Sunday, October 2, 2011
CHINESE TROOPS ARE ABOUT TO INVADE AMERICA. They want to buy a Province in Boise, Idaho and they might already have a Province in Texas.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marie M. Buchanan, M.Psy.
Date: Sunday, October 2, 2011
Subject: CHINESE TROOPS ARE ABOUT TO INVADE AMERICA. They want to buy a Province in Boise, Idaho and they might already have a Province in Texas.
Link to my playlist:
They want to buy a Province in Boise, Idaho
and they might already have a Province in Texas.
People can laugh all they want,
I will not stop saying the truth and soon enough, they won't feel like laughing anymore because the Chinese will NOT be nice because they HATE us. Period. So like I said to a US Veteran, near 59 years old, served 71-77 (Viet Nam & Cold War Era US Army Germany) :
"Richard, the reason why I post that is not for folks to get paralyzed by fear but to get prepared. If you have enough money, leave the Continent. If you don't, then go to a remote place, preferably in the deep woods. Otherwise, stay in the tiniest village you can. Stack on food, water and ammo because people will starve to death and will attack you for having something left. Thanks"....
"Swap your FRN a.s.a.p. for something else like silver because the economy is about to crash. Just keep enough FRN for your very basic needs, having in mind that it will go in the wind in a heartbeat"...
"The Chinese will not invade and attack nicely. They hate us. So be prepared"....
"And don't count on the US gov't and US army to help you. They will help the UN troops instead".
Serving the remnant of the real true church of the Lord Jesus Christ before we'll go down and I might be murdered and I'm ready. I am used to be branded as a nutcase so no biggy.
Marie M. Buchanan, M. Psy.
Prov 10:15
15 The rich man's wealth is his only strength. The poor man's poverty is his only curse. (TLB)
All Common Law Rights are reserved explicitly without prejudice
UCC 1-103, 1-105, 1-308.
Researcher, Pastor-Assistant,Webmaster, Translator, Writer
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[Tea Party -- One Lump or Two?] New comment on Say "Cheese" -- the Federal Reserve starts its own....
Wo'O Ideafarm <> has left a new comment on your post "Say "Cheese" -- the Federal Reserve starts its own... <>":
In 1976, I worked as a "Summer Professional" in the Division of Research and Statistics for the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. My office was on the floor below the palacial offices of newly installed Chairman Paul Volker, who had just arrived. That summer told me all that I needed to know about the true nature of government.
I was at that time a Ph.D. student in economics at the University of Chicago. It was probably during the academic year following my summer internship on the Mall that I took a Money and Banking course from Frederick (Rick) Mishkin, who was then a professor at UC. One day, while covering the F.A.I.R. econometric model and after covering Friedman and Schwartz's book on the Great Depression, Prof. Mishkin asked us what good it was for us to study economics and to learn econometric modeling. I remember answering, "to prevent a recurrance of the Great Depression by discovering what caused it." He looked at me as though he thought I was crazy, and I will never forget his correction. He said that the reason to study econometric modelling is because it will enable us all to go out and make lots of money.
Prof. Mishkin was, many yeas later, appointed to the Board of Governors. When I read his Wikipedia article a few minute ago, I was hit by a fit of ROFL. Apparently, his views about why we become economists never changed.
Posted by Wo'O Ideafarm to Tea Party -- One Lump or Two? <> at October 2, 2011 10:51 AM
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**JP** Rabbani Was Killed By US, Afghan Proxies
A Pakistani probe finds Afghan warlords, allies of American spy
agency, involved in eliminating Rabbani who challenged their combined
supremacy in Afghanistan.
KABUL, Afghanistan—Intelligence assessments by Pakistani experts
conclude that former Afghan president Burhanuddin Rabbani was not
killed by Afghan Taliban but by Afghan warlords working in concert
with US intelligence.
Mr. Rabbani had become too close to Pashtuns and critical of the US
mess in his country in the months and days preceding his murder.
He was advocating a new Kabul government including the Afghan Taliban
and was working on this goal with President Hamid Karzai. He had
improved ties with Pakistan and addressed Pakistanis for the first
time in a decade in January through a TV interview. He spoke in Urdu
as a special gesture to Pakistanis.
