Friday, December 23, 2011
A Last-Minute Christmas Gift Idea!
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Re: Gingrich and his ‘nice’ strategy are under fire from attack ads in Iowa
party, but because of his lack of funds to attack back. Fill his
coffers with some dough, and I think we'll see the old Newt appear.
On Dec 23, 9:57 am, MJ <> wrote:
> Gingrich and his 'nice' strategy are under fire from attack ads in IowaBy Amy Gardner, Published: December 22
> KNOXVILLE, Iowa The unorthodoxy of Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign will either make or break him, and it will happen in Iowa, where he is bleeding support under a hail of harsh TV advertising from opponents and their allies.
> Gingrich's answer to the barrage has been to try to stay "nice." It's a strategy that not only defies the former House speaker's instinct for combat but also is producing uncertain results as it is pitted against the proven effectiveness of negative ads particularly the millions of dollars' worth that are piping through Iowa televisions in these final two weeks before the Jan. 3 caucuses.
> Staying positive is not the only way in which Gingrich is following an unconventional script. Until this month, Gingrich's campaign staff featured virtually no one who had worked on a presidential campaign.
> The candidate expresses his disdain for paid consultants every chance he gets. He celebrates the young man from Topeka who runs the candidate's Twitter feeds from the counter of his father's auto-repair shop and the social-media executive from California who moonlights in charge of Gingrich's Facebook page.
> Most of all, Gingrich relies on his own instinct, an almost religious faith that even without a traditional campaign operation his knowledge, experience and way with words will carry the day.
> The danger for him is taking it too far.'I need your help'Gingrich's resolve to fight the Iowa advertising onslaught by staying positive puts that confidence on vivid display even as it displays the risks. The approach dominated his appearances during a three-day swing through Iowa this week and steered him away from his message of bringing years of conservative leadership to the tasks of fixing the economy and Washington.
> "I want to do this based on positive ideas, not on negative campaigning, and I need your help to make that work," Gingrich told a crowd of about 100 supporters at the Swamp Fox Pub here this week. "If somebody wanted to create 'Iowans for a Positive Campaign,' I think the number of people who would join it overnight would be amazing."
> The displays have made his aides increasingly nervous and prompted some to urge him to get back on script. But Gingrich is doing what he thinks he has to do to survive. His campaign shot to the top of the polls last month after spending much of the year at the back of the pack. He and an independent committee supporting him are playing catch-up to build the organization and raise the money they need to stand up to the assault. Meanwhile,a series of public pollsshow Gingrich's position slipping in the midst of the barrage of ads.
> The attacks have flooded the airwaves in ads paid for by the campaigns of Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.), as well as an independent super PAC supporting former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. Among the topics: Gingrich's acceptance of $1.6 million in payment from federally backed mortgage giant Freddie Mac; his support for taxpayer funding of "some abortions"; and the ethics investigation of him when he was speaker about his use of tax-exempt funds for a partisan educational program.
> Gingrich has pushed back hard against the charges, which he says are untrue. After a town hall at a heavy-equipment plant in Ottumwa this week, he held a lengthy news conference in which he called upon his chief rival, Romney, to publicly repudiate the ads being aired by "Restore Our Future," an independent committee run by Romney's supporters. Romney has declined to do so, arguing that the law prohibits him from communicating with the independent group.Gingrich fights backA few times, Gingrich's resolve to stay positive has crumbled.
> In New Hampshire last week, he lashed back at Romney's call for him to return his pay from Freddie Mac by describing the "millions" Romney earned "bankrupting companies" and laying off workers while a businessman at Bain Capital. This week in Iowa, Gingrich called Romney "purely dishonest" for saying that he couldn't stop the independent PAC from running negative ads against him.
> Gingrich seemed to revel in the chance to scuffle verbally with Romney. He added flourishes to his argument with each successive campaign stop, as if resorting to a familiar set of behaviors and offering a potentially damaging reminder to voters of his long history as a combative and partisan House speaker.
> Gingrich could be doomed no matter what he does; modern American political history reveals that negative ads work, and whether the response is positive or negative, it's difficult if not impossible to compete with the volume of attacks coming down on Gingrich.
> "Negative still works pretty well," said Democratic consultant Joe Trippi, who watched his client in 2004, former Vermont governor Howard Dean, succumb to a similar barrage in Iowa after taking the lead in the race. "You can't fight it. It's not enough to push back whether it's all positive or calling them all liars [Gingrich] doesn't have enough up to push against it."Emotional appeal to votersTrippi offered one caveat, however, which is that Gingrich's long-standing relationship with voters could inoculate him against some of the charges. Additionally, Gingrich is making an emotional appeal that could work in Iowa, where a heavily evangelical Republican electorate may be open to his request for forgiveness regarding some of the "baggage" that his opponents are pointing out in detail.
