Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Fwd: [LeftLibertarian2] Wrights to attend Libertarian presidential candidate forum in Illinois
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From: Brian Irving
Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Subject: [LeftLibertarian2] Wrights to attend Libertarian presidential candidate forum in Illinois
To: Brian Irving <>
Wrights to attend Libertarian presidential candidate forum in Illinois
BURNET, Texas (Oct. 12) – R. Lee Wrights will take part in a Libertarian presidential candidates forum Oct. 22 during the 2011 Illinois Libertarian Party State Convention in Bloomington. The other candidates expected to attend are Roger Gary of Texas, R.J. Harris of Oklahoma and Carl Person of New York
The convention will be held in the Chateau Hotel and Conference Center from Oct. 21 to Oct. 23. This year's theme is Libertarians for Peace and Prosperity.
Ivan Eland will be the keynote speaker at the Saturday night banquet. Eland is a senior fellow and director of the Center on Peace and Prosperity at The Independent Institute. He was director of defense policy studies at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank. Eland also worked for Congress on national security issues for 15 years, including stints as an investigator for the House Foreign Affairs Committee and principal defense analyst at the Congressional Budget Office.
Eland is a graduate of Iowa State University and received an master's degree in applied economics and a doctorate in public policy from George Washington University. He has written several books and 45 in-depth studies on national security issues.
Michael Badnarik, the 2004 Libertarian presidential candidate, will speak at the Sunday brunch. The Constitutional scholar and author of the book "Good To Be King: A Beginner's Guide to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights" will also offer his introduction to the Constitution class following the convention.
During the convention, there will be workshops on topics including public choice, theory, restorative justice and economic policy, and a showing of the documentary "Kent State: The Day the War Came Home."
R. Lee Wrights, 53, a libertarian writer and political activist, is seeking the presidential nomination because he believes the Libertarian message in 2012 must be a loud, clear and unequivocal call to stop all war. To that end he has pledged that 10 percent of all donations to his campaign will be spent for ballot access so that the stop all war message will be heard in all 50 states. Wrights is a lifetime member of the Libertarian Party and co-founder and editor of the free speech online magazine Liberty For All. Born in Winston-Salem, N.C., he now lives and works in Texas.
Lee Wrights for President
Contact: Brian Irving, press secretary
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A really good read....
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[LeftLibertarian2] Producers vs. Predators
The producer predator divide has always split capitalism. As it pushes society to its logical conclusion populist politicians are trying to cash in – can they really address the root problem?
Ed Milliband's conference speech in Liverpool was typical of any populist career politician. The central theme was "I'm different so you can trust me with the big economic decisions".
Mr Milliband singled out the producer / predator divide as the key problem in British business: "Predators are just interested in the fast buck, taking what they can out of the business.... One firm always destined to be a predator and another to be a producer....Look at what a private equity firm did to the Southern Cross care home". 'Granny farming' - as the private equity boys call it - has been a sacred cash cow of their predatory business model for decades but why?
The answer is very simple: the regressive British tax system actively encourages the rent seeking predator whilst punishing the value adding producer. A predator can be defined as somebody who is constantly looking for what's called "Economic Rent". Economic Rent is the (unspoken) 'cream of the deal' i.e. abnormal returns. It's the excess money you earn once your initial investment has paid off. This excess is not infinite so to prevent these unsustainable royalties blowing up in their face rent-seekers have to dump the investment when they've almost milked it dry. That way someone else has to pick up the pieces - enter the taxpayer.
Is this divide too simplistic?
But who are the producers and is this divide too simplistic? Firstly the divide is simple and one can (and will) argue that some corporations are both producers and predators simultaneously. An organisation that does both would add value by creating goods or services but then extract value through say a property portfolio that privatises the economic rent created by the community. This schizophrenic practice straddles the divide and worryingly remains socially acceptable.
A producer is someone who uses their labour to add value. Producers often have their own successful value adding business so do not need to emulate the predators. Producers believe everyone can be rich in a meaningful sense whereas the predators believe only a few can be really rich. The oldest conflict in human history is the predators vs. the producers.
Predators manipulate the social and political landscape to derive the economic rent because predators need producers not vice versa. By kowtowing to the predators policymakers in The West have re-shaped taxes to help the rent seekers. This has turned economic democracy into financial oligarchy to which politicians now turn for funding. It has polarized society between the predators - those who live off the rent and finance and the producers – who live off only what they can produce.
The game's up...
The upper echelons of the predator 'class' do not do anything productive at all. They surround themselves with a coterie of 'professionals' that co-ordinate profit taking, tax gathering, and rent collection. The Inland Revenue, lawyers, judiciary, parliament and bureaucrats all live off rental spoils. To make this swindle palatable moral leaders (historically the church) have overseen and legitimised the process claiming it is the best possible arrangement for society to 'progress'.
The problem now is twofold: 1) The balance has shifted so dramatically toward the Predators that the game is now clear to see 2) People today are wiser, less likely to accept that this is God's wish.
Mr Milliband told his party "I'm not Tony Blair" and the conference booed the name of the most successful leader in labour's history – but why? Because Blair is a predator par excellence and although the crowd couldn't put their finger on it – intuitively he's morally offensive to Labour Party history. After presiding over the biggest housing bubble in British history Blair's next rent seeking expedition was Iraq. After Downing Street almost all of the money Blair has earned has been through rent seeking – legal or not.
Incidentally house holders are also complicit in this system as they are allowed to privatise the unearned increment that arises in their property value when the community comes together and creates a surplus of economic rent.
Fashionably Ignorant
Stephen Schwarzman understands the economic rent mechanism intimately but for self preservation any predator has to remain fashionably ignorant. He is the Blackstone CEO who took the capital out of Southern Cross by selling off the homes and forcing the company to rent the properties from another company. Tax adverse Schwarzman* bought Southern Cross in 2004 for £162million and flipped it three years later for well over four times the price he paid. If it goes bust the taxpayer will pay £600million a year to re-house the 31,000 'economic units'. Predatory rentier capitalism for Schwarzman and socialism for everyone else – still cool with that?
The question is how do we get out of this debt backed mess? Very simple – reshape the tax system to socialise economic rent to pay for public services, infrastructure and pensions. That way you can have man on the street keep what he earns and put a secure fence around UK assets that will deter the predators. Will Mr Milliband, Labour or in fact any political party do any of this? Not a chance. But it's good to understand the mechanism and solution. Maybe one day we will make elected leaders enforce such a brilliantly simple tax code – only of course if we lose that self defeating obsession with house prices.
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[Hope4America] Audio interview, economist Detlev Schlichter; video, longer talk
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Detlev Schlichter, author of /Paper Money Collapse/ is a mostly-Austrian economist and former portfolio manager. In this 35-minute interview, he discusses his take on the current fiat-money system, and his adoption of his mostly-Austrian outlook, with Samizdatist Brian Micklethwait. Very interesting. (He's at some pains to point out he's not scare-mongering--we "will not all be reduced to growing our own vegetables" for instance.) You can listen at
or click (toward the bottom of the page) from the Cobden Centre's page at
. . . .