Several ruthless Afghan warlords backed by CIA and Pentagon were upset
by Mr. Rabbani's Higher Peace Council. India is closely connected to
the warlords and shared their suspicion about Mr. Rabbani's
The warlords, US military and CIA are natural allies since they
quietly oppose Obama's withdrawal plans from Afghanistan. They also
agree on isolating the Pashtuns and disrupting Islamabad's natural
ties with its northeastern neighbor and are keen to invite India as a
permanent US military proxy in the country after a US pullout. The US
military and intelligence communities are not happy with President
Obama's plan to withdraw from Afghanistan. This is especially true for
CIA, which has its largest base of operations in the world in
Afghanistan, close to Iran, Pakistan, China and Russia.
Removing Mr. Rabbani from the scene has helped Afghan warlords end
prospects of peace with Afghan Taliban. The murder has also enabled
Pentagon and CIA to put pressure on White House to scrap plans to
withdraw. Moreover, Pentagon and CIA almost succeeded in pushing US
into a war with Pakistan as way of escaping accountability on Afghan
failures. A conflict with Islamabad would have helped Pentagon and CIA
dodge tough defense budget cuts back home, and delay US pullback
Ironically, Pakistani government and military are reluctant to
publicly accuse Washington and its Afghan allies of murdering Mr.
Rabbani, though Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar came close when she
accused CIA and US military of maintaining links to terrorists in
One reason why Pakistan is unable to highlight its case on Mr. Rabbani
internationally is the weakness of Pakistan's state-run and private
media. The state-run media is a bureaucratic behemoth wedded to old
journalism ways. And the private media is largely ineffective outside
the country.
[Also read, Should Pakistan Accuse Pentagon And CIA Of Rabbani Murder]
© 2007-2011. All rights reserved.
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted
in any medium
without royalty provided this notice is preserved.
*Shahzad Shameem*
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Re: Anti-Obama Signs Cause a Stir in New Orleans
On Oct 2, 10:47 am, Travis <> wrote:
> **
> New post on *Fellowship of the Minds*
> <> Anti-Obama Signs
> Cause a Stir in New
> Orleans<>by
> Dr. Eowyn <>
> <>
> Several political signs are causing quite a stir in an uptown neighborhood
> of New Orleans.
> Maya Rodriguez reports<>for
> WWLtv's Eyewitness News, Sept. 28, 2011, that on Wednesday, crowds
> gathered in front of a house in the 1500 block of Calhoun at the corner of
> Coralie, looking at several signs depicting Obama as either a dunce, a
> puppet or a crying baby in a diaper.
> <>
> The home is owned by Timothy Reily, who declined to be interviewed about the
> signs.
> <>
> Dozens of protesters came by the house throughout the day, demanding the
> sign come down.
> Skip Alexander said, "It disrespects the nation -- and President Barack
> Obama represents our nation. He represents everybody, not some people." C.C.
> Campbell-Rock said, "He wouldn't do that to [President] Bush, I'm sure. It's
> just insulting. It's insulting. He's going to have to take them down."
> Raymond Rock said, "This is nothing put pure racism. This is a disgrace."
> Even former Mayor Ray Nagin showed up at the house and went inside to speak
> with Reily. He emerged later and would not comment on what they discussed.
> <>
> Reily has supporters, among whom is neighbor Harold Gagnet, who said, "He
> can put up a sign if he wants to. It doesn't bother me." Katherine
> deMontluzin also thinks "it's fine. It's on his property. He can say
> whatever he wants."
> <>
> The signs have created such a firestorm of controversy, though, that police
> came to the scene-- called in by City Council Member Susan Guidry. She
> represents the district where the home is located. Guidry said she was
> concerned about public safety and was trying to figure out if the sign was
> even legal. She also said she spoke to Reily, but didn't get far.
> "We have to determine that there is a zoning law that prohibits perhaps the
> size of the sign, perhaps the way that it's erected, that it is leaning over
> onto public property," Guidry said. "Whatever we can use, we will, but of
> course, we do have to balance that with First Amendment rights."
