Saturday, August 18, 2012
**JP** INGO-Jobs
I was shaken
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Star
Date: Friday, August 17, 2012
Subject: I was shaken
Friend --
When I got news that my friend Leo was shot in the arm while doing his job at the Family Research Council, my heart sank.
He is the security guard who did his job to protect lives from a left-wing lunatic. Thankfully, Leo is recovering from his wound.
There's no doubt the left-winger -- who was carrying 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches in his backpack while carrying a loaded gun into the lobby of a conservative organization -- had intentions to kill.
Leo knew it. Leo put himself in danger, tackled the man and took the gun away from him. He stopped a potential bloodbath. The D.C. Chief of Police called him a hero.
Leo Johnson
Friend, Leo is a conservative. When interviewed by the media, he asked for his privacy and said he's no hero, that he was just doing his job.
That's the Leo I know and I'm so proud of him.
With Americans like Leo, America works.
But America is reaching a point where we no longer work -- where we teach children that work is something the rich force the poor to do to make them rich.
We've destroyed the importance of work -- the very thing that can make our nation prosper again -- and replaced it with envy.
I know about this liberal lie when I lived on and off of welfare for seven years of my life.
Too many Americans believe they're receiving their "fair share" in the form of a welfare check.
With sadness, more Americans are buying into this lie every day.
Right now 165 million people are in some way dependent on the government -- that's half of our entire country!
We can't go on like this.
A majority of Americans are marching to follow Obama's new vision of America where "prosperity is shared" by stealing it from someone and handing it to someone else who didn't earn it.
Friend, the number of Americans becoming dependent on the government is growing with no end in sight. And what do we have to show for it? Broken families and our children in prison. That's not prosperity -- it's a lie.
Real prosperity is naturally shared without the commands of a bureaucrat.
When real prosperity is shared, Americans build things to make our lives better: things like the airplane, the iPhone and an artificial heart.
When real prosperity is shared, we have Americans like Leo who give in service so that others may live. That's his job.
Since the so-called war on poverty began, generations have grown up on a steady diet of collectivist ideology. It's no wonder where we find ourselves today!
But we can reverse the danger to our freedom by educating Americans one person at a time. After all, that's how the Left consumes our country while we watch.
The liberals have a very long view. They've attacked capitalism, the family, and work for half a century. For their reward, half of our country is now under their spell!
Friend, the liberals will never be happy with only half the country under their thumb. So before our entire country is consumed by leftist ideology and fear, we must fight back right now, before it's too late.
It's time to stand up and let Americans know there is another path to freedom and prosperity. Will you help me?
Americans will listen. After all, I was once a single mother on welfare who never could have imagined my life today. My life changed when someone told me the truth about welfare. Now help me tell this truth to every American.
Will you follow this link and fund my urgent work with an immediate contribution of $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,500 or even $2,500?
We can make America work again.
Your foot-soldier for freedom,
Star Parker
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Why The Gov't Purchase Of Ammunition Should Scare The Hell Out Of You..
August 16, 2012
Why The Gov't Purchase Of Ammunition Should Scare The Hell Out Of You
James Smith, Contributor
Recent articles have been published, by this network and others, that detail the extraordinarily large purchases of ammunition by the United States Government. This ammunition has been of varying calibers, mainly .357 Sig and .40 S&W. However, they all have been what are known as "Hollow Point" rounds.
From Wikipedia:
A hollow-point bullet is an expanding bullet that has a pit or hollowed out shape in its tip, often intended to cause the bullet to expand upon entering a target in order to decrease penetration and disrupt more tissue as it travels through the target. It is also used for controlled penetration, where over-penetration could cause collateral damage (such as on an aircraft). In target shooting, they are used for greater accuracy and reduction of smoke, fouling, and lead vapour exposure, as hollow point bullets have an enclosed base while traditional bullets have an exposed lead base. In essence, the hollow point bullet has several purposes: hollow points are designed to increase in diameter once within the target, thus maximizing tissue damage and blood loss or shock, and to remain inside the target, thereby transferring all of its kinetic energy to that target (some fraction would remain in the bullet if it passed through instead). Jacketed hollow points (JHPs) or plated hollow points are covered in a coating of harder metal (usually a copper alloy or copper coated steel) to increase bullet strength and to prevent fouling the barrel with lead stripped from the bullet. The term hollow-cavity bullet is used to describe a hollow point where the hollow is unusually large, sometimes dominating the volume of the bullet, and causes extreme expansion or fragmentation on impact.[1]
Many articles state that the hollow point round is banned in combat due to its brutal devastation it causes upon the human body. However, in reality, this is not the case.