In the longish video from the UK's Libertarian Alliance he discusses his book and his thesis more fully. Very much worth seeing (or at least hearing--no juicy charts or anything). 1:45 at
Detlev Schlichter on "Paper Money Collapse" (Libertarian Alliance)
The description of the video:
" - On Monday the 11th of October 2010 Detlev Schlichter gave a talk on "Paper Money Collapse - The Folly of Elastic Money and the Coming Monetary Breakdown" to the Libertarian Alliance in London. Detlev is a long-standing libertarian who has worked for almost 20 years in the financial industry as a trader and portfolio manager. He has recently completed work on a book of Austrian Economics aimed at an audience in the City of London and the world of finance."
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Re: Another asshole Democrat living off someone while scwing them over
thinking' and never accepting him because of he's jewish.
Sources close to the couple have reportedly claimed that Mrs Abedin's
devout Muslim family was furious with Mr Weiner over the original
sexting scandal.
Minutes after talking his parents-in-law, in messages that are likely
to cause most distress to Mrs Abedin, Weiner unfavourably compared her
genitalia to that of Ms Nobles.
'Omg. I didn't think I could get any harder. That is a perfect p***y.
I'm not used to such a perfect p***y. Baby you're beautiful.'
On Oct 12, 10:38 am, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> ----------
> But he was happy to move not her 650000 dollar condo
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Re: Herman Cain -- as phony as a Federal Reserve $3 dollar note
Tuesday night's debate, most focused their fire on the front-runner,
former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. But Texas Rep. Ron Paul
targeted Herman Cain — and caught the former Godfather's Pizza CEO
being disingenous at best.
Cain went on to say that he didn't agree with the recent actions of
the Federal Reserve, and that he did not object to an audit — it just
wasn't his "top priority — 9-9-9."
But if you do exactly what Cain suggests, and search the Internet,
Cain has indeed dismissed Federal Reserve audits. Paul supporters,
naturally, dug up audio of the candidate arguing on the Neal Boortz
radio show in late 2010 that "the Federal Reserve already has so many
audits it's ridiculous."
"I think a lot of people are calling for this audit of the Federal
Reserve because they don't know enough about it," Cain said at the
time. "There's no hidden secrets going on in the Federal Reserve to my
knowledge." He added that "we don't need to waste money ... with an
audit that's not necessary."
On Oct 9, 12:59 pm, MJ <> wrote:
> Herman Cain -- as phony as a Federal Reserve $3 dollar noteSunday, October 9th, 2011
> Murray Sabrin
> Herman Cain is on a roll. Leading in one poll or in second in other polls, the former Godfather s Pizza CEO is now considered a serious contender for the GOP presidential nomination. His rags to riches life is resonating with a portion of the GOP faithful as a quintessential story of overcoming racial animosity to become a successful business executive.
> In recent months, Cain s speeches and GOP primary debate sound bites have won over many Tea Partiers to his side who believe he is the real thing, a breath of fresh air in a crowded field of presidential contenders.
> The officialTea Party websiteoutlines its three core values: fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government and free markets. Herman Cain asserts that as a former business executive he endorses the Tea Party s mission.
> However, on Cain s official website,his biostates that he was a member of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Board of Directors and became its chairman in the 1990s. Yet, onCain s 999 Plan pageunder the header, This is Herman Cain, there is no mention, nada, zilch, that he was an insider of one of the most exclusive, powerful, unconstitutional, anti- free market institutions in the United States, the Federal Reserve.
> In short, Cain is endearing himself to the Tea Party by downplaying his support for the Federal Reserve s anti-free market policies.
> The Fed promotes fiscalirresponsibilityby buying federal government debt with money it creates out-of-thin air so the Congress can spend more than it takes in, and is responsible for the bubbles that always burst causing so much misery throughout the nation.
> The Fed is the reason we are seeing both high unemployment and stagnation today, because when the housing bubble burst four years ago, it began flooding the banking system with new money to prop up the economy and bail out the financial elites who made billions during the boom and got their comeuppance during the bust until the Fed started printing hundreds of billions of new dollars.
> Throughout the past two decades, Herman Cain was silent, while Ron Paul was giving speeches warning about the disastrous consequences of inflating the money supply.
> In other words, Herman Cain is no Ron Paul, who embodies the Tea Party s mission, and has been promoting fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government and free markets for 35 years.
> Herman Cain embraces legal counterfeiting, the Federal Reserve s mission for nearly 100 years. America does not need a president who is a phony populist masquerading as an anti-Washington DC outsider. Cain s anti-Washington rhetoric is as phony as $3 Federal Reserve note. He should read, free of charge, Murray Rothbard s classic,The Case Against the Fed.
> If Cain embraces Rothbard s comprehensive critique of central banking, he can then endorse Ron Paul, drop out of the race and become a crusader for sound money, free markets, and limited constitutional government. instead of pulling a fast one during his campaign.
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Re: Boston Police Arrest 100 Anti-Wall Street Protesters
case closed
they were granted the right to protest but weren't afforded
obey the law or pay the price
On Oct 12, 10:34 am, excalliber stevens
<> wrote:
> Boston Police Arrest 100 Anti-Wall Street Protesters
> By Kate Randall
> 12 October, 2011
> Boston Police arrest protesters PHOTO COURTESY OCCUPYBOSTON.COM
> Boston Police carried out an early morning raid on anti-Wall Street
> protesters Tuesday, arresting 100 people in a violent attack on the
> Occupy Boston protest. The police operation began at about 1:20 a.m.,
> when officers in uniform and riot gear moved in to clear protesters
> from a section of land in the city's financial district.
> The police action followed a day of protests Monday in which several
> thousand Boston-area students came out to rally in support of Occupy
> Boston. As in protests that have spread to dozens of cities across the
> country, participants are being driven by a profound anger over
> unprecedented levels of social inequality and the domination of
> corporate power over all aspects of social life.
> The brutal police assault on the Boston protesters expresses the real
> attitude of the ruling elite to this growing movement, and is an
> indication of the methods that will be utilized against protesters in
> other areas as it continues to gather momentum. Boston Mayor Thomas
> Menino, a Democrat, stated, "I understand they have freedom of speech
> and freedom of expression, but we have a city to manage… civil
> disobedience will not be tolerated."
> Boston Police arrest protesters PHOTO COURTESY OCCUPYBOSTON.COM
> Now nearing its second week, the Boston protest has steadily grown in
> numbers. Occupy Boston protesters have set up a tent city in Dewey
> Square on a section of the Rose Kennedy Greenway, with hundreds of
> people sleeping overnight on a regular basis. On Monday, protesters
> began expanding their occupation to an adjacent area of the Greenway,
> erecting new tents.
> Until Tuesday's early morning raid, the Boston Police Department had
> adopted a generally hands-off approach to the protest. But on Monday
> afternoon, protesters began to notice a heavy police presence in the
> area. Police told protesters Monday evening that they would face
> arrest unless they vacated the area of the Greenway where they had
> expanded their protest.
