Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The Drug of Choice for Public Schools
The Drug of Choice for Public Schools
by Richard Schwartzman, May 24, 2011
Dependency on government is as detrimental to a society as drug addiction is to an individual. A situation in Pennsylvania -- likely similar to situations in other states -- reflects a continued unhealthy dependence on the federal government.
Briefly, Gov. Tom Corbett's proposed 2011–2012 budget had $1.1 billon less for education. That's the same amount of money the state didn't get from the federal government for education. The Parent Teacher Organization moms want the governor's political head.
During a multi-district meeting, the parents from 12 different school districts gave an earful to legislators from eight different senatorial and legislative districts in parts of Chester, Delaware, and Lancaster counties. It's an area of the state where the elephant rules, and has ruled for generations. To say the region is predominantly Republican is an understatement. So naturally, these parents, most of whom are registered Republicans, want more taxes on Marcellus shale, corporations, cigarettes, and gasoline, more taxes all around for public education.
True, some of them might be RINOs and a few others are Democrats, but most talk a straight Republican line. Yet, they want largess from government, state and federal. They've grown so dependent on largesse from the state and the feds that they give up on their own traditional values.
Some of the state budget cuts are steep, but steeper on some districts than others. The Coatesville School District will lose $8.5 million in one year while the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District -- in a more affluent area -- loses $1.1 million. All the districts are laying people off and cutting programs.
PTO moms and dads, and school board members as well, can only see one thing: Get more money from Harrisburg and Washington so the districts don't have to pare back anything and the board members won't have to make those types of tough decisions. Indeed, they want more money so they can build new and larger schools and have sports fields that are as immaculate as those in the professional ranks.
Few of them think outside the box, of sending their kids to a private or parochial school or homeschooling or, heaven forbid, even contemplating the idea of completely ending all government involvement in education and letting the free market provide educational services. Some do pursue other alternatives, of course. One artistic 7-year-old home-schooled girl taught herself Abobe PhotoShop and Illustrator simply by watching videos on YouTube.
Another family transferred their daughter from the Chadds Ford Elementary School to a private school in Delaware after comparing a third-grade English class. The public school kids were writing book reports based on cereal boxes with the ingredients as characters while the same age group in the private school was reading Supreme Court decisions. Using Cap'n Crunch as a school teacher may be a novel way to approach reading and writing, but which group of kids stand a better chanced of understanding the world around them, the first group or the second?
What government-hungry folks fail to look at are historical facts. The United States became the leading industrial nation on the planet and raised the standard of living for more people than any other country long before the federal government ever got involved in education. The Department of Education didn't come into existence until 1980 under the Jimmy Carter administration.
And long before that, the United States came into existence because of such men as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin who were never forced into a mandatory 13-year, K-12 sentence of government-controlled and government-programmed education. They had a few years of formal education, learning to read, write and do math, but beyond that they were mostly self taught or worked with tutors or family members. They read history and philosophy, much of that on their own. They weren't strapped to a school desk for six hours a day.
A government-provided education is not necessarily an education at all. It works well for some, but in all too many cases it's just a way to socialize kids, teaching little more than obedience to authority or simply acting as a babysitter who is boring kids half to death.
What has happened during the past decades of government intrusion into education is that people know more about reality TV shows than they do about the Constitution. Worse yet, they care more about those TV shows than they do about the Constitution or their own liberty.
