Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Re: Pictures of the Montreal “student protests” are worth a few thousand words « Lilley’s Pad

I agree. But in this case many of the protesters are the Uni profs. And the protests are being funded by the teacher's unions from all across the country.

On 13 June 2012 14:08, plainolamerican <> wrote:
keeping the masses from wanting a nanny government is an endless
battle that has probably plagued the planet for thousands of years.

the solution is to teach children to be responsible for themselves.

On Jun 13, 12:07 pm, Bear Bear <> wrote:
> *I'm forwarding this with out comment.
> You can decide for yourselves if this looks like students protesting
> against tuition hikes.
> Bear
> *
> **

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Re: Pictures of the Montreal “student protests” are worth a few thousand words « Lilley’s Pad

keeping the masses from wanting a nanny government is an endless
battle that has probably plagued the planet for thousands of years.

the solution is to teach children to be responsible for themselves.

On Jun 13, 12:07 pm, Bear Bear <> wrote:
> *I'm forwarding this with out comment.
> You can decide for yourselves if this looks like students protesting
> against tuition hikes.
> Bear
> *
> **

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Pictures of the Montreal “student protests” are worth a few thousand words « Lilley’s Pad

I'm forwarding this with out comment.
You can decide for yourselves if this looks like students protesting against tuition hikes.


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Re: I love Mark Steyn

He isn't bad looking

On Wednesday, June 13, 2012, Bear Bear <> wrote:
> Blond, Beard, Furry, a Bear, a huge intellect. And a great dry wit. What's not to like....LOL
> Would love to have a beer with him. He's on my list. That one of who would invite for dinner. Anyone in history.
> Bear
> P.S. I forgot he likes music. The standards mostly, from what I can gather. And he sings. Has has a couple of CDs
> On 12 June 2012 17:52, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> Does he know?
> On Tuesday, June 12, 2012, Bear Bear wrote:
> June 9, 2012 4:00 A.M.
> Our Celebrity President
> There are monarchies and republics aplenty, but there's only one 24/7 fundraising presidency.
> By Mark Steyn
> President Obama works a fundraiser at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, June 6, 2012.
> Print
> Text  
> Comments
> 120
> Mark Steyn 
> Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her Diamond Jubilee a few days ago — that's 60 years on the throne. Just to put it in perspective, she's been queen since Harry S. Truman was president. At any rate, her jubilee has been a huge success, save for a few churlish republicans in various corners of Her Majesty's realms from London to Toronto to Sydney pointing out how absurd it is for grown citizens to be fawning over a distant head of state who lives in a fabulous, glittering cocoon entirely disconnected from ordinary life.
> Which brings us to President Obama.
> Last week, the republic's citizen-president passed among his fellow Americans. Where? Cleveland? Dubuque? Presque Isle, Maine? No, Beverly Hills. These days, it's pretty much always Beverly Hills or Manhattan, because that's where the money is. That's the Green Zone, and you losers are outside it. Appearing at an Obama fundraiser at the home of Glee creator Ryan Murphy and his "fiancé" David Miller, the president, reasonably enough, had difficulty distinguishing one A-list Hollywood summit from another. "I just came from a wonderful event over at the Wilshire or the Hilton — I'm not sure which," said Obama, "because you go through the kitchens of all these places and so you never are quite sure where you are."
> Ah,

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bipartisan support needed

After years of fighting for a thorough audit of the Federal Reserve,
Campaign for Liberty stands on the verge of turning Audit the Fed into
the law of the land!

Congressman Ron Paul's H.R. 459 is scheduled for a vote THIS JULY in
the U.S. House, and Senator Rand Paul stands ready to advance S. 202
in the Senate.

As Congress continues to spend TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars, and the
Federal Reserve keeps operating without any real transparency or
accountability, it's never been more important to turn up the pressure
and finish this fight!

With your help, C4L can send a clear message to Capitol Hill: Pass the
Audit the Fed bill!

