Well, I'm just going to go off here ... I can't take it any more! You want to call me a "birther"? HAVE AT IT! Don't ever forget it!! I hope you turn blue doing it! Regardless of your ad hominem attacks, the evidence and the facts keep stacking up against Obama regarding his eligibility to be president of the United States.
So, I have a question to ask all the "birther" haters out there: if it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Barack Hussein Obama was guilty of forging his birth certificate, selective service registration, and committing fraud by using a Connecticut social security number, would it even matter to you "birther" haters? I'm really starting to wonder. It's astonishing.
I'm beginning to think it wouldn't matter to you "birther" haters at all! I'm thinking it's more important for you "birther" haters to try and cover your own butts, rather than get at the truth--that we very well may have a usurper occupying the Oval Office! Does that matter to you or not, "birther" haters? Can you look in the mirror and answer that question honestly? I don't think you can, due to your marshmallow spinelessness over this matter.
So, let me get this straight, "birther" haters: we have a lot of evidence and facts that Obama has indeed committed fraud, but it's "lunacy" to pursue the matter? WTF? Is it "lunacy" to ask questions over such a grave matter? Is it "crazy" to want the unadulterated truth into something as serious as the usurpation of the executive branch? I think it's lunacy not to ask questions and aggressively pursue this matter! Congress, including the Republicans, had no problem investigating John McCain's eligibility and impeaching Bill Clinton over the Lewsinky affair, yet Congress will not even consider investigating Obama. Something stinks in Denmark!
Okay, "birther" haters, here's another question: what shred of proof do you have to dismiss Sheriff Joe Arpaio's and his Cold Case Posse's recent findings which indicate that the sitting president of the United States has committed fraud? Do you have anything other than "birther" rants? How about even a tiny morsel of logical rebuttal to counter the Cold Case Posse's findings? Are Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse just a bunch of "idiots" like one well-known alleged conservative on Twitter recently wrote to me? Wow! Looks like some of you conservative "birther" haters are tearing a page right out of Saul Alinsky's playbook! Imagine that!
Let's look at another angle the "birther" haters love to use. It's alleged that it was Hillary Clinton's campaign that brought up the whole issue regarding Obama's eligibility in the first place. So, I guess the logic here, according to conservative "birther" haters, is if the Clinton campaign was the first to float the ineligibility issue, then it must be false? Is that the logic here? Well, that sort of presumptuous conclusion may tickle your conservative funny bone, but it would never hold up as a rebuttal in a court of law. It's just an assumption by certain conservative "birther" haters that if it came from the Clinton camp it must be a lie. Okay ... prove it! Such a position doesn't hold up to scrutiny sans facts and evidence to back it up.
Oh, but it doesn't end there. Even Fox News seems terrified--or unwilling, for whatever reason--to confront the latest evidence and facts regarding Obama's ineligibility. In regard to Obama's Connecticut social security number, Bill O'Reilly stated that Barack Obama Sr. had lived for a short time in Connecticut, so the matter was moot. Well, Billy O' got his facts wrong! Obama Sr. never lived in Connecticut--ever! That's a fact, Bill! Can we expect a retraction? Yeah ... I won't be holding my breath. Additionally, Obama's SS# fails the governments own eVerify system for crying out loud! But, go ahead, bury your Fox heads in the sand. "birther" haters.
When Obama first posted his alleged long-form birth certificate to the White House web site--following pressure from Donald Trump to do so, in my opinion--Fox News hunted down a Canadian expert in Adobe software, Jean Claude Tremblay, and claimed that Tremblay had examined the PDF file of Obama's long-from birth certificate and vouched for its legitimacy. Well, Mark E. Gillar of the Tea Party Power Hour show (see video) just happened to catch a Tweet by Jean Claude Tremblay on Twitter and asked him if he had ever said what Fox claimed he did. Tremblay denies it. Gillar alleges that Tremblay had never claimed that Obama's birth certificate was legit; he tried to get a retraction from Fox News' Jana Winter, but she refused to give it to him.
Here are the Tweets I found from Gillar and Tremblay:
Are the government and the media so afraid of being called a name (e.g. "birther") that they steadfastly refuse to investigate what could be the greatest fraud ever committed in U.S. history? Or are the powers-that-be in collusion with this subterfuge? I don't think history will be too kind for those who choose to bury their heads in the sand over this issue. Enjoy your marshmallow pies and marmalade skies, "birther" haters! I'm still awaiting your rebuttal. Something tells me I'll be waiting a very long time.