Friday, March 23, 2012
United State’s New Hero ~ Vladimir Putin: Russia Issues Arrest Warrant For Rothschild Henchman & Leftist Savior George Soros!
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Re: Hold the American political system accountable for the Financial Crisis and Congressional Collusion
Eliot Spitzer, Matt Taibbi, Van Jones: Superstar Lineup Tackles
Financial Crisis and Congressional Collusion
An unprecedented live-streaming event on March 27th brings together
some of the hottest critics of our political and economic system.
March 22, 2012 | Advertisement The public conversation about the
incestuous and nefarious links between congressional financial
deregulation and Wall Street greed, which produced the fiasco known as
the Great Recession of 2007, is about to get much hotter next week.
The NYC-based Culture Project, known for cutting-edge theater
productions like the powerful The Exonerated and the brilliant Bridge
and Tunnel, featuring the multi-talented Sarah Jones, will blend
theater, journalism and some of the sharpest tongues in public life,
to help hold the American political system accountable.
On Tuesday, March 27 you can watch a live-stream from Georgetown
University featuring the verbal pyrotechnics of Eliot Spitzer, former
governor of New York; Matt Taibbi, the journalist best known for
documenting the obscene behavior of Goldman Sachs; Van Jones, the
honcho behind Rebuild the American Dream; Heather McGhee of Washington
Demos; best-selling author Ron Suskind; and OWS activist Jesse La
Greca. Hosting this powerhouse lineup is the indefatigable Dylan
Ratigan, who skewers the failures of the corporate system everyday
from his perch at MSNBC.
The Culture Project's strategy is to motivate as many high-traffic
news sites on the web as possible to offer the live-streaming, as well
as build a mass audience of viewers via Fora TV, at 7pm EDT. Here is
the link. Save it. Remember to watch. This will be a unique event.
The Culture Project, which normally addresses human rights issues by
featuring artistic work that amplifies marginal voices, is going the
other direction here. The group is investing time and resources to
produce public events where some of the most prominent voices of
dissent offer a high-level, sophisticated critique of the system's
failures. By engaging top-of-the-line thinkers, who know the
intricacies of how and why the system broke down, we will learn the
necessary economic and policy fixes. And learn we must -- before we
find ourselves even deeper in the weeds of unemployment, underwater
mortgages and the vast gap between the 1 percent and the rest of
For more information visit
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Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
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Re: VICTORY! Repeal of Marriage Equality DEFEATED in New Hampshire
On Thursday, March 22, 2012 10:39:04 AM UTC-4, GregfromBoston wrote:
The Republican controlled Assembly, by the way.--
On Wednesday, March 21, 2012 6:47:15 PM UTC-4, Tommy News wrote:VICTORY! Repeal of Marriage Equality DEFEATED in New Hampshire
Marriage Equality Repeal DEFEATED in New HampshireMarriage Equality USA Volunteers staffed over 50 phone banks;
Called over 10,000 residentsToday was a great day!
By a vote of 211 to 116, the New Hampshire state Assembly DEFEATED a
bill that would have repealed marriage equality in the Granite State.
A huge thank you to all of our volunteers and supporters! Whether you
donated $25 to fund our efforts or staffed one of our four weekly
phone banks, it is because of you that we have achieved this victory.
In addition, none our success is ever achieved alone and so we give
huge congratulations to the work of all our partners in the Standing
Up for New Hampshire Families Coalition - we are excited to have been
able to work together on this.
While we congratulate and celebrate today, Marriage Equality continues
to gear up for the upcoming fights across the country. We will
continue to reach out to engage in states from coast to coast where
our opponents are trying to pass legislation, ballot measures and
constitutional amendments to deny our families the equal protection
they deserve.
With your support we will continue successes like this and I thank you
in advance for your commitment today to help our nationwide efforts.Let's keep the momentum growing and celebrate with our friends and
family in New Hampshire!
In Solidarity,Brian Silva
Executive Director
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
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Roger Stone, Former Nixon Hit Man, Now a Libertarian
Roger Stone, Former Nixon Hit Man, Now a Libertarian
Written by Bob Adelmann
Wednesday, 14 March 2012 15:18
In a note to his readers on February 15th Roger Stone (left) announced his resignation from the Republican Party, changing his voter registration to the Libertarian Party. A self-proclaimed "GOP hit-man," Stone became involved in politics in his teens, working for President Nixon's reelection campaign in 1972 (known as the Committee to Re-elect the President, or CREEP), serving as the National Director of Youth for Reagan in 1976 and then as the Young Republican National Chairman from 1977 to 1979. He worked for the Reagan presidential campaign in 1980 and in 1984 and then for Jack Kemp's campaign for president in 1988.
In so doing Stone left behind a legacy of political dirty tricks and outrageous shenanigans that in some cases altered American political history. He was born with the ability to observe a situation and then see how to take advantage of it. In the first grade his first political trick was to support John F. Kennedy in his campaign against Nixon in 1960. He brags: "I remember going through the cafeteria line and telling every kid that Nixon was in favor of school on Saturdays. It was my first political trick." When he ran for election as president of his high school senior class he said he "built alliances and put all my serious challengers on my ticket. Then I recruited the most unpopular guy in the school to run against me. You think that's mean? No, it's smart!"
He saw an opportunity for another trick during Nixon's campaign in 1972. He adopted the name Jason Rainer and made contributions in the name of the Young Socialist Alliance to Pete McCloskey's campaign (McCloskey was Nixon's challenger in the primary). He then sent the receipt to the Manchester Union Leader to "prove" that McCloskey was in fact a left-wing stooge.
Later on Stone hired a GOP staffer, gave him the pseudonym Sedan Chair II, who wound up serving as George McGovern's chauffeur creating in information pipeline directly to the Nixon campaign.
Perhaps the most outrageous, and historically important, of Stone's tricks, known as the "Brooks Brothers riot," took place in Miami-Dade County, Florida on November 21st, 2000, during the recount of ballots in the Presidential election. The Florida Supreme Court had just ruled in favor of Al Gore to allow a recount but it had to be completed by November 26th. Stone saw his opportunity to delay the recount until after the 26th by bringing in GOP staffers to protest the recount. In an interview with The New Yorker magazine, Stone told what happened:
The whole idea behind what [we] were doing was that there had already been one recount of the votes so we [the Bush campaign] didn't want another. The idea was to shut it down, stop the recount here in Miami…
We set up a Winnebago trailer. I set up my command center. I had walkie-talkies and cell phones and I was in touch with our people in the building. Our whole idea was to shut the recount down. That was why we were there…
There was a Brooks Brothers contingent [people dressed to look like business executives in Brooks Brothers clothing] but the crowd in front of the courthouse was largely Spanish…
The resulting confrontation led to riots which prompted the recount officials to stop the recount, depriving Gore of his best opportunity to overtake Bush in the narrow Florida, and national, vote.