> "Every Sunday, I preach that we're all born into sin," said Jim Stogdill, pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church in Johnston, Iowa, outside Des Moines. "That makes us all equal. So if that's the case, and we're going to apply that to this race, then why is this such a big deal? Either they don't understand forgiveness or they're not Christian. It's interesting that Christians who believe in Christ don't apply that to the people in their everyday lives."
> Stogdill had just listened to J.C. Watts, the former Oklahoma congressman and perhaps most prominent Gingrich supporter, defend his friend over breakfast with a group of pastors. Watts spent two days in Iowa this week meeting with business leaders and pastors and not only making the case that some of the charges are false but also appealing to his audience's Christian faith in forgiving Gingrich for having made mistakes.
> "When people make mistakes you shouldn't run from them, you run to them," Watts said. "That's more the ministry part of me. We tend to kind of seclude ourselves from people that need our help the most, when they're in the most trouble. And Newt and I, I haven't always agreed with him, but I never disliked him. We always remained friends."
> Watts added that Gingrich's opponents Romney, Perry and Rep. Michele Bachmann (Minn.), for instance aren't perfect either. "I could show you flaws in all of them," he said.
> Gingrich is using the "nice" card in other ways. He has pushed his wife, Callista, to play amore active role on the campaign trail, where she has opened up more about her love for music and her Midwestern roots. (She grew up in Wisconsin and attended Luther College in Decorah, Iowa.) The Gingriches also appear in an adtogether, in which the candidate prays for "peace and brotherhood." Already playing on the Internet, the ad will air on TV stations across Iowa on Friday.
> Staff writer Karen Tumulty in Washington contributed to this report.
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Dick Morris is running scared of democracy
I may not agree with Ron Paul, but Dick's bloviating flies in the face
of our rights as citizens of this country. Democracy in action, scary
shit to those who game the system.
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**JP** قائداعظم ایک با ہمت پر عزم شخصیت۔
با بائے قوم کی سالگرہ سب کو مبا رک ہو ان کی سالگرہ کے حوالے سے ایک کا لم لکھا ہے امید ہے پسند آیے گا اور شائع کریں۔ خوش رہیں
عینی نیازی
عین الیقین
قائداعظمؒ ایک با ہمت پر عزم شخصیت۔۔
عینی نیازی
عین الیقین
یہ کہا نی ہے ایک نا کا م معا شرے کے کا میاب آدمی کی ،ایک صا حب استقلا ل کی داستا ن حیات !جو عمر بھر اپنے مقاصد سے جڑا رہاجس نے کبھی اپنی راہ کھو ٹی نہیں ہو نے دی وہ آدمی جس نے اپنے طے کر دہ ہدف کو حا صل بھی کیا اور ا س پر کبھی کسی زعم کا شکا ر بھی نہ ہو ا، ایک اجلا برتر خواب آدمی کو کیا بنا دیتی ہے قدرت جب کسی کا انتخا ب کر لیتی ہے تو وہ دوسروں جیسا نہیں رہتا قا ئد اعظمؒ کی پوری زندگی بھی عام لو گوں سے مختلف تھی انھوں نے اپنے اس قول کی عملی تفسیر بن کر ساری زند گی گز اری کہ کسی کا م کو کر نے سے پہلے سو با ر سو چو کہ کیا ٹھیک ہے اور کیا ایسا کر نا چا ہیے جب تمھا را ذہن فیصلہ دے کہ ہا ں ایساکر نا درست ہے تو اس کو پا یہ تکمیل تک پہنچا نے کا مصمم ارادہ کر لو اور دم اس وقت لوجب اسے پورا کرلو اس با ت سے نہ گھبرا ئو کہ را ستے میں مشکلیںا ٓئیں گی رو کا وٹیں ہو ں گی اپنی منز ل کی جا نب نگا ہ کر کے آگے بڑ ھتے چلے جا ئو انشاء للہ کا میا بی تمھارے قدم چو مے گی ہم جتنی زیا دہ تکلیفیں قر با نیا ں دینا سیکھیں گے اتنا ہی زیا دہ پا کیز ہ ،خالص اور مضبو ط قوم بن کر ابھریں گے جیسے سونا آگ میں تپ کر کند ن بن جا تا ہے ''