> At about 1:20 a.m. Tuesday, Police Superintendent William Evans and
> Police Commissioner Edward F. Davis stood across the street from the
> new occupation area. Speaking over a bullhorn, Evans gave the crowd
> two minutes to disperse, warning they faced arrest if they did not
> comply. Police lined up on Atlantic Avenue and minutes later dozens of
> sheriff's vans and police wagons arrived. More than 200 officers
> surrounded the section of the Greenway occupied by the protesters.
> An Occupy Boston protester told the World Socialist Web Site later
> Tuesday, "They came down with dogs, batons, riot gear, scare tactics.
> It was just disgraceful!" The group responded with chants of, "The
> people united will never be defeated," "This is a peaceful protest,"
> and "The whole world is watching."
> After about 10 minutes, the police entered the park and surrounded the
> protesters. Evans gave one more warning, and police then began the
> arrests. Each protester was shoved to the ground on his or her
> stomach, cable-tied, and dragged off to waiting police vans. Members
> of Veterans for Peace had formed a line in front of the mostly young
> protesters and police broke through their barrier. Vietnam Veteran
> John Niles, 74, was knocked down, but evaded arrest.
> Protester James Woods, 52, told the Boston Globe that he saw police
> "aggressively manhandling women," and that police had used pepper
> spray on some people. As protesters were hauled away, their tents,
> clothes, cameras and other belongings were thrown into a dumpster.
> Police use stick on Occupy Boston protester PHOTO COURTESY
> Urszula Masny-Latos, who was on the scene as a legal observer, told
> the Globe that the police "really attacked. They used force that was
> completely unnecessary… it was just brutal. I have no idea why they
> arrested us with such force."
> To her surprise, she was arrested herself, although she was wearing a
> green hat with the words "legal observer." She said the Boston police
> usually respect the rights of legal observers at public protests. Four
> medics were also arrested.
> Masny-Latos also said that the violence of the arrests was contrary to
> the technique routinely used at other peaceful protests, in which
> police approach the protesters, inform them they are violating the
> law, and the protesters may then submit to be taken into custody.
> The male arrestees were held in custody or ordered to appear in court
> Tuesday. The first group of men made appearances yesterday afternoon
> in Boston Municipal Court. All of the women arrested were released by
> police and were due in court Wednesday or Thursday.
> As of mid-Tuesday, 10 men who had been released by police and nine who
> were still in custody were notified that Suffolk County prosecutors
> had requested that charges against them be changed from criminal
> violations to civil infractions. The protesters were ordered to pay a
> $50 assessment fee to the court.
> Boston Police move in to arrest Occupy Boston protesters PHOTO
> The day after the arrests, Police Superintendent Evans defended the
> heavy-handed methods of the police. Elaine Driscoll, a spokesperson
> for the Boston Police Department, justified the repressive tactics
> used on the peaceful protesters saying the police "have the right to
> protect themselves" and claiming that "all our officers were
> respectful and proportional."
> Mayor Menino defended the police while at the same time claiming to
> sympathize with those who had been arrested. Echoing the comments of
> other Democratic politicians on the anti-Wall Street protests, Menino
> said, "I agree with them on the issues. Foreclosure, corporate greed.
> These are issues I've been working on my entire career."
> However, he said protesters had "crossed the line" Monday, when they
> marched on a bridge in Charlestown following the student rally and
> threatened to block traffic, and then expanded their campground to the
> newly renovated area of the Greenway and refused to leave.
> The police crackdown in Boston, following mass arrests in New York,
> Des Moines and other cities, represents one element of a two-pronged
> strategy being employed by the ruling class against the burgeoning
> anti-Wall Street protests. On the one hand, the Democratic Party,
> utilizing the services of the trade unions and their pro-Democratic
> pseudo-left allies, have sought to co-opt the protests and channel the
> genuine outrage expressed by the participants behind that big business
> party and President Obama's 2012 reelection campaign.
> This would render the incipient movement against social inequality and
> the domination of the banks and corporations politically harmless and
> transform it into a another prop for the capitalist two-party system,
> just as the movement against the war in Iraq was subverted and then
> shut down by tying it the Democratic Party and its various election
> campaigns.
> After three years of right-wing, pro-corporate policies, the Obama
> administration is engaged in a demagogic public relations campaign to
> portray itself as a populist friend of the "middle class." The
> centerpiece of this effort is Obama's "American Jobs Act," a pro-
> business bill that would provide only a token number of jobs and do so
> by draining Social Security of funds and extending more tax breaks to
> the corporations.
> This measure is linked to an austerity plan that would cut hundreds of
> billions of dollars from social programs, including Medicare and
> Medicaid. And in Orwellian fashion, Obama is pretending to support
> higher taxes on the rich even as he pushes a bipartisan tax "reform"
> scheme that would slash tax rates for corporations and the wealthy.
> Obama is combining campaign-style town hall meetings in various cities
> to promote his phony "jobs bill" with fundraisers at which he collects
> pledges and checks from multi-millionaire corporate executives and
> bankers.
> Typical of the cynicism of the Democrats' attempts to portray
> themselves as allies of the anti-Wall Street protesters were the
> remarks of Obama senior adviser David Plouffe. Interviewed Tuesday on
> ABC's "Good Morning America" program, he said, "If you're concerned
> about Wall Street and our financial system, the president is standing
> on the side of consumers and the middle class."
> In their effort to corral the anti-Wall Street movement and prevent it
> from developing into a broader movement of the working class outside
> the control of the Democratic Party, forces allied to the Democrats
> are seeking to take organizational control of the protests. The New
> York Times on Tuesday pointed to the role of the Center for American
> Progress, headed by former Clinton White House Chief of Staff John D.
> Podesta, in "sometimes working in recent weeks with labor unions… from
> talking points to the realm of organizational guidance."
> But as the anti-Wall Street movement spreads, the political
> establishment is becoming increasingly concerned that the protests
> will move out of the orbit of the two big-business parties and in an
> increasingly anti-capitalist direction. Thus the supposed "support"
> for the movement is combined with violent police attacks intended to
> terrorize and intimidate, and deter new forces from becoming involved.
> In Des Moines, 32 demonstrators were arrested Sunday night and charged
> with trespassing after Republican Governor Terry Branstad ordered
> state police to enforce a requirement to close state capitol grounds
> at 11 p.m. In Grand Rapids, Michigan, the city manager has threatened
> similar action against Occupy Grand Rapids demonstrators.
> On Tuesday, in Washington DC, six people were arrested at the Hart
> Senate Building after about 100 protesters filled the building's
> atrium, ...