Stone's initial support of George W. Bush began to fade, expressing his dissatisfaction to Benjamin Sarlin after the elections in November, 2008:
I think across the board he's led the party to its current position, which means losing both houses of congress and now the White House. How can you be conservative and justify wiretapping people without a warrant? We're supposed to be the party of personal freedom and civil liberties. Big brother listening in on your phone calls -- I got a problem with that.
In his letter outlining his reasons for leaving the Republican Party, Stone noted: "Sadly the difference between the two major parties has become rhetorical. Under the Democrats you're going to hell. Under the Republicans you are still going to hell but you are going more slowly." He added:
To real conservatives the freedom of the individual is paramount. No one should be able to tell you what you can eat, drink, smoke, or marry, or what kind of gun you can own. We don't want to be snooped on by an all-knowing big brother government. That is the essence of liberty. The Republican Party has become both a party of big government but also an authoritarian party that would tell us how to live…
The Libertarian Party stands for both economic and personal freedom. Libertarians oppose spending, debt, taxes, big government, and costly foreign wars where our national interests are not clear. We support a woman's right to choose an abortion, gay marriage equality, and the legalization of marijuana.
The Ron Paul revolution shows me a Libertarian moment is coming. It will gather momentum in 2012 and most likely manifest itself in 2016. Ron Paul's incredibly strong support among young voters is the tip-off. American voters have never been offered a presidential candidate who took conservative positions on fiscal issues like spending, debt, and taxes, while taking freedom-based (i.e. liberal) positions on choice, gay marriage, and drug-law reform. This is clearly where a majority of Americans are.
Stone apparently makes no distinction between the constitutionalist libertarian, Dr. Ron Paul, who would leave social and moral issues to the states, and those more liberal libertarians adamantly opposed to any regulation of personal behavior, even at the local level.
Re: Mitt Romney's Etch-A-Sketch Disaster
at you "one thing at a time" not being distracted from the task at
On Mar 23, 9:38 am, Tommy News <> wrote:
> Mitt Romney's Etch-A-Sketch Disaster
> A turnaround Etch-A-Sketch guy. With Flip Flops. -T
> By Joe Klein |Time| March 22, 2012
> I've been thinking about this all night: Eric Fehrnstrom's Etch A
> Sketch gaffe yesterday may go well beyond a momentary embarrassment
> and become a campaign-defining disaster, much as John Kerry's "I voted
> for it before I voted against it" gaffe -- which came at almost
> exactly the same point in that campaign, as Kerry locked down the
> nomination -- was in 2004. This is true for several reasons:1. Most
> obviously, this was a classic Kinsleyan gaffe -- an inadvertent
> blurting of the truth -- that goes to the very heart of the character
> problems that have bedeviled Mitt Romney throughout this campaign. It
> provides a handy prop for Romney's opponents and an obvious template
> for future TV ads. 2. It makes it much harder, perhaps impossible, for
> Romney to begin to tack back to the center to appeal to centrist
> voters, an absolute necessity for the fall campaign after the
> free-range extremism of the Republican primary. Every time Romney
> makes a move or even a head fake, it becomes an Etch A Sketch
> moment.3. There is a gestalt to every campaign, a deep organic spirit.
> Kerry's campaign was infected by the candidate's indecision about what
> to do regarding the war in Iraq. Bill Clinton's campaign was propelled
> by his native resilience. George W. Bush succeeded because of his
> gormless certitude. The Obama campaign's steadiness emanated from the
> candidate's no-drama persona. In Romney's case, this spirit expresses
> itself in embarrassing gaffes, often at the moment of victory -- and
> it reflects the sterile management-consultancy ethos at the heart of
> the candidate. In last week's issue of the New Yorker, Louis Menand
> had a terrific essay about how this ethos really is Romney's defining
> characteristic. A management consultant or private equity turnaround
> specialist can wipe the slate -- or Etch A Sketch -- clean and start
> anew with each new project. A political candidate can't. There has to
> be some passion for a presidential candidacy to work. Romney has none,
> just a deep abiding faith in his ability as a turnaround guy. A
> turnaround guy. Etch-A-Sketch.
> A turnaround Etch-A-Sketch guy. With Flip Flops. -T
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy
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Ron Paul’s Delegate Strategy May Be Working
Ron Paul's Delegate Strategy May Be Working
by Kenn Jacobine
There is an interesting analysis article over at Real Clear Politics that lays out a scenario whereby the August Republican National Convention evolves into the worst nightmare imaginable for party officials – a brokered convention. Based on how Republican candidates for president have done so far with different demographics and regions of the country, Sean Trende predicts how the race for the Republican nomination may play out and lays out a scenario where a brokered Republican convention could take place.
Now, it's no secret that a brokered convention would be a catastrophe for Republican Party leaders used to grand coronations at their quadrennial national party events. After all, anything could happen. Chaos could rule or a dark horse candidate not officially sanctioned by the party oligarchs could emerge. In either case their lack of control would disrupt the usual smooth proceedings meant to portray to the nation a party united, happy, and excited about its standard bearer.
Given his campaign's strategy of focusing on caucuses and out hustling his rivals at local, county, and state conventions nationwide the main beneficiary of a brokered convention would be Texas Congressman Ron Paul. The fact of the matter is that most Americans do not get involved in politics. Many rightly view it as an ugly, corrupt business. Others are too busy following American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, or the latest escapades of Lindsay Lohan. While others would rather leave it to the professionals. But, Ron Paul supporters are different. They may not outnumber the supporters of other candidates, but they are hungrier and more dedicated to their principles. They are much more willing to show up, outlast, and fight for delegate positions than the supporters of rival candidates. These attributes seem to be paying dividends for the Paul campaign at least in the early stages of the delegate selection process.
In Iowa, Ron Paul supporters have become delegates for other candidates. Under party rules, if the convention is brokered at some point those delegates could be eligible to throw their support behind Dr. Paul.
In Georgia, Paul forces took over or as local GOP officials called it "hijacked" the DeKalb County delegate-selection convention in eastern metropolitan Atlanta. They also missed by a whisker doing the same thing in populous Cobb County.
And in Clark County, Nevada, home to Las Vegas, at the county GOP convention made up of over 2600 delegates, Paul supporters organized and triumphed by electing Paulites to all 14 seats on the ballot for county GOP executive committee board. These 14 new members of the board will make up two-thirds of the ruling body. Consequently, that county's GOP platform now calls for holding elected officials to their oath to the Constitution, repeal of the 16th Amendment, and a full audit of the Federal Reserve.