Most people will wrongly state that their use is outlawed in the Geneva Convention. The ammunition's forerunner was banned in 1899, and a portion of that ban is shown here:
Declaration on the Use of Bullets Which Expand or Flatten Easily in the Human Body" adopted at the First Hague Peace Conference of (29 July) 1899 which states:
The Undersigned, Plenipotentiaries of the Powers represented at the International Peace Conference at The Hague, duly authorized to that effect by their Governments,
Inspired by the sentiments which found expression in the Declaration of St. Petersburg of the 29th November (11th December), 1868,
Declare as follows:
The Contracting Parties agree to abstain from the use of bullets which expand or flatten easily in the human body, such as bullets with a hard envelope which does not entirely cover the core, or is pierced with incisions.
The present Declaration is only binding for the Contracting Powers in the case of a war between two or more of them.
It shall cease to be binding from the time when, in a war between the Contracting Parties, one of the belligerents is joined by a non-Contracting Power.The United States only conceded to this, but did not sign. Where the U.S. did commit to was the Hague Convention IV of 1907, Article 23(e) of which Annex states:
…it is especially forbidden -
To employ arms, projectiles, or material{sic} calculated to cause unnecessary suffering;
The US's observation of the Convention meant that ammunition used by troops would be solid ball ammunition. However, in 1985 the rules of combat changed with an opinion written by Judge Advocate General, written by Col W. Hays Parks, Chief of the JAG's International Law Branch, for the signature of Major General Hugh R. Overholt, which stated:
…expanding point ammunition is legally permissible in counterterrorist operations not involving the engagement of the armed forces of another State.
In October of 1990, Col. Parks, at the at the request of the Commander of the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and coordinated with the Department of State, Army General Counsel, as well as the Offices of the Judge Advocates General of the Navy and Air Force wrote a Memorandum that concluded:
The purpose of the 7.62mm 'open-tip' MatchKing bullet is to provide maximum accuracy at very long range. … Bullet fragmentation is not a design characteristic, however, nor a purpose for use of the MatchKing by United States Army snipers. Wounds caused by MatchKing ammunition are similar to those caused by a fully jacketed military ball bullet, which is legal under the law of war, when compared at the same ranges and under the same conditions. (The Sierra #2200 BTHP) not only meets, but exceeds, the law of war obligations of the United States for use in combat.
And again in 1993, an opinion by Col Parks allowed the U.S. Special Operations Command to use a Winchester 230-grain JHP for issue with its H&K-manufactured Mk 23 Mod 0 pistol.
And the military is not alone with the use of hollow point rounds. Many police agencies use them as well and have gone toe-to-toe with civil liberty organizations. From the NY Times in 1997:
Studies on the issue are inconclusive. But civil libertarians have criticized the hollow point bullets, saying they are more deadly and increase the ability of police officers to maim and kill a suspect. ''The introduction of the hollow-point may very well exceed the bounds of reason and necessity, especially if massive internal injury is the risk,' said Norman Siegel, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union.
Legal challenges in Los Angeles and elsewhere, however, have proved fruitless, since most big-city departments began adopting the ammunition in the 1970s and 1980s.
The city of Seattle also uses the hollow point rounds.
Civilian law enforcement and military use of such ammunition should not be of concern. What concerns people these days are the purchases by innocuous government agencies such as the Social Security Administration and National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. While they may be going to strictly the investigative arms of these agencies, what needs to be looked at is the bottom line:
A good rule of thumb in all things commercial is: The fancier, the pricier. And ammunition is not alone in this. Below is a chart from a meta search engine, Ammo Engine. The search parameters were simple and selected from the results were only ammunition sold by the Federal Cartridge Company, a frequent awardee of ammunition in contracts put out by the Department of Homeland Security and the rounds selected were the .40 S&W that the DHS has purchased hundreds of millions.
Manuf | Name | Grains | Type | Rnds/box | Cost | Cost/Rnd |
Federal | American Eagle Full Metal Jacket | 165 | Full Metal Jacket | 50 | $15.00 | $0.30 |
Federal | American Eagle Full Metal Jacket | 180 | Full Metal Jacket | 100 | $34.50 | $0.35 |
Federal | American Eagle Full Metal Jacket | 165 | Full Metal Jacket | 50 | $35.23 | $0.70 |
Federal | American Eagle Full Metal Jacket | 155 | Full Metal Jacket | 50 | $36.09 | $0.72 |
Federal | Premium Expanding Full Metal Jacket | 165 | Full Metal Jacket | 50 | $37.29 | $0.75 |
Federal | Power-Shok Jacketed Hollow Point | 180 | Jacketed Hollow Point | 20 | $30.05 | $1.50 |
Federal | Premium Hydra-Shok Jacketed Hollow Point | 155 | Jacketed Hollow Point | 20 | $34.98 | $1.75 |
Federal | Premium Personal Defense Hydra-Shok Jacketed Hollow Point | 135 | Jacketed Hollow Point | 20 | $36.95 | $1.85 |
As you can see in the chart, the Jacket Hollow Point (JHP) is as much as five times more expensive that the standard Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) round.
