Saturday, May 5, 2012
Fwd: BigHomo:Libertarians have a gay ole time with lesbian organized convention
The only candidates supporting gay marriage. Convention director is lesbian and political activist
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Post: Libertarians have a gay ole time with lesbian organized convention
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Snow White, Superman, and Pinocchio are out for a stroll one Day...
Snow White, Superman, and Pinocchio are out for a stroll one Day...
As they walk, they come across a sign:
"Beauty contest for the most beautiful woman in the world."
"I am entering", said Snow White.
After half an hour she comes out and they ask her,
"Well, how'd ya do?
"First Place", said Snow White.
They continue walking and they see a sign:
"Contest for the strongest man in the world."
"I'm entering", says Superman.
After half an hour he returns and they ask him,
"How did you make out?"
"First Place", answers Superman. "Did you ever doubt?"
They continue walking when they see a sign:
"Contest! Who is the greatest liar in the world?"
Pinocchio says, "This one's mine!"
Half an hour later, he returns with tears in his eyes.
"What happened?", they asked.
"Who the heck is Obama?"
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U.S. Federal Judge Overturns Statute ‘Requiring’ Citizens To Have ‘A Good And Substantial Reason To Wear, Carry, Or Transport A Handgun ~ Grossly Violates The Second Amendment Of The Constitution!
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Occupy Chicago May Day march pics you won't see in the establishment media
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From President Obama: Before I Go On Stage
Michelle and I are getting ready to go on stage for the first big rally of 2012.
We know not everyone can be there, but we still want you to be part of it.
If you can, please tune in to the livestream here:
Start time's 12:45 p.m. Eastern.
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Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
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Anti state - A Poem By William Gomes
Anti state - A Poem
Journalist & Human Rights Activist
80/ B Bramon Chiron, Saydabad,
Dhaka-1203, Bangladesh.
Cell: +88 019 7 444 0 666
E-mail:William [at],editorbd[at]
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Last Reactor of 50 in Japan Is Shut Down after Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
TOKYO — Japan's last operating reactor was taken offline Saturday, as
public distrust created by last year's nuclear disaster forced the
nation to at least temporarily do without atomic power for the first
time in 42 years.
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The reactor, at the Tomari plant on the northern island of Hokkaido,
was shut down for legally mandated maintenance, said its operator,
Hokkaido Electric. As Japan's 50 functional commercial reactors have
been shut down one by one for maintenance, none have been restarted
because of safety concerns since last year's Fukushima disaster.
Desperate to avert possible power shortages this summer, the
government has tried to convince the public to allow some of the
reactors to be restarted. It has conducted simulated stress tests to
show whether reactors can withstand the sort of immense earthquake and
tsunami that knocked out the Fukushima Daiichi plant.
However, the public has not accepted the tests, which were conducted
largely behind closed doors. A number of critics have demanded more
sweeping changes, like the creation of a more independent nuclear
regulatory agency.
Cozy ties between officials in the Trade Ministry, which both
regulates and promotes nuclear power, and plant operators are widely
seen as having left the Fukushima plant without adequate defenses
against natural disaster. This distrust fed criticism that the
authorities failed to protect the public after the accident, and
instead tried to cover up the full dangers.
About 300 protesters gathered Saturday in front of the Trade Ministry
to celebrate the temporary shutdown of the nation's nuclear program,
and to call for a permanent end.
Tadao Sakuma, 81, who had joined a hunger strike in front of the
ministry to oppose restarting the plants, toasted the news about the
Tomari reactor. "I want all reactors to be scrapped, and I'm going to
live 10 — no, 20 — years to see that through," he said.
Hiroko Tabuchi contributed reporting.
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
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Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
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Republican Job Killers
No Jobs Bills
Posted on July 22, 2011 by Karina
Tomorrow marks 200 days of Republican control of the House of
Representatives–House Republicans have passed 81 measures, none of
which create jobs, and some that actually destroy jobs. The GOP has
instead focused on divisive bills and their budget to end Medicare,
while providing tax breaks to Big Oil and companies that ship jobs
By the numbers:
200: Number of days GOP has been in charge (Saturday, July 23, 2011)
2 Million: Jobs potentially destroyed by GOP legislation that's passed the House
0: GOP jobs bills
10: GOP votes against Democratic jobs bills
House Republicans have passed bills that destroy nearly 2 million jobs
and create economic uncertainty:
HR 1 – The House-passed GOP 'So Be It' spending bill destroys 700,000
jobs, stalls our economic recovery, and protects subsidies for Big
HR 2 – The GOP Patients' Rights Repeal bill puts insurance companies
back in charge and repeals the Affordable Care Act, thereby destroying
more than 300,000 jobs.
