Sunday, February 12, 2012
Anti-Government = Mental Illness According To Study
Friday, February 10, 2012
A disturbing piece was published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. In it is a study that claims people who are anti-government or believe in conspiracies around the government are suffering from a condition called Anti-Government Phobia (AGP). Meaning that anyone who has a distaste for the government, the way it operates, its polices and believes there is a particular force behind it, must be mentally ill. The implications here are frightening, if you feel the government is doing something that will harm you and that it is a part of a bigger plan, you are sick. Thus the government can respond as though you are a a threat.
This is what the study actually claims:
"This study conclusively demonstrates that unfounded fear of government is a recognizable mental illness, closely related to paranoid schizophrenia. Anti-Government Phobia (AGP) differs from most mental illnesses, however, in that it is highly infectious and has an acute onset. Symptoms include extreme suspiciousness, conspiracy-mongering, delusional thought patterns, staunch "us against them" mentality, withdrawal from reality, and often religious fanaticism."
The problem here is how do you define "unfounded fear"? What constitutes something as being "unfounded"? Is the belief that the government is doing things we don't know about "unfounded"? Or seeing that it puts forward policies that reduce health care and education "unfounded"? Or is thinking the government lies in order to justify war "unfounded"? What is unfounded , is whatever the government says is. Its one of those vague definitions that can be used to cover anything, like the definition of terrorist right now. The blanketing statement is the '"us against them" mentality', as it is the cornerstone of every conflict. This can be interpreted in almost an infinite number of ways. This will cover any criticism you have of the government.
The study also gave a suggestion on how to deal with someone who is considered to have Anti-Government Phobia:
"Having the patient committed to a qualified mental health institution is the best option for family and loved ones. For this reason, all psychiatrists and family physicians should be provided with educational materials which will help them recognize the various symptoms and warning signs accompanying onset."
In other words, the plan is to have you quarantined from the rest of the public and have you discredited by having been held in a psychiatric hospital. The stigma that is placed against mental illness is sufficient to discredit anyone who shows any discontent with the government. Its an extremely effective manner in which to silence dissent from anything the government says is the official truth, or official line. Because as I said before, what is defined as truth is defined by the government. In addition, by having you committed by your family, even your family will have turned on you, leading to a greater level of being discredited. People can say, "Oh look, even his family thinks he's crazy".
The study is aware of the growing discontent people have towards the government.
"Anti-Government Phobia has a worldwide distribution, but has a particularly high incidence in the United States. Infection rates are estimated by mental health officials to be about 5% of the general population, and this rate is growing at an alarming rate. Rates are highest, but not limited to, those who are disaffected in some fashion, especially those who have a strong personal grudge against the federal government for one reason or another."
It should not be unexpected that people are growing more disaffected with the government. Particularly if they didn't vote for the persons or polices in power. To imply in this way, that anyone who disagrees is a problem, implies that you are not allowed to. This statement alone is a support of fascism. If people are unhappy with the policies being put forth by the government, they not only have a right, but a duty to say something about it. There is wide spread disaffection with the government right now. From all sides of the political spectrum. Whether you are a believe in the New World Order, a socialist, a Ron Paul follower or a religious Oathkeeper type, you know the government is not being honest to you. That is not some kind of bias, we all see something is wrong. We all have different interpretations of what the problem is, but we all acknowledge there is one. The harder the government pushes against the will of the people the more disaffected people are going to become.
The study even hints at a suggestion of shutting down any media that promotes dissension from the government. It promotes it as being a source of the mental illness, it spreads the "disease", it claims.
"Common ways in which this harmful, anti-government propaganda is spread include: books, pamphlets, magazines, newspapers, audiotapes, videotapes, short-wave and conventional radio programs, computer bulletin boards, and various Internet sites…"
"… Upon exposure to "patriotic" propaganda, the patient mysteriously begins to imagine hidden links between unrelated current events, weaving these gross distortions of reality into a complex delusional web; a labyrinth of conspiracy theories with all imagined clues leading straight to the federal government. …"
"This mysterious malady progresses until the patient invariably assumes a staunch 'us against them' mentality."