But the price isn't because the JHP is a "more powerful" round. Below is a comparison of the Federal .357 Sig JHP versus the FMJ.
Federal Ammunition Ballistics:
Round Type Weight Muzzle Energy FPS
.357 Sig JHP 125 506 1350
.357 Sig FMJ 125 506 1350
Below is a video of the comparison between .40 S&W JHP and FMJ when it hits the human body, using ballistics gelatin which is used as a human flesh analog.
And lastly, a visual explanation on the damage of the hollow point.
A bullet will travel in pretty much a straight line. Once the round strikes the body, the physics of flight changes, causing the round to tumble and spin much like a gyroscope that is about to stop. This is what causes the damage to the body.
Compare the bodily damage of the .357 Sig JHP 125 grain to the two .40 S&W JHP rounds in the image below.
The odds of survival are minimal at best. And now you see why the recent purchase and requests by our government, unrestrained by law or morality, should scare the hell out of you.
And if you're not scared, you're either stupid or not paying attention, both conditions where the government wants to keep you.
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Biden Staff Trying to CENSOR Pool Press Reports
Biden Staff Trying to CENSOR Pool Press Reports
Aug 16, 2012 01:32 pm | Jeff Dunetz
As he began his stump speech in North Canton today, Paul Ryan took a shot at Vice President Joe Biden's latest gaffe.
"It is great to be here in North Canton, or as Joe Biden might say, it's great to be here in Nevada,"
Earlier this week the SCHMOTUS mistakenly told a crowd in Danville, Va., that they could help President Obama win North Carolina in November. Not as big a deal as the Romney/Ryan ticket wants to put ya'll in chains gaffe but it is another log on the mistake fire.
Biden has a well-documented habit of saying the wrong thing. Sometimes its kind of cute like the famous "this is a big F***ing deal," other times its nasty such as the chains comment, and then there are the gaffes that make you wonder if his "headlights are on dim."
Remember the episode during the 2008 campaign when Biden said that President FDR 'Got on Television' to Talk about 1929 Market Crash." He should have known that FDR wasn't president when the market crashed, compounding market crash misstatement is the first televised presidential speech was September 4, 1951 by Harry Truman.
Apparently Biden's handlers are determined to cut off the string of gaffes. Sometimes it takes the form of making sure to push the candidate right back into the car, when he is done speaking, at the same time trying to shoo reporters back to the motorcade. That way there is no time for "off the cuff remarks."
According to a report in Politico today:
Biden's staff lives on pins and needles. This leads to odd decisions.
For example, on Tuesday the vice president made an off-the-schedule stop at a cafe in the little courthouse town of Stuart . After meeting the owner of a Daytona 500-winning NASCAR team, Biden was asked about Social Security and Medicare by a crowd of a couple dozen seniors. In the aftermath of Paul Ryan joining the GOP ticket, it's a topic Democrats are delighted to discuss. Yet just as Biden was saying "voucher-ize," his aides started to not so subtly nudge reporters that it was time to leave.
It might seem like an opportune time to have reporters present to record and amplify his party's message. But Biden aides sent the traveling press marching out.
Even worse according to the Jonathan Martin story Biden staffers are trying to change "pool reports."
What's perhaps most striking about the Biden staff's attempts at press management is its effort to influence what goes in the pool reports from his off-schedule stops. Because the entire press corps cannot easily jam in, say, a diner or private home, it is standard practice to have a single designated reporter take notes and share the material with colleagues from other news organizations. These reports are designed entirely for the media, but are distributed by White House staffers. In the case of Obama, as with his predecessors, the reports are simply forwarded without comment by email to a news media distribution list.
But on two occasions during Biden's Virginia trip, his staff sought to have certain elements in the reports highlighted while reporters drafted them and discussed the contents with the reporters after the summaries had been sent but before they had before sent to the broader media.
Which is a nice way to say they were trying to censor/change the stories. This is not done, even with a mainstream media that is biased toward Obama/Biden. These reporters want to feel as though they have some degree of independence left.
Staffers spinning reporters to frame events the best they can is, of course, commonplace in politics. But attempting to intervene in the drafting of accounts that reporters share with one another is all but unheard of and reflects the deep concern Biden's team has about offering any fodder to the opposition.
Chuck Todd of NBC weighed in on the report that Vice President Joe Biden's staff actively attempted to edit pool reports, an "outrage." He said that the system of distributing pool reports through political staffers may have to change as a result of Biden's staffer's behavior (Mediaite
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