After you complete the below petition to your representative, please
also make a generous contribution to help Campaign for Liberty get
more folks in this fight through email, phones, social media, and

Campaign for Liberty operates as government should, meaning we will
not go into debt. Our efforts to Reclaim the Republic and Restore the
Constitution are only possible thanks to our members' ongoing
financial support.

Pass Audit the Fed Petition to:
My Representative

Whereas: The Federal Reserve still refuses to give a full public
accounting of the TRILLIONS in recent taxpayer-backed loans; and
Whereas: The U.S. House is scheduled to vote on H.R. 459, the Audit
the Fed bill, this July; and
Whereas: Allowing the Fed to remain out of control and shrouded in
secrecy clearly allows for abuse and the continued stealing of our tax
dollars through inflation and unaccounted electronic bank "loans"; and
Whereas: The Federal Reserve's abuses lead to constant economic
crises like the current housing crisis, international banking crisis,
and the resulting chaos; and
Whereas: The Federal Reserve System forces fuel, food, housing,
medical care, and education costs upward, meaning that everyone who is
NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value
of money slowly decreases; and
Whereas: History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale
police states can result when people finally realize fiat money isn't
worth the paper it's printed on and REFUSE to accept it;
Therefore: I urge you to vote "Yes" on a complete and thorough audit
of the Fed this July.

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Re: you're fired!!!

First time I've seen Mom!  She's "do-able"!!

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 4:42 PM, plainolamerican <> wrote:

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Re: F1gur471v3ly 5p34k1ng?

I am not sure, but you got my curiosity up,  (and I haven't even tackled the ones contained in the actual body of the e-mail!)
Does the caption mean, (or supposed to mean) :  "Figuratively Speaking" ?

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 4:12 PM, plainolamerican <> wrote:
If you can read this you have a strong mind:
peice fo kace

On Jun 12, 9:41 pm, Travis <> wrote:
> Just like the new tail nmber on AF1:  N1663R
> **
>            New post on *Fellowship of the Minds*
> <>
> F1gur471v3ly 5p34k1ng?<>by
> DCG <>
> <>
> Good example of a Brain Study: If you can read this you have a strong mind:
> 7H15 M3554G3
> 53RV35 7O PR0V3
> H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N
> D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5!
> 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5!
> 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG
> 17 WA5 H4RD BU7
> N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3
> Y0UR M1ND 1S
> R34D1NG 17
> 4U70M471C4LLY
> W17H 0U7 3V3N
> 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17,
> C3R741N P30PL3 C4N
> R3AD 7H15.
> PL3453 F0RW4RD 1F
> U C4N R34D 7H15.
> h/t Laura
>  *DCG <>* | June 12,
> 2012 at 3:30 am | Categories:
> Uncategorized<>| URL:
>   Comment<>
>    See all comments<>
>   Unsubscribe or change your email settings at Manage
> Subscriptions<>.
> *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser:
>     Thanks for flying with <>

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Re: Fwd: [LA-F] Row over 75,000 visas handed out each year to foreign students who never go home

immigration control is mandatory.

those in our government and DOJ who are giving aid and comfort to
illegals must be replaced asap by any means necessary