**JP** Daily Quran and Hadith
Assalamu'alaikum Wa Rahmatullah e Wa Barakatuhu,
Thanks & Best regards,
Imran Ilyas
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APPEAL TO THE PATRIOTIC PAKISTANI NATION: We, the Pakistani nation are passing through very crucial and dangerous time. We must pay heeds to the circumstantial evidences. The responsibilities of rowing out the nation from the quagmire lays on the shoulders of Ruling Party and its alliances however, it also lies equally upon the shoulders of Nation as a whole. If USA, Israel and India can unite to finish the remaining of Pakistan, Why we the Pakistanis, can not unite within one country and majority, being the Muslims. On USA agenda, is to occupy seven Muslim countries within five years, for the control over Petroleum. Those countries are: Saudia, Libya, Iraq, Iran, UAE, Syria, & Bahrain + Oman. Pakistanā€™s Khyber Pakhtun Khawa and Baluchistan are very valuable lands as these areas contain the ores of Uranium, Molybdenum, Aluminum, Copper, Gold, & etc. and also precious stones like Rubies, Emeralds etc. ā€" Also Pakistan is the only Muslim country which possess the teeth of Elephant (Nukes), which is intolerable to the rest of the World. PLEASE UNITE UNDER ONE FLAG WITH ONE SLOGAN: UNITY, FAITH & DISCIPLENE. PLEASE SHUN ALL THE DIFFERENCES AND EACH OF US MAY PLEASE FULFIL OUR RESPONSIBILITIES. FIRST OF ALL SHUN SECTS BATTLE, EACH ONE MAY GO BY HIS RELIGION BUT EACH OF US MUST CONSIDER OURSELVES AS ā€" ā€ FIRST PAKISTANIā€™ AND ā€ LAST PAKISTANI.ā€™ PLEASE SHUN RACIAL DIFFERENCES. THERE IS NO SINDHI, NO PUNJABI, NO MUHAJIR, NO PATHAN, NO BALUCHI. WE ARE ALL PAKISTANI. WE ARE FIRST, ONLY PAKISTANI THEN POLTICIAN, BEUROCRAT, GENERAL, JUDGE, INDUSTRIALIST, ETC. POLITICIANS MUST UNITE AS THE FINGERS OF HAND UNITE WITH THE PALM & PAKISTAN MUST BE ABOVE PARTY POLITICS. I APPEAL TO ALL CONCIUOS PAKISTANIS TO RISE ON THE OCCASION AND WRITE MORE AND MORE AND CREAT PATRIOTIC ENTHUSIASM AND UNITY IN THE PUBLIC. REMEMBER, IF WE ARE NOT SERIOUS TODAY, WE WILL BE OFFICIALLY NOTIFIED AS 'OCCUPIED' BY TOMORROW. CHINA IS A GREAT FRIEND AND TRUST WORTHY BUT DO YOU THINK IT WISE TO FIGHT WAR WITH SUPER POWERS (USA+ISREAL+INDIA) FOR THE SAKE OF PAKISTAN? IT WILL GIVE HELP BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO FIGHT YOUR OWN WAR. PAKISTAN ZINDA BAAD
Re: **JP** Must Watch it!
آخر امریکہ نے ٹریننگ دی ہے تو پھر ویل ٹرینڈ تو ہوں گے نا
From: Wali Ahmad <awali3333@yahoo.com>
To: JOIN PAKISTAN <joinpakistan@googlegroups.com>; PAK GIRLS <pakistani-girls@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 10:45 AM
Subject: **JP** Must Watch it!
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Our dollar khor naval chief is just a stupid person as he was praising the intruders that they are well trained...--
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Indians don't use Saddles
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Re: The car that thinks it's a tank: Inside Obama's 'Beast' Cadillac that is being flown from the U.S. to drive down the Mall
On May 23, 7:04 pm, THE ANNOINTED ONE <markmka...@gmail.com> wrote:Gee Annoitedone, you must not have saw Obama's welcomes in Ireland and
> Gee, Studio!!! I guess you do not agree with the prevailing opinion in
> the world of Mr. Obama. This is a story from the daily mail; please
> explain what it is that you think Travis and or Plainol had to do with
> its content or author.
other parts of the world.
Plainol and Travis are obvious racists that even a blind man could see
clearly....but your blinder than that aren't you?
It's a non-story by another conservative rag of a paper that has
backed the Tory Party consistently and is no different than the
demonstrably phony Fuax News in the US.
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TEENAGE Italian singing sensations wowed them on American Idol last week
TEENAGE Italian singing sensations wowed them on American Idol last week |
An 'ISLAM NOT' break for BNI readers. A totally unexpected group of Italian teenagers, Piero Barone (17), Ignazio Boschetto (16) and Gianluca Ginoble (16), known as Il Volo, took American Idol to a new level with their amazing rendition of 'O Sole Mio. ENJOY!
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Re: The false hope of Herman Cain
There was actually hope?
Although I will admit that some Republican't Neo Cons would vote for a
guy who has a business called Godfathers.