"Fortunately, Anti-Government Phobia is non-genetic and thus wholly preventable. From an individual standpoint, the most effective prevention policy is obviously not to allow oneself to become indoctrinated by a self-styled "patriot," preferably by staying as far as possible away from any potentially divisive propaganda. As an added precaution, one should rely exclusively on well-known and reputable sources for news and other information."
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Fwd: Intern for Sen. Rand Paul this summer
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From: Jeff Frazee - YAL
Date: Saturday, February 11, 2012
Subject: Intern for Sen. Rand Paul this summer
I just got word that Sen. Rand Paul is looking for summer interns right now, specifically YAL members.
If you are interested in interning for Sen. Rand Paul in Washington, D.C. this summer, then there is no time to delay. His office is going through applications right now and will make a final decision very soon.
I recommend you send in your application this weekend if possible.
For more information and to apply, visit this page tonight:
Interns are eligible for a stipend, but they must provide their own housing, food, and transportation. Email your cover letter, resume, and completed application to Eleanor May at, and enter "Internship-summer 2012 session" as the subject line.
Make sure you let Eleanor know you're a YAL member, AND copy on your application email, too. That way we can put in an extra word for you and recommend you for one of the precious few positions.
If you have any questions, contact Eleanor May by email or at (202) 224-4343.
This is a unique opportunity to work on Capitol Hill. Don't miss out. Apply tonight!
For liberty,
Jeff Frazee
Executive Director, YAL
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SRI LANKA: Abductors threaten the Supreme Court
February 12, 2012
The Honourable Shanthi Eva Wanasundara
Attorney General
Attorney General's Department
Colombo 12
Fax: +94 11 2 436421
Dear Ms. Wanasundara,
SRI LANKA: Abductors threaten the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka
I wish to bring to your notice the abduction of Ramasamay Prabhakaran, 42, who was bundled into a white van by seven men armed with assault rifles and hand guns. This was two days before a fundamental rights case filed by him was to be taken up.
Earlier, two other persons who had been pursuing redress before courts for violations of their fundamental rights were assassinated, allegedly by the persons against whom they were pursuing their complaints. One was Gerald Perera, and the violation of his rights was recognized by the Supreme Court. He was killed a few days before he was to give evidence before the Negambo High Court in a case filed against several police officers who were attached to the Wattala police station, under the Convention against Torture (CAT) Act No. 22 of 1993. Sugath Nishantha Fernando, who was pursuing a fundamental rights application relating to torture of himself and his family by 11 police officers working in the Negambo area, was also assassinated, and even up to date no credible inquiry has been carried out into this murder.
Recently, the United Nations human rights committee expressed their view on the torture and assassination of Sugath Nishantha Fernando, and categorically stated that Sri Lanka has failed to provide redress for the violations of his rights. (Ref. Communication No: 1862/2009. Decided on the 17 October 2011-Ref. CCPR/3/103/D1862/2009)
The abduction of Ramasamay Prabhakaran is a direct affront to the Supreme Court. So were the murders of Gerald Perera and Sugath Nishantha Fernando, who were victims who resorted to the courts for protection and in the search for justice.
It is a threat to all persons who wish to come before the Supreme Court and other courts to place their grievances about the violations of their rights, to seek the intervention of the judiciary for their protection and for redress. Such killings have a chilling effect on the administration of justice in Sri Lanka.
It is the duty of the judiciary itself to protect those who come before them seeking protection and justice. If the victims of violations desist from seeking justice due to the reprisals for doing so, the entire administration of justice relating to human rights will hardly be of any use. In the circumstances, it is not surprising that the number of applications filed before the Supreme Court on fundamental rights have declined.
The defeat of judicial intervention is always an objective of the executive who fails to protect the rights of the citizens. The objective of the executive is to defeat judicial interventions and attempt to reduce the judiciary to administrative functions. The attack on the juridical function has taken many forms, including far reaching constitutional changes, and the intimidation of witnesses is part of this strategy.