Republican Budget (H.Con.Res. 34) – On top of ending Medicare as we
know it to pay for tax breaks for Big Oil, millionaires and
corporations shipping jobs overseas, the Republican-passed budget cuts
key investment to our economic future like education, college aid,
life-saving medical research, infrastructure, and clean energy. This
will cost Americans 1.7 million jobs by 2014, with 900,000 jobs lost
next year, according to Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's
Second Vote on GOP Budget — House Republicans doubled down on ending
Medicare by passing a Rule on the Homeland Security Appropriations
bill which "deems" that the Republican budget, with its cuts in
Medicare and investment in our economic future is passed. House
Democrats unanimously opposed the Rule.
Third Vote on GOP Budget/Cut, Cap, and End Medicare (H.R. 2560) — Just
this week, the House passed a measure that incorporates the House GOP
Budget Plan that ends Medicare and destroys jobs, and then calls for
deeper cuts with a constitutional amendment. Republicans even
rejected a Democratic effort to prohibit any provision in the bill
from going into effect if it would result in the loss of jobs or slow
economic growth, but Republicans voted NO.
HR 658 — The House Republican FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act will
destroy 70,000 jobs, undermine our nation's infrastructure, and
jeopardize runway safety and improvements.
In addition, Republicans have also unveiled a proposal to slash
critical investments in rebuilding our roads, transit, and bridges in
this county that will cost us more than 600,000 jobs.
Meanwhile, House Democrats have been working on our Make It in America
Agenda to revitalize manufacturing in America, create new good-paying
jobs, and make our nation more secure. Republicans have rejected
Democratic efforts to create jobs, voting 10 times against Democratic
proposals or efforts to consider proposals–several of which are
bipartisan–to create jobs:
An American jobs effort to end government contracts rewarding
corporations that ship American jobs overseas. [Vote 19]
Build America Bonds to Create Jobs Now Act – leveraging public dollars
to strengthen the private sector, growing our economy by rebuilding
America's schools, hospitals, and transit projects, supported by
American businesses, the construction industry, mayors and governors.
[Vote 38, Vote 30, Vote 189]
American Jobs Matter Act – to give preference in federal contracts to
U.S. manufacturers that create jobs here at home. [Vote 257]
National Manufacturing Strategy Act, which calls on the President to
lay out a plan to help ensure American manufacturers can compete,
grow, and thrive. [Vote 279]
Advanced Vehicle Manufacturing Technology Act to help ensure the cars
of the future are built here in the U.S., by investing in a broad
range of near-term and long-term vehicle technologies to improve fuel
efficiency, support domestic research and manufacturing, and lead to
greater consumer choice of vehicle technologies and fuels. [Vote 310]
Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act to provide our government with
effective tools to address unfair currency manipulation by countries
like China, which could help create 1 million American manufacturing
jobs by leveling the international playing field for American workers
and businesses. [Vote 9, Vote 199] Recently, Democrats launched a
process to force the Republican leadership to bring this bipartisan
bill to the floor for an up or down vote.
A measure to promote jobs and innovation at home, by prioritizing
patent applications from entities that pledge to develop or
manufacture their products and technologies in the United States.
[Vote 490]
Leader Pelosi on 200 days:
Tomorrow is the 200th day of the Republican majority, and the American
people are asking: where is the Republican jobs plan? Since taking
over the House, Republicans have voted against Democratic jobs
legislation ten times and for measures that would potentially destroy
2 million jobs.
Republicans have spent 200 days ignoring jobs and pushing an
ideological agenda to end Medicare and protect tax breaks for special
interests, Big Oil, and corporations that ship American jobs overseas.
It's time for Republicans to join Democrats to focus on Americans' top
priority – jobs – while responsibly reducing the deficit,
strengthening the middle class, protecting our seniors and growing our
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
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Hillary Clinton Tells Bullies, 'Take a Hard Look at Your Actions and the Pain You Cause': VIDEO
the Pain You Cause': VIDEO
Scretary of State Hillary Clinton posted a message on bullying to the
State Department site today.
Says Clinton in the video:
When I travel the world, I try to meet with people to talk about
what's happening in their communities and countries. And one of the
things I see wherever I go is that communities that foster tolerance
and accept diversity tend to be more prosperous, successful, and just
plain better places to live. Strong societies draw strength from the
talents of women, people with disabilities, religious minorities, LGBT
people and those of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. That's just
as true in the United States as it is everywhere else.