> As of now, the signs remain in place, fanning the flames of a free speech
> debate on both sides of the fence.
> <>
> H/t beloved fellow Tina.
> *~Eowyn*
> *Dr. Eowyn <>* |
> October 2, 2011 at 4:02 am | Tags: George
> Soros<>,
> Timothy Reily <> |
> Categories: 2012 Election<>,
> Economy <>,
> Humor<>,
> Liberals <>,
> Media<>,
> Race <>, United
> States<>,
> US Presidents <> | URL:
> Comment<>
> See all comments<>
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**JP** توبہ
Thanks & Best regards,
Imran Ilyas
Cell: 00971509483403
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Thank you for comments and emotions. I appreciate your kind effort. but my dear can you please specify that in current situation what are the other options we have except PPP, PML-N, MQM and ANP etc. On the other hand Imran Khan is a one man Show, and most of us even do not know about the other leaders and No.2 of Tehreek-e-insaf.
Lets suppose the nation vote for independent candidates, and all those candidates win, then that particular parliment will face lots of problems to elect their leader of Parliments including (Prime Minister/Ministers/leader of opposition/speakers etc and so on. Every one will fight for themselves.
In last I must say that Imran Khan has been failed to produce quality leaders for this nation and tehreek-e-insaf. Imran Khan is having qualities of great leader, but what about his cabinet? Imran Khan has wasted last four to five years. I would not vote for a graduate who is new to politics, not familiar, no political records or achievements.
- Pakistan Railways on the verge of collapse. A huge number of trains taken off the track. Before Government bailout they had Rs 52/- in their account. Its employees have not been paid for months.
- Pakistan Steel which was a profitable entity a few years ago is bankrupt. Looted with both hands.
- PIA which was a pride of the nation, which started the Singapore Airlines, the Emirates Airlines, and Malta Airlines, the former 2 are now amongt the best airlines in the world, had 3 forced landings withing 3 days, and 1/3rd of its fleet has been grounded. France has threatened that unless it improved its maintenance and safety standard immediately it would be banned from landing in Europe. It was stuffed with hordes of incompetent jialas and paid billions of rupees in arrears. It hired a DMD at a salary of Rs 14lac a month to improve maintenance and safety standards last year. The result of the improvements are before us.
- WAPDA: the less said the better. The load and generation gap is increasing and not reducing. 3 1/2 years down the line, enough to put up new generation units, but we are exactly where we were 2 years ago. The cost of power due to theft, cost of fuel, incompetence and corruption, kunda and high transmission losses, amongst the highets in the world, have crippled our industry and in many sectors which have closed down for non competitiveness, and thousands are jobless.
- When the PM is aked to control corruption he says there is no corruption, and if anyone thinks there is he can go to the courts. And when people go to the courts the courts are contempted and their verdicts are flouted shamelessly, and manipulated protests and processions are taken out against the courts and judiciary. Government enquiries are obstructed and honest officers, a few that are left are ostracised, hounded, shunted into sidelines or fired.
- Those convicted of corruption are forgiven and reinstated to the prize jobs by the President. And those imprisoned are released through presidential pardons on national days. To release one such crook 5000 convictes were released by Asif Zardari last year.
- When the country was drowning in floods last year Mr President flew off to visit his father's Chateau in France which his father had bought selling Bambino cinema tickets.
- Government has no money to spend on the flood victims but has the money to dole out in billions to lawyers community to erode the support for the Chief Justice.
- In the last year's floods the nation and international community donated generously. Most of that money was misappropriated. In these floods no one is willing to help.
- The expenditure of the Presidency and the PM houses is nearly double that of their counter parts in India. The PM hose has 700 gardners.
- Nearly every month our worthy President goas on a foreign tour living in the most expensive hotels, expenses running into crores for each trips, when people of Pakistan are deeply sinking into poverty. They ca'nt get a square meal a day.
- His visits are so many that the Chinese are fed up. He needs just an excuse to go running to China, because he is reported to be running his private investments there.
