Saturday, April 28, 2012
ACTION ALERT: Tuesday is May Day: Directory Occupy General Strike In Over 125 Cities
Over 125 Cities
May Day Directory: Occupy General Strike In Over 125 Cities
While American corporate media has focused on yet another stale
election between Wall Street-financed candidates, Occupy has been
organizing something extraordinary: the first truly nationwide General
Strike in U.S. history. Building on the international celebration of
May Day, past General Strikes in U.S. cities like Seattle and Oakland,
the recent May 1st Day Without An Immigrant demonstrations, the
national general strikes in Spain this year, and the on-going student
strike in Quebec, the Occupy Movement has called for A Day Without the
99% on May 1st, 2012. This in and of itself is a tremendous victory.
For the first time, workers, students, immigrants, and the unemployed
from over 125 U.S. cities will stand together for economic justice.
See below for what we believe to be the most comprehensive list yet
compiled of cities where Occupy May Day events are being planned, as
well as other resources. Note: This is a living document. Check back
for updates! If you have any additional events, please let us know in
the comment section of this article. You are encouraged to share this
page in as many ways as possible!
General Resources
6 Ways to Get Ready for the May 1st GENERAL STRIKE
Why And How To Strike On May Day
Global Facebook Event
Follow on Twitter: @OWSMayDay | @OccupyGenStrk | @StrikeEverywher |
@OccupyGenStrike | #M1GS | #GeneralStrike | #MayDay
May Day Legal Fund
May Day Fund NYC
Key City-wide May Day Sites
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Bay Area, California -
Chicago -
Southern California -
Seattle -
Find a nearby city with planned actions:
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Have a great day,
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
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BANGLADESH: Warn government to stop waging war against its own people
The Honorable Hillary Clinton
Secretary of State
2201 C Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20520-0001
Re: BANGLADESH: Warn government to stop waging war against its own people
Dear Secretary Clinton:
I am William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for Salem I am writing to you concerning your upcoming trip to Bangladesh from May 5-7, 2012. I believe this trip is an important opportunity to raise issues such as accountability of the Law enforcement agencies, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion. The United States has placed great emphasis on its deepening relationship with Bangladesh and I believe this in turn creates an opportunity and an obligation to discuss serious human rights violations continuing in the country. I urge you to emphasize good governance, respect for human rights, and the rule of law. These are essential to providing the conditions favorable to economic progress in Bangladesh.
I appreciate your attention to these important human rights concerns.
Your visit is a timely opportunity to deliver clear and unambiguous messages to senior government officials. I ask you to:
- Urge the Bangladesh government to take all necessary measures to ensure that the military, law enforcement agencies and intelligence services abide by international human rights law.
- Ensure that the Bangladesh government appropriately investigates and prosecutes military, law enforcement agencies and intelligence officers who had commited torture and other serious human rights violations.
- Advocate for transparency and good governance in Bangladesh.
- Push for accountability to ensure that those responsible for serious human rights abuses, including enforced disappearance, extrajudicial killings, and custodial torture are prosecuted, regardless of rank.
- Pledge serious, high-level, and consistent diplomatic engagement by the US government to help find solutions to the ongoing political crisis where democracy is under threat in Bangladesh.
I urge you; please stop helping the killings squad Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) and Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI) with technical and non-technical supports. According to the information US is supplying Browning M1911, .45ACP Caliber Semi-automatic pistol and Remington 870, 12gauge Semi-automatic shotgun to RAB. I also came to know that US officials has directly helped and trained the RAB officials in US and in Bangladesh to setup a specialized center for data mining and Telephone Interception. The same kind of help was given to DGFI by the US government. It is very alarming that both agencies are using these technologies in trapping innocent people, committed political activists, human rights defenders and journalists.
Enforced disappearance has become a matter of everyday life in Bangladesh. Mr. M Ilias Ali, a former Member of Parliament and Organising Secretary of the main opposition political party – Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), and the driver of his car named Mr. Ansar, have been found missing since both of them left the former's residence by a private car at around 9:30pm on 17 April 2012.
