Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Gorilla in their Midst

The Gorilla in their Midst
Why I Miss the Old School Republicans, and What I Wish They'd Say To Religious Fundamentalists in their Midst
September 5, 2012 by George Takei

Image of The Gorilla in their Midst

It's no surprise that I'm a Democrat. I'm a gay man, I got married to my husband Brad, and I don't particularly like being told my marriage should be invalidated because I don't have the same rights as other people. But mind you, I don't forget that it was a Democratic President (FDR) who abused his power 70 years ago and put my family and me in an internment camp without charge, trial or cause. Now that was Big Government at its very worst. So I am leery of excessive government power or control of any kind.

That's why I want to take a moment here to talk about the 800 pound gorilla in the room: To ask why the GOP has allowed itself to be hijacked by extremists who aren't Republican at all.

At their core, Republicans are for smaller government. That means LESS governmental intrusion into our lives, our affairs, our money. Consistently applied, this is a sound and important philosophy that acts as a counterweight to wasteful government spending, excessive taxation, and Big Brother intrusiveness. It is a "live and let live" attitude. Good people may disagree respectfully whether more or less government is needed in areas such as healthcare and education, whether a larger military or more international intervention is needed, and whether we should cut taxes on the wealthy or raise them. I personally can completely understand the economic rationales behind the GOP platform, even if I don't think we should retry them right now.

What I simply can't understand is why the GOP ignores the gorilla in their tent when it comes to social issues. For a party that prides itself on less government intrusion, it sure seems busy these days telling women and LGBT persons what they can and cannot do. This is not only inconsistent, it is a poor strategy for keeping the party strong, growing, and current. If religious fundamentalists want to push their extremist agendas, they should do it in some other party, so that I don't have sit there in awkward conversations with my Republican friends, secretly wondering how they can continue to pander to such drivel.

It would be as if the Democrats suddenly had their ranked filled by hard-core Communists who steadily called upon the total abolishment of private business. (And no, that's not what Obamacare does, notwithstanding the rhetoric. You may disagree with the individual mandate, but it's not a government take-over, it's a tax–as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court himself concluded.)  If someone like Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez showed up at a Democratic Party function and waved Mao's little red book around, I would say, "Sorry, I know Democrats. I've worked for years with Democrats. You're no Democrat. And you can't sit with us."

It's time for true Republicans to regain control of their party. For Republicans who believe in a woman's right to choose not to have to pretend that they don't. For those who believe that two people who love each other should be allowed to get married, who the hell cares, to say so. And for those who would like to see more Ron Pauls and fewer Mike Huckabees to stand up and say, "Actually, WE'RE the real Republicans. Now get off our lawn." 

Wouldn't that be a Grand Old time again?

­ GT

Slick Willy Leaves 'Em Swooning

Thursday, September 6, 2012
Slick Willy Leaves 'Em Swooning
By, Chris Rossini

Last night, Bill Clinton gave his Obama-nominating DNC speech. Don't be surprised if you see a headline today stating that some in the audience fainted (Michael Jackson style) from extreme adoration. The 50 minute speech was loaded with goodies for government-lovers of all ages.

Let's parse some of it:

Willy describes Obama as:
"A man who believes we can build a new American Dream economy driven by innovation and creativity, education and cooperation."

Innovation, Creativity, Education and Cooperation are all elements of liberty. There's no need for a monolithic and monopolistic government. In fact, government force squashes all of them.

Leonard Read described it perfectly: "...liberty is not something we design and construct but, instead, is a felicitous situation in which people find themselves once authoritarianism is abandoned."

Clinton moves on and gives a shout out to Mussolini:
"We Democrats think the country works better with a strong middle class, real opportunities for poor people to work their way into it and a relentless focus on the future, with business and government working together to promote growth and broadly shared prosperity."

Mussolini loved the idea of business and government working together. He organized industries into State-supervised trade associations.

Guess what Mussolini called them?