اس کند ن جیسی شخصیت نے 25 دسمبر876ء نیو تھم روڈ کراچی کے ایک گھر میں آنکھ کھو لی ۶ بر س کی عمر میں مدرسہ اور پھر سندھ مد رستہ اسلا م اسکو ل میں دا خل ہو ئے جس کے دروازے پر لکھا تھا کہ ' علم حا صل کر نے کے لیے آئو اور خدمت کے لیے جائو'' زما نہ طا لب علمی میں ان کے جو ہر کھلنا شروع ہوئے چچا زاد بھا ئی کی بیوہ فا طمہ با ئی کا کہنا ہے 'کہ مجھے محمدعلی کی صحت کا بڑا خیا ل رہتا تھا میں اکثر ان سے کہتی کہ اتنی رات نہ جا گا کر یں صحت پر برا اثر پڑے گا اس پر محمد علی مسکر اکر کہتے کہ با ئی میں اس لیے زیا دہ پڑھتا ہوں کہ مجھ کو ایک دن بڑا آدمی بننا ہے کیاآپ پسند نہیں کر تیں کہ میں بڑا آدمی بنوں 'دسویں جما عت امتیا زی نمبروں سے پا س کی جس کے بعد ٓپ کی شادی مٹھی با ئی سے ہو گئی والد کا روبا رمیں شریک کر نا چا ہتے تھے لیکن بیٹے کے مزید تعلیمی شوق کی خاطر انگلستا ن بھیجنے پر را ضی ہو گئے لند ن پہنچ کر لنکن انِ میں داخلہ لیا جس کے صدر دروازے پر عظیم ترین قا نو ن سازوں کے نا م درج تھے جن میں سر فہر ست محمد ؐ کا نا م مبا رک تھا۔لندن میںبڑی محنت سے قلیل مدت میں تعلیم حا صل کی مگر لنکن انِ کی رسم پو را کر نے کے لیے انھیں مز ید دوسال وہا ںرکنا پڑا آپ انگلستا ن بار میں شامل ہو نے والوں میں سب سے کم عمر تھے قدرت نے آپ کو انگلستا ن میں دوران قیام لبرل مکتب خیا ل سے ملنے کا موقع دیا نتیجہ آپ ان کے نقطہ نظر کو بخو بی سمجھنے لگے قائد اعظم ؒ896ء کولندن سے قانو ن کی اعلیٰ ڈگری لے کر واپس ہندوستان آئے اس دوران ا ٓپ کی شفیق والدہ اور بیوی کا انتقال ہو چکا تھا والد کی طویل علا لت کے با عث علاج پرپیسہ پا نی کی طرح بہایا دوسری جا نب کا روبا رپر بھی تو جہ نہ دے سکے جس کے با عث کا روبا ر بھی تبا ہ ہو گیاگویا کر اچی آتے ہی قا ئد اعظم ؒکو گھر یلو پر یشا نیوں سے دوچا ر ہو نا پڑا مگر آپ ہمت ہا رنا نہ جا نتے تھے کر اچی کی بعض فرموں نے آپ کوکام کی پیشکش کی قا ئد اعظم کی جگہ کو ئی اور شخص ہو تا تو اس آفر کو قبول کر لیتا مگرا ٓپ بڑے عزائم لے کر آئے تھے سو بمبئی میں بہتر مواقع کی تلا ش میں چل دیے تین سا ل انتہا ئی تنگ دستی اور عسرت میں گزارے مگر اپنے کام کو انتہا ئی تندہی، محنت اورجرات سے کرتے رہے وہ لوگ جنھیں دنیا میں عظیم کا م کرنا ہو تے ہیں وہ مشکلا ت کی پروا کیے بغیر منزل مقصود کی جانب پڑھتے چلے جا تے ہیں اور اللہ تعا لیٰ بھی ایسے لو گوں کی مد د کر تا ہے ۔ ۰۰۹۱ء میں پر یذڈینسی مجسٹریٹ کے انتخابا ت میںبڑ ے بڑے کا کا میا ب وکیلوں کے مقابلے میں آپ کا میا ب ہو ئے گر چہ یہ ملا زمت تین ما ہ کے لیے تھی مگر آپ کی محنت وجا نفشانی کو دیکھ کر افسران بالا نے اسے مزید تین ما ہ بڑھا دیا محکمہ عدلیہ کے سر براہ سر چارلس اولیو نٹ نے آپکو مستقل اس عہدے کو قبول کرنے کی پیشکش کی لیکن آپ نے اس سے انکا ر کر دیا اب آپ کے ما لی حالا ت پہلے سے بہت بہتر تھے آپ اعلیٰ سوسائٹی میںجا نے پہچانے جا تے تھے قائد کا فرما ن تھا کہ ' زندگی ہر شعبے میں کیر یٹر کی بلند ی ضروری چیز ہے آپ میں احساس خودی کردار اعلیٰ کے ساتھ ساتھ یہ صنف بھی ہو نا چاہیے کہ آپ دنیا میں کسی کے ہا تھ بک نہ جا ئیں ' قا ئد اعظمؒ خود اس قول کا جیتا جا گتا نمو نہ تھے ۔ہر بڑے آدمی کی کچھ خو بیا ں ایسی ہو تی ہیں جو اسے دوسروں سے ممتا ز کر تی ہیں قائداعظمؒ میں ایسی بہت سی خو بیاں تھیں آپ کی خوش لبا سی ضرب المثل بن چکی تھی آپ کی نشست وبر خاست اورگفتار دیکھ کر ایک امر یکی ڈرامہ نو یس کو کہنا پڑا کہ ''صد افسوس دنیا ئے اسٹیج نے ایک عظیم آرٹسٹ کو کھو دیا ِ ' قائد اعظم ؒوقت کی پا بندی کا بڑا خیا ل رکھتے تھے جس طرح وہ اپنی رائے کا اظہار نہا یت بے باکی ا ور جرات سے کرتے تھے اسی طرح دوسروں سے بھی اس کی امید رکھتے تھے جب کو ئی فیصلہ ہو جا تا تو اس کے آگے سر تسلیم خم کر دیتے تھے قائد اعظمؒ نے اپنی زندگی میں رتن با ئی کو شامل کر نے کا فیصلہ کئی مخالفتوں کے با وجود کیا ۹۱ اپریل 1908ء کو رتن با ئی نے اسلا م قبول کیا اور دونوں کی شادی ہو گئی ۔