The process of selecting delegates in most states is in the early stages. There will be multiple stories like the ones mentioned above. Ultimately, there may be a brokered Republican convention in August. Then again, there may not be. Ron Paul may not get the GOP nomination for president in 2012, but whoever does will be leading a party much different from the one that exists today. It will include delegates to the national convention, activists, and party officials who support a non-interventionist foreign policy, sound money, and civil liberties. You talk about a nightmare for the party oligarchs!
Re: 10 Most Obscene Lifestyles Choices
On Mar 23, 9:52 am, Tommy News <> wrote:
> 10 Most Obscene Lifestyles Choices of America's 1% Elite
> Complaining about having to do their own dishes, or bragging about
> $800,000 car garages, the 1 percenters are all but screaming "let them
> eat cake" from the ramparts.
> March 21, 2012 |
> As the unemployment rate still sits above 8 percent, and one
> in three Americans struggles to afford medical bills, even the
> filthiest of filthy rich presidential candidates is at least
> pretending to empathize with the average American. Granted, they
> sometimes slip up and expose just how wealthy they are — but at least
> they are trying.
> The same cannot be said of some of these candidates' cronies in the 1
> percent. Whether complaining about having to do their own dishes, or
> bragging about their car garages costing more than the average
> American makes in a lifetime, the 1 percenters are all but screaming
> "let them eat cake" from the ramparts. Here are 10 particularly
> egregious examples from the last few months.
> 1. Bankers Struggle at Washing Dishes
> Most of us probably think a $75,000 annual salary is a pretty good
> deal in a nation where the average household income is far below that.
> Most of us also probably think that doing one's own dishes is not a
> form of economic persecution. But, then, most of us don't work on Wall
> Street.
> In a pair of must-reads, New York magazine and Bloomberg News
> sympathetically quoted financial industry workers complaining about
> the crushing pain of life on Wall Street in the era of the slightly
> smaller bonuses.
> The former article quotes an investment banker lamenting that the
> average $125,000 bonus – which comes on top of an annual salary – is
> "only," after taxes, about "what, $75,000?"
> "My girlfriend likes to eat good food," he complained. "It all adds up
> really quick. A taxi here, another taxi there. I just bought an
> apartment, so now I have a big old mortgage bill."
> In the Bloomberg piece, Andrew Schiff, who makes $350,000 a year,
> complains that after renting a second Connecticut vacation house for a
> full month every year and shelling out $32,000 a year on his child's
> elite private school, he now "only" gets to "bring home less than
> $200,000 after taxes, health-insurance and 401(k) contributions."
> "I can't imagine what I'm going to do," he says. "I'm crammed into
> 1,200 square feet. I don't have a dishwasher. We do all our dishes by
> hand."
> 2. Penthouse Parking
> The price of a regular, nondescript parking spot in New York City can
> be more than a monthly mortgage payment in many parts of America. But
> simply having a car in a subway-connected city is apparently not
> enough for some of the super-rich. As the New York Times reports, some
> of them need to have their car parked on the same floor as their
> lavish penthouse apartments.
> In the apartment building the Times profiles, domiciles go for $7
> million a year, including a 300-square-foot "en suite sky garage" that
> "would be valued at more than $800,000 if priced at the same rate per
> square foot as the rest of the apartment." No doubt, the view from the
> garage is so good, the car's owner can see the vast swaths of the
> city's outer boroughs — the places where people are lucky to make
> $800,000 in their entire lifetimes.
> 3. Wanted: More Influence in Washington
> By any honest measure — size of taxpayer bailouts, amount of campaign
> contributions, number of lobbyists, record of policymaking successes —
> the financial industry is all-powerful in American politics. When the
> Street says jump, politicians in both parties ask "how high," and then
> typically send a river of taxpayer dollars toward lower Manhattan.
> Somehow, though, this isn't enough.
> In January, Bloomberg/Businessweek breathlessly touted Wall Street
> analyst Brad Hintz who insisted that Wall Street isn't "very powerful
> at all" in Washington. That was followed up in March, when billionaire
> hedge fund manager Ken Griffin told the Chicago Tribune that the
> super-wealthy "have an insufficient influence" over politics, and that
> his fellow 1 percenters "have a duty now to step up and protect" their
> power "not for themselves, but for their kids and for their
> grandchildren and for the person down the street that they don't even
> know." (Note: Griffin almost certainly wasn't referring to regular
> middle-class folks. Thanks to gated communities and economically
> segregated housing patterns, the people "down the street" whom 1
> percenters like him "don't even know" are all but guaranteed to be
> fellow 1 percenters.)
> Pretending Wall Street is a victim rather than a conqueror is a smart
> political move: It justifies continued pillaging by America's
> financial conquistadors. But implicitly, this particular rhetorical
> device is a stealthy form of "let them eat cake" trash talk – it rubs
> the elite's breathtaking dominance in everyone else's face. After all,
> if the financial Masters of the Universe aren't "very powerful at all"
> and have "insufficient influence" over politics, what does that say
> about the sheer powerlessness of us lowly peons?
> 4. The 3-Day, 94-Room Aspen Bat Mitzvah
> There's something more than a little gross about renting out an entire
> Aspen hotel for your kid's three-day bat mitzvah extravaganza.
> Especially if you also happen to be a Goldman Sachs executive whose
> schemes ripped off thousands of people and destroyed Bear Stearns.
> That's what happened, of course, back in January when Jeffrey
> Verschleiser rented out Aspen's Hotel Jerome. As Rolling Stone's Matt
> Taibbi notes, Verschleiser "is one of the biggest assholes in the
> entire world," having once run Bear's mortgage-backed securities
> division.
> "At a time when one in four Americans has zero or negative net worth,
> renting a 94-room hotel for three days for a tweenager party might
> already be pushing the edge of the good taste/tact envelope," Taibbi
> says. "Even for the most honest millionaire in Aspen, it would seem a
> little gauche. But for this burglarizing dickhead to do it? It's
> breathtaking. I hope he at least invited his bankrupted investors to
> the pool party."
> 5. The Oil Baron Who Hiked Tuition
> Bruce Benson is a wealthy man. He currently serves as the president of
> Colorado's university system. The state should have known better,
> however, than to put a former oilman and Republican Party chairman in
> charge of its students' well-being. Recently, he tried to quietly pass
> a 15 percent tuition increase in expedited fashion so as to avoid
> media scrutiny. He was in a rush because he knew such attention would
> uncover his decision to use last year's massive tuition hike to
> finance huge bonuses to CU administrators already making big money. He
> gave one administrator making $340,000 a year a one-year raise of
> $49,000. In all, Benson devoted a whopping 29 percent of the tuition
> increase to raises.
> When asked about all of this, he declared, "I've never heard a
> complaint from parents that tuition at CU is too high."