Yes, a variation of the same word that Clinton used above: "cooperation."

The speech continues:
"It turns out that advancing equal opportunity and economic empowerment is both morally right and good economics..."


Clinton wants government to partner with certain businesses and create equal opportunity.

Remember this when your business must compete with a large "too big to fail" who has the politicians in its pocket.

A free market straightens this stuff out. You live and die by satisfying customers. Even a conglomerate could be gone tomorrow should market conditions change. Whether your business is large or small, if you fail to satisfy the consumer, the market will punish you equally as hard.

I'm sure Clinton wasn't worried about his contradiction. The watery-eyed audience surely wouldn't put these thoughts together.

Let's move on:
"Unfortunately, the faction that now dominates the Republican Party doesn't see it that way. They think government is the enemy, and compromise is weakness."

Republicans believe government is the enemy?

I'm sure there were Republicans sitting at home watching and shouting at the TV: "What?? How dare he??"

Republicans are a part of the government. They love war, subsidies, bailouts, crony capitalism, and the Fed.

Democrats, of course, love these things too...the differences are merely cosmetic.

Willy then enlightens us about Obama's superpowers:
"He inherited a deeply damaged economy, put a floor under the crash, began the long hard road to recovery, and laid the foundation for a modern, more well-balanced economy that will produce millions of good new jobs, vibrant new businesses, and lots of new wealth for the innovators."

The only truth in that statement is "He inherited a deeply damaged economy."

It was the Fed that put an artificial floor under the crash, and by doing so, ensured that not even a toe has been put on the road to recovery.
"I know many Americans are still angry and frustrated with the economy. Though employment is growing, banks are beginning to lend and even housing prices are picking up a bit, too many people don't feel it."

I'll tell you what people do feel...higher prices and bills.

And it isn't comforting knowing that banks are starting to lend money created by the Fed. It means even higher bills are on the way.

Savings and Capital are the bedrock and foundation of a healthy economy. Banks lending funny money is the kryptonite.
"People ask me all the time how we delivered four surplus budgets. What new ideas did we bring? I always give a one-word answer: arithmetic."

Here's another version:

Beginning in 1994, during the Mexican Crisis, Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan unleashed what would be the greatest money-printing spectacle that the world had ever seen.

Remember the dot-com Nasdaq bubble?

Those were the Clinton years.

But Clinton decided to throw the word "arithmetic" out to the obsequious audience. Why pay attention to The Maestro behind the curtain?
"My fellow Americans, you have to decide what kind of country you want to live in. If you want a you're on your own, winner take all society you should support the Republican ticket."

We should be lucky enough for Republicans (and Democrats) to leave us alone.

We're not.

Clinton finishes with a statement that you can comfortably bet against:
"I love our country – and I know we're coming back. For more than 200 years, through every crisis, we've always come out stronger than we went in."

Ok...He (and his other half) love the country as it is.

But the U.S. has not come out stronger through every crisis. It has come out weaker.

It has come with government scrambling for just one more rabbit to pull out of the hat.

Each crisis has been marked by an increase in government power, and a decrease in the soundness of the money.

The former survives as long as the latter does. The trouble for government is, the latter is climbing into its death bed.

Ron Paul Won

Ron Paul Won
Robin Koerner
Posted: 08/29/2012 8:58 am

In all fields of human endeavor, winning by cheating is losing.

In a competition, when someone cheats, he gets disqualified. The disqualification does not make the runner-up the winner. Rather, it reveals that the man who appeared to be the runner-up had in fact been the winner all along.

In the race for the GOP nomination for president, therefore, Ron Paul won.

As the New York Times wrote yesterday,
Delegates from Nevada tried to nominate Mr. Paul from the floor, submitting petitions from their own state as well as Minnesota, Maine, Iowa, Oregon, Alaska and the Virgin Islands. That should have done the trick: Rules require signatures from just five states. But the party changed the rules on the spot. Henceforth, delegates must gather petitions from eight states.
When Mr. Romney and the RNC cheat so blatantly, they make the game no longer about politics: they make themselves ineligible for the vote of anyone who cares about his own morality, his own honesty or his own integrity -- regardless of his politics. And from a purely practical standpoint, they invite Americans to ask if they want to live in a nation governed with the same contempt for those who don't toe the party line as has been displayed both in Tampa and throughout the primary process.