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Debunking the Top Seven Myths on Iran's Middle East Policies
Debunking the Top Seven Myths on Iran's Middle East Policies
Saturday 21 May 2011
by: William O. Beeman
This evening, I listened to the radio program Tehran Rising produced by America Abroada program distributed by Public Radio Internationaland I must say that I was deeply disturbed by the way the program was framed. The program centers on "spreading Iranian influence" in the Middle East.
Frankly, it is somewhat fatuous to try to hang a story about change and unrest in the Middle East on the Iranian bogeyman. Haven't we had enough of this?
Since nations such as Lebanon, Bahrain and Iraq (all covered in the reporting for this piece) are hugely different in their internal and external dynamics, to make this a story about Iran really obscures any nuance whatsoever in the politics of the region, and implies that nothing would be happening if it weren't for Iranian machinations.
There are certainly a few people in Iran who would exult in this misperception, however, here are a few of the myths offered in the program which I would like to debunk.
Myth #1: A "cold war" between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
This is a completely fictional construction. Saudi Arabia has long been wary and disturbed by the Shi'a majority in Hasa, its eastern oil territory. This was true even under the Shah and long before. The fear of the uprising in Bahrain has little or nothing to do with confronting Iran--it is driven by fear that the Bahraini uprising will spread over the causeway to its own province.
Myth #2: Iran's spurring on of the Bahrain uprising.
The implication in the program was that Iran is doing something to spur on the Bahrain uprising. The program's own interviewee, Kristin Smith Diwan, denied this.
Moreover, I just participated in a seminar for the U.S. Central Command in Tampa. Two military intelligence agents --fluent in Arabic and Persian – and former students of Middle East experts Ray Motaheddeh and Juan Cole – flatly denied that there was any evidence that Iran had any agents on the ground in Bahrain, based on their own extensive investigations in February and March of this year.
Myth #3: The bulk of Lebanon's Hezbollah funds come from Iran.
My position on Hezbollah and that of virtually every other observer of Hezbollah is that Iran has no effective control over Hezbollah's political actions today (as opposed to 30 years ago).
The program documented clearly the charitable actions carried out by Hezbollah that were supported by Iran. Iran never denied this. At the same time, the program clearly pointed out the correct statement that the bulk of Lebanon's redevelopment funds came from foreign remittances and from the Gulf States.
The program misleadingly implies that Hezbollah is not receiving funds from the same sources. In fact, the bulk of Hezbollah's funds come from those foreign sources, not from Iran.
Of course the Sunnis such as the one interviewed on the program are opposed to Iran, but look at the welcome President Ahmadinejad got from both Shi'as and Sunnis in his recent trip.
Myth #4: Iranian influence is negative or evil.
This implication that Iranian influence is somehow negative or evil as opposed to being just what nations do was prevalent in the program.
Turkey is trying to increase its influence in Central Asia, but no one complains about that. Iran is being squeezed economically and of course is trying to develop economic and political ties. It's behaving as nations operate normally.
Myth #5: Iran is exploiting weak democracies.
Ash Jain, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) and former State Department staff member, and all those at the WINEP are dedicated to propagandizing against Iran. The idea that Iran is "exploiting weak democracies" is rather silly. Iran can't exploit anyone unless they are able to promulgate messages and actions that are welcome to the populations of other nations.
In fact, Iran has made little or no headway in any predominately Sunni nation. Karim Sadjadpour of the Carnegie Endowment is quite right about the "self-limiting" nature of Iran's influence. Case in point: Tajikistan. Persian speaking, culturally Iranian, the Tajiks should be susceptible to Iranian influence. Instead, they are extremely wary of Iran because Iranians are Shi'a and Tajiks are Sunni.
Myth #6: Iran has "won" because Hamas has gained power.
Ash Jain of WINEP claims that Iran has "won" because Hamas has stabilized and become a force in the Middle East. For heaven's sake, one would think that the denizens of Hamas have no interest in their own affairs and future.
Does he think that Hamas lives only to fulfill some fantasy foreign policy influence on Iran's part?
Myth #7: All Shi'a leaders agree with Iran.
Let's be clear. No Shi'a religious leaders outside of Iran agree with Iran's form of government or want to emulate it. Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani of Iraq is flatly opposed to Iran's brand of clerical rule, and disagrees with the idea that the Iranian Revolution should be spread abroad. Not that there's hope of that anyway.