> 6. Toast of the Country Club
> Hedge funder Leon Cooperman recently circulated a screed to his
> friends on Wall Street decrying President Obama's refused to prosecute
> Wall Street crime, supported massive bailouts of Wall Street,
> cutsweetheart deals to immunize Wall Street from litigation, and
> shepherded Bush tax cuts for the wealthy through Congress.
> Setting aside Cooperman's glaring omissions, his sheer paternalism is
> something to behold. In his world, the super-rich might deign to
> "help" the "downtrodden" – but only if the downtrodden shut up, get in
> line and understand that "you'll get more out of me if you treat me
> with respect," as he told
> 7. Bankers: Heroes of a New Civil Rights Movement?
> Back in 2009, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein insisted that in
> foreclosing on homeowners, scamming pensioners and ripping off
> shareholders, bailed-out bankers are "doing God's work." In this
> portrait of the moral crusader, Wall Streeters are righteous fighters
> for all that is Right and Good.
> The risk of "God's work," of course, is that you may be martyred – a
> concern deeply felt by J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon. Appearing on Fox
> Business in January, Dimon said that criticism of Wall Street
> represented "a form of discrimination that should be stopped."
> Between Blankfein and Dimon, the twisted picture is now complete: Wall
> Streeters aren't villains – on the contrary, they would have us
> believe they embody the new civil rights movement and that their
> critics are the evil Bull Connors.
> 8. The Sears CEO's New Versailles
> Any news story that references Versailles in a non-ironic way must be
> included in Salon's regular "let them eat cake" feature. As the
> Huffington Post reports (emphasis added):
> While Sears downsizes and lays off employees, company chairman Edward
> Lampert is buying a sprawling estate on a semi-private island.
> The billionaire hedge fund manager and chairman of Sears Holdings
> Corp. is reportedly set to close on a $40 million estate with seven
> bedrooms and Versailles-style reflection pools on Indian Creek Island,
> north of Miami. Meanwhile Sears is selling off 1,200 stores and
> closing 100 to 120 for good, with Florida seeing the most closings of
> any state.
> In case you were wondering, the Wall Street Journal reports that the
> $40 million price tag will "set a record for a single-family home in
> the (Miami-Dade) county."
> 9. Recoup at the Ritz
> Hospital bills ruin the financial fortunes of many middle-class
> Americans, but for the rich a trip to the emergency room can
> practically be a vacation. As the New York Times reports under the
> non-ironic headline "Chefs, Butlers, Marble Baths: Hospitals Vie for
> the Affluent":
> The bed linens were by Frette, Italian purveyors of high-thread-count
> sheets to popes and princes. The bathroom gleamed with polished
> marble. Huge windows displayed panoramic East River views. And in the
> hush of her $2,400 suite, a man in a black vest and tie proffered an
> elaborate menu and told her, "I'll be your butler."
> It was Greenberg 14 South, the elite wing on the new penthouse floor
> of NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell hospital. Pampering and décor to
> rival a grand hotel, if not a Downton Abbey, have long been the
> hallmark of such "amenities units," often hidden behind closed doors
> at New York's premier hospitals. But the phenomenon is escalating here
> and around the country…"
> In other words, as the healthcare crisis gets worse for most people,
> America's healthcare system is focusing on a race to Ritz-Carlton-ize
> hospitals for the richest among us.
> 10. 1-Percent Glossy
> With poverty and economic inequality on the rise, you might think that
> more journalism resources would be devoted to covering those seminal
> issues. But, of course, you would be wrong. Newspapers, the
> traditional bastion of journalism focused on the 99 percent, are sadly
> planning with his new magazine called Bloomberg Pursuits.
> Its first edition features a man with not one but two Ferraris and
> will be "sent to an audience with an average annual household income
> of more than $450,000," according to the Times. That demographic
> represents the "tiny pocket of the print publishing world that is
> thriving, even as its mass-market counterparts face a slump in
> newsstand sales."
> For us 99 percenters, the only good news in the announcement of the
> magazine is that it won't be shoved directly in our faces. The
> publication's officials told the Times "[the magazine] wasn't worried
> that the conspicuous consumption celebrated in the magazine might seem
> tone-deaf" because "It's a very closed audience" and won't be on
> newsstands.
> Phew.
> More:
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy
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Re: Chris Wayne Beers, Conflicted Gay 38 Year Old Mormon, Commits Suicide
On Mar 23, 10:45 am, Tommy News <> wrote:
> In memory of Chris, I suggest that everyone watch the movie "Latter
> Days" this weekend. -Tommy
> Watch Here On Line:
> Chris Wayne Beers, Conflicted Gay 38 Year Old Mormon, Commits Suicide
> According to stories posted on several Mormon blogs, Chris Wayne
> Beers, a returned missionary and former LDS church employee, took his
> life on March 18. He was 38 years old. Funeral Services will be held
> Saturday, March 24
> Another gay man tragically lost to psychological pressure from the
> church and society
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
> Sorry for the dinner and lame title, but I don't feel like bring witty.
> This is so horrifically tragic. This beautiful man* must have suffered
> an unimaginable amount of self loathing to have come to his final
> decision. He lived his life 'right', as he was taught. He played
> football in high school, served and honorable mission, worked as an
> EFY coumselor, etc. He even worked in the belly of the beast at the
> COB, working in the Missionary and Travel departments, and was a
> friend to all. Yet he was not good enough for those who occupied they
> top floor suites and ran the church he apparently loved.
> The fact that he is a twin makes it even more poignant to me as the
> father of twins.
> I hope somebody gives a copy of his obituary to each member of the
> church leaders of the Q12 and 1st presidency. Until they recognize the
> intolerable amount of damage they cause, the blood of these people are
> on their hands. And I am convinced God will hold them responsible for
> the pain they cause.
> R. I. P., Chris Beers.
> *I am about a 2 on the Kinsey scale and am about as heterosexual as
> they come, but this guy was simply gorgeous. How many more brothers
> and sisters who surround us at church are thinking this is the only
> option left to them?
> Obituary Print Chris Wayne Beers | Visit Guest Book
> 1973 ~ 2012
> Our beloved son, brother and friend left us on March 18, 2012 at the age of 38.
> Chris was born on December 18, 1973 one minute before his twin brother
> Carrey in Bountiful, Utah. The son of Wayne and Uta Beers. He
> graduated from Woods Cross High where he played football and assisted
> in numerous sports. He served an honorable mission for the LDS Church.
> He later touched the lives of countless youth as an EFY counselor. He
> had a passion to travel the world and touched the lives of friends on
> 5 continents, always serving those he met on his trips. He loved and
> lived life to the fullest, always planning another adventure.
> Chris had a magnetic personality and all he met instantly became his
> friend. He had the ability to lighten the room with his amazing smile.
> If someone was in need Chris would find a way to meet and exceed that
> persons needs. He truly exemplified charity, the pure love of Christ.