But as a Ron Paul supporter, I can't remember feeling so invigorated and empowered in my cause.

Not only did my candidate win: the GOP has given the Liberty movement the greatest gift it could have given us. It has induced a righteous indignation that will ensure that there will be no lull in the Liberty movement post-convention or post-election. It has educated us; it has brought us together like only a common hurt can, and it has freed us to do whatever needs to be done for the cause we love, wherever we need to do it.

To those in the Liberty movement who in the first flush of anger are saying they will never vote GOP again, I would humbly suggest that there is no better revenge than success and that success, therefore, is a dish best served cold.

Ron Paul has been fighting for the cause of freedom for 30 years. Even if Romney were to win the election in November -- a possibility now massively reduced by the disenfranchisement of a large minority of Republicans who comprise its most energetic activists -- eventually he'll be just another ex-president. But the GOP's behavior has just about ensured that Liberty will never be just another ex-movement. Thanks to GOP, a hardened, indignant and wiser Liberty movement will be as much "here" in four years or eight years as the Constitution will be.

And each time one of the main parties blatantly chooses power over honesty and fairness, it opens the unconverted to one of the most important messages of the Liberty movement: that the answers to our problems may not be found in the platforms or most of the people of the main parties that created them.

When I was observing the GOP caucuses in Seattle, I was able to ask a number of caucus goers who they voted for. Everyone I asked who was under 40 was there for Ron Paul. Everyone I asked who was over 65 was there for Mitt Romney. The younger adults would explain why they liked their candidate with passion, conviction, excitement and an unusual understanding of issues -- in other words, the stuff that victories are made of. The senior citizens -- every one of them -- gave as justification for their support of Romney, "He's the man who can beat Obama." (The logic didn't work so well for John Kerry, as I recall.)

I wanted to help them see the flaw in their answer by asking why they'd want to replace a large bank-funded, Patriot Act-supporting, NDAA-supporting, interventionist who doesn't have a plan to reduce government spending in the foreseeable future with a ...

You see, of course, why I couldn't ask the question.

More to the point, the people who "like Romney" are the outgoing seniors. The future of the party will comprise, out of simple biological necessity, those younger, liberty-loving, peace-mongering Constitutionalists, the likes of whom the RNC has worked so hard to put down.

That's exciting.

But things are even more exciting if I am wrong.

Think for a minute what happens to all these excitable young people if the GOP old guard stick around for long-enough to succeed in thwarting every effort the Paul supporters make to take over the party. In that case, the GOP will achieve something that no third party has: it will make third parties credible and their support significant. We may even look back at August 28 as the day when the seed of a brand new party was sown. Stranger things have happened.

Whichever way it goes, the GOP's failure to integrate its liberty wing will seriously endanger the duopolistic political system on which they have depended for so long because the liberty movement is now simply too large to disappear.

Whether this liberty movement of critical mass changes the mainstream of U.S. politics by controlling the GOP, or by becoming the philosophically coherent minority that swings elections is, in the long-run, a choice for the Republican party to make. However, for this election cycle, the GOP appears to have made its choice.

It doesn't really matter: a paradigm shift is already under way. As I wrote in " Ron Paul Can Win," the best piece of evidence that this is so is that the means used to by those with an interest in the old, prevailing paradigm to maintain it become more contorted, and increasingly dependent on ignoring large chunks of reality -- like the social and cultural phenomenon of hundreds of thousands of the nation's youth filling stadiums to hear an old conservative politicians talk about even older philosophers and economists; the brute fact that the number of non-supporters of the main parties is unprecedented, or the simple expectation of fair play in competitive endeavors.