I have information from sources that a specialized team of Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI) has abducted Mr. Ali and his driver. Disappearance of Ilias Ali and Ansar is an isolated one. Mr. Chowdhury Alam, a Dhaka City Corporation Commissioner was also abducted by the same specialized unit of DGFI. It is a naked truth that the law-enforcement agencies and security forces enjoy blatant impunity for creating extreme form of fear in the society through coercive actions. And very sadly the specialized unit of DGFI who are involved in disappearance of Ilias Ali and others remain unknown to the media and people and enjoy a complete impunity.
In Bangladesh very sadly the judicial institutions are poorly structured in terms of their intellectual and moral capacities. As a result the judiciary remains silent of the issues of disappearances and others forms organized crime committed by the law enforcement agencies like RAB and special unit of DGFI.
The religious minorities in Bangladesh has targeted by the fundamentalist and politically motivated terrors. In all the cases the law enforcement agencies remain silent and helped to fuel up the situations against the religious minorities.
Please stop supporting the law enforcement agencies with any kind of technical or non technical support until they stop the war against people.
The State Department should press the government of Bangladesh to address these concerns in a serious and time-bound manner and consistently raise these matters in discussions with the Bangladesh government in the coming days.
I thank you for your attention to this important matter.
William Nicholas Gomes
Human rights Ambassador for Salem
1.William J. Burns, Deputy Secretary of State
2. Robert O. Blake, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs
3.Michael H. Posner, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
Journalist & Human Rights Activist
80/ B Bramon Chiron, Saydabad,
Dhaka-1203, Bangladesh.
Cell: +88 019 7 444 0 666
E-mail:William [at],editorbd[at]
Skype: William.gomes9
Face book:
Web site
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Re: George Zimmerman is part Black
Was Trayvon Martin "standing his ground" and protectiing himself from white-Latino Zimmerman?
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Reason editor at the White House Correspondents Dinner
A libertarian journalist is at the White House dinner tonight | |
| Reason editor at the White House Correspondents DinnerSource: |
Bruce Majors sent this using ShareThis.
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Re: After bullied gay teen Jack Reese’s suicide, Ogden, Utah to hold community meeting, candlelight vigil
Anointed None-
Lets repeat:
The depression is very often triggered by bullying and rejection.
Most suicides are caused by depression and mental illness.
On Apr 28, 11:14 am, Mark <> wrote:
> Golly Gee Tommytomtom.... according to you all Gay suicides are because
> they were supposedly "bullied".
> Yet the majority you list are or were cases that heavily involved the
> social media... something that your supposed victims have TOTAL control
> over.
> I find all your unproven claims to be bogus... we can never know the real
> reasons as the idiots that commit suicide/gayicide are dead and don't talk.
> > For options & help see> On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 10:06 AM, Tommy News <> wrote:
> > Lole' Kiethie-
> > Hov very naive you are.
> > Most suicides are caused by depression and mental illness.
> > The depression and the suicides are often triggered by bullying,
> > criticism, and a lack of self esteem, such as anti-gay bullying,
> > rejection, and homophobia.
> > The victim decided to take his own life after hearing crap just like
> > that that you espouse.
> > Jack Reese was bullied to death because he was gay.
> > You really don't know crap, do you, Kiethie?
> > On Apr 27, 2:19 pm, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> > > How sad and tragic.
> > > Apparently, Jack Reese was suffering from depression. Here are but a few
> > > of the comments from his obituary:
> > > *Hey there kiddo, I wish you were still here with us today. :/ It's
> > really
> > > crazy around here without you. Gosh, I remember all the times we just sat
> > > around and talked or just goofed off. It's crazy to think that, that will
> > > never happen again. You were such a sweetheart. One of the kindest
> > hearts I
> > > knew. You were always the silliest kid, always so happy go lucky and
> > upbeat
> > > about life. But I guess what they say is true, the happiest ones are
> > truly
> > > the most depressed inside. I wish you would have talked to someone,
> > anyone.