Therefore, the flat answer to the question of Iranian influence is: Some in Iran would like to see Iran have greater influence in the region, but their "success" is largely a figment of the imagination of overwrought Westerners looking about for another "cold war" enemy, to echo the framework of this program.
Much of what is attributed to Iran in this radio program and elsewhere is actually the result of the natural dynamics of the individual communities of the region playing out their own local interests.
The fact that some in Iran may be cheerleading from the sidelines doesn't mean that Iran is in control. Nor does it mean that what Iran is doing is any different than any other nation in the world trying to create favorable relations for itself.
William O. Beeman is Professor and Chair of Anthropology and specialist in Middle East Studies at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis-St. Paul Minnesota, formerly of Brown University.
The poor and middleclass being systematically wiped out by Republican't Party
1. No we can't.
But that only seems to apply to anything that isn't a war.
2. We are broke.
No they aren't... they've never been richer.
3. Jobs Jobs Jobs.
In Republican't speak that means "No jobs, or lower paying jobs"
4. Tax breaks for the rich.
Means they can invest more in other countries.
5. The rich pay all the taxes.
The rich also own everything in the US.
All the land, all the malls, all the businesses, all the everything.
6. We must end Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare...
... and most everything else the rich do not use so they can invest in
other countries cheap labor and social programs.
7. Deregulation
So that only the rich may know what is happening and profit from it by
taking the middle-classes money.
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Re: The false hope of Herman Cain
Although I will admit that some Republican't Neo Cons would vote for a
guy who has a business called Godfathers.
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Re: Social Security vs Pensions
> From the SSA website:
> Who is eligible for survivors benefits
> Social Security survivors benefits can be paid to:
Duh, yeah. So what?
Obviously that irks you and you don't have the guts to tell a single
widow the truth that it's Republican'ts that want to take her SS away
from her.
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Re: The car that thinks it's a tank: Inside Obama's 'Beast' Cadillac that is being flown from the U.S. to drive down the Mall
> Gee, Studio!!! I guess you do not agree with the prevailing opinion in
> the world of Mr. Obama. This is a story from the daily mail; please
> explain what it is that you think Travis and or Plainol had to do with
> its content or author.
Gee Annoitedone, you must not have saw Obama's welcomes in Ireland and
other parts of the world.
Plainol and Travis are obvious racists that even a blind man could see
clearly....but your blinder than that aren't you?
It's a non-story by another conservative rag of a paper that has
backed the Tory Party consistently and is no different than the
demonstrably phony Fuax News in the US.
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Re: Social Security vs Pensions
Who is eligible for survivors benefits
Social Security survivors benefits can be paid to:
- A widow or widower -- full benefits at full retirement age, or reduced benefits as early as age 60
- A disabled widow or widower -- as early as age 50
- A widow or widower at any age if he or she takes care of the deceased's child who is under age 16 or disabled, and receiving Social Security benefits
- Unmarried children under 18, or up to age 19 if they are attending high school full time. Under certain circumstances, benefits can be paid to stepchildren, grandchildren, or adopted children.
- Children at any age who were disabled before age 22 and remain disabled.
- Dependent parents age 62 or older
On 05/23/2011 04:49 PM, studio wrote:
On May 23, 7:20 pm, THE ANNOINTED ONE <markmka...@gmail.com> wrote:You can't collect Social Security if you have never worked, or paid in. So your analogy is false. There are a lot of over 65 widows that would really disagree with you.Another war from Republican'ts... this time on widows? What's the matter, tired of beating up the poor? Tell you what, you ask the widow if it's alright if you take her SS away from her and see what the answer is.
Freedom is always illegal!
When we ask for freedom, we have already failed. It is only when we declare freedom for ourselves and refuse to accept any less, that we have any possibility of being free. "What we think of as government is really nothing more than a small percentage of the populace using the idea of government in order to force their will on the rest of the population at large."
- Nathaniel A. Fraser
Supreme Court releases 46,000 California Inmates due to overcrowding
Supreme Court releases 46,000 California Inmates due to overcrowdingScotty Starnes | May 23, 2011 at 2:24 PM | Tags: California, inmate release, overcrowded prison, prisons, U.S. Supreme Court | Categories: Political Issues | URL: http://wp.me/pvnFC-5iB |
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ordered California on Monday to release tens of thousands of its prisoners to relieve overcrowding, saying that "needless suffering and death" had resulted from putting too many inmates into facilities that cannot hold them in decent conditions.