To my liberty- and peace-loving friends, I urge that our responsibility in November is to put the mainstream on notice that the Independent, post-partisan middle is now liberty-dominated and large enough to turn elections.

If the mainstream knows this, they will be forced -- out of sheer self-interest and love of power -- to give civil rights, peace and real markets more than lip-service. Remember, in a two-party system, the candidate who wins over the median swing voter wins the election. Controlling the "politics of the middle" therefore offers disproportionate political influence.

To that end, write in Ron Paul if a write-in vote will be counted in your state. If Ron Paul endorses someone, vote for him. Otherwise, vote Gary Johnson (or your favored third party candidate). Just remember that we wield influence by demonstrating to the GOP and DNC that we are the group that swings elections from now on. Therefore, a vote against Obamney is not enough. Even a vote via write-in for Paul is not enough if no one will ever see it. Constitutionalists, libertarians, Blue Republicans, down-the-line pro-peace progressives, protest voters, etc. must vote for Paul's principles and get that vote counted.

I remain a Ron Paul loyalist. I suspect that the most principled politician of our time would consider a vote cast in good conscience for his values to be a vote for him. In fact, if you've come this far as a supporter of Dr. Paul, however you decide to vote in the November in support of his values, you can probably say without too much of a stretch, "I voted for Ron Paul in 2012."

But for sure, you can already say that you supported him when he won the GOP nomination, because that, by any honest measure, is just what he did.

The Republicrats only have their duopoly if we give it to them. And you know what you get if you vote for the lesser of two evils, don't you?

Hint: the answer is in the question.

Re: DNC Delegates Wear “Once You Vote Black You Never Go Black” Obama 2012 Buttons on Convention Floor

"Its just a joke, get a sense of humor!"
Yet these are the same cupcakes who went hissy about a FAR more innocuous birth certificate joke.

That was, "€Å“a cheap shot, awful, and an example of the Republicans playing "€Å“that card." - Banana Boat Chris Matthews.
"Once you vote black..."
Translation - My vote was based on race and not qualification, and I'm gonna do it again.
A knee slapper

On Thursday, September 6, 2012 11:52:54 AM UTC-4, Travis wrote:

Scotty Starnes posted: "Since it's from liberals, the liberal media will not call it racist.   The liberal racists even have their own Facebook page for their racist propaganda. H/T to Gateway Pundit"
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New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog

DNC Delegates Wear "Once You Vote Black You Never Go Black" Obama 2012 Buttons on Convention Floor

by Scotty Starnes

Since it's from liberals, the liberal media will not call it racist.


The liberal racists even have their own Facebook page for their racist propaganda.

H/T to Gateway Pundit

Scotty Starnes | September 6, 2012 at 10:30 AM | Tags: DNC, DNC delegates, Once You Vote Black, President Obama, racist | Categories: Political Issues | URL:

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Pentagon not helping overseas soldiers vote

Dr. Eowyn posted: "This is unconscionable and utterly shameful. The Pentagon is failing to comply with a law to help our soldiers overseas to vote in the upcoming critical November 6th election. John Solomon reports for the Washington Guardian, Sept. 4, 2012: "
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Pentagon not helping overseas soldiers vote

by Dr. Eowyn

This is unconscionable and utterly shameful.

The Pentagon is failing to comply with a law to help our soldiers overseas to vote in the upcoming critical November 6th election.

John Solomon reports for the Washington Guardian, Sept. 4, 2012:

Congress required the Pentagon to create voting assistance offices on all overseas military bases to help deployed soldiers cast their ballots back in their home states, but military branches haven't fully complied, citing budget shortages and a difference of opinion with lawmakers.

With another election lurking around the corner, the Pentagon is getting a bad review for its efforts to comply with a new law designed to make it easier for overseas military personnel to cast their ballots.

The Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act was passed by Congress in 2009 and signed into law by President Barack Obama and was supposed to make it easier for both soldiers deployed overseas and U.S. citizens living abroad to cast ballots back in their home states.