> > > You have so many people who were and always will be here for you and love
> > > you so very much. I miss you Bud, fly high *
> > > **
> > > McKenna Melton
> > > *I knew Jack a little bit from working at Morgan High. I am sorry for
> > your
> > > loss, he will be missed. I wish I could have done something or known of
> > his
> > > sadness and my heart and prayers are with his parents.*
> > > Debbt7
> > > ===============
> > > The obituary has voluminous entries mourning this child's death, mostly
> > > from school mates:
> > >
> > > I guess my point, is that this death is not about bullying. I don't
> > think
> > > this death has anything whatsoever to do with this child's sexuality, and
> > > shame on anyone who attempts to market this child's demise, for political
> > > gain.
> > > JackReese.17.OgdenUtah..jpg
> > > 139KViewDownload
> > --
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Mark M. Kahle H.
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Re: TAKE ACTION: GOP House Passes Internet CISPA: Make Sure It Dies In The Senate
Get a grip, girl.
On Apr 28, 8:01 am, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> Obama will sign it as he signed NDAA and the Patriot Act
> And all you Obama rimming quislings will then flip flop and say it is good
> Like you always do
> Like you drink Pakistani children's blood for breakfast
> On Friday, April 27, 2012, Tommy News <> wrote:
> > House Passes CISPA: Make Sure It Dies In The Senate
> > We pushed them to the brink, but House Republicans rammed through
> > CISPA this afternoon, ahead of schedule. Let's make sure it dies in
> > the Senate: Please add your name at right.
> > CISPA would give the government and corporations vast new powers to
> > track and share data about Americans' Internet use.
> > But our hundreds of thousands of emails and tens of thousands of phone
> > calls have had a real impact:
> > Amendments were adopted that made CISPA (marginally) better.
> > Earlier this month CISPA was supposed to sail through, but we helped
> > foment opposition, and the vote was far closer than anybody could have
> > imagined even a couple of weeks ago.
> > Most Democrats held firm in opposition, and more than two dozen
> > libertarian-leaning Republicans defied their leadership and voted no.
> > Most importantly, President Obama has threatened to veto CISPA.
> > The Senate will consider cyber security legislation in the coming
> > weeks. Let's turn up the heat right away: Tell the Senate to reject
> > CISPA and any and all legislation that doesn't respect privacy and
> > civil liberties.
> > Add your name at right to tell the Senate to reject cyber security
> > legislation that doesn't respect privacy.
> > You can read more about CISPA here.
> > More:
> > --
> > Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> > Have a great day,
> > Tommy
> > --
> > Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> > Have a great day,
> > Tommy
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George Zimmerman Hid Web Funds to Get Bond Release, Koch Brothers Pay Zimmerman's Legal Fees
George Zimmerman had $200,000 support fund, attorney acknowledges
By Richard Fausset
Last week, George Zimmerman's family told a Florida judge that they
had very little money with which to help the alleged murderer make
But as it turns out, Zimmerman had in fact raised more than $200,000
from supporters on a website and PayPal account he established. That
new development, divulged by Zimmerman's attorney at a hearing Friday,
could prompt Seminole County Circuit Judge Kenneth R. Lester Jr. to
increase the $150,000 bond he set earlier -- though the judge said
that he wanted to know more about who controls the money before ruling
on the matter.
Koch Brothers Pay Zimmerman's Legal Fees
In the wake of the killing of Trayvon Martin ... The Koch brothers'
company, which manufactures paper products, is paying for Zimmerman's
legal fees because they feel Zimmerman had the legal right to bear
arms and shoot Trayvon. We are asking that people everywhere ban
together with us and pass this information on and not purchase any of
the following items because your money will be paying for Zimmerman's
legal fees.