On Jun 13, 10:19 am, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Mario LAF*
> Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2012
> Subject: [LA-F] Row over 75,000 visas handed out each year to foreign
> students who never go home
> To: Libertarian Alliance Forum <>
>  Row over 75,000 visas handed out each year to foreign students who never
> go home
> By James Slack<>
>  *PUBLISHED:* 00:31, 13 June 2012 | *UPDATED:* 00:31, 13 June 2012
> Foreign students who fail to return home at the end of their courses push
> the country's population up by 75,000 every year, a report revealed last
> night.
> The study by the Migration Watch think tank claims 25,000 remain here
> illegally.
> The remainder either take jobs or are given permission to settle down with
> a partner or undertake further studies.
>   [image: Here to stay... A report by Migration Watch claims 75,000 foreign
> students every year remain in the country after their studies have finished]
> Here to stay... A report by Migration Watch claims 75,000 foreign students
> every year remain in the country after their studies have finished
> The report undermines the view of 68 university chancellors who say
> overseas students should be taken out of the Government's migration
> statistics.
> The number of students coming into the UK is logged, but the figure for
> those leaving is not.
> In a letter to Prime Minister David Cameron, the Universities UK umbrella
> group argued that because students went home at the end of their courses
> there was no need to log them at all.
> [image: Migration Watch chairman: Sir Andrew Green]
> Migration Watch chairman: Sir Andrew Green
> Lib Dem Business Secretary Vince Cable has also pressed the Home office to
> take a more relaxed attitude to student visas.
> In a speech yesterday, he again said: 'One of our biggest and most
> successful export industries is higher education. If we are to strengthen
> it there must be confidence that bona fide overseas students are welcome
> here, and have the opportunity to work on a managed basis.'
> But Migration Watch argues that removing students from Britain's net
> migration of 250,000 – which is the difference between the number of people
> entering the country and those leaving – would 'destroy public confidence
> in the Government's immigration policy'.
> Mr Cameron has pledged to cut net migration to 'the tens of thousands'.
> Sir Andrew Green, chairman of Migration Watch, said: 'Foreign students are
> valuable, but the present system is far too easily abused. Sadly, the
> student route has become the back door to Britain and it is wide open.'
> The study says that since 2002, two million non-EU and 500,000 EU students
> have been admitted to Britain to study for more than a year.
> But because they are not counted out, the Government 'has not the slightest
> idea how many have actually left'.
> Read more:
> --
> Mario Huet
> Libertarian Alliance Forum
> List Administrator
> **********************************************
> Words cannot picture her; but all men know
> That solemn sketch the pure sad artist wrought
> **********************************************
> James Thomson, The City of Dreadful Night
>  article-0-0CA867BA000005DC-184_468x337.jpg
> 49KViewDownload
>  article-2158440-139477E3000005DC-147_233x331.jpg
> 18KViewDownload

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Re: What might cause another 9/11?

What might cause another 9/11?
more intervention in the middle east
more assassinations by the US government
more defense of israel