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Re: **JP** صبح و شام پڑھنے کی دعا
From: "" <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2011 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: **JP** صبح و شام پڑھنے کی دعا
Narmeen Zia <> Sent by: 10/05/2011 05:24 PM

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Re: Iranian Terror Plot: Fake, Fake, Fake
but not likely
otoh, propaganda and demonizing the enemy is sop for warmongers
On Oct 12, 11:03 am, MJ <> wrote:
> Iranian Terror Plot: Fake, Fake, FakeNot even good propagandabyJustin Raimondo, October 12, 2011
> Fake, fake,fake– I'm talking about the latestanti-Iranian propagandacoming out of Washington, which claims the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were involved in a "plot" to take out the Saudi ambassador to the US and blow up both the Saudi and Israeli embassies. The narrative reads like a formulaic melodrama: two Iranians, one a naturalized US citizen, purportedly approached someone they thought was a member of a Mexican drug cartel – according tothe indictment[.pdf], it was a "sophisticated" drug cartel, not the plebeian sort – and proposed paying him $1.5 million to murder Adel al Jubeir, the Kingdom's ambassador in Washington – oh, and by the way, the Iranians supposedly said, "Are you guys any good with explosives?"
> The key to understanding just how fake this story is can be found in theNew York Timesreport, whichinforms us:"For the entire operation, the government's confidential sources were monitored and guided by federal law enforcement agents, Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District, said in the news conference. 'So no explosives were actually ever placed anywhere,' he said, 'and no one was actually in ever in any danger.'"Translation: the whole thing is phony from beginning to end.
> This is another one of US law enforcement'smanufactured"anti-terrorist"triumphs, where the fedsset somebody up,fabricate a "crime"out ofthin air, and thenproceedto "solve" a case thatnever really existedto begin with. This has been the general pattern of our "anti-terrorist" operations in the US since the beginning – because finding and catching real terrorists is much too hard, at least forour Keystone Kops. Instead of going out and actually, you know, looking for the Bad Guys, and then apprehending them, they lure some unsuspecting Muslim immigrant into a trap, and spring it when the time is right.
> The long narrative spun by the indictment tells us everything but what we really need to know, which is: how is it that these two Iranian "terrorists" just happened to meet up with a Mexican drug cartel assassin who just happened to be a longtime DEA informant? I guess that would be giving too much away: far better to spice up the story with scary details, such as the conversation between one of the alleged plotters and the informant, in the course of which the former says "If you have to blow up the restaurant and kill a hundred Americans, well then f*ck 'em!"
> The credibility rating of this story, taken on its face, is close to zero. Let's say the Iranians really were plotting to kill the Saudi ambassador on American soil: would they contract it out to theMexican Mafia, send all kinds of traceable money wires from Iran to the US, and not care if they killed a hundred Americans in the process of achieving their goal? Or would they send some fanatic, who would not only do it for free but also eliminate himself (or herself)? This flimsy cock-eyed tale is sotransparentlyfakethat it's an embarrassment to the United States of America. Can't our spooks do better than this?
> This fabrication marks a new trend in the field of anti-Iranian war propaganda. Previously, the War Party was relying on the same technique theyusedinthe run-upto theinvasion of Iraq: the old "weapons of mass destruction" gambit. The big problem with that is it's old, and tired:no one believes it anymore[.pdf]. Once burned, twice shy, as the saying goes. This latest lie is a fresh angle on a continuing theme, merely substituting Iran for the traditionalbogeymanknown as al-Qaeda.
> That this story involves the Mexican drug cartels, and Attorney General Eric Holderproclaimingthat we're going to "hold the Iranian government accountable," has got to be some kind of sick joke: after all, here is a man whostood by and watchedwhile US law enforcement agentslet gunstravel over the US border to arm thosevery same cartels. Is this "coup" for the Justice Department the pay-off for that harebrained scheme – and when is Holder going to be held accountable?
> That our government would float a narrative like this without any apparent regard for thebasic rules of fiction-writing– create believable characters who do believable things – is Washington's way of showing contempt for the Iranians, the American people, and anyone else who stands in the way of their war agenda. They don't care if it's not believable. They think Americans will swallow anything, that we're too busytrying to surviveday-to-day, these days, to inquire much further than the "official" account. And of course ourbrain-dead media, which is reduced to a chiefly stenographic role, isn't going to ask any inconvenient questions.
> This story is very scary – not because it's credible, or believable, because it is neither. However, it's the most frightening story I've heard in quite a while because it shows that the US government is bound and determined to go to war with Iran, no matter what the consequences. Throwing caution to the winds, our rulers have decided to go all out against Tehran – all the better to mask our current economic malaise under the damage done by thetripling and quadruplingof oil prices. This way, Obama can blame our crashing economy on Tehran, rather than his owndiscreditedpolicies – and sideline the Republicans, who have beencriticizing himfor being "soft" on Iran.
> The making of American foreign policy is all about domestic politics. By preparing the country for war with Iran, Obama will not only defang the GOP, but also appease theall-importantIsrael lobby, which has beenbeating the war drumsforyears.
> What Obama and his gang are hoping is that the American people are tootired, toobeaten down, and <a...
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Re: Iranian Terror Plot: Fake, Fake, Fake
No thanks
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Re: Boston Police Arrest 100 Anti-Wall Street Protesters
The went with imports and it got ugly. That was dumb.
Dumber though was when I was there Sunday, they were drawing up a
position of solidarity with the displaced Indians in 1620.
I honestly wish I were making that up.
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Iranian Terror Plot: Fake, Fake, Fake
Iranian Terror Plot: Fake, Fake, Fake
Not even good propaganda
by Justin Raimondo, October 12, 2011
Fake, fake, fake – I'm talking about the latest anti-Iranian propaganda coming out of Washington, which claims the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were involved in a "plot" to take out the Saudi ambassador to the US and blow up both the Saudi and Israeli embassies. The narrative reads like a formulaic melodrama: two Iranians, one a naturalized US citizen, purportedly approached someone they thought was a member of a Mexican drug cartel – according to the indictment [.pdf], it was a "sophisticated" drug cartel, not the plebeian sort – and proposed paying him $1.5 million to murder Adel al Jubeir, the Kingdom's ambassador in Washington – oh, and by the way, the Iranians supposedly said, "Are you guys any good with explosives?"
The key to understanding just how fake this story is can be found in the New York Times report, which informs us:
"For the entire operation, the government's confidential sources were monitored and guided by federal law enforcement agents, Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District, said in the news conference. 'So no explosives were actually ever placed anywhere,' he said, 'and no one was actually in ever in any danger.'"
Translation: the whole thing is phony from beginning to end.
This is another one of US law enforcement's manufactured "anti-terrorist" triumphs, where the feds set somebody up, fabricate a "crime" out of thin air, and then proceed to "solve" a case that never really existed to begin with. This has been the general pattern of our "anti-terrorist" operations in the US since the beginning – because finding and catching real terrorists is much too hard, at least for our Keystone Kops. Instead of going out and actually, you know, looking for the Bad Guys, and then apprehending them, they lure some unsuspecting Muslim immigrant into a trap, and spring it when the time is right.
The long narrative spun by the indictment tells us everything but what we really need to know, which is: how is it that these two Iranian "terrorists" just happened to meet up with a Mexican drug cartel assassin who just happened to be a longtime DEA informant? I guess that would be giving too much away: far better to spice up the story with scary details, such as the conversation between one of the alleged plotters and the informant, in the course of which the former says "If you have to blow up the restaurant and kill a hundred Americans, well then f*ck 'em!"