Please do not purchase any of the following items : Angel Soft toilet
paper, Brawny paper towels, Dixie plates, bowls, napkins, cups, Mardi
Gras napkins and towels, Quilted Northern toilet paper, Soft and
Gentle toilet paper, Sparkle napkins and Vanity Fair napkins.
Read more:
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
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Re: How thick is your bubble.
On a scale from 0 to 20 points, where 20 signifies full engagement with mainstream American culture and 0 signifies deep cultural isolation within the new upper class bubble, you scored between 13 and 16. In other words, you don't even have a bubble. | |
On Saturday, April 28, 2012, Be wrote
Hi all--
I was watching Ezra Levant this morning and he was talking about the books of a fellow called Charles Murray. Charles Murray on Education Myths
I've read of his work before but never actually taken one of his quizes.
So, here one to try.
He's not PC. Sorry to burst a bubble or two. But we all need our bubbles burst now and then.
The quiz is very American so you may have to adjust for your local experiences.
BTW, I don't have a "bubble"....LOL
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How thick is your bubble.
I was watching Ezra Levant this morning and he was talking about the books of a fellow called Charles Murray.
I've read of his work before but never actually taken one of his quizes.
So, here one to try.
He's not PC. Sorry to burst a bubble or two. But we all need our bubbles burst now and then.
The quiz is very American so you may have to adjust for your local experiences.
BTW, I don't have a "bubble"....LOL
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“Agent Orange” 2,4-D Corn Is Coming To A Field Near You – It’s Up To You To Stop It!
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Fart, the new Weapon of Mass Destruction
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America Betrayed: Obama Legitimizes Muslim Terrorism
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Fwd: [LA-F] House of Representatives passes CISPA bill
Insanity: CISPA Just Got Way Worse, And Then Passed On Rushed Vote
from the this-is-crazy dept
Up until this afternoon, the final vote on CISPA was supposed to be tomorrow. Then, abruptly, it was moved up today—and the House voted in favor of its passage with a vote of 248-168. But that's not even the worst part.
The vote followed the debate on amendments, several of which were passed. Among them was an absolutely terrible change (pdf and embedded below—scroll to amendment #6) to the definition of what the government can do with shared information, put forth by Rep. Quayle. Astonishingly, it was described as limiting the government's power, even though it in fact expands it by adding more items to the list of acceptable purposes for which shared information can be used. Even more astonishingly, it passed with a near-unanimous vote. The CISPA that was just approved by the House is much worse than the CISPA being discussed as recently as this morning.
Previously, CISPA allowed the government to use information for "cybersecurity" or "national security" purposes. Those purposes have not been limited or removed. Instead, three more valid uses have been added: investigation and prosecution of cybersecurity crime, protection of individuals, and protection of children. Cybersecurity crime is defined as any crime involving network disruption or hacking, plus any violation of the CFAA.
Basically this means CISPA can no longer be called a cybersecurity bill at all. The government would be able to search information it collects under CISPA for the purposes of investigating American citizens with complete immunity from all privacy protections as long as they can claim someone committed a "cybersecurity crime". Basically it says the 4th Amendment does not apply online, at all. Moreover, the government could do whatever it wants with the data as long as it can claim that someone was in danger of bodily harm, or that children were somehow threatened—again, notwithstanding absolutely any other law that would normally limit the government's power.
Somehow, incredibly, this was described as limiting CISPA, but it accomplishes the exact opposite. This is very, very bad.
There were some good amendments adopted too—clarifying some definitions, including the fact that merely violating a TOS does not constitute unauthorized network access—but frankly none of them matter in the light of this change. CISPA is now a completely unsupportable bill that rewrites (and effectively eliminates) all privacy laws for any situation that involves a computer. Far from the defense against malevolent foreign entities that the bill was described as by its authors, it is now an explicit attack on the freedoms of every American.