Yes, in the U.S., we have to make it comfortable for criminals or they are set free.
It is one of the largest prison release orders in the nation's history, and it sharply split the high court.
Justices upheld an order from a three-judge panel in California that called for releasing 38,000 to 46,000 prisoners. Since then, the state has transferred about 9,000 state inmates to county jails. As a result, the total prison population is now about 32,000 more than the capacity limit set by the panel.
Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, speaking for the majority, said California's prisons had "fallen short of minimum constitutional requirements" because of overcrowding. As many as 200 prisoners may live in gymnasium, he said, and as many as 54 prisoners share a single toilet.
Where in the constitution does it say that prisons have to be comfortable. These lowlifes, more than likely, violated another person's rights. Why should they be treated better? Let them be uncomfortable in prison and maybe they won't return to their lives of crime once released.
Kennedy insisted that the state had no choice but to release more prisoners. The justices, however, agreed that California officials should be given more time to make the needed reductions.
In dissent, Justice Antonin Scalia called the ruling "staggering" and "absurd."
He said the high court had repeatedly overruled the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for ordering the release of individual prisoners. Now, he said, the majority were ordering the release of "46,000 happy-go-lucky felons." He added that "terrible things are sure to happen as a consequence of this outrageous order." Justice Clarence Thomas agreed with him.
Now the taxpayers will be forced to foot the bill to re-incarcerate them once these criminals are freed to feast upon the public thanks to California's pro-criminal agenda.
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MUSLIM atrocities against Hindus (WARNING: Graphic Photo Images)
MUSLIM atrocities against Hindus (WARNING: Graphic Photo Images)barenakedislam | May 23, 2011 at 7:26 PM | Categories: Religion of Hate | URL: http://wp.me/peHnV-unR |
It doesn't matter whether you are Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, or any other religion. If you are not a Muslim, you are the target of Muslim persecution and slaughter. Documenting Reality - 58 Hindus, most of them returning from Ayodhya, were killed and 43 injured when Muslims attacked the Sabarmati Express and set afire four of its coaches [...]
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Re: Social Security vs Pensions
> You can't collect Social Security if you have never worked, or paid
> in.
> So your analogy is false.
> There are a lot of over 65 widows that would really disagree with you.
Another war from Republican'ts... this time on widows?
What's the matter, tired of beating up the poor?
Tell you what, you ask the widow if it's alright if you take her SS
away from her and see what the answer is.
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Re: Money Can't buy Class
> Depends on the roadkill.
Here's another one!
> Problem is she actually dresses like that.
This is typical Republican't nit-picking, triviality and pettiness.
Anything to avoid talking abut real issues.
> If she showed up to a job interview with me dressed as she does.... she
> would stay unemployed as that is not an image that could EVER
> represent my concerns.
Well guess what, she isn't looking to be employed by you.
As if she, I, or anyone else should care about "your concerns".
As far as I'm concerned; your business is worthless.
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Re: Social Security vs Pensions
So your analogy is false.
There are a lot of over 65 widows that would really disagree with you.
On May 20, 2:47 pm, studio <tl...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> On May 20, 1:00 pm, frankg <fran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Studio,
> > "You won't receive your car or home insurance back just because you
> > paid in either retard."
> > Your analogy is seriously flawed.
> Nothing flawed about it, other than the comprehension levels of some
> of the people reading it.
> > Wealthy or poor, if you drive a car
> > you have the potential to have an accident and need insurance.
> True. So...
> > However, if Social Security worked as you propose, then someone
> > meeting your definition of wealth would have no chance of ever
> > collecting.
> And so do you think they would rather have the Social Security instead
> of the wealth?
> > So, really, what you're suggesting is that someone who
> > doesn't drive should still be paying car insurance to help pay for the
> > insurance of those who do.
> No, what I'm suggesting is *everyone* who works, pay insurance for
> *everyone* who works.
> Then the insurance be paid out to those who need it, instead of those
> who don't.
> You can't collect Social Security if you have never worked, or paid
> in.