just keep on ... they'll eventually piss'em off enough to make them
attack again

On Jun 13, 8:23 am, MJ <> wrote:
> "How could any rational person expect their government to spend a full decade (and counting) invading, droning, cluster-bombing, occupying, detaining without charges, and indiscriminately shooting huge numbers of innocent children, women and men in multiple countries and not have its victims and their compatriots be increasingly eager to return the violence?"Tuesday, Jun 12, 2012 04:06 PM EDTWhat might cause another 9/11?It is supporters of Obama's aggression, not its opponents, who are likely to provoke another Terrorist attackByGlenn Greenwald(updated below [Wed.] – Update II [Wed.])Today's defense of President Obama from Andrew Sullivan isdevotedto refuting Conor Friedersdorf'scriticismof Obama's drone program. Says Sullivan:What frustrates me about Conor's position – and Greenwald's as well – is that it kind of assumes 9/11 didn't happen or couldn't happen again, and dismisses far too glibly the president's actual responsibility as commander-in-chief to counter these acts of mass terror.This is exactly backward. I absolutely believe that another 9/11 is possible. And the reason I believe it's so possible is that people like Andrew Sullivanand George Packerhave spent the last decade publicly cheering for American violence brought to the Muslim world, and they continue to do so (now more than ever under Obama). Far from believing that another 9/11 can't happen, I'm amazed that it hasn't already, and am quite confident that at some point it will. How could any rational person expect their government to spend a full decade (and counting) invading, droning, cluster-bombing, occupying, detaining without charges, and indiscriminately shootinghuge numbersof innocent children, women and men in multiple countries and not have its victims and their compatriots be increasingly eager to return the violence?
> Just consider what one single, isolated attack on American soil more than a decade ago did to Sullivan, Packer and company: the desire for violence which that one attack 11 years ago unleashed is seemingly boundless by time or intensity. Given the ongoing American quest for violence from that one-day attack, just imagine the impact which continuous attacks over the course of a full decade must have on those whom we've been invading, droning, cluster-bombing, occupying, detaining without charges, and indiscriminately shooting.
> One of the many reasons I oppose Obama's ongoing aggression is precisely that I believe the policies Sullivan and Packer cheer will cause another 9/11 (the other reasons include the lawlessness of it, the imperial mindset driving it, the large-scale civilian deaths it causes, the extreme and unaccountable secrecy with which it's done, the erosion of civil liberties that inevitably accompanies it, the patently criminalapplicationsof these weapons, theprecedentit sets, etc.). I realize that screaming "9/11 has been the trite tactic of choice for those seeking to justify the U.S. Government's militarism over the last decade, but invoking that event strongly militates against the policies it's invoked to justify, precisely because those policies are the principal cause of such attacks, for obvious reasons.
> In fact, one need not "imagine" anything. One can simply look at the explanations given by virtually every captured individual accused of attempting serious Terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. The Times Square bomber, the Pakistani-American Faisal Shahzad,said this:As soon as he was taken into custody May 3 at John F. Kennedy International Airport, onboard a flight to Dubai, the Pakistani-born Shahzad told agents that he was motivated by opposition to U.S. policy in the Muslim world, officials said."One of the first things he said was, 'How would you feel if people attacked the United States? You are attacking a sovereign Pakistan'," said one law enforcement official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the interrogation reports are not public. "In the first two hours, he was talking about his desire to strike a blow against the United States for the cause."When the federal judge who sentenced Shahzad asked with disgust how he could try to detonate bombs knowing that innocent children would die, he replied: "Well, the drone hits in Afghanistan and Iraq, they don't see children, they don't see anybody. They kill women, children, they kill everybody." Those statements are consistent with adecade's worth of emails and other private communications from Shahzad, as he railed with increasing fury against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, drone attacks in Pakistan, Israeli violence against Palestinians and Muslims generally, Guantanamo and torture, and asked: "Can you tell me a way to save the oppressed? And a way to fight back when rockets are fired at us and Muslim blood flows?"
> Najibullah Zazi, one of the first Afghans ever to be accused of Terrorism on U.S. soil when he plotted to detonate bombs in the New York subway system, wasradicalizedby the U.S. occupation of his country ("This is the payback for the atrocities that you do,"he said). Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)expressly saidthat the Christmas Day bomb attempt by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was in retaliation for theObama cluster-bomb airstrikein Yemen that killed dozens of women and children along with U.S. support for the Yemeni dictator. The Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan wasmotivatedby "the killing of Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan."