The credibility rating of this story, taken on its face, is close to zero. Let's say the Iranians really were plotting to kill the Saudi ambassador on American soil: would they contract it out to the Mexican Mafia, send all kinds of traceable money wires from Iran to the US, and not care if they killed a hundred Americans in the process of achieving their goal? Or would they send some fanatic, who would not only do it for free but also eliminate himself (or herself)? This flimsy cock-eyed tale is so transparently fake that it's an embarrassment to the United States of America. Can't our spooks do better than this?
This fabrication marks a new trend in the field of anti-Iranian war propaganda. Previously, the War Party was relying on the same technique they used in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq: the old " weapons of mass destruction" gambit. The big problem with that is it's old, and tired: no one believes it anymore [.pdf]. Once burned, twice shy, as the saying goes. This latest lie is a fresh angle on a continuing theme, merely substituting Iran for the traditional bogeyman known as al-Qaeda.
That this story involves the Mexican drug cartels, and Attorney General Eric Holder proclaiming that we're going to "hold the Iranian government accountable," has got to be some kind of sick joke: after all, here is a man who stood by and watched while US law enforcement agents let guns travel over the US border to arm those very same cartels. Is this "coup" for the Justice Department the pay-off for that harebrained scheme – and when is Holder going to be held accountable?
That our government would float a narrative like this without any apparent regard for the basic rules of fiction-writing – create believable characters who do believable things – is Washington's way of showing contempt for the Iranians, the American people, and anyone else who stands in the way of their war agenda. They don't care if it's not believable. They think Americans will swallow anything, that we're too busy trying to survive day-to-day, these days, to inquire much further than the "official" account. And of course our brain-dead media, which is reduced to a chiefly stenographic role, isn't going to ask any inconvenient questions.
This story is very scary – not because it's credible, or believable, because it is neither. However, it's the most frightening story I've heard in quite a while because it shows that the US government is bound and determined to go to war with Iran, no matter what the consequences. Throwing caution to the winds, our rulers have decided to go all out against Tehran – all the better to mask our current economic malaise under the damage done by the tripling and quadrupling of oil prices. This way, Obama can blame our crashing economy on Tehran, rather than his own discredited policies – and sideline the Republicans, who have been criticizing him for being "soft" on Iran.
The making of American foreign policy is all about domestic politics. By preparing the country for war with Iran, Obama will not only defang the GOP, but also appease the all-important Israel lobby, which has been beating the war drums for years.
What Obama and his gang are hoping is that the American people are too tired, too beaten down, and too broke to care enough about this latest exercise in war propaganda to question it. Certainly the "mainstream" media, which is Obama's loudest cheering section, isn't about to question it.
Here is where the administration has probably miscalculated: people are just angry enough to wonder "why now?" They're just broke enough to resent being asked to pay for yet another holy crusade overseas. And they're just tired enough of the bullsh*t that gets reported as "news" day after day to start asking all kinds of uncomfortable questions about this latest offering by the Washington fable factory.
The Americans are already backing away from the assertion that the Iranian government is directly responsible for the actions of these two individuals, averring that top Iranian officials didn't "necessarily" know what was going on. As the details of this case become known, Holder's story is going to start unraveling like a substandard sweater – and you can read all about that unraveling right here, at….
Re: Boston Police Arrest 100 Anti-Wall Street Protesters
Boston Police Arrest 100 Anti-Wall Street Protesters
By Kate Randall
12 October, 2011
Boston Police arrest protesters PHOTO COURTESY OCCUPYBOSTON.COM
Boston Police carried out an early morning raid on anti-Wall Street
protesters Tuesday, arresting 100 people in a violent attack on the
Occupy Boston protest. The police operation began at about 1:20 a.m.,
when officers in uniform and riot gear moved in to clear protesters
from a section of land in the city's financial district.
The police action followed a day of protests Monday in which several
thousand Boston-area students came out to rally in support of Occupy
Boston. As in protests that have spread to dozens of cities across the
country, participants are being driven by a profound anger over
unprecedented levels of social inequality and the domination of
corporate power over all aspects of social life.
The brutal police assault on the Boston protesters expresses the real
attitude of the ruling elite to this growing movement, and is an
indication of the methods that will be utilized against protesters in
other areas as it continues to gather momentum. Boston Mayor Thomas
Menino, a Democrat, stated, "I understand they have freedom of speech
and freedom of expression, but we have a city to manage… civil
disobedience will not be tolerated."
Boston Police arrest protesters PHOTO COURTESY OCCUPYBOSTON.COM
Now nearing its second week, the Boston protest has steadily grown in
numbers. Occupy Boston protesters have set up a tent city in Dewey
Square on a section of the Rose Kennedy Greenway, with hundreds of
people sleeping overnight on a regular basis. On Monday, protesters
began expanding their occupation to an adjacent area of the Greenway,
erecting new tents.
Until Tuesday's early morning raid, the Boston Police Department had
adopted a generally hands-off approach to the protest. But on Monday
afternoon, protesters began to notice a heavy police presence in the
area. Police told protesters Monday evening that they would face
arrest unless they vacated the area of the Greenway where they had
expanded their protest.
At about 1:20 a.m. Tuesday, Police Superintendent William Evans and
Police Commissioner Edward F. Davis stood across the street from the
new occupation area. Speaking over a bullhorn, Evans gave the crowd
two minutes to disperse, warning they faced arrest if they did not
comply. Police lined up on Atlantic Avenue and minutes later dozens of
sheriff's vans and police wagons arrived. More than 200 officers
surrounded the section of the Greenway occupied by the protesters.
An Occupy Boston protester told the World Socialist Web Site later
Tuesday, "They came down with dogs, batons, riot gear, scare tactics.
It was just disgraceful!" The group responded with chants of, "The
people united will never be defeated," "This is a peaceful protest,"
and "The whole world is watching."
After about 10 minutes, the police entered the park and surrounded the
protesters. Evans gave one more warning, and police then began the
arrests. Each protester was shoved to the ground on his or her
stomach, cable-tied, and dragged off to waiting police vans. Members
of Veterans for Peace had formed a line in front of the mostly young
protesters and police broke through their barrier. Vietnam Veteran
John Niles, 74, was knocked down, but evaded arrest.
Protester James Woods, 52, told the Boston Globe that he saw police
"aggressively manhandling women," and that police had used pepper
spray on some people. As protesters were hauled away, their tents,
clothes, cameras and other belongings were thrown into a dumpster.
Police use stick on Occupy Boston protester PHOTO COURTESY
Urszula Masny-Latos, who was on the scene as a legal observer, told
the Globe that the police "really attacked. They used force that was
completely unnecessary… it was just brutal. I have no idea why they
arrested us with such force."
To her surprise, she was arrested herself, although she was wearing a
green hat with the words "legal observer." She said the Boston police
usually respect the rights of legal observers at public protests. Four
medics were also arrested.
Masny-Latos also said that the violence of the arrests was contrary to
the technique routinely used at other peaceful protests, in which
police approach the protesters, inform them they are violating the
law, and the protesters may then submit to be taken into custody.