One of the key provisions required each military branch to create an installation voting assistance office (IVAO) for every military base outside an immediate combat zone.

But the Pentagon's inspector general, the military's internal watchdog, reported Tuesday it got a disappointing result when it tried to locate such voting assistance offices on each installation earlier this year.

"Results were clear. Our attempts to contact IVAOs failed about 50 percent of the time," the inspector general reported. "We concluded the Services had not established all the IVAOs as intended by the MOVE Act because, among other issues, the funding was not available." 

The Pentagon estimates it could cost $15 million to $20 million a year to create all the offices required by the law.

In addition, Pentagon officials apparently disagree with the tactics the law recommended, preferring to use advertising and digital outreach efforts to educate overseas soldiers rather than creating the voting assistance offices.

"DoD officials also posed concerns about IVAO effectiveness," the inspector general reported. "They noted that younger military personnel were the biggest DoD military population segment and emphasized that IVAOs were likely not the most cost effective way to reach out to them given their familiarity and general preference for communicating via on-line social media and obtaining information frominternet websites. They suggested assistance might be provided more effectively and efficiently by targeted advertising."

[...] You can read the full report here.And why is the Pentagon under the POS's administration dragging its heels?

The reason for this delay is simple. The POS wants to minimize soldier voting as much as they can legally do it because military voters are 65-75% Republican.


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Matthews a Few Race Cards Short of a Full Deck

Matthews a Few Race Cards Short of a Full Deck

Posted By Ann Coulter On September 6, 2012

Apparently, Monday, Aug. 27, was opening day for Hysterical Liberal Sanctimony About Imagined Republican Racism. During this first round, The New York Times, The Atlantic and the TV networks each put in a splendid showing.

I'd need a book to cover it all. HOLD ON! I HAVE ONE — Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama available in fine bookstores near you Sept. 25, 2012.

Today, we will focus on the outstanding individual performance of the man who, since the departure of Contessa Brewer, is widely regarded by his colleagues as the stupidest on-air personality at MSNBC. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Chris Matthews.

Appearing on "Morning Joe," Matthews exploded at Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus, alleging that Mitt Romney's harmless birth certificate joke from a few days earlier was a "cheap shot," "awful," and an example of the Republicans playing "that card."

(Discussing his hometown roots while campaigning in Michigan, Romney had cited the local hospitals where he and his wife were born, adding, "No one's ever asked to see my birth certificate.")

Even the liberals on the show were perplexed. Asked to clarify whether he considered the birth certificate joke "playing the race card," Matthews angrily said: "Yeah, there's no doubt he did with his birth certificate. No doubt. Why would he bring it up? Why would he say, 'I have no problem with my birth certificate'? What's that supposed to say?"

Mika Brzezinski: "Because he's an awkward joker?"

Joe Scarborough: "Because he misfired badly on the joke?"

But Matthews didn't have time for alternative explanations. Besides, he had already yelled at Joe and Mika, so the issue was obviously resolved. Chris quickly moved on to Romney's ads describing the Obama administration's change to welfare requirements as another example of racism.

Matthews said that Romney's (factually correct) claim that Barack Obama is weakening the work requirement for welfare was "playing that card," fuming at the RNC chair, "and you are playing that little ethnic card there." Priebus, like most people who haven't spent much time around Matthews, could only laugh awkwardly.

Matthews raged: "You can — you play your games and giggle about it, but the fact is your side is playing that card. You start talking about work requirements, you know what game you're playing and everybody knows what game you're playing. It's a race card."

Asked by Scarborough if he really believed that the welfare ad was racist, Matthews said: "Of course it is. Welfare? Food stamps?"

On "Hardball" that night, Matthews continued his welfare rant: The Romney ad was "ethnically charged" and a "dog whistle." (The phrase "dog whistle" is a dog whistle for imaginary sightings of racism.)