> Anwar Awlaki wasonce such a moderatethat he vehemently denounced the 9/11 attacks, gotinvitedto the Pentagon to speak, andhosted a columnin The Washington Post on Islam but then became radicalized by the constant post-9/11 killing of Muslims by his country (the U.S.). David Rodhe, the former New York Times reporter who was held hostage by the Taliban for nine months,saidafter he was released that Taliban "commanders fixated on the deaths of Afghan, Iraqi and Palestinian civilians in military airstrikes, as well as the American detention of Muslim prisoners who had been held for years without being charged."
> Even The Washington Post just two weeks agopointed outthat the primary source of strength for AQAP the Terror group which the U.S. Government insists is the greatest threat to the U.S. are repeated U.S. drone strikes in Yemen; said The Post: "An escalating campaign of U.S. drone strikes is stirring increasing sympathy for al-Qaeda-linked militants and driving tribesmen to join a network linked to terrorist plots against the United States." In late 2009 almost three years ago – The New York Timespointed outexactly the same thing when quoting a Yemeni official after Obama's civilian-killing cluster bomb attack ("The problem is that the involvement of the United States creates sympathy for Al Qaeda"). Even Sullivan acknowledges: "there does seem a danger, especially in Yemen, that drones may be focusing the Islamists' attention away from their own government and onto ours."
> In other words, the very policies that Sullivan and Packer adore are exactly the ones that make another 9/11 so likely. Running around screaming "9/11 at Obama critics to justify his ongoing American violence in the Muslim world is like running around screaming "lung cancer" to justify heavy cigarette smoking. It isn't those of us who oppose American aggression in the Muslim world who need manipulative, exploitative reminders about 9/11; it's those who cheer for these policies who are making a follow-up attack ever more likely.
> Prior to 9/11, of course, the U.S. spent decades propping up dictators in that part of that world, overthrowing their democratically elected leaders, imposing devastating sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of Muslim children literally and thenblithely justifying itlike it was the most insignificant problem in the world, arming, funding and diplomatically protecting continuous Israeli aggression, and otherwise interfering in and dominating their countries. There's a reason they decided to attack the U.S. as opposed to, say, Peru, or South Africa, or Finland, or Brazil, or Japan, or Portugal, or China. It isn't because The Terrorists put the names of all the countries into a hat and bad luck for us randomly picked out the piece of paper that said "The United States."
> It's because the U.S. has been and continues to be guided bythe imperial mindsetthat causes Andrew Sullivan, George Packer and people like them to cheer and cheer and cheer for U.S. violence and other forms of coercion in that part of the world violence and coercion that they would be the first to denounce and demand war in response to if it were done to the U.S. rather than by the U.S. Indeed, that's precisely how they reacted and, a full decade later, are still reacting to a one-time attack on U.S. soil.
> In light of that, I can't even conceive of the uncontrolled rage, righteous fury and insatiable desire for violence in which they would be drowning if those attacks lasted not a single day but a full decade, if it involved constant video imagery on American television of dead American children and charred American wedding parties and thousands of Americans imprisoned for years in cages in a distant ocean prison without charges and surveillance and weaponized drones flying constantly over American soil and unignited cluster bombs left on American soil that explode when American children find them.
> Although I can't conceive of the rage that would be produced in people like Sullivan and Packer from a decade's worth of that kind of violence on American soil, they should spend some time trying toimagine it. Then perhaps they'd understand how much they and the President whose foreign policythey venerateare doing to bring about "another 9/11 with the non-stop violence they so enthusiastically endorse.
> * * * * *
> For those who don't understand or who like purposely to ignore the difference between observations about causation (A causes B) and arguments about justification (B is justified) where "B" is "violent attacks on civilians" seehere. To be clear, this analysis is an example of the former (a causal argument), not the latter (an argument about justification).
> On a related note: a Democratic Party club recently createda websiteto tout all of President Obama's sterling achievements. AsCharles DavisandReasonboth note, half of those "achievements" are corpses that he created. This, ladies and gentlemen, is your Democratic Party in the Era of Obama:I have no idea who my President keeps killing never heard of almost any of them but I'm going to blissfully assume that they're TERRORISTS and thus stand and cheer when their lives are ended.Why do they hate us?
> UPDATE [Wed.]: My Salon colleague Jefferson Morley hasan excellent articledocumenting the mass political instability that Obama's militarism in that part of the world is breeding; it's well worth reading.
> UPDATE II [Wed.]: Anew pollfrom the Pew Research Center finds that "The Obama administration's increasing use of unmanned drone strikes to kill terror suspects is widely opposed around the world"; in particular: "in 17 out of 21 countries surveyed, more than half of the people disapproved of U.S. drone attacks." Caring about world opinion is so 2004.