> This love for all people carried over to his various jobs, where all
> knew and loved him. He loved the years he spent working at the Church
> office building in the missionary and travel departments. He loved
> associating with those whom he currently worked with at the U of U
> hospital. He had a great love for all of Gods creatures, especially
> his cats whom he loved dearly.
> Survivors include: Parents, Woods Cross; sisters, Debbie (Todd)
> Allred, Layton, Kim (Kirk) Bradford, Meridian, ID; brothers, Carrey
> (Missy) Beers, San Diego, CA; Willey (Emily) Beers, Logan; 16 nieces &
> nephews. He is preceded in death by his brother Jeff.
> Funeral Services will be held Saturday, March 24 at 11 am at the Woods
> Cross 3rd Ward Chapel, 1450 S. 350 W. Bountiful. Friends may call
> Friday evening from 6 - 8 pm at the Russon Brothers Mortuary, 295 N.
> Main, Bountiful and at the church Saturday from 9:30 - 10:30am prior
> to the services. Interment-Salt Lake City Cemetery. Friends & family
> may share their comments and stories
> More:
> In memory of Chris, I suggest that everyone watch the movie "Latter
> Days" this weekend. -Tommy
> Watch Here On Line:
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy
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Re: ObamaCare At Two:
age , 81, would have definitely precluded the surgery under Obamacare.
She has had the same private policy for 40+ years... she will NOT be
able to keep it after this year if Obamacare is allowed to stand.
Everyone over a certain age will be dropped and have to go on Medicaid/
Medicare... I guess this is where Obamacare insures all those "new"
people. Under Obamacare she would die a drug addict.
On Mar 23, 9:33 am, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> Where's all the compassionate Moonbats now? Where is
> Lil'MarxistMoonbatTommyTomTomForNews not on this story, and why isn't he
> screaming from the rooftops about how evil ObamaCare is?
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Keith In Tampa <>wrote:
> > Obamacare at two
> >
> > Democrats observed the second anniversary of Obamacare in silence
> > yesterday. Obamacare must really be a problem for them, because they're
> > yakking nonstop about everything else with a lower than usual ratio of
> > veracity to baloney. Charles Krauthammer provides a reckoning in his weekly
> > column, reminding us of a a few basic and important facts about Obamacare.
> > Krauthammer concludes: "Rarely has one law so exemplified the worst of the
> > Leviathan state — grotesque cost, questionable constitutionality and
> > arbitrary bureaucratic coerciveness." With the regulations implementing the
> > law being written and promulgated every day, it's getting worse all the
> > time. The 2012 elections provide a possible cure. We are going to have to
> > rescue ourselves from this nightmare.
> > Rush Limbaugh performed a public service this week by turning attention
> > back to one of the great moments in Obama's promotion of his signature
> > achievement. Just about everything Obama ever said to promote the law was a
> > falsehood of the Big Lie variety, but during the ABC Townhall on June 23,
> > 2009 (transcript at the link), he blurted out something like the essence of
> > Obamacare. Citizen Jane humbly asked her president:
> > JANE STURM: My mother is now over 105. But at 100, the doctors said to
> > her, "I can't do anything more unless you have a pacemaker." I said, "Go
> > for it." She said, "Go for it." But the specialist said, "No, she's too
> > old."
> > But when the other specialist saw her and saw her joy of life, he said,
> > "I'm going for it." That was over five years ago. … Outside the medical
> > criteria for prolonging life for somebody who is elderly, is there any
> > consideration that can be given for a certain spirit, a certain joy of
> > living, a quality of life, or is it just a medical cutoff at a certain age?
> > In case you missed it back in 2009, here is how the president ruled:
> > OBAMA: I don't think that we can make judgments based on people's
> > "spirit." Uh, that'd be, uh, a pretty subjective decision to be making. I
> > think we have to have rules that say that we are gonna provide good quality
> > care for all people. End-of-life care is one of the most difficult sets of
> > decisions that we're gonna have to make. But understand that those
> > decisions are already being made in one way or the other. If they're not
> > being made under Medicare and Medicaid, they're being made by private
> > insurers. At least we can let doctors, you know — and your mom know — that,
> > you know what, maybe this isn't gonna help. Maybe you're better off not
> > having the surgery but, uh, taking the painkiller.
> > Well, that's a little blunt. Rush nevertheless provided a useful
> > translation: "Hey, Mom, I just talked to the president. He said no on the
> > pacemaker. But I'm to tell you that you're probably better off not getting
> > the pacemaker. Here, just take the Percocet." He also concisely commented:
> > "I don't know, folks. This is not the country in which I grew up. It just
> > isn't."
> >
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Chris Wayne Beers, Conflicted Gay 38 Year Old Mormon, Commits Suicide
Days" this weekend. -Tommy
Watch Here On Line:
Chris Wayne Beers, Conflicted Gay 38 Year Old Mormon, Commits Suicide
According to stories posted on several Mormon blogs, Chris Wayne
Beers, a returned missionary and former LDS church employee, took his
life on March 18. He was 38 years old. Funeral Services will be held
Saturday, March 24
Another gay man tragically lost to psychological pressure from the
church and society
Sorry for the dinner and lame title, but I don't feel like bring witty.
This is so horrifically tragic. This beautiful man* must have suffered
an unimaginable amount of self loathing to have come to his final
decision. He lived his life 'right', as he was taught. He played
football in high school, served and honorable mission, worked as an
EFY coumselor, etc. He even worked in the belly of the beast at the
COB, working in the Missionary and Travel departments, and was a
friend to all. Yet he was not good enough for those who occupied they
top floor suites and ran the church he apparently loved.
The fact that he is a twin makes it even more poignant to me as the
father of twins.
I hope somebody gives a copy of his obituary to each member of the
church leaders of the Q12 and 1st presidency. Until they recognize the
intolerable amount of damage they cause, the blood of these people are
on their hands. And I am convinced God will hold them responsible for
the pain they cause.
R. I. P., Chris Beers.
*I am about a 2 on the Kinsey scale and am about as heterosexual as
they come, but this guy was simply gorgeous. How many more brothers
and sisters who surround us at church are thinking this is the only
option left to them?
Obituary Print Chris Wayne Beers | Visit Guest Book
1973 ~ 2012
Our beloved son, brother and friend left us on March 18, 2012 at the age of 38.
Chris was born on December 18, 1973 one minute before his twin brother
Carrey in Bountiful, Utah. The son of Wayne and Uta Beers. He
graduated from Woods Cross High where he played football and assisted
in numerous sports. He served an honorable mission for the LDS Church.
He later touched the lives of countless youth as an EFY counselor. He
had a passion to travel the world and touched the lives of friends on
5 continents, always serving those he met on his trips. He loved and
lived life to the fullest, always planning another adventure.