- Mr Zardari is our armed forces supreme commander, but has not visited the troop fighting and dying on the front lines even once. He is such a scared and fearful man.
- Mr Gilani pays no income tax, but a wears a new Armani suit costing over a lac every day.
- Mr Sharif pays more income tax: Rs 2500.
- Our worthy Foreigh Minister went to India dressed like a model wearing diamonds and jewellry and carrying a designer bag which only millionaires can afford, and the country she represented was going around with a begging bowl. She made a spectacle of herself. Her Indian hosts were simply dressed. Has anyone seen Hillary Clinton dressed like that.
The turn over of our elections are always lower you know very well. some says (Sab chor hein) and not voting.
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 08:37:30 +0300
Subject: **JP** FW: [alwayz2gather] JI'AY BHUTTO - RAJJ KAY LUTTO - PHIR BACHON SAMET PHUTTO - LEKIN QAUM KO AQQAL NA A'AEE...I request all Pakistani nation please don't elect these kind of politician next time…like zardari and gailani can bargain their own daughters and sisters for money and dollars………
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Anti-Obama Signs Cause a Stir in New Orleans
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Yea, That about sums things up nicely.
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Re: TeaBaggers.........
to the liberal misrepresentation of " teabaggers ", it has no
legitimate value, only Saul Alinsky socialist propaganda.
On Sep 30, 11:03 am, THE ANNOINTED ONE <> wrote:
> Context??????
> On Sep 30, 6:34 am, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> > Actually sowsnotslop you are the racist
> > You promote a moron like Reverend Al Sharpton because you want a black face
> > spouting your nazi views, and you promote him because of his race even
> > though he cannot read English and pronounce it when it is force fed to him
> > You are the racist swine as you have destroyed black people's lives for
> > decades as you sell their children to lobotomy warehouses run by educrat
> > unions in exchange for money for your candidates
> > This is why you think your constant whining smears about a racism have any
> > power
> > It is projection on your part, guilt for your own genocidal sins
> > On Friday, September 30, 2011, whatnowgop <> wrote:
> > > Remember according to tea slime there is no racism among them. They will
> > even go to rallies until they find a black face to take a picture of.
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: brewwwww <>
> > > Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 2:09 AM
> > > Subject: Re: TeaBaggers.........
> > > You both sound like lost little boys, whose mom forgot at the
> > mall.................probably on purpose!!!!> And that language!!!! tsk tsk tsk
> > > From: <>
> > > Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:18 PM
> > > To: Bruce Majors <>
> > > Subject: Re: TeaBaggers.........
> > > Why not? Al Sharpton is the best they have since nobody can understand a
> > damned thing that Jesse Jerk-off.. I mean Jackson, says.
> > > Mac.
> > > On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:49 PM, Bruce Majors <>
> > wrote:
> > >> meanwhile you sad little bitches listen to Al Sharpton as he
> > mispronounces most words
> > >> sorry turdlet. it will take more than lame cartoons to re-elect your
> > nazi leader
> > >> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:47 PM, brewwwww <> wrote:
> > >>> Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to
> > leap tall buildings in a single bound, look, in the FEMA trailer,>>> it's a TeaBagger!!!! And who, disguised as an illiterate, red neck from
> > a trailer park, Goober, will continue his fight against, Socialism,
> > Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, VA, School Grants, Food for Children, etc., in
> > a never-ending battle for truth, justice and the American Way!!!! (To all
> > my Republican't friends and FOX NEWS???....this is a parody and not to be
> > taken seriously)
> > >>> </mail/u/0/s/?view=att&th=132ba443ebf3ecd7&attid=0.1&disp=emb&zw>- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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Re: TeaBaggers.........
On Sep 30, 6:34 am, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> Actually sowsnotslop you are the racist
> You promote a moron like Reverend Al Sharpton because you want a black face
> spouting your nazi views, and you promote him because of his race even
> though he cannot read English and pronounce it when it is force fed to him
> You are the racist swine as you have destroyed black people's lives for
> decades as you sell their children to lobotomy warehouses run by educrat
> unions in exchange for money for your candidates
> This is why you think your constant whining smears about a racism have any
> power
> It is projection on your part, guilt for your own genocidal sins
> On Friday, September 30, 2011, whatnowgop <> wrote:
> > Remember according to tea slime there is no racism among them. They will
> even go to rallies until they find a black face to take a picture of.