> So your analogy is false.
> Keith in Köln
> > Geesh Frank!
> > That made sense! Do you expect a Moonbat to comprehend or understand
> > this? Studio is looking like a deer in the headlights right now!!
> It's better than that; a deer that's driving the semi that's gonna run
> some weasels over.
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Re: Money Can't buy Class
she showed up to a job interview with me dressed as she does.... she
would stay unemployed as that is not an image that could EVER
represent my concerns.
On May 23, 4:25 pm, studio <tl...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> This coming from a guy who thinks eating road kill is a delicacy?
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Re: The car that thinks it's a tank: Inside Obama's 'Beast' Cadillac that is being flown from the U.S. to drive down the Mall
the world of Mr. Obama. This is a story from the daily mail; please
explain what it is that you think Travis and or Plainol had to do with
its content or author.
On May 23, 4:32 pm, studio <tl...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I don't get it?
> Only white Presidents should have that honor?
> You and plainol are such a dumb hick racists.
> You both have big mouths and say or do nothing to back it up.
> If you only realized how few people listen to that crap you spew.
> I would hope that we could have another civil war to put you idiots in
> your place once again.
> It would be so much easier than last time.
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The false hope of Herman Cain
The false hope of Herman Cain
Vox Day
Posted: May 23, 2011
For an activity that nominally purports to concern itself with leadership, politics is essentially a game of tail-chasing. In a two-party system, or more accurately, a bifactional single-party system of the sort we suffer here in the United States, winning national elections is usually considered to rely upon slicing off a critical two percent from the least-committed, least-principled, most moderate portion of the other faction's supporters. Since the winner of the previous election succeeded in claiming critical center, it is customary for the losing party's next candidate to in some way mimic the previous winner in an attempt to reclaim the crucial minority.
So, it should come as no surprise that after having been ambushed by Barack Obama's unexpected defeat of an uncharacteristically inept campaign by Hillary Clinton, some Republicans have decided that they need a "magic negro" of their own. After all, what could counteract the uplifting post-racial appeal of the first half-black, half-American president so well as a presidential candidate who is an authentic American black man, with no unsettling questions about his birth, his Social Security number, his college records, his religion and even his name? Moreover, Herman Cain is a man of legitimate accomplishment; he is not only well-spoken, but has proven himself capable of stringing more than two resonant sentences together without the use of a teleprompter.
Nevertheless, his many fine qualities notwithstanding, Herman Cain should not be the Republican Party's candidate for president for two vitally important reasons:
1) He is poorly suited to lure the marginal center away from Obama. White voters who are disenchanted with the false promise of Obama's post-racialism will not be motivated to vote for its Republican version, however genuine it might be. Black voters, on the other hand, have not historically been favorably impressed by black Republicans and are very unlikely to abandon a Democratic poster president, even though Cain is much more genuinely representative of American blacks than the Indo-Kenyan American who presently claims that role.
2) He is not even close to being a genuine conservative on the single most important issue presently facing the nation. Indeed, both his economic philosophy and his employment record are quite literally Communist. In the fifth of the "10 Planks" of the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx demanded "Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly." In the United States, credit has been centralized in an exclusive government monopoly granted to the Federal Reserve; Mr. Cain was the deputy chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City from 1992-1994 and the chairman from 1995-1996.
Now, despite his five-year career as an elite bankster, Cain cannot be seriously regarded as one culpable for the massive credit booms and the various financial crises that were their inevitable consequences. Unlike Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke, Cain was not at the Federal Reserve proper or its flagship New York bank; it is also worth noting that his two terms of office at the bank preceded the periods of frantic money pumping that took place in 1998 and 2001 and launched the tech and housing bubbles. However, on the Neil Boortz show, his answer with regard to a prospective congressional audit of the Federal Reserve missed the point so completely that it leaves the informed observer wondering if the man is deeply disingenuous or astonishingly clueless.