قا ئد اعظمؒ کی ذاتی زندگی سے الگ آپ اپنی قوم کی محبت اور ان کی فلاح کے جذبہ سے بھی سر شار تھے دادا بھا ئی نورو جی کی تر بیت نے قا ئد اعظم ؒکے دل میں وطن کی محبت کا جذبہ بھر دیا تھا یہا ں سے ایک نئے سفر نئی منزل اورولولے کا آغا زہوتا ہے قائد اعظمؒ کی قیا دت میںمسلما نوںکا کا روان آزادی حصول پا کستا ن کی جا نب رواں دواں ہوا 1940ء میں قرار داد پا کستا ن کامیاب ہو ئی اور صر ف سا ت سال کے قلیل عرصے میں پا کستا ن معر ض وجود میں آگیا اسے معجزہ کہ لیں یا اس مرد مجا ہد کی شب روز کی انتھک محنت کا نتیجہ دنیا کے نقشے پر ایک بڑی اسلامی ریا ست بن کر ابھرا ہمارے سیا سی قائدین کے لیے انکی سیاسی زندگی کا یہ پہلو بھی قابل غور ہے کہ سیا ست میں شر کت کے لیے آپ نے اپنی مالی حالت بہتر ہو نے کاا نتظار کیا حقیقت یہ ہے کہ صرف وہی شخص خلو ص سے وطن کی خدمت انجا م دے سکتا ہے جو قومی چندے کی فر اہمی کا محتاج نہ ہو قائد کی ساری زندگی شاہد ہے کہ انھوںنے کبھی ایک پیسہ بھی نہیں لیا با نی پا کستا ن نے قوم کو اتحاد تنظیم اور یقین محکم کا درس دیا با با ئے قوم نے اپنی قوم کے لیے تن من دھن کی قر با نی دی ایسے لو گ مر کر زندہ وجا وید رہتے ہیں اور ان کی کا میابی سب کو آسودہ کر دیتی ہے ۔۔۔
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Re: Crazy Uncle Ron And His Skin-Head/Neo Nazi Supporters
we'll see
On Dec 23, 9:05 am, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> We'll see.
> I surmise that Paul's campaign is over before the end of the year. A
> couple of more interviews like he had yesterday at CNN, and Crazy Uncle Ron
> is going to leave the kitchen. He won't be able to stand the heat.
> On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 10:02 AM, plainolamerican <
> > wrote:
> > Now You have it!
> > ---
> > good!
> > Don't kid yourself, the media is slanted in favor of liberals,
> > socialists, communists, Israel and Judaism. If you think Crazy
> > Uncle Ron
> > is going to get a pass, you're dead wrong!
> > ---
> > he doesn't need a pass
> > Just as important, Crazy Uncle Ron broke the 11th Commandment. He
> > trashed a fellow conservative, broadcasting and paying for commercials
> > in
> > Iowa that were not truthful and at the very least, misleading. For
> > this
> > abomination, the gloves come off and Crazy Uncle Ron has to stand on
> > his
> > hypocritical own two feet.
> > ---
> > he's standing tall for a short guy
> > Let the chips fall where they may, but January and February are going
> > to
> > be very difficule months for Crazy Uncle Ron, mark my words!
> > ---
> > he'll be fine
> > On Dec 23, 8:50 am, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> > > As Coach brought up yesterday, (and he was 100 % correct!) you got
> > what
> > > you asked for. All of these weeks/months that Paul supporters have been
> > > bitching and complaining that Crazy Uncle Ron was not getting the news
> > > coverage that he was entitled to; well......Now You have it!
> > > Don't kid yourself, the media is slanted in favor of liberals,
> > > socialists, communists, Israel and Judaism. If you think Crazy Uncle
> > Ron
> > > is going to get a pass, you're dead wrong!