Chris had a magnetic personality and all he met instantly became his
friend. He had the ability to lighten the room with his amazing smile.
If someone was in need Chris would find a way to meet and exceed that
persons needs. He truly exemplified charity, the pure love of Christ.
This love for all people carried over to his various jobs, where all
knew and loved him. He loved the years he spent working at the Church
office building in the missionary and travel departments. He loved
associating with those whom he currently worked with at the U of U
hospital. He had a great love for all of Gods creatures, especially
his cats whom he loved dearly.
Survivors include: Parents, Woods Cross; sisters, Debbie (Todd)
Allred, Layton, Kim (Kirk) Bradford, Meridian, ID; brothers, Carrey
(Missy) Beers, San Diego, CA; Willey (Emily) Beers, Logan; 16 nieces &
nephews. He is preceded in death by his brother Jeff.
Funeral Services will be held Saturday, March 24 at 11 am at the Woods
Cross 3rd Ward Chapel, 1450 S. 350 W. Bountiful. Friends may call
Friday evening from 6 - 8 pm at the Russon Brothers Mortuary, 295 N.
Main, Bountiful and at the church Saturday from 9:30 - 10:30am prior
to the services. Interment-Salt Lake City Cemetery. Friends & family
may share their comments and stories at
In memory of Chris, I suggest that everyone watch the movie "Latter
Days" this weekend. -Tommy
Watch Here On Line:
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
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Re: Congressman Paul Ryan's Drag Name Is Marie Antoinette
poor and economic fairness are core elements of our church's social
teaching. It's shameful that he disregarded these principles in his
fund your own charities ... the US government is not a charity
On Mar 23, 11:25 am, Tommy News <> wrote:
> Congressman Paul Ryan's Drag Name Is Marie Antoinette
> Both gay and straight over the years have come up with a number of
> different formulas to determine your 'drag name.' The most popular is
> to take the name of your first pet and the first street you lived on.
> Others have their ways of picking their 'drag name.' However, for
> Congressman Paul Ryan, the cold hearted Republican budget cutter,
> there can be no contest. Ryan would have to go to the costume ball as
> the legendary Marie Antoinette, the symbol of an uncaring monarch for
> centuries.
> Not wanting to give Marie Antoinette a bum rap by hooking her legend
> to that of the rather boring and bookish Ryan, it is nonetheless a
> perfect match. The queen is best known for allegedly saying "Let them
> eat cake." While that statement is now in dispute by scholars it has
> lasted with the masses. For the purpose of dealing with Ryan - the
> masses win because this Republican icon has released a budget for the
> Republicans that literally could be known as the "Let Them Eat Cake
> Budget."
> The budget is so horrendous, a Catholic priest in the congressman's
> Wisconsin district was quoted on
> "As a constituent of Congressman Ryan and a Catholic priest, I'm
> disappointed by his cruel budget plan and outraged that he defends it
> on moral grounds. Ryan is Catholic, and he knows that justice for the
> poor and economic fairness are core elements of our church's social
> teaching. It's shameful that he disregarded these principles in his
> budget."
> What has Ryan proposed? According to Dana Milbank in a column for The
> Washington Post, he will cut over $1.9 trillion (that is trillion not
> billion) from the budget by cuts in such compassionate programs as
> food stamps, welfare, federal employees pensions and support for
> farmers. He would cut another $770 billion from Medicaid denying
> healthcare to poor. Just to make sure that seniors suffer he would
> also cut $205 billion from Medicare.
> Fear not, this man does know how to give.....that is to the rich. His
> budget is full of tax cuts and programs to make the rich richer. How
> much does he think the aristocracy needs? Marie Antoinette Ryan gives
> his/her buddies a whopping $4.3 TRILLION in tax cuts. Milbank's column
> says it best:
> Ryan's justification was straight out of Dickens. He wants to improve
> the moral fiber of the poor. There is, he told the audience at the
> conservative American Enterprise Institute later Tuesday, an
> "insidious moral tipping point, and I think the president is
> accelerating this." Too many Americans, he said, are receiving more
> from the government than they pay in taxes.
> After recalling his family's immigration from Ireland generations ago,
> and his belief in the virtue of people who "pull themselves up by the
> bootstraps," Ryan warned that a generous safety net "lulls able-bodied
> people into lives of complacency and dependency, which drains them of
> their very will and incentive to make the most of their lives. It's
> demeaning."
> How very kind: To protect poor Americans from being demeaned, Ryan is
> cutting their anti-poverty programs and using the proceeds to give the
> wealthiest Americans a six-figure tax cut.
> More:
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy
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Congressman Paul Ryan's Drag Name Is Marie Antoinette
Both gay and straight over the years have come up with a number of
different formulas to determine your 'drag name.' The most popular is
to take the name of your first pet and the first street you lived on.
Others have their ways of picking their 'drag name.' However, for
Congressman Paul Ryan, the cold hearted Republican budget cutter,
there can be no contest. Ryan would have to go to the costume ball as
the legendary Marie Antoinette, the symbol of an uncaring monarch for
Not wanting to give Marie Antoinette a bum rap by hooking her legend
to that of the rather boring and bookish Ryan, it is nonetheless a
perfect match. The queen is best known for allegedly saying "Let them
eat cake." While that statement is now in dispute by scholars it has
lasted with the masses. For the purpose of dealing with Ryan - the
masses win because this Republican icon has released a budget for the
Republicans that literally could be known as the "Let Them Eat Cake
The budget is so horrendous, a Catholic priest in the congressman's
Wisconsin district was quoted on
"As a constituent of Congressman Ryan and a Catholic priest, I'm
disappointed by his cruel budget plan and outraged that he defends it
on moral grounds. Ryan is Catholic, and he knows that justice for the
poor and economic fairness are core elements of our church's social
teaching. It's shameful that he disregarded these principles in his
What has Ryan proposed? According to Dana Milbank in a column for The
Washington Post, he will cut over $1.9 trillion (that is trillion not
billion) from the budget by cuts in such compassionate programs as
food stamps, welfare, federal employees pensions and support for
farmers. He would cut another $770 billion from Medicaid denying
healthcare to poor. Just to make sure that seniors suffer he would
also cut $205 billion from Medicare.
Fear not, this man does know how to give.....that is to the rich. His
budget is full of tax cuts and programs to make the rich richer. How
much does he think the aristocracy needs? Marie Antoinette Ryan gives
his/her buddies a whopping $4.3 TRILLION in tax cuts. Milbank's column
says it best:
Ryan's justification was straight out of Dickens. He wants to improve
the moral fiber of the poor. There is, he told the audience at the
conservative American Enterprise Institute later Tuesday, an
"insidious moral tipping point, and I think the president is
accelerating this." Too many Americans, he said, are receiving more
from the government than they pay in taxes.