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: brewwwww <>> > From: <>
> > Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 2:09 AM
> > Subject: Re: TeaBaggers.........
> > You both sound like lost little boys, whose mom forgot at the
> mall.................probably on purpose!!!!> And that language!!!! tsk tsk tsk
> > Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:18 PM> > To: Bruce Majors <>
> > Subject: Re: TeaBaggers.........> > On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:49 PM, Bruce Majors <>
> > Why not? Al Sharpton is the best they have since nobody can understand a
> damned thing that Jesse Jerk-off.. I mean Jackson, says.
> > Mac.
> wrote:
> >> meanwhile you sad little bitches listen to Al Sharpton as he
> mispronounces most words
> >> sorry turdlet. it will take more than lame cartoons to re-elect your
> nazi leader
> >> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:47 PM, brewwwww <> wrote:
> >>> Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to
> leap tall buildings in a single bound, look, in the FEMA trailer,>>> it's a TeaBagger!!!! And who, disguised as an illiterate, red neck from
> a trailer park, Goober, will continue his fight against, Socialism,
> Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, VA, School Grants, Food for Children, etc., in
> a never-ending battle for truth, justice and the American Way!!!! (To all
> my Republican't friends and FOX NEWS???....this is a parody and not to be
> taken seriously)
> >>> </mail/u/0/s/?view=att&th=132ba443ebf3ecd7&attid=0.1&disp=emb&zw>
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Re: Stop deportation of Nadia Habib and her mother, Nazmin Habib
The quicker that these criminals can hit the boat, or the plane, and no longer be a burden to the tax payers of the United States, the better! (I am sure the cost also footed by the American tax payer) the better.
An Open Letter from William Nicholas Gomes to the President of the United States of America
September 30, 2011
President Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Fax: +1-202-456-2461
RE: Stop deportation of Nadia Habib and her mother, Nazmin Habib
Dear Mr. President,
I am William Nicholas Gomes, a human rights activist and journalist. I welcome your desire that you have expressed recently to visit Bangladesh during a brief conversation with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in New York.
The international community, and the United States in particular, has invested significantly in the issues of regime change and socio –economic issues of Bangladesh , to ensure stability, peace, disarmament, and the prevention of further violence and human rights abuses.
At this time I want to share a famous saying of US black civil rights leader & clergyman, Martin Luther King Jr. in a letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963 in which he wrote "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"
I am writing to you on a serious case of injustice that is happening in the USA and I can insure you that it will be impossible to ensure lasting peace and the effective implementation of the US Constitution that is suppose to ensure the people's rights and freedoms.
I have serious concern about Nadia Habib and her mother, Nazmin Habib, the women, who live in Woodside, Queens who supposed to be deported by the broken and flawed Immigration and Customs Enforcement in US.
The family immigrated to the United States in 1993. The father, Jawad Habib, a taxi driver, has his green card. Nadia's three younger siblings were born here and are citizens. But Nadia — who left Bangladesh when she was 20 months old — and her mother overstayed a tourist visa and are not legal residents, according to media report
Stony Brook University junior Nadia Habib, 19, came to the U.S. from Bangladesh with her mother Nazmin when she was a baby. Habib, a psychology major who wants to be a drug researcher, found out she was undocumented during her senior year at Bronx High School of Science. Her father has a green card and her three younger siblings, who were born here, are U.S. citizens.
On September 10, they received a letter from Immigration and Customs Enforcement saying that will be deported.
The problem began when Nazmin Habib became ill and missed a scheduled hearing in U.S. Immigration Court on April 26, 2000, according to a court document. The judge proceeded to conduct a hearing in absentia and denied her request for asylum based on past persecution in Bangladesh.
When the Habib tried to reopen the case by providing a doctor's note, the judge said the note was not credible because the doctor was not found in the court's registered list of physicians. Apparently this was a clerical error that was never corrected.
