fat Crat Here!
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Indeed, I work as a political consultant for the Democratic empire, charging exorbitant hourly rates to write fundraising messaging to strip ever-more dollars from the middle class to pad the coffers of myself and my effete liberal colleagues. I never miss an opportunity to extoll the virtues of Barack Hussein, high-speed trains, dense urban development, and punitively high top marginal tax rates. Oh, and did I mention that anything you say about welfare reform is automatically racist and therefore invalid? Because it is.
Clearly I deserve to be punished for my near-communist views on society and my rampant desire to defraud the hardworking John Galt-esque industrialists of their hard-won spoils. Beat me as I confess my love of the EPA, quantitative easing, and Jeremiah Wright. I deserve it.
I'm 29, WM, 6'1, 220, brown hair/eyes, glasses, trimmed beard, with the quintessential academic/lefty Holier Than Thou look. I'm also perfectly capable of carrying on a conversation about macroeconomics while in severe pain. I think you'll enjoy teaching me a lesson.
Hope to hear from you soon, Ayn. A is A, after all...
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The Drag Queens of Politics -- No Offense to Drag Queens -- Must Repent
The Drag Queens of Politics -- No Offense to Drag Queens -- Must Repent
written by Ilana Mercer on 08.28.12 @ 9:19 pm
A host of minor Republican politicians and functionaries took to the stage at the 2012 Republican National Convention to speak to the values for which they and the GOP ostensibly stand.
Unlike these representatives, I was speechless. I didn't know that these politicians stood for smaller government, fiscal responsibility, sound money, individual freedom, and fewer regulations.
My God! Where have these freedom fighters been all my life?
Back on terra firma, last I looked, the repugnant "W" Bush and his band of merry bandits had pushed the unconstitutional campaign finance-reform bill and "Sarbanes-Oxley Act" (a preemptive assault on CEOs and CFOs, prior to the fact of a crime); various trade tariffs and barriers; a Clintonian triumph of triangulation on affirmative action; they colluded with Ted Kennedy on an education bill; sponsored a prescription-drug benefit that would add trillions to the Medicare shortfall, and approved the Kennedy-initiated New New Deal for New Orleans, for which there was no constitutional authority.
- Bush handed Obama "almost $11 trillion in Treasury debt, and deficits of more than $1 trillion." "W" also looted at least $1 trillion from the insolvent Social Security trust fund. His contribution to the mortgage meltdown cannot be overstated. Under "W", the right to pursue happiness became a right to happiness and a home.
Then there was the perpetual warfare into which Genghis Bush plunged this country.
I am well aware that the GOP is the party of promiscuous, indiscriminate immigration. Bush issued gold-embossed invitations to illegals which he and the McCain-Kennedy-Specter unholy trinity camouflaged as amnesty (where illegals are born-again as "guest workers" and then placed on a fast track to permanent residence).
Ironically, for their more or less open-borders policies, the GOP will get no return at the ballot box. Perception is reality. Democrats have been successful in painting Republicans as xenophobes.
Besides, as hard as they try, Republicans cannot beat Democrats in the art of robbing Paul to pay Pedro.
Republicans are the drag queens of politics. Peel away the pules for family, faith and fetuses and one discovers either, what economist and political philosopher Hans-Hermann Hoppe calls "neoconservative welfare-warfare statists and global social democrats. Or, conversely, national socialists of sorts, who fuse economic protectionism, populism and support for the very welfare infrastructure which is at the root of the social rot they decry."
They can't expect freedom-loving Americans to believe them. Unless they repent, publicly.
Said Saint Augustine: 'The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works.' The Republican Party has done the devil's work. To embark on the good, it must come clean about the bad.
GOP Destroys Integrity of National Convention, Flagrantly Cheats Ron Paul Out of Nomination
GOP Destroys Integrity of National Convention, Flagrantly Cheats Ron Paul Out of Nomination
Posted on August 28, 2012
"It is not because men's desires are strong that they act ill; it is because their consciences are weak." -- John Stuart Mill, On Liberty
I am so frustrated and angry with the blatant cheating that went on at the Republican National Convention in Tampa today. I am ashamed of my national party's actions. I sat openmouthed, flabbergasted, appalled at the actions that they took to shut the liberty folks out.
Look…maybe Ron Paul had no chance to win. Romney had more delegates (though some of those were seated by deception and coercion.) That is not the point now. Do we, as Republicans, have so little respect for others that it is okay to cheat a 30 year Republican Congressman out of a legitimate nomination that he earned? By following the rules, no less?