"Some people say we ought to audit the Federal Reserve. Here's what I do know. The Federal Reserve already has so many internal audits it's ridiculous. I don't know why people think we're going to learn this great amount of information from the Federal Reserve. … Here's the advice I give to people who think we ought to audit the Federal Reserve. Call them up and ask them if you can have one of their PR people explain to you how the Federal Reserve operates. I think a lot of people are calling for the audit of the Federal Reserve because they don't know enough about it! There's no hidden secrets going on the Federal Reserve to my knowledge. We've got 12 Federal Reserve banks, find out which district you're in, call them up and go from there! We don't need to waste money with another commission or an audit. It's not necessary. Because, folks, we've got a lot of other problems we need to worry about."
This is untrue. There is no bigger or more central problem facing America than the one posed by its current financial system.
Furthermore, it is almost painful to have to point out that an internal audit is absolutely no use to parties outside the Federal Reserve system. The entire point of having an external audit is to determine the extent to which the Fed has been engaging in fraud and other criminal activities given that its highest officers have openly confessed to actions that clearly exceed its charter from Congress, and in some cases, even appear to violate the law. Given that major media organizations such as Bloomberg News were forced to file suit in federal court to learn what securities were being accepted by the central bank as collateral for trillions of dollars in illicit loans provided to various international banks, it is simply ludicrous to suggest that anything significant can be learned by a private individual telephoning the district office of a regional bank.
Herman Cain is far too financially and economically dubious to be given any serious thought as a conservative presidential candidate. Since the Federal Reserve is the primary cause of America's ongoing economic depression, it would be the height of stupidity to nominate one of its foxes in the expectation he will put right the American hen house.
censorship at the university
Is UMSL Attempting to Intimidate Student Whistleblower?
by Capitol ConfidentialOne day last week Phil Christofanelli, the student whistleblower behind the UMKC/UMSL union video story, was sent a certified letter from UMSL.
Is the university attempting to intimidate Christofanelli?
Also, why will UMSL not release the full videos of the class lectures in question?
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Re: The car that thinks it's a tank: Inside Obama's 'Beast' Cadillac that is being flown from the U.S. to drive down the Mall
Only white Presidents should have that honor?
You and plainol are such a dumb hick racists.
You both have big mouths and say or do nothing to back it up.
If you only realized how few people listen to that crap you spew.
I would hope that we could have another civil war to put you idiots in
your place once again.
It would be so much easier than last time.
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Re: Money Can't buy Class
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Re: Social Security vs Pensions
> You make no sense at all.
Coming from a Republican't, making no sense at all means that it
probably makes perfect sense to anyone with half a brain.
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New malware tricks users into thinking hard drive failure is imminent
Scareware came by its name honestly (or perhaps dishonestly). The particular strain of malware we are looking at here (distributed as UltraDefragger and SystemRecovery) attempts to ensnare unwary users by displaying sensational and frightening alerts.
As Symantec recently discovered, the bad guys have added a new twist to their fake disk defragmentation tools: falsely notifying users that a hard drive is about to fail. Like so many other rogue applications, this "recovery tool" is designed to trick users into purchasing a paid application which can fix the problems that were detected. In truth, of course, there were no problems and there is no fix.
This malware goes beyond mere sensational alerts, however. Symantec notes that it moves files from All Users and the current Windows user's profile into a temporary location, making it appear as though problems with the hard drive are causing files to disappear. It also disables a user's ability to change wallpaper images and sets registry keys to hide certain icons — giving the impression that programs are going missing as well (check out the video to see it in action).
If there's one thing which incites panic in the average computer user, it's the thought of losing important files. When a rogue application does as convincing a job as this one does, it's really not surprising that the panic button gets pushed and purchases are made. So just how much would you have to shell out to undo the damage caused by this phantom hard drive crash? $79.50.
Hang on to your money, people. This malware doesn't remove any files, and it's not going to "recover" anything if you pay for it. Instead, point your browser to www.malwarebytes.org or www.superantispyware.com and download a good, free malware removal tool and perform a full scan on your system. You'll still be able to get your files back with a little bit of digging (just fire up the Windows search tool or open Windows Explorer and browse to %temp%\smtemp) and the malicious program will be uprooted with minimal fuss.
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The car that thinks it's a tank: Inside Obama's 'Beast' Cadillac that is being flown from the U.S. to drive down the Mall
Monday, May 23 2011 5-Day Forecast
The car that thinks it's a tank: Inside Obama's 'Beast' Cadillac that is being flown from the U.S. to drive down the Mall
By Chris Greenwood and Rebecca English
Last updated at 11:34 AM on 23rd May 2011
An extraordinary entourage will accompany President Obama and his wife Michelle when they sweep into London tomorrow.