> > > Just as important, Crazy Uncle Ron broke the 11th Commandment. He
> > > trashed a fellow conservative, broadcasting and paying for commercials in
> > > Iowa that were not truthful and at the very least, misleading. For
> > this
> > > abomination, the gloves come off and Crazy Uncle Ron has to stand on his
> > > hypocritical own two feet.
> > > Let the chips fall where they may, but January and February are going to
> > > be very difficule months for Crazy Uncle Ron, mark my words!
> > > On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 8:39 AM, plainolamerican
> > > <>wrote:
> > > > typical jewish attack on RP
> > > > On Dec 22, 10:26 pm, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> >
> > > > --
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> > > > For options & help see
> > > > * Visit our other community at
> > > > * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.
> > > > * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
> > > OnDayOne...Newt2012.jpg
> > > 111KViewDownload
> > --
> > Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> > For options & help see
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Re: Crazy Uncle Ron And His Skin-Head/Neo Nazi Supporters
Now You have it!
Don't kid yourself, the media is slanted in favor of liberals,
socialists, communists, Israel and Judaism. If you think Crazy
Uncle Ron
is going to get a pass, you're dead wrong!
he doesn't need a pass
Just as important, Crazy Uncle Ron broke the 11th Commandment. He
trashed a fellow conservative, broadcasting and paying for commercials
Iowa that were not truthful and at the very least, misleading. For
abomination, the gloves come off and Crazy Uncle Ron has to stand on
hypocritical own two feet.
he's standing tall for a short guy
Let the chips fall where they may, but January and February are going
be very difficule months for Crazy Uncle Ron, mark my words!
he'll be fine
> <>wrote:
On Dec 23, 8:50 am, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> As Coach brought up yesterday, (and he was 100 % correct!) you got what
> you asked for. All of these weeks/months that Paul supporters have been
> bitching and complaining that Crazy Uncle Ron was not getting the news
> coverage that he was entitled to; well......Now You have it!
> Don't kid yourself, the media is slanted in favor of liberals,
> socialists, communists, Israel and Judaism. If you think Crazy Uncle Ron
> is going to get a pass, you're dead wrong!
> Just as important, Crazy Uncle Ron broke the 11th Commandment. He
> trashed a fellow conservative, broadcasting and paying for commercials in
> Iowa that were not truthful and at the very least, misleading. For this
> abomination, the gloves come off and Crazy Uncle Ron has to stand on his
> hypocritical own two feet.
> Let the chips fall where they may, but January and February are going to
> be very difficule months for Crazy Uncle Ron, mark my words!
> On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 8:39 AM, plainolamerican
>> > For options & help see
> > typical jewish attack on RP
> > On Dec 22, 10:26 pm, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> > >
> > --
> > Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> > * Visit our other community at
> > * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.> OnDayOne...Newt2012.jpg
> > * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
> 111KViewDownload
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Re: Crazy Uncle Ron And His Skin-Head/Neo Nazi Supporters
Don't kid yourself, the media is slanted in favor of liberals,
socialists, communists, Israel and Judaism. If you think Crazy
Uncle Ron
is going to get a pass, you're dead wrong!
he doesn't need a pass
Just as important, Crazy Uncle Ron broke the 11th Commandment. He
trashed a fellow conservative, broadcasting and paying for commercials
Iowa that were not truthful and at the very least, misleading. For
abomination, the gloves come off and Crazy Uncle Ron has to stand on
hypocritical own two feet.
he's standing tall for a short guy
Let the chips fall where they may, but January and February are going
be very difficule months for Crazy Uncle Ron, mark my words!
he'll be fine
On Dec 23, 8:50 am, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> As Coach brought up yesterday, (and he was 100 % correct!) you got what
> you asked for. All of these weeks/months that Paul supporters have been
> bitching and complaining that Crazy Uncle Ron was not getting the news
> coverage that he was entitled to; well......Now You have it!
> Don't kid yourself, the media is slanted in favor of liberals,
> socialists, communists, Israel and Judaism. If you think Crazy Uncle Ron
> is going to get a pass, you're dead wrong!
> Just as important, Crazy Uncle Ron broke the 11th Commandment. He
> trashed a fellow conservative, broadcasting and paying for commercials in
> Iowa that were not truthful and at the very least, misleading. For this
> abomination, the gloves come off and Crazy Uncle Ron has to stand on his
> hypocritical own two feet.
> Let the chips fall where they may, but January and February are going to
> be very difficule months for Crazy Uncle Ron, mark my words!
> On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 8:39 AM, plainolamerican
> <>wrote:
> > typical jewish attack on RP
> > On Dec 22, 10:26 pm, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> > >
> > --
> > Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> > For options & help see
> > * Visit our other community at
> > * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.
> > * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
> OnDayOne...Newt2012.jpg
> 111KViewDownload
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Gingrich and his ‘nice’ strategy are under fire from attack ads in Iowa
Gingrich and his 'nice' strategy are under fire from attack ads in Iowa
By Amy Gardner, Published: December 22
KNOXVILLE, Iowa The unorthodoxy of Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign will either make or break him, and it will happen in Iowa, where he is bleeding support under a hail of harsh TV advertising from opponents and their allies.