Is it also okay that we completely ignore the will of the elected delegates who have achieved plurality and submitted nomination papers? Those papers were delivered to Preibus by Iowa's Lieutenant Governor, Kim Reynolds, the Convention Secretary, over an hour before the call for nomination, the rolling roll call. She claims that it was her job to accept and deliver them, and that anything after that was the will of the Republican National Committee. Therefore, the will of the RNC was to cheat Ron Paul out of a legitimate nomination and to break their own rules.
Ron Paul needed a plurality of five states to have his name submitted for nomination. He received six. Those papers were submitted in a timely manner and ignored. The delegates from those six states followed the rules that required that plurality, only to be shot down by their own party out of spite.
Earlier, during the Resolution to adopt the rules, points of order were called and ignored. Delegates were outraged, and rightly so. The microphones on the floor were shut off and
Romney supporters were instructed to chant to drown out any opposition.
Boehner obviously disregarded a division on the floor and gave the vote to the Ayes when the Nays were clearly more numerous. This was in order to suppress a Minority Report that had enough signatures to be brought up for debate. Morton Blackwell, who is a respected, life long Republican and the Republican National Committeeman from Virginia, gained those signatures to oppose adoption of the new rules. Rumor says that the RNC didn't send him a bus to get to the convention.
Iowa's delegation caught a ride with the Virgin Islands. Their bus never came. Virginia's bus was over an hour late, and they were stuck circling outside of the convention hall, pleading to be let off the bus so that they could be seated.
The Florida delegation was also stranded without buses. Convention coordinators "forgot" and left them stuck downtown for about 40 minutes.
California's buses were more than an hour late.
Minnesota's delegation chair, Marianne Stebbins, mentioned that her state knows how to hold a convention with dignity. Minnesota submitted 33 out of 40 votes for Ron Paul.
Iowa stood proud, with Drew Ivers announcing that Iowa loves their liberty. 22 of 28 votes from Iowa for Ron Paul.
Nevada had 17 of 28 for Ron Paul.
Louisiana's chair called the RNC out on ignoring the nomination, listing the six states who had plurality. Louisiana had all of their delegates stripped by the Romney campaign, and was able to gain back 17 for Ron Paul.
Alaska cast half of their 18 votes for Paul.
Maine, who have fought valiantly and have been stripped of delegates, had half of their delegation walk out and hold their own mock convention. Kudos to those brave patriots who have stood up against their opposition. Governor LePage stayed true to his word to boycott if his delegates were not seated, and did not attend the convention.
I am embarrassed by the actions of the party today. Whether or not Paul would have won, they disrespected a good man who earned a nomination, and dishonored states with elected delegates who wished to cast a vote for someone other than the RNC's cash cow, Romney.
I am proud of the states, including my own state of Iowa, who stood up for liberty, at any cost.
We are the future of the Republican party, and the GOP just shot themselves in the foot. The RNC and the Romney campaign, in their shameless grab for power and disregard of their own rules, just alienated at least 30% of the new voters, and some life long Republicans, in order to elect someone who is not much different from the Democrat sitting in office as we speak.
Romney's nomination is not a win for the Republican party. He dropped out in 2008 when he was beaten by McCain, who, in turn, was beaten by Barack Obama.
What is more important to the RNC, saving face or saving America? Sadly, the RNC may have just doomed America to another four years under Obama, with their dog and pony show in Tampa. The Liberty folks have fought tooth and nail and worked hard to get to where we are now, and the National party treats us as something they need to hide away or sweep under the rug.
We will not go away. Freedom is popular.
Nazi Economics
Nazi Economics
by Bill Bonner
Adam Tooze, a British historian, has written a marvelous book on the Nazi economy, The Wages of Destruction. He shows that, far from illustrating the success of intelligent central planning, the German economy of the Third Reich was a disaster. The National Socialists – or "Nazis" – had their plans for Germany. They were determined to put them into practice, regardless of what the Germans may have wanted for themselves. They fiddled with one sector after another. When one fix failed to produce the desired results, actually bringing unintended and undesired consequences, they tried to fix the fix with a new fix. Most of these fixes involved spending money – if not on actual output, then on bureaucracies that regulated output. And most of them were directed towards a goal that only a demagogue politician or a lame economist would find attractive – making Germany self-sufficient. Imports cost money, they reasoned. Besides, trade forced a nation to behave. Neither was attractive to the Nazis.
Like America in the 2000s, by the mid-1930s Germany had already spent too much money – with the military as its biggest single expense. It faced enemies much more real and dangerous than America's 'terrorist' adversaries. And under Adolph Hitler's leadership it had decided to invest heavily in armaments. This created a sense of purpose for many people and a source of 'demand' that got people working again. Germany was still a relatively poor country, with a standard of living only about half the US equivalent. An autoworker in Munich, for example, could not expect anywhere near the same lifestyle as one in Detroit. Henry Ford paid his workers so well they were able to afford large houses with hot and cold running water and electricity. They could buy automobiles too…which gave a huge boost to America's heavy industry. When war began, the US could fairly quickly convert its auto factories to production of jeeps, tanks and trucks. Germany could not.