Today, across North America, students and teachers are coming together
to take a stand against bullying. Building communities of tolerance is
something every person can contribute to—in your school, in your
workplace, where you worship, and in the streets of your town.
If you see someone being bullied—speak up.
If you're being bullied—reach out. To a teacher, to a hotline, to a
friend. Know that you are not alone. Help is available. We all want
you to hang in there.
And if you are bullying someone else—take a hard look at your actions
and the pain you cause. Whether it's physical, emotional, or social—
bullying is wrong.
We can all contribute to more tolerant, supportive environments and to
stamping out bullying wherever it happens.
Read more:
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
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J.R. Dunn: Obama Meets His Nemesis
Obama Meets His Nemesis
By J.R. DunnAs the Greeks saw it, "nemesis" was an abstract force (personified by the goddess of divine justice of the same name) aimed directly at the destruction of a single individual. It is nemesis that brings down the heroes of the tragedies. A force that builds up over years, inescapable, inevitable, and in large part created by the hero's own actions. Nemesis is very much the Western equivalent of karma. It is a form of divine payback, which, we are told, is a bitch.
Nemesis is what is taking down Barack Obama. Not politics as such, not the actions of his opponents -- at least not yet -- not any disaster or setback in the world as a whole. Obama is in the process of being ablated as the result of his own actions, born from his own personal flaws. There's a certain type of personality that constructs a life out of the nurturing and protecting its own failings rather than attempting to resolve or overcome them. This is the only formula that is required to understand Barack Obama.
For close to four years, I've been arguing that Obama's actions as president -- actions taken in defiance of law; of American tradition; of the realities of current condition; and, not the least, of the American people -- would, in his final months, take him down. That was my prophecy, vouchsafed unto me in the seventh house during the seventh hour of the seventh day, and behold, it is coming to pass exactly as foretold.
Nobody acts with the arrogance of an Obama without paying for it. In the ancient dramas, it was called hubris. (A lot of debate exists as to how that word was actually pronounced, there being no "u" sound in ancient Greek. Some say it's an "ee" sound; some say a "y.") The hero apes the gods; begins to view himself as more than human, beyond the laws that prevail even on Olympus; and the machinery of fate starts grinding. And once that machinery goes into motion, it doesn't stop until its victim has been reduced to dust.
Obama is one of the most arrogant figures ever to sit in the White House. John Adams, Andrew Jackson, and Teddy Roosevelt do not have a thing on this man. There has been considerable speculation that his condition is clinical, that he is in fact a narcissist in the psychological sense, and there is evidence to back this contention. The public sneer, the smirk, the upthrust chin, the repeated use of the personal pronoun at times when it is far from appropriate (e.g., the speech announcing the shooting of Osama bin Laden, where you'd be forgiven, from the way he told it, in believing that Obama himself took the old butcher out in single combat). The remarks like "I won" in circumstances where they are completely uncalled for. He required no help, on taking office, in boosting his already mammoth ego to the level of near-megalomania, but he got it anyway. Obama, we were told, was "kind of God." He was the One, the Messiah, the "Alpha and Omega," in the words of a chant repeated by some of his followers -- a description that in the Old Testament was limited to the Almighty and none other.
Obama was praised as fulsomely (in the real sense of the word) as any individual since Josef Stalin. But unlike Uncle Joe, he actually believed it. This kind of thing would have turned the head of even most solidly grounded of individuals; with someone as unstable as Obama, it was fatal.
It was fatal in that it set the stage for nemesis. And Obama took it from there, with some of the most lurid, unjustifiable, and grotesquely inflated policies and programs since the heyday of the New Deal. The $760-billion stimulus. Government takeover of entire industries. The shanghaiing of an eighth of the American economy through his health-care plan. And this is only to mention the most egregious offenses. There is scarcely a single aspect of American life that Obama hasn't attempted to remake in his own image. And why not? He was the Alpha, after all. And the Omega.
The odd thing is, he didn't actually do much. He didn't really put a lot of work into it. Like a Divine Right princeling, he thought that all he needed to do was make his wishes clear for them to be realized -- an odd conception of the presidency that I think is unmatched anywhere else in the record. Obama wanted millions of shovel-ready jobs; he sent his Ivy League-trained economists out to arrange it. He wanted a health-care revolution, and he turned that over to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. And so on down the line -- every revolutionary program was assigned to some secretary or czar or union goon.
The results have been what any normal individual might have expected. As Americans, we have gotten next to nothing out of all this wasted effort and energy and cash. But that's more than what Obama got. Because the only thing he got was nemesis.