Mario Huet
Libertarian Alliance Forum
List Administrator
Words cannot picture her; but all men know
That solemn sketch the pure sad artist wrought
James Thomson, The City of Dreadful Night
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a dog's life
Since he is a liar and power lusting statist it is clear he is morally subhuman. I suspect that is true of his lemmings as well.
On Saturday, April 28, 2012, jeffrey hayes <> wrote:
> Then why are there Vegans and Vegetarians in the world when Omnivorism is the norm in most places in the world. He and his family had a choice other than eating dogs. I eat whatever I want and wouldn't let a veghead tell me what to eat.
> So you say you have enemies? Good it means you've stood up for something in your life
> Sir Winston Churchill
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 9:14 AM
> Subject: Re: [The_Fair_Forum] Re: Gamechanger: Romney once saved a dog's life
> And he was living in a culture where that was the norm.
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> ________________________________
> From: "Tufr" <>
> Sender:
> Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2012 13:06:13 -0000
> To: <>
> ReplyTo:
> Subject: [The_Fair_Forum] Re: Gamechanger: Romney once saved a dog's life
> He was 12 years old. His stepfather gave him the dog meat. Its beyond ridiculous to castigate him for it.
> Tufr
> --- In, "jeffrey hayes" <jedisqrl@...> wrote:
>> Not really Obama despite what his spin doctors and the MSM try to depict never was poor even in Indonesia so it really wasn't survival. Its considered a treat over there. Now if he were living in North Korea maybe. Even so Barry Big Ears Obummer could have eaten many other creatures other than dog on the street markets over there. Its mentioned because the Left is wrongly trying to depict Romney as an animal abuser. And we should pick Obummer apart with lots of stuff. The religion thing will come up too you watch
>> So you say you have enemies? Good it means you've stood up for something in your life
>> Sir Winston Churchill
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: alf
>> To:
>> Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 8:39 AM
>> Subject: Re: [The_Fair_Forum] Re: Gamechanger: Romney once saved a dog's life
>> I agree, the fact that he ate dog meat in Indonesia at 12 had nothing to do with his politcal record. That was just survival and I don't even understand why it was ever mentioned. And no I am not defending Obama.
>> You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him"
>> Alf
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> From: Tufr <tufrmone@...>
>> To:
>> Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 7:16 AM
>> Subject: [The_Fair_Forum] Re: Gamechanger: Romney once saved a dog's life
>> Castigating Obama for eating dog meat when he was 12 years old is just foolish and it undermines the Republican credibility. The way to beat Obama is to talk about what he's done as President, not what he did when he was 12 years old, living in Indonesia. If Romney focused on the fact that Obama and his Justice Department have entirely disregarded the constitution, he'd get somewhere, assuming he did it semi-correctly.
>> But Romney needs to start now. If Romney waits until the Supreme Court overturns Obamacare, and upholds the Arizona immigration bill, he'll just look like he's jumping on the bandwagon. He needs to be out in front, telling anyone who'll listen that the entire Administration is so partisan they've entirely shreded the Constitution. And he needs to go after the Justice Department's incredibly selective handling of cases, and state that when he's president his administration will be entirely even handed and everyone, no matter who they are, gets a fair shake.
>> Tufr
>> --- In, Patsnyc <pswicicki@> wrote:
>> >
>> > Perhaps there are more important things for him to focus on than CPAK crap.
>> >
>> >
>> > From: Bethani
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Re: [GaysUnited] TAKE ACTION: GOP House Passes Internet CISPA: Make Sure It Dies In The Senate
And all you Obama rimming quislings will then flip flop and say it is good
Like you always do
Like you drink Pakistani children's blood for breakfast
On Friday, April 27, 2012, Tommy News <> wrote:
> House Passes CISPA: Make Sure It Dies In The Senate
> We pushed them to the brink, but House Republicans rammed through
> CISPA this afternoon, ahead of schedule. Let's make sure it dies in
> the Senate: Please add your name at right.
> CISPA would give the government and corporations vast new powers to
> track and share data about Americans' Internet use.