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Fwd: [LA-F] Row over 75,000 visas handed out each year to foreign students who never go home

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mario LAF
Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Subject: [LA-F] Row over 75,000 visas handed out each year to foreign students who never go home
To: Libertarian Alliance Forum <>

Row over 75,000 visas handed out each year to foreign students who never go home

By James Slack

PUBLISHED: 00:31, 13 June 2012 | UPDATED: 00:31, 13 June 2012

Foreign students who fail to return home at the end of their courses push the country's population up by 75,000 every year, a report revealed last night.

The study by the Migration Watch think tank claims 25,000 remain here illegally.

The remainder either take jobs or are given permission to settle down with a partner or undertake further studies.

Here to stay... A report by Migration Watch claims 75,000 foreign students every year remain in the country after their studies have finished

The report undermines the view of 68 university chancellors who say overseas students should be taken out of the Government's migration statistics.

The number of students coming into the UK is logged, but the figure for those leaving is not.

In a letter to Prime Minister David Cameron, the Universities UK umbrella group argued that because students went home at the end of their courses there was no need to log them at all.

Migration Watch chairman: Sir Andrew Green

Lib Dem Business Secretary Vince Cable has also pressed the Home office to take a more relaxed attitude to student visas.

In a speech yesterday, he again said: 'One of our biggest and most successful export industries is higher education. If we are to strengthen it there must be confidence that bona fide overseas students are welcome here, and have the opportunity to work on a managed basis.'

But Migration Watch argues that removing students from Britain's net migration of 250,000 – which is the difference between the number of people entering the country and those leaving – would 'destroy public confidence in the Government's immigration policy'.

Mr Cameron has pledged to cut net migration to 'the tens of thousands'.

Sir Andrew Green, chairman of Migration Watch, said: 'Foreign students are valuable, but the present system is far too easily abused. Sadly, the student route has become the back door to Britain and it is wide open.'

The study says that since 2002, two million non-EU and 500,000 EU students have been admitted to Britain to study for more than a year.

But because they are not counted out, the Government 'has not the slightest idea how many have actually left'.

--   Mario Huet  Libertarian Alliance Forum  List Administrator    **********************************************  Words cannot picture her; but all men know     That solemn sketch the pure sad artist wrought   **********************************************  James Thomson, The City of Dreadful Night  

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Fwd: Philosophy in Action Wednesday Radio: Morality without God


Morality without God
Philosophy in Action Wednesday Radio

In Wednesday evening's live broadcast of Philosophy in Action Advice Radio, I'll discuss "Morality without God" with live callers.

Is objective morality possible or necessary without God? Can and should morality be based on observable facts? Join me for an engaging half-hour call-in show on the secular basis of morality!

  • What: Philosophy in Action Advice Radio
  • Who: Dr. Diana Hsieh with live callers
  • When: Wednesday, 13 June 2012 at 6 pm PT / 7 pm MT / 8 pm CT / 9 pm ET
  • Where:

If you attend the live show, you can share your experiences and ask questions by calling the show or via the text chat. If you miss the live broadcast, you'll find the audio recording of the whole episode, as well as individual questions, posted to the episode's archive page: Advice Radio: 13 June 2012. From that page, you can post comments on the questions before or after the broadcast.

I hope to see you in the chat – or better yet, talk to you – on Wednesday evening!

— Diana Hsieh (Ph.D, Philosophy) 
    Philosophy In Action

(Image via Flicker.)

June 2012

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you're fired!!!

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Re: F1gur471v3ly 5p34k1ng?

If you can read this you have a strong mind:
peice fo kace

On Jun 12, 9:41 pm, Travis <> wrote:
> Just like the new tail nmber on AF1:  N1663R
> **
>            New post on *Fellowship of the Minds*
> <>
> F1gur471v3ly 5p34k1ng?<>by
> DCG <>
> <>
> Good example of a Brain Study: If you can read this you have a strong mind:
> 7H15 M3554G3
> 53RV35 7O PR0V3
> H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N
> D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5!
> 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5!
> 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG
> 17 WA5 H4RD BU7
> N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3
> Y0UR M1ND 1S
> R34D1NG 17
> 4U70M471C4LLY
> W17H 0U7 3V3N
> 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17,
> C3R741N P30PL3 C4N
> R3AD 7H15.
> PL3453 F0RW4RD 1F
> U C4N R34D 7H15.
> h/t Laura
>  *DCG <>* | June 12,
> 2012 at 3:30 am | Categories:
> Uncategorized<>| URL:
>   Comment<>
>    See all comments<>
>   Unsubscribe or change your email settings at Manage
> Subscriptions<>.
> *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser:
>     Thanks for flying with <>

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