The team of at least 500 will include White House aides, a six-doctor medical team and a squad of personal chefs. There will be more than 200 secret service agents, many of them armed.
The President will travel in 'The Beast', his gigantic bomb-proof General Motors Cadillac with eight-inch thick armour-plating on its doors. The limousine will be accompanied by a motorcade of at least 20 vehicles plus a dozen police motorcycle outriders.
He will land in Britain on Air Force One. But if this picture is anything to go by, Barack Obama might prefer journeying by sea rather than plane.
Dressed in a pirate hat, eyepatch and striped red shirt, the ten-year-old Obama was posing before a Hallowe'en party. He is also decked out with a homemade sword, earrings – and a drawn-on moustache and beard.
The photo is part of an exhibition by residents of flats in Honolulu, Hawaii, where Mr Obama lived as a boy.
After the breakdown of his parents' marriage, his father, a Harvard scholar, returned to his home country, Kenya.
Mr Obama moved to Indonesia with his mother Ann, but aged ten returned to Honolulu, where he lived with his grandparents until going to university.
Such is the emphasis on security that Mr Obama's team has even asked to fit bomb-proof double glazing to the windows of his guest suite at Buckingham Palace.
The moves to increase the First Couple's safety come in the wake of the killing of Osama Bin Laden three weeks ago.
Also joining the President on the trip will be one military officer carrying a suitcase containing America's nuclear missile launch codes, plus representatives of six departments of state.
Mr Obama himself will fly on Air Force One, which doubles as a flying luxury hotel and command post complete with an operating theatre and gym.
The customised Boeing 747-200B, which is accompanied by a decoy aircraft, is said to cost around £110,000 an hour to run. The President and his wife, who are visiting Ireland today, will arrive at Stansted Airport tomorrow to be greeted by Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall.
After lunch with the Queen, the President will lay a wreath at Westminster Abbey before attending an evening banquet hosted by the Queen at Buckingham Palace. On Wednesday Mr Obama will meet David Cameron and then address both Houses of Parliament in Westminster Hall. Meanwhile Mrs Obama will join girls from Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School – the North London school she visited in 2009 – on a visit to Oxford University.
That evening Mr Obama will host a dinner for the Queen at the home of the U.S. ambassador to Britain, before leaving on Thursday.
Buckingham Palace staff have left nothing to chance in anticipation of the high-profile trip.
Aides admit, however, they were slightly taken aback a few weeks ago when Mr Obama's security team demanded to be allowed to bring along their own portable double glazing-style glass to cover the windows in his bedroom as a temporary measure.
The Obamas will stay in the opulent Belgian Suite, which has hosted leaders including Nelson Mandela and President Kennedy.
A source said: 'The Household does everything to make palace guests feel comfortable and there is little that we baulk at. That said, special requests are normally restricted to a certain type of tea or coffee or wheat-free bread for breakfast.
'We like to think that our security measures would suffice, but if the President of the United States wants his own windows, then that is what he will have.'
By all accounts, so many Obama aides want to stay at the palace that some of the Queen's own staff have to be kicked out of their rooms to accommodate them.
Another source said the U.S. team was setting up military-style beds in the basement and installing their own communication hardware.
'The President's team are running around the palace brandishing their guns as if they own the place – it's like something out of that TV programme 24,' they said.
'They are also setting up a kind of mini clinic with hospital machines, including supplies of the President's blood in case of emergencies.'
But sources say the White House team is 'not nearly as demanding' as those working for George W. Bush, who stayed at the palace in 2003.
His security team apparently wanted all 760 palace windows be replaced, while the helicopters Mr Bush used were, said the source, 'so large that they shook the trees and plants to smithereens. The Queen was furious'.
Roll out the red plane stairs: The President and first lady Michelle Obama wave from Air Force One before departing to Dublin from Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland yesterday
Together: Obama and his wife Michelle walk hand-in-hand through the grounds of the White House on Sunday evening as they prepare to board flights for Ireland to begin their multi-nation European tour
Calm: Obama and first lady Michelle appear relaxed on the runway yesterday before their visit to Ireland and the UK
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