> But our hundreds of thousands of emails and tens of thousands of phone
> calls have had a real impact:
> Amendments were adopted that made CISPA (marginally) better.
> Earlier this month CISPA was supposed to sail through, but we helped
> foment opposition, and the vote was far closer than anybody could have
> imagined even a couple of weeks ago.
> Most Democrats held firm in opposition, and more than two dozen
> libertarian-leaning Republicans defied their leadership and voted no.
> Most importantly, President Obama has threatened to veto CISPA.
> The Senate will consider cyber security legislation in the coming
> weeks. Let's turn up the heat right away: Tell the Senate to reject
> CISPA and any and all legislation that doesn't respect privacy and
> civil liberties.
> Add your name at right to tell the Senate to reject cyber security
> legislation that doesn't respect privacy.
> You can read more about CISPA here.
> More:
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy
> __._,_.___
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Obama's expanding bureaucracy
Bruce Majors ( sent you an article. They also provided the following note:
Under Obama, Washington DC has grown 3% in the past 18 months, according to the Census, with property values flat or rising and gentrification displacing poor and working class minorities for 6 figure fat 'crats. Unlike any other state.
Washington City Paper's Handbook for the Responsible Gentrifier
by City Paper Staff • April 27, 2012
By Michael Schaffer So, you're gentrifying the nation's capital! Congratulations. In moving into Washington at this juncture of history, you've joined a long, proud tradition.… Continue Reading »
Read Comfortably—Anytime, AnywhereReadability turns any web page into a clean view for reading now or later on your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
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Question for Tammy
On Friday, April 27, 2012, Tommy News wrote:
From James Carville DSCC--
Ol' Karl
Guess what I just wrote into my calendar for May 1: "Send a letter to
Karl Rove."
I've already written it. It goes like this.
Dear Karl,
I saw you poured $1.2 million into mudslinging TV ads in five
battleground states. Bad news, though: My side's grassroots supporters
just matched you, dollar for dollar. So if you thought you were gonna
buy yourself the White House and Senate with all that money, tough
Sorry about you wasting all that cash. Maybe just go to Vegas next time?
Of course, before I can send that letter, it has to be true – and
that's where you come in.
Let's match Karl's $1.2 million before May 1. Democratic Senators will
even match your contribution so it'll count double. But you gotta act
fast – like now. So click here to give $5 or more.
How much fun would it be if, in between opening up those big checks
from his Big Oil and Wall Street pals, Karl got that note? More
importantly, how huge would it be if folks like you matched his ad buy
and stopped him from taking the four seats Republicans need to run the
After all, Rove and his pals aren't spending all this money just to
get the frequent flier miles. They're trying to buy the White House
and the Senate so they can end Medicare as we know it, turn back the
clock on women's rights, and throw the middle class under the bus.
Their agenda stinks – but your grassroots support can fight it. And if
you can match Karl's ad buy, we can neutralize the special interests
and protect President Obama and our majority.
That's why I need you to make a contribution of $5 or more to help the
DSCC match Karl Rove's $1.2 million ad buy before May 1. Remember,
give today and your contribution will count for double.
I'm a man of simple pleasures: spicy food, college football, and maybe
a nice cigar now and then. But nothing compares to tweaking ol' Karl.
So help me send a message straight to his underground lair. Heck, I'll
even spring for the stamp. All I need from you is a contribution of
$5 or more so we can match this $1.2 million ad buy and keep our
Democrats on offense.
Thanks for helping me take on Karl Rove. Can't wait for May 1.
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
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Fwd: [I-S] “Sharia Free Zone” – New British Freedom Poster
"Sharia Free Zone" – New British Freedom Poster
If Muslims are outraged by these posters, one can only conclude they support child grooming, homophobia, oppression of women, terrorism, hate preaching and honor killing and want sharia law. via "Sharia Free Zone" – New British Freedom Poster « British Freedom.
A sad state of affairs that Brits actually feel the need to make and hang these posters. Londonistan calling.
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