On Sep 5, 8:27 pm, Travis <> wrote:
> Always cary some cracklins or bacon bits when walking your dog past your
> local terrorist training center (i.e.mosque).
> *Islam vs. Man's Best Friend?*
> Posted By *David Solway* On August 28, 2012 ****
> Not long ago, I took my dog Shiba for an afternoon workout at our town
> beach on the Ottawa River, a lovely crescent of yellow sand and shade trees
> patronized by visitors from as far away as Montreal. A pure Siberian husky
> packing the energy of the Big Bang in her muscles, Shiba looks forward to
> these outings when she can entertain herself swimming furiously toward the
> horizon after lobbed twigs and tennis balls. With her striking white pelt,
> blue eyes, children-loving temperament and dolphin-like swimming motion,
> she is generally the center of attention and has made many admiring friends
> among the company of beach-goers.****
> Not everyone, however, is appreciative of Shiba's playful and rambunctious
> presence. As I was about to launch another tennis ball for her to retrieve,
> I was approached by two attractive, deeply tanned young women who objected
> to Shiba's performance, or, rather, to Shiba herself. They demanded that we
> cease and desist. When I inquired why I should comply, I was informed that
> dogs were unclean creatures and that Shiba prevented them from bathing
> since the water would be polluted by her thrashing about.****
> Needless to say, I was initially taken aback. After all, Shiba was a
> community favorite who posed no threat to anyone. Moreover, the women were
> not local residents but visitors from the big city. Additionally, my
> municipal taxes paid for the upkeep of the beach, which they enjoyed at no
> cost to themselves. The plain fact was that they had no stake in the matter
> and were, to put it somewhat wryly, completely out of their depth.****
> But, as my readers have surmised, they were of the Islamic persuasion.
> True, they were not garbed in traditional dress and seemed for all intents
> and purposes to be "modern" young women; yet they had no compunction
> against affirming their traditional and, indeed, alien values, which they
> attempted to impose as of right. I did my best to remain polite, but could
> not resist suggesting that they find some other beach to visit and that
> Shiba, whose license I had also paid for and who was more of a resident
> than they were, was far more entitled to the privilege of the river than
> interlopers from elsewhere.****
> As I've said, they had no stake in the matter. But what I was thinking was
> that they had no stake in the culture either. "Elsewhere" meant not only 50
> miles away from the small town in which I live, but an apparently
> unbridgeable distance from the history of my country and the culture which
> had taken root on its shores over the centuries. No less than the Muslim
> taxi drivers<>in
> Dearborn, Michigan, who refuse to accept blind people accompanied by
> seeing eye dogs into their vehicles, these two young women had not only
> refrained from integrating sufficiently into the folkways of their adopted
> land but, exploiting the enclave mentality of the multicultural ideology,
> were convinced of their right to assert the primacy of their own norms and
> habits.****
> The BlazingCatFur website
> reports<>on
> another such distasteful episode. A Toronto resident walking his dog
> by
> a public park where a crowd of Muslims was celebrating Al-Quds Day found
> himself arrested by the police, as he writes, "for 'offending Islam' by
> walking in a PUBLIC park with my dog. Apparently, Muslims do not like dogs.
> I was warned by a few demonstrators not to go near them. Of course I
> ignored them and reminded them this is Canada, not Pakistan." Nonetheless,
> the man was "dragged off and handcuffed." The police alleged that he was
> "insensitive" and "inciting a riot." "Imagine this happening in Canada?" he
> continues. "Walking a licensed dog on a leash at the park in front of our
> Provincial Legislature and being arrested for that simple act!" (The dog,
> incidentally, is a therapy dog of the kind we find doing their good work in
> hospitals.)****
> Canada may not be Pakistan, but it is no longer Canada. The same is the
> case for many other Western nations. We live in a society that is clearly
> and inexorably going to the dogs — though not in the honorific way in which
> I would like to use the phrase. And this is plainly not an issue involving
> merely man's best friend. The assault on Western attitudes, ordinances,
> conventions, proprieties, civil codes and manners proceeds along the entire
> gamut of social conduct and political supposition, as the provisions of
> Sharia law insinuate themselves ever more intimately into daily life. We
> now live in a culture of fear—fear of offending and fear of violent
> reprisal. Admittedly, many people may bridle at the aggressive liberties
> that Muslim immigrant groups have taken at their expense, from the erection
> of mega-mosques (often in small
> communities)<>,
> to prayer rituals in public
> thoroughfares<>,
> separation of the sexes in public facilities, special treatment in the
> schools<>,
> the regular practice of lawfare, the heavy drain on welfare entitlements,
> and the outrage<>of
> cordoned-off city districts or "no-go zones," functioning as Islamic
> mini-republics, in places like Paris, London, Oslo and Malmo, among others.
> But our political and intellectual elites, whether from electoral
> calculations, the timidity of political correctness or sheer stupidity,
> have proven to be distinctly accommodating to the vehement and incendiary
> strangers in their midst.****
> The rights (and rites), long-held assumptions, common expectations,
> standards of behavior and time-hallowed customs we have taken for granted
> and which shape our communal life are undergoing a relentless erosion under
> the multicultural sedative that all cultures are of equal value—except our
> misprized and concessionary own, as it appears—and must be coddled and
> promoted regardless of consequence. A new imperative has been effectively
> announced. In a bizarre reversal of sensible usage, we—the host—must adapt
> to the remote, imprescriptible, and presumably exotic customs of the
> Islamic newcomers in our midst—the guest—rather than vice versa, as reason
> would dictate. The irony is that it is we who are being impounded while
> those who espouse an alien and often inimical value system are increasingly
> calling the shots.****
> BlazingCatFur now
> reports<>that
> a cyclist who attended the August 18 Al-Quds Day rally at Queen's Park
> in Toronto ran afoul of the constabulary and "was nearly charged with
> incitement to riot for merely carrying an Israeli flag." But a child at the
> rally flaunting a sign "Down with Israel," doubtlessly at his parents'
> behest, is, it would seem, wholly innocuous.****
> Dog days, indeed.****
> ********
> ** **
> Article printed from PJ Lifestyle: ******
> URL to article: ******
> ** **
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