The male arrestees were held in custody or ordered to appear in court
Tuesday. The first group of men made appearances yesterday afternoon
in Boston Municipal Court. All of the women arrested were released by
police and were due in court Wednesday or Thursday.
As of mid-Tuesday, 10 men who had been released by police and nine who
were still in custody were notified that Suffolk County prosecutors
had requested that charges against them be changed from criminal
violations to civil infractions. The protesters were ordered to pay a
$50 assessment fee to the court.
Boston Police move in to arrest Occupy Boston protesters PHOTO
The day after the arrests, Police Superintendent Evans defended the
heavy-handed methods of the police. Elaine Driscoll, a spokesperson
for the Boston Police Department, justified the repressive tactics
used on the peaceful protesters saying the police "have the right to
protect themselves" and claiming that "all our officers were
respectful and proportional."
Mayor Menino defended the police while at the same time claiming to
sympathize with those who had been arrested. Echoing the comments of
other Democratic politicians on the anti-Wall Street protests, Menino
said, "I agree with them on the issues. Foreclosure, corporate greed.
These are issues I've been working on my entire career."
However, he said protesters had "crossed the line" Monday, when they
marched on a bridge in Charlestown following the student rally and
threatened to block traffic, and then expanded their campground to the
newly renovated area of the Greenway and refused to leave.
The police crackdown in Boston, following mass arrests in New York,
Des Moines and other cities, represents one element of a two-pronged
strategy being employed by the ruling class against the burgeoning
anti-Wall Street protests. On the one hand, the Democratic Party,
utilizing the services of the trade unions and their pro-Democratic
pseudo-left allies, have sought to co-opt the protests and channel the
genuine outrage expressed by the participants behind that big business
party and President Obama's 2012 reelection campaign.
This would render the incipient movement against social inequality and
the domination of the banks and corporations politically harmless and
transform it into a another prop for the capitalist two-party system,
just as the movement against the war in Iraq was subverted and then
shut down by tying it the Democratic Party and its various election
After three years of right-wing, pro-corporate policies, the Obama
administration is engaged in a demagogic public relations campaign to
portray itself as a populist friend of the "middle class." The
centerpiece of this effort is Obama's "American Jobs Act," a pro-
business bill that would provide only a token number of jobs and do so
by draining Social Security of funds and extending more tax breaks to
the corporations.
This measure is linked to an austerity plan that would cut hundreds of
billions of dollars from social programs, including Medicare and
Medicaid. And in Orwellian fashion, Obama is pretending to support
higher taxes on the rich even as he pushes a bipartisan tax "reform"
scheme that would slash tax rates for corporations and the wealthy.
Obama is combining campaign-style town hall meetings in various cities
to promote his phony "jobs bill" with fundraisers at which he collects
pledges and checks from multi-millionaire corporate executives and
Typical of the cynicism of the Democrats' attempts to portray
themselves as allies of the anti-Wall Street protesters were the
remarks of Obama senior adviser David Plouffe. Interviewed Tuesday on
ABC's "Good Morning America" program, he said, "If you're concerned
about Wall Street and our financial system, the president is standing
on the side of consumers and the middle class."
In their effort to corral the anti-Wall Street movement and prevent it
from developing into a broader movement of the working class outside
the control of the Democratic Party, forces allied to the Democrats
are seeking to take organizational control of the protests. The New
York Times on Tuesday pointed to the role of the Center for American
Progress, headed by former Clinton White House Chief of Staff John D.
Podesta, in "sometimes working in recent weeks with labor unions… from
talking points to the realm of organizational guidance."
But as the anti-Wall Street movement spreads, the political
establishment is becoming increasingly concerned that the protests
will move out of the orbit of the two big-business parties and in an
increasingly anti-capitalist direction. Thus the supposed "support"
for the movement is combined with violent police attacks intended to
terrorize and intimidate, and deter new forces from becoming involved.
In Des Moines, 32 demonstrators were arrested Sunday night and charged
with trespassing after Republican Governor Terry Branstad ordered
state police to enforce a requirement to close state capitol grounds
at 11 p.m. In Grand Rapids, Michigan, the city manager has threatened
similar action against Occupy Grand Rapids demonstrators.
On Tuesday, in Washington DC, six people were arrested at the Hart
Senate Building after about 100 protesters filled the building's
atrium, chanting, "End the wars, tax the rich." Demonstrators had
marched from their occupation of "Freedom Plaza" downtown to the
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Another asshole Democrat living off someone while scwing them over
But he was happy to move not her 650000 dollar condo
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Boston Police Arrest 100 Anti-Wall Street Protesters
By Kate Randall
12 October, 2011
Boston Police arrest protesters PHOTO COURTESY OCCUPYBOSTON.COM
Boston Police carried out an early morning raid on anti-Wall Street
protesters Tuesday, arresting 100 people in a violent attack on the
Occupy Boston protest. The police operation began at about 1:20 a.m.,
when officers in uniform and riot gear moved in to clear protesters
from a section of land in the city's financial district.
The police action followed a day of protests Monday in which several
thousand Boston-area students came out to rally in support of Occupy
Boston. As in protests that have spread to dozens of cities across the
country, participants are being driven by a profound anger over
unprecedented levels of social inequality and the domination of
corporate power over all aspects of social life.
The brutal police assault on the Boston protesters expresses the real
attitude of the ruling elite to this growing movement, and is an
indication of the methods that will be utilized against protesters in
other areas as it continues to gather momentum. Boston Mayor Thomas
Menino, a Democrat, stated, "I understand they have freedom of speech
and freedom of expression, but we have a city to manage… civil
disobedience will not be tolerated."
Boston Police arrest protesters PHOTO COURTESY OCCUPYBOSTON.COM
Now nearing its second week, the Boston protest has steadily grown in
numbers. Occupy Boston protesters have set up a tent city in Dewey
Square on a section of the Rose Kennedy Greenway, with hundreds of
people sleeping overnight on a regular basis. On Monday, protesters
began expanding their occupation to an adjacent area of the Greenway,
erecting new tents.
Until Tuesday's early morning raid, the Boston Police Department had
adopted a generally hands-off approach to the protest. But on Monday
afternoon, protesters began to notice a heavy police presence in the
area. Police told protesters Monday evening that they would face
arrest unless they vacated the area of the Greenway where they had
expanded their protest.
At about 1:20 a.m. Tuesday, Police Superintendent William Evans and
Police Commissioner Edward F. Davis stood across the street from the
new occupation area. Speaking over a bullhorn, Evans gave the crowd
two minutes to disperse, warning they faced arrest if they did not
comply. Police lined up on Atlantic Avenue and minutes later dozens of
sheriff's vans and police wagons arrived. More than 200 officers
surrounded the section of the Greenway occupied by the protesters.
An Occupy Boston protester told the World Socialist Web Site later
Tuesday, "They came down with dogs, batons, riot gear, scare tactics.
It was just disgraceful!" The group responded with chants of, "The
people united will never be defeated," "This is a peaceful protest,"
and "The whole world is watching."