Gingrich's answer to the barrage has been to try to stay "nice." It's a strategy that not only defies the former House speaker's instinct for combat but also is producing uncertain results as it is pitted against the proven effectiveness of negative ads particularly the millions of dollars' worth that are piping through Iowa televisions in these final two weeks before the Jan. 3 caucuses.
Staying positive is not the only way in which Gingrich is following an unconventional script. Until this month, Gingrich's campaign staff featured virtually no one who had worked on a presidential campaign.
The candidate expresses his disdain for paid consultants every chance he gets. He celebrates the young man from Topeka who runs the candidate's Twitter feeds from the counter of his father's auto-repair shop and the social-media executive from California who moonlights in charge of Gingrich's Facebook page.
Most of all, Gingrich relies on his own instinct, an almost religious faith that even without a traditional campaign operation his knowledge, experience and way with words will carry the day.
The danger for him is taking it too far.
'I need your help'
Gingrich's resolve to fight the Iowa advertising onslaught by staying positive puts that confidence on vivid display even as it displays the risks. The approach dominated his appearances during a three-day swing through Iowa this week and steered him away from his message of bringing years of conservative leadership to the tasks of fixing the economy and Washington.
"I want to do this based on positive ideas, not on negative campaigning, and I need your help to make that work," Gingrich told a crowd of about 100 supporters at the Swamp Fox Pub here this week. "If somebody wanted to create 'Iowans for a Positive Campaign,' I think the number of people who would join it overnight would be amazing."
The displays have made his aides increasingly nervous and prompted some to urge him to get back on script. But Gingrich is doing what he thinks he has to do to survive. His campaign shot to the top of the polls last month after spending much of the year at the back of the pack. He and an independent committee supporting him are playing catch-up to build the organization and raise the money they need to stand up to the assault. Meanwhile, a series of public polls show Gingrich's position slipping in the midst of the barrage of ads.
The attacks have flooded the airwaves in ads paid for by the campaigns of Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.), as well as an independent super PAC supporting former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. Among the topics: Gingrich's acceptance of $1.6 million in payment from federally backed mortgage giant Freddie Mac; his support for taxpayer funding of "some abortions"; and the ethics investigation of him when he was speaker about his use of tax-exempt funds for a partisan educational program.
Gingrich has pushed back hard against the charges, which he says are untrue. After a town hall at a heavy-equipment plant in Ottumwa this week, he held a lengthy news conference in which he called upon his chief rival, Romney, to publicly repudiate the ads being aired by "Restore Our Future," an independent committee run by Romney's supporters. Romney has declined to do so, arguing that the law prohibits him from communicating with the independent group.
Gingrich fights back
A few times, Gingrich's resolve to stay positive has crumbled.
In New Hampshire last week, he lashed back at Romney's call for him to return his pay from Freddie Mac by describing the "millions" Romney earned "bankrupting companies" and laying off workers while a businessman at Bain Capital. This week in Iowa, Gingrich called Romney "purely dishonest" for saying that he couldn't stop the independent PAC from running negative ads against him.
Gingrich seemed to revel in the chance to scuffle verbally with Romney. He added flourishes to his argument with each successive campaign stop, as if resorting to a familiar set of behaviors and offering a potentially damaging reminder to voters of his long history as a combative and partisan House speaker.
Gingrich could be doomed no matter what he does; modern American political history reveals that negative ads work, and whether the response is positive or negative, it's difficult if not impossible to compete with the volume of attacks coming down on Gingrich.
"Negative still works pretty well," said Democratic consultant Joe Trippi, who watched his client in 2004, former Vermont governor Howard Dean, succumb to a similar barrage in Iowa after taking the lead in the race. "You can't fight it. It's not enough to push back whether it's all positive or calling them all liars [Gingrich] doesn't have enough up to push against it."
Emotional appeal to voters
Trippi offered one caveat, however, which is that Gingrich's long-standing relationship with voters could inoculate him against some of the charges. Additionally, Gingrich is making an emotional appeal that could work in Iowa, where a heavily evangelical Republican electorate may be open to his request for forgiveness regarding some of the "baggage" that his opponents are pointing out in detail.
"Every Sunday, I preach that we're all born into sin," said Jim Stogdill, pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church in Johnston, Iowa, outside Des Moines. "That makes us all equal. So if that's the case, and we're going to apply that to this race, then why is this such a big deal? Either they don't understand forgiveness or they're not Christian. It's interesting that Christians who believe in Christ don't apply that to the people in their everyday lives."
Stogdill had just listened to J.C. Watts, the former Oklahoma congressman and perhaps most prominent Gingrich supporter, defend his friend over breakfast with a group of pastors. Watts spent two days in Iowa this week meeting with business leaders and pastors and not only making the case that some of the charges are false but also appealing to his audience's Christian faith in forgiving Gingrich for having made mistakes.