In Germany, automobiles were still a luxury item. Few people owned them; certainly not the people who made them. Military orders made up for the lack of demand from the civilian population.
In this regard, many economists looked at Germany and labeled the rearmament program – from an economic standpoint – as a central planning success story. It 'put people back to work.' It 'got the economy moving again.' More stuff was being produced. 'More' worked! From all over Europe, people came to admire the revival in Germany. American Congressmen praised Hitler. So did many magazine editors and other leaders in France and Britain too.
Besides, compared to what was going on in Russia, Japan and Italy… Germany looked positively benign, if not a perfect role model. Stalin was purging or starving his enemies – millions of them. Benito Mussolini had invaded Abyssinia and was busily massacring the locals. The Japanese were beginning their bloody war against the Chinese. Hitler may have sounded mad from time to time, and he may have murdered many of his rivals on the 'night of the long knives,' but now – by 1935 – he was beginning to sound reasonable, at least in comparison.
But vast spending on the military brought problems for the Nazi leadership. The German economy was still recovering from the destruction of WWI, the loss of the Ruhr heavy industrial area, the Great Depression and the reparations payments. Germany. While other economies had been forced off the gold standard, Germany held to its strong mark policies. It lacked the raw materials needed to build heavy military equipment and the fuel needed to power a modern economy and modern war machine. Those could only be bought with foreign currencies, which it could earn by trade, or by drawing down its own hard currency reserves of gold.
By 1936, it was clear that the government would run out of money in just a few months. The Nazi leadership had already 'fixed' the farm sector – with various jury rigs and many unintended consequences. The market system had largely been replaced by a system of bureaucratic meddles and price controls which, naturally and predictably, led to shortages that had to be reconciled by rationing.
Now, this same sort of meddling was causing shortages in the manufacturing sector too. If something were not done, the whole rearmament effort could come to a halt. Germany was not rich enough to be able to afford guns and butter – at least not on the scale promised by the Nazi Party. And with their spreading system of bureaucratic management, neither the guns nor butter were likely to last long.
At the time, Mr. Hitler was lucky to have at least one economist with a clearer head than most of his other advisors and henchmen. Carl Friedrich Goerdeler came from a tough, conservative Prussian family. He was smart. He was a good organizer. He was persuasive. Goerdeler seemed like a decent sort, too. After all, in 1933, as mayor of Leipzig, he refused to enforce the national boycott against Jewish businesses and ordered the police to release several Jews who had been taken hostage by the S.A.
Goerdeler may not have been impressed with Adolf Hitler in every respect. Still, as late as 1936 he believed the Fuhrer was an "enlightened dictator" and that if he could only explain to him what was going on, he might be led to make the right choice. He saw readily that you can't continue to spend more than you earn; Germany would have to adjust its priorities. 'More' would no longer work.
While he knew Hitler was dead-set on military expansion, Goerdeler urged the Fuhrer to forget the whole thing. Germany could not afford both guns and butter, he argued, and the German people would be better off with butter. Devalue the mark, he urged. Abandon the program of breakneck re-militarization. Come to terms with England, France and America. Drop the hard-line anti-Jewish claptrap. In short, become a civilized nation with a market economy, rather than a centrally-planned war economy.
He wanted to take this message to Hitler personally, to talk to him, to try to persuade him. But his friends talked him out of it. Hitler had put Hermann Goring into a position as his chief economic advisor. But Goring was very unlike Helmut Schacht at the central bank, who was also calling for a more 'normal' free market economy. Goring was a central planner…and a Nazi…through and through. So, Goerdeler prepared a memo for Hitler and passed it to Goring. The latter annotated it before passing it to the Fuhrer, marking critical passages "nonsense!"
Instead of embracing Goerdeler's plan, Hitler came up with his own 4-Year Plan, released in 1936. It rejected a free-market economy altogether. Instead, Germany would have a war economy, in which all economic and financial decisions were subordinate to the interests of the military.
Like today's neo-cons, Hitler told his followers that Germany was in a fight for its very survival. Therefore, the laws that applied to normal societies – including the laws of economics – no longer applied to Germany:
- "The nation does not live for the economy, for economic leaders, or for economic or financial theories; on the contrary, it is finance and the economy, economic leaders and theories, which all owe unqualified service in this struggle for the self-assertion of our nation."
Politics was triumphant. War was inevitable. And Carl Goedeler was soon history. He began to conspire against Adolph Hitler…including the attempt to kill him in 1944. For his trouble, Goedeler was hung in 1945.