The foundation of law is the recognition of the juridical. If the recognition of the juridical is displaced by the administrative, then the very foundation of the law is undermined.
The above statement may be explained by going into the meaning of "juridical" as compared to the administrative. Juridical is defined as follows:
Black's Law Dictionary
Relating to administration of justice, or office of a judge. Regular; done in conformity to the laws of the country and the practice which is there observed.
: of or relating to the administration of justice or the office of a judge
: of or relating to law or jurisprudence : legal
By way of illustration, the meaning of juridical can be explained by comparing it to the term "medical". Doctors engage as medical professionals under their obligation to think and to make decisions relating to their work on the basis of medical science, theories, and practices. They will analyze a complaint of a patient by way of gathering information, and come to findings on the basis of medical knowledge.
In the same way, those who act within the judicial system are expected to gather information, analyze it and come to findings on the basis of legal notions, and the way the law is practiced.
As compared to this, what administrative means is the way of action of the executive. The considerations on which the executive makes their decisions and proceeds to action are based on considerations pertaining to the administrative field.
Thus, the way those who have obligations under the juridical and those who have obligations under the administrative think and act distinctly and separately.
When those who are in the field of the juridical are compelled by circumstances or by other compulsions to think and act in a similar manner those who are dealing with the administrative, which means those who have obligations under the executive, then the judicial is replaced with the administrative.
Let's look into a few examples to illustrate this matter. The executive, dealing with the problem of crime, may find it more efficient to arrest and detain persons whom they perceive as creating obstacles to the manner in which the executive is trying to resolve problems.
However, to those who have to act within the juridical, for example, judges, the mere considerations of what may be perceived as efficient is not the basic consideration in dealing with arrest and detention. The judges have to make their decisions on the arrest on the basis of juridical notions which involve the rights of the individuals and personal freedom. In terms of such judicial notions, arrest is permitted only in the process of investigations into a crime so as to bring the person before court, or by way of punishment after conviction. What the law understands as a crime would itself be defined and interpreted only in terms of juridical notions of what a crime is. The executive may want to define crime in terms of whatever it considers an obstacle to its actions. For example, the executive may consider a person leading demonstrations as a threat and may want to arrest and detain him. However, those who are to act within the parameters of the juridical recognize the juridical notions of the freedom to protest and the limits of that freedom is also defined in terms of juridical notions.
The executive may wish to modify the law so as to take away juridical notions and to replace them with administrative policies and considerations. If they succeed, that amounts to the displacement of the juridical and replacement with the administrative.
The independence of the judiciary can only be exercised where the sphere of the judicial is clearly understood, recognized and respected. If the juridical is displaced by the administrative, the very foundation of the independence of the judiciary is undermined to the extent of the undermining of the judicial. If the judges make decisions purely on the basis of administrative considerations, and not basing themselves on considerations based on the juridical, then their decisions too are of administrative nature, and not of juridical substance.
The transformation that has been happening in many countries, particularly in countries where the juridical notions have not been developed or where, after such development, has been displaced by the administrative, has external appearances of the judicial (such as having courts, and judges wearing the costumes of judicial officers, and even making "judgments" and orders), the functions that are being exercised are the functions of the executive, not those belonging to the juridical.
Therefore, as a human rights activist committed to defending the independence of the judiciary and the rights of all citizens to find judicial redress for violations of human rights, I call upon all the judges, particularly the judges of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal to protect the sphere of the juridical in Sri Lanka and not allow it to be submerged into the administrative.
In this particular instance, the abduction of Ramasamay Prabhakaran,I earnestly seek your intervention to ensure the protection of Ramasamay, and also to ensure his protection from a possible forced disappearance or an assassination.I earnestly hope that the judiciary will ensure the possibility of Ramasamay Prabhakaran's to seek judicial redress before the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
William Nicholas Gomes
William's Desk
Download: SRI LANKA- Abductors threaten the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka
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