"When people make mistakes you shouldn't run from them, you run to them," Watts said. "That's more the ministry part of me. We tend to kind of seclude ourselves from people that need our help the most, when they're in the most trouble. And Newt and I, I haven't always agreed with him, but I never disliked him. We always remained friends."
Watts added that Gingrich's opponents Romney, Perry and Rep. Michele Bachmann (Minn.), for instance aren't perfect either. "I could show you flaws in all of them," he said.
Gingrich is using the "nice" card in other ways. He has pushed his wife, Callista, to play a more active role on the campaign trail, where she has opened up more about her love for music and her Midwestern roots. (She grew up in Wisconsin and attended Luther College in Decorah, Iowa.) The Gingriches also appear i n an ad together, in which the candidate prays for "peace and brotherhood." Already playing on the Internet, the ad will air on TV stations across Iowa on Friday.
Staff writer Karen Tumulty in Washington contributed to this report.
Ron Paul rising
Ron Paul rising
Ilana Mercer
Posted: December 22, 2011
As of this writing, Rep. Ron Paul -- the ultimate outsider and quintessential anti-establishment presidential candidate -- is the favorite to win the Iowa caucuses, scheduled to take place on Jan. 3, 2012.
Polls such as Insider Advantage and Public Policy Polling place Paul in the lead, at 23 and 24 percent respectively, to Mitt Romney's 20 percent and Newt Gingrich's 14 percent. From ignoring Rep. Paul, the Republican Party establishment and mainstream media have moved to strategizing on how to discount his lead, and likely win, in Iowa.
Especially exercised is the Republican Party of Iowa. Its functionaries seem willing to delegitimize Iowa poll results – and the importance of the Iowa caucuses as harbingers of things to come in the national convention – if these don't fall in line with the party line. Apparently, caucus-goers, who dare to "reward" candidates "who are unrepresentative of the broader party," deserve to be discredited.
What Grand Old Party apparatchiks cannot accept is that voters are coming around to reality dictated truths. And when "[t]hings fall apart; the center cannot hold."
Against this backdrop, I was interviewed, on Dec. 15 by the Russia Today television network, a broadcaster that does not abide herd behavior. Topics covered: The rise of Ron Paul, his rivals and the representative's chances of parlaying his accomplishments in Iowa (to be repeated, we hope, in the Granite State and South Carolina) into a national win.
Re: Crazy Uncle Ron And His Skin-Head/Neo Nazi Supporters
typical jewish attack on RP
On Dec 22, 10:26 pm, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
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How the National Defense Authorization Act Conflicts with the Constitution
How the National Defense Authorization Act Conflicts with the Constitution
Thursday, 22 December 2011 08:26
Dennis Behreandt
The National Defense Authorization Act that has now passed both the House and the Senate contains provisions authorizing the indefinite military detainment of anyone, even of U.S. citizens, anywhere, even within the borders of the United States, at any time as long as the President has declared them to be supporters of terrorism. What, exactly, might constitute "support" is largely undefined, opening up, and almost certainly guaranteeing, that at some point abuses and political persecution will occur.
Salon's Glenn Greenwald concurs on this point. In a December 16 review of the measure's detainment provisions, he noted: "It allows the President to target not only those who helped perpetrate the 9/11 attacks or those who harbored them, but also: anyone who 'substantially supports' such groups and/or 'associated forces.' Those are extremely vague terms subject to wild and obvious levels of abuse…."
These provisions attack both the core of American political philosophy as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the legal framework of government as established by the Constitution in several of its parts.
The list of fundamental political and legal doctrines and Constitutional provisions undermined by the detainment provisions of the current NDAA include:
- The Declaration of Independence which says: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men...." Needless to say, the detainee provisions authorizing the indefinite detention of those merely accused and not convicted of a crime conflict rather directly with Jefferson's straightforward description of the natural right to liberty.
- The preamble to the United States Constitution which says: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Indefinite military detainment without trial undermines the attempt of the Constitution to "establish Justice" as there, by definition, can be no justice in the indefinite detainment of those who have been accused but not convicted by a jury of their peers of a crime. Additionally, it damages "domestic Tranquility" by setting the government against the rights and freedoms of the people and it creates the conditions for the erasure of the "Blessings of Liberty."
- Article I., Section 9 of the Constitution says: "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it." The "Writ of Habeas Corpus" is used to protect the imprisoned from indefinite, secret detention. Because this writ exists and is protected by the U.S. Constitution, government cannot secretly and indefinitely hold a prisoner. According to the Cornell University Law School, "a writ of habeas corpus is used to bring a prisoner or other detainee (e.g. institutionalized mental patient) before the court to determine if the person's imprisonment or detention is lawful." The writ of Habeas corpus would appear to be suspended by the current NDAA legislation.