His grand schemes are falling apart. It seems that a week doesn't go by without another "green" corporation -- Solyndra, First Solar, Ener1 -- going down the tubes despite (or perhaps because of) being funded to the tune of hundreds of millions by Obama's functionaries. His dream machines -- the electric cars and high-speed trains -- have been transformed into punchlines. His grand design, ObamaCare, appears to be headed for the boneyard through action by the Supreme Court, the only question being whether the justices will kill it outright or maim it to a point that it can't survive. (Obama's reaction was characteristic: public insistence that the Supreme Court had no right, historically, legally, or otherwise, to lay a finger on one of Obama's sacred endeavors.)
Which brings us to the open scandals. Arrogance begets arrogance. The United States was born out of a reaction to imperial flunkies who truly believed that they could behave as vaingloriously as their monarch and his corrupt nobility. The Bourbons were brought down not so much by their own actions (Louis XVI was in fact something of reformer) as those of their out-of-control bureaucrats. It's no different today. We see it in the GSA scandal, the Secret Service hooker scandal, and above all in the Justice Department's Fast and Furious scandal. All these result from hirelings mimicking the activities and attitudes of their bosses, including their ultimate boss in the Oval Office. Each is rooted, and obviously so to even to most blasé observer, in arrogance. Fast and Furious reveals the blueprint: a crazy scheme (gun-running on one hand, ObamaCare on the other) that no commonsense individual would ever consider for a moment put into play despite protests, disaster ensuing by leaps and bounds, deliberately ignored because the scheme "has to work," a climax amounting to complete collapse, with the protagonist (Holder, Obama) acting as if none of it has anything to do with him, as if he can simply walk off without so much as a word spoken.
Obama believes exactly that. So pure is his arrogance, so exalted his narcissism, that he will do nothing to defend himself out of the conviction that no such thing is required of him. That he, among all human beings alive in the second decade of the third millennium, does not need to respond under any circumstance. This is the difference between Obama and previous administrations -- Richard M. Nixon and Ronald Reagan worked like stevedores to overcome Watergate and Iran Contra, Nixon with no success while Reagan at last put it behind him. But Obama, exactly like his appointees, doesn't think he has to make any defense at all. He truly believes that he can't be touched. (The other difference between these scandals and earlier ones is that hundreds have died as a result of this administration's activities.)
This is pure arrogance, and it is a hallmark of nemesis. Because none of this is going away. The current scandals will continue to snowball, and there will be more coming over the next months as the seeds scattered by Obama in his first years burst into bloom. (As this is being written, there comes word of a DreamWorks scandal busting open, involving Joe Biden; the Chinese; and, for all I know, the guy who thought it was a good idea to make a picture out of John Carter of Mars.) They have had three years to germinate and spread. As the campaign heats up, so will the scandals.
Obama will then find himself in the lonely place -- the place where the naked soul comes face to face with machinery of fate itself. A place that a man cannot walk out of, where no excuses can be made, where no explanation will ever suffice. By the time it's all over, the election may well be the least of Obama's worries.
The Greeks gave us a complete picture of a very basic human predicament, arising out of the personal flaws and failings of the individual. A portrayal that still speaks to us because its basic elements remain unchanged even with the passage of millennia. We are seeing it repeated in our time. It will be a terrible spectacle. But it will also be just.
J.R. Dunn is consulting editor of American Thinker.
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Re: Disinformation On Every Front
"Washington cannot exist without conflict. Now that the "Muslim threat" is wearing thin, Washington is stirring up a conflict with China. Washington is sticking its nose into every dispute China has with its neighbors and building up its military presence in the Asian-Pacific. As I wrote in my previous column, a China threat is being created as a long-term threat to take the place of the former Soviet threat."
Disinformation On Every Front
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
May 4, 2012
Some readers have come to the erroneous conclusion that the Matrix consists of Republican Party disinformation as if there is no disinformation from the left. Others think that propaganda is the business of Obama and the Democrats. In fact, propaganda from the right, the left and the middle are all part of the disinformation fed to americans.
If I may give some examples: The other day Chuck Colson, one of the Nixon officials imprisoned for Watergate crimes, died. This gave NPR the opportunity to relive the Nixon horror.
What precisely was the Nixon horror? Essentially, there was no such thing. Watergate was about President Nixon lying about when he learned about the Watergate burglary.
When Nixon learned about the burglary, he did not act on it prior to his reelection, because he reasoned, rightly, that the Washington Post would blame him for the burglary, although he had nothing to do with it, in the hopes of preventing his reelection.