After about 10 minutes, the police entered the park and surrounded the
protesters. Evans gave one more warning, and police then began the
arrests. Each protester was shoved to the ground on his or her
stomach, cable-tied, and dragged off to waiting police vans. Members
of Veterans for Peace had formed a line in front of the mostly young
protesters and police broke through their barrier. Vietnam Veteran
John Niles, 74, was knocked down, but evaded arrest.
Protester James Woods, 52, told the Boston Globe that he saw police
"aggressively manhandling women," and that police had used pepper
spray on some people. As protesters were hauled away, their tents,
clothes, cameras and other belongings were thrown into a dumpster.
Police use stick on Occupy Boston protester PHOTO COURTESY
Urszula Masny-Latos, who was on the scene as a legal observer, told
the Globe that the police "really attacked. They used force that was
completely unnecessary… it was just brutal. I have no idea why they
arrested us with such force."
To her surprise, she was arrested herself, although she was wearing a
green hat with the words "legal observer." She said the Boston police
usually respect the rights of legal observers at public protests. Four
medics were also arrested.
Masny-Latos also said that the violence of the arrests was contrary to
the technique routinely used at other peaceful protests, in which
police approach the protesters, inform them they are violating the
law, and the protesters may then submit to be taken into custody.
The male arrestees were held in custody or ordered to appear in court
Tuesday. The first group of men made appearances yesterday afternoon
in Boston Municipal Court. All of the women arrested were released by
police and were due in court Wednesday or Thursday.
As of mid-Tuesday, 10 men who had been released by police and nine who
were still in custody were notified that Suffolk County prosecutors
had requested that charges against them be changed from criminal
violations to civil infractions. The protesters were ordered to pay a
$50 assessment fee to the court.
Boston Police move in to arrest Occupy Boston protesters PHOTO
The day after the arrests, Police Superintendent Evans defended the
heavy-handed methods of the police. Elaine Driscoll, a spokesperson
for the Boston Police Department, justified the repressive tactics
used on the peaceful protesters saying the police "have the right to
protect themselves" and claiming that "all our officers were
respectful and proportional."
Mayor Menino defended the police while at the same time claiming to
sympathize with those who had been arrested. Echoing the comments of
other Democratic politicians on the anti-Wall Street protests, Menino
said, "I agree with them on the issues. Foreclosure, corporate greed.
These are issues I've been working on my entire career."
However, he said protesters had "crossed the line" Monday, when they
marched on a bridge in Charlestown following the student rally and
threatened to block traffic, and then expanded their campground to the
newly renovated area of the Greenway and refused to leave.
The police crackdown in Boston, following mass arrests in New York,
Des Moines and other cities, represents one element of a two-pronged
strategy being employed by the ruling class against the burgeoning
anti-Wall Street protests. On the one hand, the Democratic Party,
utilizing the services of the trade unions and their pro-Democratic
pseudo-left allies, have sought to co-opt the protests and channel the
genuine outrage expressed by the participants behind that big business
party and President Obama's 2012 reelection campaign.
This would render the incipient movement against social inequality and
the domination of the banks and corporations politically harmless and
transform it into a another prop for the capitalist two-party system,
just as the movement against the war in Iraq was subverted and then
shut down by tying it the Democratic Party and its various election
After three years of right-wing, pro-corporate policies, the Obama
administration is engaged in a demagogic public relations campaign to
portray itself as a populist friend of the "middle class." The
centerpiece of this effort is Obama's "American Jobs Act," a pro-
business bill that would provide only a token number of jobs and do so
by draining Social Security of funds and extending more tax breaks to
the corporations.
This measure is linked to an austerity plan that would cut hundreds of
billions of dollars from social programs, including Medicare and
Medicaid. And in Orwellian fashion, Obama is pretending to support
higher taxes on the rich even as he pushes a bipartisan tax "reform"
scheme that would slash tax rates for corporations and the wealthy.
Obama is combining campaign-style town hall meetings in various cities
to promote his phony "jobs bill" with fundraisers at which he collects
pledges and checks from multi-millionaire corporate executives and
Typical of the cynicism of the Democrats' attempts to portray
themselves as allies of the anti-Wall Street protesters were the
remarks of Obama senior adviser David Plouffe. Interviewed Tuesday on
ABC's "Good Morning America" program, he said, "If you're concerned
about Wall Street and our financial system, the president is standing
on the side of consumers and the middle class."
In their effort to corral the anti-Wall Street movement and prevent it
from developing into a broader movement of the working class outside
the control of the Democratic Party, forces allied to the Democrats
are seeking to take organizational control of the protests. The New
York Times on Tuesday pointed to the role of the Center for American
Progress, headed by former Clinton White House Chief of Staff John D.
Podesta, in "sometimes working in recent weeks with labor unions… from
talking points to the realm of organizational guidance."
But as the anti-Wall Street movement spreads, the political
establishment is becoming increasingly concerned that the protests
will move out of the orbit of the two big-business parties and in an
increasingly anti-capitalist direction. Thus the supposed "support"
for the movement is combined with violent police attacks intended to
terrorize and intimidate, and deter new forces from becoming involved.
In Des Moines, 32 demonstrators were arrested Sunday night and charged
with trespassing after Republican Governor Terry Branstad ordered
state police to enforce a requirement to close state capitol grounds
at 11 p.m. In Grand Rapids, Michigan, the city manager has threatened
similar action against Occupy Grand Rapids demonstrators.
On Tuesday, in Washington DC, six people were arrested at the Hart
Senate Building after about 100 protesters filled the building's
atrium, chanting, "End the wars, tax the rich." Demonstrators had
marched from their occupation of "Freedom Plaza" downtown to the
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Re: Herman Cain -- as phony as a Federal Reserve $3 dollar note
There's absolutely zero chance that Herman "Godfather" Pimp Daddy"
cain is ever going to be nominated for the Republitard Party no matter
how ignorant he/they seem to be.
He's simply another flavor-of-the-day Sarah Palin.
I wonder which flavor they'll settle on???
Possibly lemon flavor?
Or will they go with delicious biter lime?
I'm almost certain they'll go with Perry flavor.
Because they want to see how a Bush Jr. clone would have stacked up
against a Obama.
And naturally because of that, they'll wind up losing again.
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Re: The Supreme Court and Obamacare
that the president is afforded the ability to trample on our laws is a
his job description needs to be updated
On Oct 12, 9:47 am, GregfromBoston <> wrote:
> Yea, you can do just about anything and hide it behind General
> Welfare. Rather than the article, I should have just cited the
> clause, as Bela Pelosi did.
> To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several
> States, and with the Indian Tribes;
> Does regulate now mean force?
> On Oct 12, 9:51 am, plainolamerican <> wrote:
> > an argument could be made that it provides for the general Welfare of
> > the people of the United States.
> > imo, the government shouldn't be in the healthcare business as it's
> > overwhelmed with bureaucracy and too wasteful
> > there's also the issue of providing healthcare to those who don't pay
> > into the system ... bleeding heart politicians can't say no
> > On Oct 12, 8:27 am, GregfromBoston <> wrote:
> > > Ok, any ideas on how Article 1, section 8 gives the government the
> > > power to force particiption in interstate commerce?