For the clincher, Matthews added: "Did you catch Romney following it up by saying this was Obama's effort to excite and shore up his base, passing out welfare checks? His base."

As everyone but Chris knows, the "base" Romney referred to consists not of individuals collecting welfare, but those distributing it, i.e.: union-dues-paying government workers. Democrats' problem with welfare reform always was that if it worked, we would need fewer of these well-pensioned public employees, a fact repeatedly acknowledged by liberals themselves.

When welfare reform was first proposed in 1994:

– Will Marshall of the Progressive Policy Institute said the reforms would sever Democratic ties to the liberal "base," which he described as: "Congress, the interest groups that cluster around them, the bureaucracies that work closely with them, the social service providers and experts and think tank types."

– Robert Kuttner of the uber-liberal American Prospect magazine wrote that welfare reform would hurt Bill Clinton with "the Democratic base."

– Liberal journalist Jeff Greenfield of ABC News said that Clinton's becoming a third-way, New Democrat would risk "alienating a liberal base."

I'm sorry, gentlemen, but it is my sad duty to inform you: You're all racists.

The next night on "Hardball," Matthews made his most dramatic announcement yet! It seems the mention of "Chicago" in relation to the president is also a racist dog whistle.

Matthews: "They keep saying Chicago, by the way, you noticed?"?

Guest John Heilemann, like an orderly in a mental institution trapped alone with a patient, played along, responding, "Well, there's a lot of black people in Chicago" — while frantically jabbing at the alarm button.

For the love of Pete, can't we all acknowledge that a reference to "Chicago" in this context manifestly refers to corrupt, big-city, machine politics and 1920s gangsterism — not race? No one thinks Al Capone was an African-American.

My advice to Chris is: Pace yourself. It's a long way to Election Day. If you get too crazy, too soon, you'll have nothing left for the fourth quarter.

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DNC Delegates Wear “Once You Vote Black You Never Go Black” Obama 2012 Buttons on Convention Floor

Scotty Starnes posted: "Since it's from liberals, the liberal media will not call it racist.   The liberal racists even have their own Facebook page for their racist propaganda. H/T to Gateway Pundit"
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New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog

DNC Delegates Wear "Once You Vote Black You Never Go Black" Obama 2012 Buttons on Convention Floor

by Scotty Starnes

Since it's from liberals, the liberal media will not call it racist.


The liberal racists even have their own Facebook page for their racist propaganda.

H/T to Gateway Pundit

Scotty Starnes | September 6, 2012 at 10:30 AM | Tags: DNC, DNC delegates, Once You Vote Black, President Obama, racist | Categories: Political Issues | URL:

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Re: Paying taxes doesn’t allow Atheists, nor any group , to dictate to others.

On Sep 5, 5:39 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote:
> Dear Studio:
>  Since both of those are issues of
> high controversy, the American People should be allowed to decide once
> and for all in direct referenda.

I'm in TOTAL agreement with that!
However, Republitards will remind you we live in a Republic, not a
And neither of the 2 major parties actually want people to decide by

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Air Quality Takes a Nosedive in North Carolina

catscanner150 posted: "The Stench of Socialism in North Carolina As a resident of North Carolina I started noticing a slight odor last Saturday at my home 152 miles east of Charlotte. At first I thought it was one of my neighbors septic systems, but that turned out not "
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New post on Fellowship of the Minds

Air Quality Takes a Nosedive in North Carolina

by catscanner150

The Stench of Socialism in North Carolina

As a resident of North Carolina I started noticing a slight odor last Saturday at my home 152 miles east of Charlotte. At first I thought it was one of my neighbors septic systems, but that turned out not to be the case. As the holiday weekend continued the smell became stronger especially when the wind blew from the west. The offending odor could only be described as a combination of bullshit, the reek of desperation and the stench of socialism.

By Tuesday the funk was really bad and I finally put two and two together, between the DNC and the occupy idiots, they were polluting the air for hundreds of miles. The only breath of fresh air comes from visiting Conservative websites such as FOTM, listening to Conservative talk radio and watching FOX News.