After recalling his family's immigration from Ireland generations ago,
and his belief in the virtue of people who "pull themselves up by the
bootstraps," Ryan warned that a generous safety net "lulls able-bodied
people into lives of complacency and dependency, which drains them of
their very will and incentive to make the most of their lives. It's
How very kind: To protect poor Americans from being demeaned, Ryan is
cutting their anti-poverty programs and using the proceeds to give the
wealthiest Americans a six-figure tax cut.
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
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Re: Group Managers and Friends
I am having the same problem as you and Keith... we are working on
getting us out of the "new and ever better" piece of shit format that
has been thrust upon us. We are both in agreement with you.
On Mar 23, 10:04 am, GregfromBoston <> wrote:
> Cheers Keith!
> Its just right now, whenever I post something, I get a dozen emails telling
> me groups like Yahoo!, have refused. I'm not a member of any Yahoo!,
> groups. Easy enopugh to delete, but rather a pain in the ass.
> Again, when I post hjere, here is all I want, and I don't want to hear from
> anyone else, other that here. There are a handful of posters that know my
> email, and thats all there should be.
> Seems I must CTRL-A, and delete, then post, but that takes context out, ya
> dig?
> Thanks again,
> GfB
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Re: Thousands Protest the Racist Murder of Trayvon Martin at NYC's 'Million Hoodie March'
B: What If Tommytom were biotch slapped by me because he's white??
Would that be a hate crime?
finally: What would it be, could it be constrululated as a hate crime
if a Man-hating mulatto lesbian bitch slapped Tommy because he was
giving gays a bad name???
3. If Bruce were to let go with his true deep regard for ass-less chap
drama queens and Tommy were in the room and pissed his pants... would
that be a hate crime as well??
I want rulings on every scenario.... and I really want to know why
plainol and not me gets to do the bitch slappin'.
On Mar 23, 7:04 am, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> Like most Americans, we're all baffled as to how this could be construed
> as a "racist murder" or a hate crime. It's just not......A purported "hate
> crime" would entail an act of violence against an individual because of
> his race, or now, his sexual persuasion.
> By example, if PlainOl were to bitch slap TommyTomTom because he is an
> asshole in general, this would not be a hate crime, but if PlainOl were to
> bitch slap TommyTomTom because he were Gay, then this would constitute a
> hate crime.
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 4:33 PM, plainolamerican
> <>wrote:
> > Plain Old American is a Plain Old Racist
> > ---
> > those who call people racist are usually niggers, jews, spics or some
> > other minority
> > which one are you?
> > oh .. that's right ... you're a fuckin' faggot!!!
> > On Mar 22, 3:25 pm, Tommy News <> wrote:
> > > Yeah...
> > > Plain Old American is a Plain Old Racist who needs to be bitch slapped
> > > good.
> > > On Mar 22, 2:04 pm, plainolamerican <> wrote:
> > > > Thousands Protest the Racist Murder of Trayvon Martin
> > > > --
> > > > yeah ... those mulatto spics sure are racists
> > > > luckily, the court will decide if he was a racist or a murderer.
> > > > regardless, the niggers, jews and other minorities who protested are
> > > > really gonna be pissed if he's found not guilty.
> > > > seeing NYC burn like LA after the King verdict will be fun to watch.
> > > > On Mar 22, 1:56 pm, Tommy News <> wrote:
> > > > > Thousands Protest the Racist Murder of Trayvon Martin at NYC's
> > > > > 'Million Hoodie March'
> > > > > Participants stressed that while they were there for Trayvon Martin,
> > > > > the problem went far beyond him, to a culture in which young Black
> > men
> > > > > are assumed to be dangerous.
> > > > > March 22, 2012 | LIKE THIS ARTICLE ?
> > > > > Join our mailing list:
> > > > > Sign up to stay up to date on the latest Activism headlines via
> > email.
> > > > > Last night, thousands of individuals packed into New York's
> > > > > Union Square before taking the streets for the Million Hoodies March.
> > > > > They came to demand justice for Trayvon Martin, the
> > seventeen-year-old
> > > > > boy who was murdered in Sanford, Florida, after buying some Skittles
> > > > > and iced tea. His confessed murderer, neighborhood watchman George
> > > > > Zimmerman, cried self-defense, and the police did not charge him. But
> > > > > recently released 9/11 calls and testimony from Martin's friend, to
> > > > > whom he was speaking moments before his death, make it clear that
> > > > > Zimmerman was on the prowl before he fatally shot Trayvon.
> > > > > Police, however, seemed to have little interest in investigating the
> > > > > death of a young, Black male. Cops even called Trayvon Martin's body
> > a
> > > > > John Doe. Combating the racism exhibited by both Zimmerman and the
> > > > > Sanford Police Department, the message last night was not that Martin
> > > > > is just another dead Black kid -- it was that "Trayvon Martin
> > matters.
> > > > > You matter." Moreover, it was that justice is universal. "No justice,
> > > > > no peace," they said. "What if Martin had been white?" Demonstrators
> > > > > demanded Zimmerman be prosecuted and called for a cultural revolution
> > > > > to create a society where being Black in a hoodie doesn't get people
> > > > > murdered, by citizens or police.
> > > > > "I reek of Brooklyn," said City Councilman Jumaane Williams from the
> > > > > stage, a gray hood over his long dreads. "I'm not a criminal. I'm a
> > > > > New York City Councilman."
> > > > > "My blood is not cheap. We want justice -- just like you want justice
> > > > > when police fall, we want justice when we fall," said Williams, who
> > > > > has been an outspoken critic of New York's racist stop-and -frisk
> > > > > policing tactic.
> > > > > "I don't play the race card," Williams said, "it's always given to
> > me."
> > > > > Williams, like other participants, stressed that while they were
> > there
> > > > > for Trayvon Martin, the problem went far beyond him. Ours is a deadly
> > > > > culture, they said, in which young Black men are assumed to be
> > > > > dangerous.
> > > > > "The mayor and commissioner of this city have provided no
> > leadership,"
> > > > > said Williams, adding that they have instead "provided a culture
> > that,
> > > > > at a minimum, allowed me to be arrested on Labor Day, and Ramarley
> > > > > Graham shot." Just eighteen years old when NYPD officers busted down
> > > > > his door without a warrant, Graham was shot and killed in the
> > bathroom
> > > > > of his apartment, while his grandmother and six-year-old brother were
> > > > > inside. He, too, was wearing a hoodie, and his name was echoed
> > > > > throughout the night.
> > > > > As the Martins' lawyer Benjamin Crump took the stage, he explained
> > > > > that Zimmerman's accusations (that Martin was on drugs and "up to no
> > > > > good") were racial stereotypes. Perhaps more disturbing is that the
> > > > > police believed him. Crump reiterated that no drug, alcohol, or
> > > > > background tests were conducted on George Zimmerman before he was
> > > > > allowed to walk away without a murder charge. Martin, however, was
> > > > > tested for substances posthumously. Even in death, he was suspicious.