By going along with a cover-up, Nixon enabled the Washington Post to make an issue of the precise date on which Nixon learned of the burglary. White House tapes indicated that Nixon had learned of the burglary before he said he learned of it. So Nixon had permitted a cover-up and had to go, but what was the real reason?
What was the Watergate burglary? We don't really know. A group of men including former CIA operatives were hired by the Committee to Re-elect the President to break into a Democratic campaign office in the Watergate complex. We don't know the purpose of the burglary. Some claim it was to wire-tap the telephones in the belief that the Democratic Party was getting re-election money from communists in Cuba or elsewhere. Others claim that the burglars were looking for a list of call girls, that compromised a White House official, as his fiancee was allegedly one of the call girls.
Looking back from our time during which Bush and Obama have deep-sixed the US Constitution, violated numerous US and international laws, and behaved as if they were caesars unconstrained by any law or any morality, Nixon's "crimes" appear so trivial as to be unremarkable. Yet, Nixon was driven from office and is regarded as a criminal.
What was Watergate really about?
I doubt we will ever know. But I can offer one possible explanation. Nixon, like John F. Kennedy before him, alarmed the military/security complex with his plans to withdraw US troops from Vietnam (Vietnamization) and his determination to open communication with communist China and improve relations.
As President Eisenhower warned in his last address to the American people, conflict brings power and profit to interest groups that benefit from conflict. Nixon, like Kennedy before him, was perceived as a threat by these powerful interests, because he was working to reduce conflict.
James W. Douglass in his documented book, JFK and the Unspeakable, attributes the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to the CIA, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secret Service. Douglas reports that these powerful government institutions were concerned by Kennedy's refusal to approve Operation Northwoods, to back the CIA's invasion of Cuba, and to confront the Soviets militarily over the Cuban missile crisis and by Kennedy's plans to end US military intervention in Vietnam. JFK also told his brother Robert that after his re-election he was going to break the CIA into a thousand pieces.
The right-wing view that Kennedy was too soft to stand up to communism was intensified when it was learned that Kennedy was working with Nikita Khrushchev through back channels to defuse the Cold War. In his "A Strategy of Peace" speech (June 1963), Kennedy announced the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and the suspension of atmospheric nuclear testing.
"What kind of a peace do we seek?," Kennedy asked. "Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war." With his words and deeds, President Kennedy made himself into a threat against the interests of the military/security complex.
There was enough suspicion of JFK's assassination that yet another president assassinated by another "unhinged lone gunman" might raise more eyebrows. Nixon was disliked by the media, which made him a good candidate for political assassination. The Watergate burglary provided the opportunity. The Washington Post did the job with reports of "Deep Throat" meeting with reporters in spooky underground parking lots after midnight. Little, if any, information of consequence was contained in these reports. Instead, the newspaper's reporting transferred the spooky danger of the deserted parking garages to Nixon and an aura of evil was attached to Nixon that eroded his support.
It is interesting that it is only presidents who work to reduce conflict who become targets for assassination. Reagan's anti-Soviet rhetoric was strong enough to fool the left-wing, but the military-security complex knew of Reagan's intention to end the Cold War. The CIA, formerly headed by Reagan's vice president, opposed Reagan's plan to put the pressure of an arms race on the creaking Soviet economy. The CIA argued that the centrally planned Soviet economy allowed the Kremlin to control investment and that the Communist Party could allocate whatever percentage of Soviet GDP to the military as was needed to win the arms race. In other words, the CIA argued that the US would lose the arms race if Reagan raised the stakes as a means of bringing the Soviets to negotiate the end of the Cold War. Did the CIA really believe this, or was the military/security complex trying to keep the profitable Cold War stalemate going?
Washington cannot exist without conflict. Now that the "Muslim threat" is wearing thin, Washington is stirring up a conflict with China. Washington is sticking its nose into every dispute China has with its neighbors and building up its military presence in the Asian-Pacific. As I wrote in my previous column, a China threat is being created as a long-term threat to take the place of the former Soviet threat.
Moving on to another topic, americans are told that education is the answer to unemployment. Get that university degree and live happily every after.
As RT recently reported, the truth is that more than half of recent US university graduates are unemployed or very underemployed. So much for the mantra that "education is the answer."
"Education is the answer" serves the colleges and universities who want the tuition payments. It serves the companies who make student loans. It helps the offshoring corporations disguise that they are the main cause of unemployment.