- Article III., Section 2 of the Constitution says: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court." By allowing the indefinite detention of citizens without trial, the current Act appears to circumvent the Constitutional requirement that those accused of treason be convicted of their crime and that conviction requires at least two witnesses or a confession in open court. The NDAA does this by not requiring court at all. An accusation alone will be sufficient to trigger indefinite incarceration.
- The First Amendment to the Constitution states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." If nothing more than an accusation of support for terrorism is enough to justify indefinite military detention, will that not have a chilling effect on political speech? Further, what does "support for terrorism" mean, exactly? As the definition remains elastic, this opens the door for any future administration to declare its political opponents to be supporters of terrorism, and to thereby make speech supporting them illegal. Perhaps a Republican administration would do that to the Democrats. More likely, Democrats would proscribe the Tea Party movement and the alternative media, or Republicans would proscribe the Occupy Wall Street movement.
- The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution states: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." The Fourth Amendment has been systematically dismantled by both the Bush administration and the Obama administration. Americans are monitored and searched regularly, from pat downs at and scans at airports and NFL stadiums to sobriety checkpoints on roadways, to government use of tracking technology using mobile devices and GPS trackers surreptitiously affixed to victim's cars. The provisions in the NDAA would seem to build on the trend. If a suspect can be indefinitely held without trial, what need is there for search warrants and probable cause?
- The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution states: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." Obviously, the detainment provisions of the NDAA are completely at odds with the Fifth Amendment. The measure does not require the indictment of a grand jury and makes no pretense to due process of law before depriving a suspect of liberty.
- The Sixth Amendment to the Constitution states: "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense." The Sixth Amendment is completely overthrown by the NDAA. It states, quite to the contrary of the Sixth Amendment, that those accused may be detained "under the law of war without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force." Clearly the implication is that the accused in such situations will likewise have the other rights guaranteed by this amendment stripped from them as well.
That a single measure offering such a thorough savaging of the Constitution can be produced and broadly supported by both Houses of the U.S. Congress, a body supposedly composed of men and women sworn to uphold the Constitution, is a singular and noteworthy "achievement." From the point of respect for basic natural, human rights, this year's National Defense Authorization Act is an historic low point.
Summarizing the general consensus that is forming about the dangers represented by the bill, writing for legal analysis site, Joanne Mariner, director of Hunter College's Human Rights Program, concluded, "nearly every provision in subtitle D [dealing with detainment] is objectionable from the standpoint of human rights and civil liberties."
Voters leaving Republican, Democratic parties in droves
Voters leaving Republican, Democratic parties in droves
By Richard Wolf, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON – More than 2.5 million voters have left the Democratic and Republican parties since the 2008 elections, while the number of independent voters continues to grow.
A USA TODAY analysis of state voter registration statistics shows registered Democrats declined in 25 of the 28 states that register voters by party. Republicans dipped in 21 states, while independents increased in 18 states.
The trend is acute in states that are key to next year's presidential race. In the eight swing states that register voters by party, Democrats' registration is down by 800,000 and Republicans' by 350,000. Independents have gained 325,000.
The pattern continues a decades-long trend that has seen a diminution in the power of political parties, giving rise to independents as Ross Perot and Ralph Nader and the popularity this year of libertarian Republican Ron Paul.
"The strident voices of both the left and the right have sort of soured people from saying willingly that they belong to one party or the other," says Doug Lewis, who represents state elections officials. "If both sides call each other scurrilous dogs, then the public believes that both sides are probably scurrilous dogs."
Registered Democrats still dominate the political playing field with more than 42 million voters, compared to 30 million Republicans and 24 million independents. But Democrats have lost the most 1.7 million, or 3.9%, from 2008.
Democratic registration has fared worse than Republicans in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina and Pennsylvania the eight swing states with party registration. Republican losses are biggest in Nevada, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania.
The decline is due to a variety of factors. People move, people die, people revolt in disgust. Many are stripped from registration rolls by states seeking to remove inactive voters.
By contrast, the number of independents has grown for years and is up more than 400,000 since 2008, or 1.7%. States with big gains: Colorado, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona, a possible target for President Obama in 2012.
The 2012 winner, says North Carolina elections director Gary Bartlett, will be "whoever is attractive to the unaffiliated voter."
Re: Stormfront Endorses Crazy Uncle Ron
the only comment:
J.t. Williams · Top Commenter · Northern Illinois University
just disgusting, Dev Meyers. And you quote some youtube idiot?
fascists for Ron Paul? That makes no sense whatsoever..
On Dec 22, 10:15 pm, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
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Re: Crazy Uncle Ron And His Skin-Head/Neo Nazi Supporters
On Dec 22, 10:26 pm, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
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Mainstream American Media Protecting CAIR
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Christmas funnies.
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