On 29th September 2011, the ICE held the deportation of Nadia and Nazmin . Nadia and Nazmin could still be deported when a final decision on their case is made.
I welcome the decision of the ICE in not deporting these victims of laws.
I welcome Sen. Kirstin Gillibrand (D-NY.), and the New York State Youth Leadership Council (a student group advocating for undocumented youth) who have appealed to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement on behalf of Nadia and students at Stony Brook have launched a Facebook campaign in support.
I also welcome Sen. Tim Bishop and Joseph Crowley who are also involved in the case.
As per Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors, Dream Act, undocumented students brought to the US as children would not be considered for deportation.
I wish to remind you in December 2010 report, the Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that the November 30th, 2010 version of the DREAM Act would "reduce deficits by about $1.4 billion over the 2011-2020 period and increase government revenues by $2.3 billion over the next 10 years."
The same report also notes that the Act "would increase projected deficits by more than $5 billion in at least one of the four consecutive 10-year periods starting in 2021".
One recent UCLA study estimates that between $1.4 trillion and $3.6 trillion in taxable income would be generated for the economy over a 40 year period based upon estimates ranging between 825,000 and 2.1 million potential DREAM Act beneficiaries successfully obtaining resident status through the legislation.
On May 11, 2011 Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid reintroduced the DREAM Act in the Senate. Some Republicans who had supported the bill in the past, including Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, Jon Kyl of Arizona, John McCain of Arizona, and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, withheld their votes, objecting that such bill should not be granted without some sort of balance increasing immigration enforcement.
Reid indicated that he would consider adding a workplace enforcement measure in the DREAM Act that would require every employer to use E-Verify, the government's Internet-based work eligibility verification system.
President Obama, I want to express my gratitude that you had supported the bill as one of your efforts to reform the US immigration system.
President Obama , I had a great hope that on the change in the life of many illegal immigrants back in USA , many of them are from Bangladesh, and I have special affection for them as I also belong to Bangladesh. I believed that the new policy would stop the deportation of most people who would qualify for relief under this bill, known as the Dream Act.
Mr.President, I want to remind you under the new policy supported by you, the government is supposed to review 300,000 cases of people in deportation proceedings to identify those who might qualify for relief and those who should be expelled as soon as possible.
Mr.President, Stony Brook University Student Nadia Habib, fulfilled the conditions of Dream act. The question is Nadia has been in America since she Was 20 Months Old and is a bright student. He mother, Nazmin Habib, is an ideal mother in the neighborhood.
I believe that Nadia and Nazmin Habib more than deserve to stay in the US and to have their asylum case reviewed.
History has shown that peace is fragile and ephemeral where justice and human rights are sacrificed for immediate political gain. As you have asserted, Mr. President, there can be no long-lasting peace where justice is denied.
Mr. President, in your speech in Cairo you committed the United States to defend and protect human rights everywhere and included people's confidence in the rule of law and the equal administration of justice among the US core concerns.
Mr.President, now it is in your country that a young student and a mother of children are facing injustice by the broken and flawed Immigration and Customs Enforcement in US.
I believe the change you promised that can be done by you and with your right action; definitely a positive change will come into the life of this peace loving people's life.
I urge to the United States to continue to show leadership to ensure accountability and respect and fulfillment of human rights.
I further respectfully urge you take effective legal redress for victims, Nadia Habib and Nazmin Habib in line with international standards.
Yours sincerely,
William Nicholas Gomes
Journalist and Human Rights Activist
80/ B Bramon Chiron, Saydabad,Dhaka-1203, Bangladesh.
Cell: +88 019 7 444 0 666
Skype: William.gomes9
Face book:
1. Hillary Rodham Clinton, United States Secretary of States, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
2. Ambassador Scott de Lisi, United States Ambassador to Nepal, NEPAL
3. Ambassador Susan Rice, Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
4. Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations
5. Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations
6. Permanent Representative of Belgium to the United Nations
7. Permanent Representative of Denmark to the United Nations
8. Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations
9. Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United Nations
10. Permanent Representative of Spain to the United Nations
11. Permanent Representative of Norway to the United Nations
12. Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations
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