Education is not the answer when high value-added, high wage manufacturing and professional service jobs, such as software engineering, are moved offshore in order to enhance short-term profits for shareholders and multi-million dollar bonuses for CEOs, while domestic employment and purchasing power are destroyed. Unless American university graduates can emigrate to China and India, there is no one to employ them. Yet, we still hear the call to run up student loan debts beyond the ability of salaries to repay the loans.
Professional tradable service employment in the US is so scarce that the University of Florida has abolished its computer science department. As few of the graduates can find employment, the university has reallocated the department's budget to football, a paying sport.
Americans plugged into the Matrix are programmed to believe that they have correct information provided by a varied and "independent media." In fact the media is owned by 5 or 6 mega-media companies run by corporate advertising executives and Washington.
Recently, Bloomberg gave us the report that "Japan, Denmark and Switzerland are among the countries to rally this week to [IMF chief] Lagarde's call for a bigger lending capacity beyond the current $380 billion to shield the world economy against any deepening of Europe's debt turmoil."
This Bloomberg report is nonsensical. The loans are not shielding the world economy. The loans are shielding the private banks from their own mistakes at the expense of the world economy. The Bloomberg report shows how completely the Western media is involved in forcing ordinary peoples to subsidize private bankers. It could not be more clear; yet, there is no embarrassment at Bloomberg for serving as the bankers' propagandist.
Indeed, there is only honor. Serving the Matrix is where lie the rewards. Those who oppose the Matrix are the outcasts whose efforts might, as in the film, save the race of humans from the domination of evil, or else, if they lose, confine the outcasts to prosecution and death.
Across every front Americans are fed lies. The official media line is that the Japanese Fukushima nuclear threat from the earthquake and aftermath is well contained and over. However, the fact of the matter appears to be that an amazing radioactive inventory of both spent and unused fuel rods is in damaged cooling pools that could suffer collapse at any time (especially if there is another earthquake), thus releasing enormous radioactivity (reference link). This possibility presents a greater threat than the initial molten cores of the reactors themselves. Michael Chossudovsky points out that the media is yet to acknowledge the widespread contamination resulting from the Fukushima disaster, and there may be worse to come.
But who cares? Back to the Matrix and the "reality show."
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**JP** Fw: ! apne es Hero ko Salam...........!!
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Re: How’s your aerial geography I.Q.?
12 for 16
On May 4, 3:38 pm, Travis <> wrote:
> **
> New post on *Fellowship of the Minds*
> <> How's your aerial
> geography I.Q.?<>by
> Dr. Eowyn <>
> Can you figure out what this is?
> <>
> The picture above is one of 16 questions on an Aerial Geography Quiz.
> The quiz is comprised of 16 photos of various landmarks, taken from an
> airplane, and you have to guess where and what it is. You'll be quite
> unusual if you get a perfect score.
> For each photo, there are four possible answers. The first answer is always
> checked. That may or may not be the correct answer. You can change the
> answer by checking the correct answer.
> I found this test to be very tough. I got a score of 11/16.
> To take the test, go to: GuessTheSpot.Com - How Well Do You Know
> Landmarks<>
> H/t beloved fellow GrouchyFogie.
> *~Eowyn*
> *Dr. Eowyn <>* | May
> 4, 2012 at 1:00 am | Tags:
> landmarks <>,
> quiz<>| Categories:
> Art <> | URL:
> Comment<>
> See all comments<>
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INDIA: A poor woman raped by police
May 5, 2012
Ms. Mamata Banerjee
Chief Minister
Government of West Bengal
Writers' Building, Kolkata, West Bengal
Fax: + 91 33 22144328
Dear Chief Minister,
I am William Nicholas Gomes,Human Rights Ambassador for Salem I have been informed by Amitadyuti Kumar of Association for Protection of Democratic Rights (APDR) that that a facts finding team including Bapi Dasgupta, Amit Gosh, Gautam Munshi, Saibal Das,Amitadyuti Kumar, Sumanta Ghosh, Kamal Datta and Debashish Gupta has done a investigation into the matter of COMPLAINT OF rape of a poor woman by sub inspector Mithun banerjee, Officer-in charge, Bhadreswar police station in his official quarter and extraction of a retraction from the victim.
I have been informed that on 23 April, 2012, at about 8-30 PM, APDR came to learn that a young woman was raped by SI Mithun Banerjee, Officer-in Charge, Bhadreswar PS. We were informed that the young couple is seeking justice, but are too afraid to move alone and lodge a complaint. We asked them, whether they can go to the nearest Government Hospital and get medically examined first. They were even reluctant fearing that the Hospital authorities will refuse. Finally they agreed to come the nearest Government Hospital, the Chandernagore Sub-Divisional Hospital. We assured them that we will intervene if the Hospital authorities refuse.