> > > Keep in mind, Obama has said over and over again, the penalty is not a
> > > tax.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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Re: Fwd: What are some great stories about Steve Jobs? - Quora
when Jobs and Woz were working on PRINT.
oh the things that a computer can do!
in 86 I volunteered for an Apple conference in Nashville
for my time they gave me an Apple IIgs that changed my career goals
On Oct 12, 9:39 am, GregfromBoston <> wrote:
> I didn't think Xerox even cared, but I used STAR in 1984. High
> resolution photos via Email in 1984!!!, when Jobs and Woz were working
> on PRINT.
> On Oct 12, 10:12 am, plainolamerican <>
> wrote:
> > no he didn't
> > Xerox was allowed to buy pre-IPO stock from Apple, in exchange for
> > engineer visits and an understanding that Apple would create a GUI
> > product
> > Xerox'x lawsuit was dismissed
> > On Oct 12, 8:41 am, GregfromBoston <> wrote:
> > > Of course, he did steal that graphical interface, and a whole lot
> > > more, like icons, folders and email.
> > > On Oct 11, 4:21 pm, plainolamerican <> wrote:
> > > > - On Sept. 2011, Apple became the most valuable company in the world.
> > > > - Apple's "Lisa" was the first consumer computer with a graphical user
> > > > interface.
> > > > - "The Internet? We are not interested in it." – Bill Gates, 1993
> > > > On Oct 11, 2:43 pm, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> > > > > <>
> > > > > Top Content For You This Week
> > > > > What are some great stories about Steve
> > > > > Jobs?<>
> > > > > Erik Lammerding<>voted
> > > > > up this answer.
> > > > > 322<>
> > > > > Kristopher Wright<>,
> > > > > Film Maker
> > > > > Founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, passed away today. I never met the man
> > > > > personally and now I never will. I only had one semi-personal interaction
> > > > > with Steve Jobs and I thought it was a good time to share it.
> > > > > Before I met the wife I had a girlfriend named Rebecca. Rebecca had
> > > > > non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. It was a rough time in her life and she was very
> > > > > depressed by it, even though chemotherapy was healing her over time.
> > > > > Rebecca was a big fan of Pixar films. I knew Steve Jobs had also been
> > > > > battling cancer and was a big part of the Pixar company. I d... *Read
> > > > > More »<>
> > > > > *
> > > > > [image: Erik Lammerding]<>
> > > > > How did Steve Jobs impact the lives of Quora
> > > > > users?<>
> > > > > 60<>
> > > > > Anne K. Halsall<>,
> > > > > lifelong Apple Macintosh fan
> > > > > I've been an Apple devotee all my life. I grew up on the products of Mr.
> > > > > Jobs's imagination. I wrote BASIC on an Apple //e, I composed poetry on a
> > > > > Mac Plus, I learned Photoshop on a Performa, I chatted with friends on a
> > > > > blueberry iMac, I played games on a G4 cube, I took lecture notes on an
> > > > > iBook, I created websites with a MacBook, I designed educational software
> > > > > for the iPad, I helped bring Quora to the iPhone.
> > > > > These devices have shaped my friendships, my personality, my education, and
> > > > > my career. They have taught me the value of good desi... *Read More
> > > > > »<>
> > > > > *
> > > > > What allows Amazon to be so
> > > > > innovative?<>
> > > > > 56<>
> > > > > Jason Crawford<>,
> > > > > Amazon employee 2004–2007
> > > > > Some key pieces:
> > > > > - *Visionary leadership: *Jeff Bezos built an online retailer before most
> > > > > people knew what the Internet was. He was talking about what he called the
> > > > > "machine-to-machine Web" before the term "web services" was even coined.
> > > > > - *Customer focus:* Amazon is driven by serving customers and creating
> > > > > value for them, not by beating competitors or by winning any piece of some
> > > > > pre-existing market. This helps keep them focused on a consistent strategy (
> > > > > http://www.gsb.stanford.**edu/news...<>)
> > > > > and prevents them from wasting resources on me-too or copy...
> > > > > *Read More »<>
> > > > > *
> > > > > [image: Jason Crawford]<>
> > > > > What questions do Americans want to hear the GOP candidates answer on the
> > > > > economy during the October 11th GOP
> > > > > debate?...<>
> > > > > 17<>
> > > > > Patrick Ruffini<>,
> > > > > Partner at Engage, former RNC and Bus...
> > > > > Traditional, 9-to-5 jobs seem to be playing less and less of a role in
> > > > > today's economy. How can we support people who have lost their jobs who want
> > > > > to start their own small businesses, through the tax code or otherwise?
> > > > > [image: Patrick
> > > > > Ruffini]<>
> > > > > How can I eat meat with a good
> > > > > conscience?<>
> > > > > 128<>
> > > > > Jonas M Luster<>,
> > > > > Science is sexy, food is sexy, culina...
> > > > > I'd like to take you down another path.
> > > > > All means of production of food in the United States and elsewhere are a
> > > > > drain on the ecosystem in one way or another. Modern societies produce,
> > > > > transport, and consume food as a commodity, which means all steps along the
> > > > > way are tailored to be as cheap and as fast as possible.
> > > > > Producing rice, soy, and beans, staples of a vegan diet, requires massive
> > > > > operations which carve swaths of land from the ecosystem. Harvest is a
> > > > > killer, both of animals and humans, depending on the country it is performed
> > > > > in. A... *Read More
> > > > > »<>
> > > > > *
> > > > > People You May Know on Quora
> > > > > [image: David McElroy]<>
> > > > > David McElroy<>
> > > > > Following 22 topics: iPhone
> > > > > Applications<>,
> > > > > The Internet<>,
> > > > > Metaphysics<>
> > > > > ...
> > > > > <>
> > > > > [image: John Crowley]<>
> > > > > John Crowley<>
> > > > > Following 14 topics: The Office (U.S. TV
> > > > > series)<>,
> > > > > Television<>,
> > > > > iTunes<>
> > > > > ...
> > > > > <>
> > > > > [image: Mathew Patrick
> > > > > Heggem]<>
> > > > > Mathew Patrick Heggem<>
> > > > > Recently asked What is
> > > > > hypermedia?<>
> > > > > <>
> > > > > [image: Donnie Harold
> > > > > Harris]<>
> > > > > Donnie Harold Harris<>
> > > > > Recently answered What is the smallest thing, or things, that you would have
> > > > > to change in history to prevent the Second World War from
> > > > > ...<>
> > > > > <>
> > > > > [image: Zorek Richards]<>
> > > > > Zorek Richards<>
> > > > > Recently answered Why is Fox News so biased towards the Republicans and Tea
> > > > > Party?<>
> > > > > <>
> > > > > This email was sent by Quora (261 Hamilton Ave #212, Palo Alto CA, 94301),
> > > > > a continually improving collection of questions and answers created, edited,
> > > > > and organized by everyone who uses it. To disable weekly digest emails from
> > > > > Quora, visit the following link: -
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