> > > > > "I am Trayvon Martin!" the crowd chanted repeatedly, echoing rallying
> > > > > cries following Troy Davis' execution.
> > > > > The most emotional part of the evening, however, was when Martin's
> > > > > parents took the stage. For so many women in the crowd that night,
> > the
> > > > > march was about showing support for the Martins, and ensuring the
> > > > > safety of their own children.
> > > > > "We're not going to stop until we get justice," said Trayvon's
> > father,
> > > > > Tracy Martin, "My son did not deserve to die."
> > > > > "Trayvon was just a typical teenager," he said, "Trayvon was not a
> > bad person."
> > > > > Martin said that while nothing can bring his son back, he can work to
> > > > > ensure that justice is served and that no other parents have to
> > suffer
> > > > > like he has.
> > > > > "My heart is in pain," Sybrina Fulton, Martin's mother, said through
> > > > > tears, "This is the support we need."
> > > > > "Our son is your son!" she shouted, to much applause. "This is not
> > > > > about a Black and white thing. This is about a right and wrong
> > thing."
> > > > > Martin was killed for looking "suspicious" -- being Black in a hoodie
> > > > > -- and the Sanford Police Department did not doubt it.
> > > > > "Mic check! Are you ready to march for Trayvon?" shouted someone
> > from the stage.
> > > > > Demanding justice for Martin's murder, the crowd pulled their hoodies
> > > > > up and and marched into the street.
> > > > > The march shuffled west on 14th Street, spilling off of the
> > sidewalks.
> > > > > In the front of the march, Councilmen Ydanis Rodriguez and Jumaane
> > > > > Williams linked arms with other marchers before a brief stand-off
> > with
> > > > > police. As the march hurried passed them, the cops eventually let the
> > > > > councilmen and the crowd behind push forward. Police made several
> > > > > efforts to divert the march, even hauling in NYPD vans and other mass
> > > > > arrest vehicles, but no visible arrests were made, despite the cops'
> > > > > intimidation. They blocked the streets on motorcycles; the crowd
> > > > > turned and marched right by them. Some Occupy Wall Street protesters,
> > > > > with bandanas on their mouths, appeared to block the motorcycles, so
> > > > > that marchers could get by.
> > > > > The crowd was far different from an Occupy Wall Street demonstration
> > > > > -- darker and rowdy, but less anarchistic. CUNY students chanted,
> > with
> > > > > a rap-like vibe, "Is that a badge or a swastika?" Signs asked "Am I
> > > > > next?"
> > > > > Young mother April McDonald and her six-year-old son held hands as
> > > > > they marched, their free hands in fists, chanting "We are Trayvon!"
> > > > > "As a parent, this could to happen any of us," said McDonald, who
> > then
> > > > > told me her own frightening encounter with racism: McDonald said an
> > > > > NYPD officer ran over her cousin, nearly killing him, then attempted
> > > > > to blame the victim, saying he had headphones on. "He had nothing
> > on,"
> > > > > she said. "Just another example of how the NYPD, other police, try to
> > > > > cover up, protect their necks."
> > > > > Woman after woman told me they were mothers, there to show their
> > > > > support for Trayvon Martin's family, and to stand up for their own
> > > > > children.
> > > > > Many of the men there had been victims of racial profiling. As Fernel
> > > > > Williams, 34, told me, "One time I was just walking to the train and
> > a
> > > > > cop said, 'give me a lift,'" adding, "I didn't know what he was
> > > > > talking about until he lifted up my shirt, because some 'suspicious'
> > > > > guy was running around. A robbery had just been committed."
> > > > > When the march returned to Union Square, Occupy Wall Street
> > protesters
> > > > > urged the demonstrators to help them hold the park. Organizers of the
> > > > > march were annoyed at the suggestion, and many continued forward,
> > > > > disjointed.
> > > > > Back in Union Square, a mic-checked speak-out went on for hours.
> > > > > Marchers stood up to tell their stories of encounters with police --
> > > > > being arrested for walking down the sidewalk, pulled over for being
> > > > > Black, or witnessing an unlawful, forceful stop -- and demanding the
> > > > > police show their badges. "If we don't stand up for something, we
> > will
> > > > > fall down," said one speaker, who urged people to be proactive in
> > > > > their communities, filming the police, asking cops' names, and
> > > > > asserting their rights.
> > > > > Many speakers urged individuals from all communities to show support.
> > > > > "It rains on all of us," they said.
> > > > > A sixteen-year-old white
> ...
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Re: Group Managers and Friends
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Hold the American political system accountable for the Financial Crisis and Congressional Collusion
Financial Crisis and Congressional Collusion
An unprecedented live-streaming event on March 27th brings together
some of the hottest critics of our political and economic system.
March 22, 2012 | Advertisement The public conversation about the
incestuous and nefarious links between congressional financial
deregulation and Wall Street greed, which produced the fiasco known as
the Great Recession of 2007, is about to get much hotter next week.
The NYC-based Culture Project, known for cutting-edge theater
productions like the powerful The Exonerated and the brilliant Bridge
and Tunnel, featuring the multi-talented Sarah Jones, will blend
theater, journalism and some of the sharpest tongues in public life,
to help hold the American political system accountable.
On Tuesday, March 27 you can watch a live-stream from Georgetown
University featuring the verbal pyrotechnics of Eliot Spitzer, former
governor of New York; Matt Taibbi, the journalist best known for
documenting the obscene behavior of Goldman Sachs; Van Jones, the
honcho behind Rebuild the American Dream; Heather McGhee of Washington
Demos; best-selling author Ron Suskind; and OWS activist Jesse La
Greca. Hosting this powerhouse lineup is the indefatigable Dylan
Ratigan, who skewers the failures of the corporate system everyday
from his perch at MSNBC.
The Culture Project's strategy is to motivate as many high-traffic
news sites on the web as possible to offer the live-streaming, as well
as build a mass audience of viewers via Fora TV, at 7pm EDT. Here is
the link. Save it. Remember to watch. This will be a unique event.
The Culture Project, which normally addresses human rights issues by
featuring artistic work that amplifies marginal voices, is going the
other direction here. The group is investing time and resources to
produce public events where some of the most prominent voices of
dissent offer a high-level, sophisticated critique of the system's
failures. By engaging top-of-the-line thinkers, who know the
intricacies of how and why the system broke down, we will learn the
necessary economic and policy fixes. And learn we must -- before we
find ourselves even deeper in the weeds of unemployment, underwater
mortgages and the vast gap between the 1 percent and the rest of
For more information visit
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
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NOTICE: This Property is a Farm....
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