They reached the Hospital by 8-45 PM, and requested for medical check up against their complaint of rape. As they feared, the Emergency Medical Officer on duty refused to entertain them and get the woman medically examined.. In about 15 minutes an APDR team also reached the Hospital and tried to reason with the MO for arranging medical check up. Finally after an official request on behalf of APDR, an outdoor ticket was prepared and after getting instruction from the Superintendent of the Hospital, necessary papers were being readied for her admission.
While all these were taking place, an well-built person was frequently coming in and going out of the emergency room and making calls with his cell phone. The Hospital staff revealed that he was a police personnel in plain dress.
In the meantime APDR also contacted the Chairperson, West Bengal Women's Commission (WBWC) and also met the Superintendent of the Hospital in his quarters. The Chairperson, WBWC also called the Superintendent of Police, Hooghly. While the APDR team was discussing the matter with the Superintendent of the Hospital, he received a phone call and informed us that a police team is coming to the Hospital and if they make a formal requisition, necessary medical examination to ascertain the truth of allegation of rape will be conducted.
Within a few minutes, a large contingent of police appeared, first led by the SDPO, Chandernagore, followed by IPS Amitabha Verma, ASP. They interrogated the victim woman and her husband for about an hour and in another hour the woman's handwritten complaint was received by the Officer-in Charge, Chandernagore PS, in which the victim categorically stated that she was raped by the Officer-in Charge, Bhadreswar PS in a room of the OC's quarter..
The Incident: according to the victim and her husband:
1. The husband was arrested in a dacoity case and after 45 days in custody was released on 21/04/12. On the very night, two policemen from Bhadreswar P.S. chanced on him and asked him to come to the P.S. Accordingly the husband visited Bhadreswar P.S. on 22/4/12. As asked by O.C., Bhadreswar P.S. the husband summoned his wife to the P.S. over phone. At that time the O.C. took the mobile no. of the victim and her husband.
2. On 23/04/12, at about 3-30 PM, the O.C. asked the victim to visit the P.S. immediately in connection with her husband's case.
3. She proceeded to the P.S. in an Auto (According to media reports a police vehicle was sent to the victim's house to fetch her to the P.S.)
4. When the victim reached the P.S. the O.C. took her to his quarter. There was nobody in the quarter at that time. The O.C. took the victim to a room of the quarter and closed the windows. He threatened that if she did not obey her husband would be in grave danger. After that he pounced on her. According to the victim she tried to resist but did not shout out of fear that she might be killed. She was raped forcibly.
5. She reported the whole episode to her husband and the husband tried to contact some media from the numbers scrolled below the channel programmes.
6. After that he also contacted APDR.
Medical Examination and aftermath:
1. After receiving the formal complaint from the victim, the O.C., Chandernagore P.S. made a formal requisition for medical examination on her for alleged rape. The examination was done at Chandernagore Sub Divisional Hospital. at around 12 P.M. Interestingly, the Emergency Medical Officer noted the allegation of rape "as per statements of the victim's husband', but the victim herself narrated her plight and categorically stated in presence of the APDR team that she had been raped by the O.C. Bhadreswar P.S The discrepancy was pointed to the Emergency Medical Officer immediately thereafter. He admitted his mistake. The matter was also communicated to the superintendents of the Hospital at 11.30 P. M.
2. On 24/04/12 morning the victim was discharged from the Chandernagore Hospital. The husband along with her 5-6 years old son was waiting for whole night at the hospital, hungry and unfed. When the family was emerging from the hospital, they were forcibly placed in a police vehicle.
3. They were taken to Imambara Sadar Hospital. Sri Tanmoy Roy Chowdhury. IPS, SP Hooghly, Basab Talukdar, Special IG and other officials were present at the Imambara Sadar Hospital. There was another round of grilling of the victim and her husband at the hospital. The victim was also subjected to a fresh medical examination.
4. Though the victim made a formal complaint of rape against the O.C., Bhadreswar, P.S. , no action was taken against the O.C. was taken till then. Only towards the afternoon the media reported the O.C. is 'closed'.
5. After medical examination, the whole family was again put on a police vehicle at about 2 P.M. and was taken to the District Women P.S. situated at the Chinsurah PS premises. At 3 P.M. they were again taken to the Imambarah Sadar Hospital and after about half an hour taken back to the District Women P. S.