After the peak of pungency tonight, we should start to see the stench slip away and our air quality return to normal. Hopefully North Carolina will never have to endure the emanations of this many democrats gathered together in one place ever again.

Tom in NC

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Re: Islam vs. Man's Best Friend?

On Sep 5, 8:27 pm, Travis <> wrote:
> Always cary some cracklins or bacon bits when walking your dog past your
> local terrorist training center (i.e.mosque).
>  *Islam vs. Man's Best Friend?*
> Posted By *David Solway* On August 28, 2012 ****
> Not long ago, I took my dog Shiba for an afternoon workout at our town
> beach on the Ottawa River, a lovely crescent of yellow sand and shade trees
> patronized by visitors from as far away as Montreal. A pure Siberian husky
> packing the energy of the Big Bang in her muscles, Shiba looks forward to
> these outings when she can entertain herself swimming furiously toward the
> horizon after lobbed twigs and tennis balls. With her striking white pelt,
> blue eyes, children-loving temperament and dolphin-like swimming motion,
> she is generally the center of attention and has made many admiring friends
> among the company of beach-goers.****
> Not everyone, however, is appreciative of Shiba's playful and rambunctious
> presence. As I was about to launch another tennis ball for her to retrieve,
> I was approached by two attractive, deeply tanned young women who objected
> to Shiba's performance, or, rather, to Shiba herself. They demanded that we
> cease and desist. When I inquired why I should comply, I was informed that
> dogs were unclean creatures and that Shiba prevented them from bathing
> since the water would be polluted by her thrashing about.****
> Needless to say, I was initially taken aback. After all, Shiba was a
> community favorite who posed no threat to anyone. Moreover, the women were
> not local residents but visitors from the big city. Additionally, my
> municipal taxes paid for the upkeep of the beach, which they enjoyed at no
> cost to themselves. The plain fact was that they had no stake in the matter
> and were, to put it somewhat wryly, completely out of their depth.****
> But, as my readers have surmised, they were of the Islamic persuasion.
> True, they were not garbed in traditional dress and seemed for all intents
> and purposes to be "modern" young women; yet they had no compunction
> against affirming their traditional and, indeed, alien values, which they
> attempted to impose as of right. I did my best to remain polite, but could
> not resist suggesting that they find some other beach to visit and that
> Shiba, whose license I had also paid for and who was more of a resident
> than they were, was far more entitled to the privilege of the river than
> interlopers from elsewhere.****
> As I've said, they had no stake in the matter. But what I was thinking was
> that they had no stake in the culture either. "Elsewhere" meant not only 50
> miles away from the small town in which I live, but an apparently
> unbridgeable distance from the history of my country and the culture which
> had taken root on its shores over the centuries. No less than the Muslim
> taxi drivers<>in
> Dearborn, Michigan, who refuse to accept blind people accompanied by
> seeing eye dogs into their vehicles, these two young women had not only
> refrained from integrating sufficiently into the folkways of their adopted
> land but, exploiting the enclave mentality of the multicultural ideology,
> were convinced of their right to assert the primacy of their own norms and
> habits.****
> The BlazingCatFur website
> reports<>on
> another such distasteful episode. A Toronto resident walking his dog
> by
> a public park where a crowd of Muslims was celebrating Al-Quds Day found
> himself arrested by the police, as he writes, "for 'offending Islam' by
> walking in a PUBLIC park with my dog. Apparently, Muslims do not like dogs.
> I was warned by a few demonstrators not to go near them. Of course I
> ignored them and reminded them this is Canada, not Pakistan." Nonetheless,
> the man was "dragged off and handcuffed." The police alleged that he was
> "insensitive" and "inciting a riot." "Imagine this happening in Canada?" he
> continues. "Walking a licensed dog on a leash at the park in front of our
> Provincial Legislature and being arrested for that simple act!" (The dog,
> incidentally, is a therapy dog of the kind we find doing their good work in
> hospitals.)****
> Canada may not be Pakistan, but it is no longer Canada. The same is the
> case for many other Western nations. We live in a society that is clearly
> and inexorably going to the dogs — though not in the honorific way in which
> I would like to use the phrase. And this is plainly not an issue involving
> merely man's best friend. The assault on Western attitudes, ordinances,
> conventions, proprieties, civil codes and manners proceeds along the entire
> gamut of social conduct and political supposition, as the provisions of
> Sharia law insinuate themselves ever more intimately into daily life. We
> now live in a culture of fear—fear of offending and fear of violent
> reprisal. Admittedly, many people may bridle at the aggressive liberties
> that Muslim immigrant groups have taken at their expense, from the erection
> of mega-mosques (often in small
> communities)<>,
> to prayer rituals in public
> thoroughfares<>,
> separation of the sexes in public facilities, special treatment in the
> schools<>,
> the regular practice of lawfare, the heavy drain on welfare entitlements,
> and the outrage<>of
> cordoned-off city districts or "no-go zones," functioning as Islamic
> mini-republics, in places like Paris, London, Oslo and Malmo, among others.
> But our political and intellectual elites, whether from electoral
> calculations, the timidity of political correctness or sheer stupidity,
> have proven to be distinctly accommodating to the vehement and incendiary
> strangers in their midst.****
> The rights (and rites), long-held assumptions, common expectations,
> standards of behavior and time-hallowed customs we have taken for granted
> and which shape our communal life are undergoing a relentless erosion under
> the multicultural sedative that all cultures are of equal value—except our
> misprized and concessionary own, as it appears—and must be coddled and
> promoted regardless of consequence. A new imperative has been effectively
> announced. In a bizarre reversal of sensible usage, we—the host—must adapt
> to the remote, imprescriptible, and presumably exotic customs of the
> Islamic newcomers in our midst—the guest—rather than vice versa, as reason
> would dictate. The irony is that it is we who are being impounded while
> those who espouse an alien and often inimical value system are increasingly
> calling the shots.****
> BlazingCatFur now
> reports<>that
> a cyclist who attended the August 18 Al-Quds Day rally at Queen's Park
> in Toronto ran afoul of the constabulary and "was nearly charged with
> incitement to riot for merely carrying an Israeli flag." But a child at the
> rally flaunting a sign "Down with Israel," doubtlessly at his parents'
> behest, is, it would seem, wholly innocuous.****
> Dog days, indeed.****
> ********
> ** **
> Article printed from PJ Lifestyle: ******
> URL to article: ******
> ** **

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Bill ... go find another blowjob

"Do you really want to live in a country where one party
is so desperate to win the White House that they go around
trying to make it harder for people to vote if they're people
of color, poor people or first generation immigrants?"

-- Bill Clinton, quoted by The Nation, speaking to
Arkansas Democrats on GOP efforts to pass voter ID laws.

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Fwd: Canadian housing bubble goes into full mania mode – Canadian debt-to-personal income ratio near 145% while US at peak of the housing bubble was at 125%.

Canadian housing bubble goes into full mania mode – Canadian debt-to-personal income ratio near 145% while US at peak of the housing bubble was at 125%.

Canadian housing bubble goes into full mania mode – Canadian debt-to-personal income ratio near 145% while US at peak of the housing bubble was at 125%.

Posted: 05 Sep 2012 12:54 PM PDT

As global real estate bubbles burst at differing intervals, those still engaged in the depths of mania fever find every convenient argument to justify the existence of the current inflated economic structure.  We can debate the nature of the current US housing market but with the median nationwide home price at $151,600 from the most [...]

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**JP** Daily Quran and Hadith

Assalamu'alaikum Wa Rahmatullah e Wa Barakatuhu, 

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Thanks & Best regards,
Imran Ilyas
Cell: 00971509483403

****People oppose things because they are ignorant of them****

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