6. At 5 P.M. we learnt that the whole family was then at Bhadreswar P.S.
7. At about 9 P.M., after the whole day's ordeal without sleep or rest accompanied by continuous grilling by a top brass of the police hierarchy, they probably left the PS. But they could not be found in their home and remained incommunicado for the next 36 hours.
8. According to media reports, on 25.04.2012 they were taken to the CID Headquarters at Bhawani Bhawan, the accused O.C. was also asked to report there. Another round of grilling followed.
9. Towards the afternoon of 25.04.2012, the media quoting police sources reported that the accuse O.C. has been suspended. About three hours later, the media, again quoting police sources, further reported that the victim 'retracted' her allegation against the O.C.
1. The initial reluctance of both the hospital and police administration to entertain and act on the complaint of rape and subsequent warlike activities–both were aimed at suppressing the allegation and fact of the rape and deprive the woman of justice.
2. The couple is in their twenties and the husband returned home after 45 days in custody barely 40 hours prior to the incident of rape. In this situation vaginal rupture during rape is quite unlikely. The only substantive medical evidence will be cross matching of the vaginal swab of the victim with the accused's semen. It is not known, whether such medical examination was conducted. So far as we know the victim's clothing at the time of rape were not seized and not examined forensically for evidences of rape which is a must in such cases.
3. Like other such incidents of gross human rights violation, the police fed the media with misinformation at regular intervals like 'no evidence of rape in medical examination', 'the woman has two marriages and is of bad character', ' the woman admits she is mentally disbalanced' so on and so forth.
4. It is not known whether the following bits of vital investigation were conducted by the police :
(a) Why the accused Bhadreswar PS O.C. was using an unregistered SIM for communicating with the woman, if such contacts were necessary as part of his official duty.
(b) The examination of Bhadreswar PS personnel to verify the victim's presence in the PS at the time of alleged crime.
(c) Cross checking the description of the room of alleged crime at OC's quarter as given by the victim and as it actually is.
(d) Cross matching of vaginal swab of the victim with the accused's semen and forensic examination of victim's clothes at the time of alleged rape as mentioned before are absolutely necessary to rule out the allegation of rape.
4. The police tried to break the moral of the victim and subjected her to tremendous mental and physical stress from 4 pm, 23 April to 25 April afternoon– almost for 48 hours at a stretch. The resulting trauma made her ill–she felt acute pain in the head and felt mentally agonized to such an extent that she could not remember what she said earlier to the police. The victim is a patient of Thyroid disorder. Two days without necessary essential medication invariably disturbs the physical and mental equilibrium of the patient. This was the opportunity the police was looking for and without wasting a moment she was taken to a magistrate to record an statement extracted in the face of severe trauma.
5. Media reports suggest that the victim made a statement u/s 164 of CrPC retracting the allegation of rape, which was also repeated by the Hon'ble CM, during her press meet on 27/0/4/12 The sub section 6 of section 164 states that The Magistrate recording a confession or statement under this section shall forward it to the Magistrate by whom the case is to be inquired into or tried.
The following questions need to be answered.
(a) How the police/media knew the contents of her sec 164 statement, when the law specifically meant it for the judicial magistrate.
(b) Whether the victim was provided with legal advice/opinion on the concequences before she was forced to make a statement u/s 164 CrPC.
(c) Even if the victim retracts her complaint can the accused absolved before getting the forensic test reports and till then shall the accused not to be dealt with as per law.
(d) Why the victim was taken to a magistrate to record a statement before the completion of the investigation based on her already registered complaint. Can this be explained without questioning the motive- was police anxious to give justice to the victim or they were hell-bent in rescuing their collegue from the long hand of law?
6. The whole chain of events does not suggest that the victim's allegation was untrue. It rather points out how far and further the police can traumatise a victim of rape to get her retract her allegation. The treatment meted out to the victim is in blatant disregard of all human right standards. The traumatisation was aimed towards the whole family including the victim's 5/6 year child, to subjugate the victim.
Please note that the Salem News Human Rights Ambassador has written a separate letter to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women calling for her intervention into this case.
Therefore, I request the government and authorities concerned to provide protection to the victims during the length of the judicial process and eye-witnesses and launch a thorough and impartial investigation into the case resulting into legal action against the perpetrators and justice and compensation to the victims.
Yours sincerely,
William Nicholas Gomes
Human Rights Ambassador for Salem
Journalist & Human Rights Activist
80/ B Bramon Chiron, Saydabad,
Dhaka-1203, Bangladesh.
Cell: +88 019 7 444 0 666
E-mail:William [at],editorbd[at]
Skype: William.gomes9
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