Saturday, October 1, 2011
Judicial Watch Releases Special Report: “The Rebranding of ACORN”
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The Cult of Reagan, and Other Neocon Follies
The Cult of Reagan, and Other Neocon Follies
by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
Some time ago The American Spectator's Jeffrey Lord claimed Ron Paul's foreign policy of nonintervention was "liberal," and that conservatives are supposed to be hawkish on foreign policy. Now to some extent, no one really cares about these labels, and who qualifies as what. But it is obviously false to say that supporters of nonintervention must be left-liberals. I showed this in my YouTube response, which dismantled Lord's entire position:
I figured that would be it. There is no wiggle room left for Lord after that. As Gary North put it, "The lesson here is simple: don't get Woods on your case if you are saying really stupid things about American history."
Yet he came back for more. With a busy schedule both personally and professionally, I have only now had the time to respond, which I'm doing in a series of bullet points.
1) I pointed out in the video that the anti-imperialist movement in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was dominated by the conservatives, as historian William Leuchtenberg has noted. I likewise pointed out that we may count on one hand the number of Progressives who opposed U.S. entry into World War I. I further noted that the recent interventions Lord supports were likewise supported by Hillary Clinton, Howard Stern, the New York Times, and the Washington Post (among others I mentioned). Before Lord goes attacking other people for their tactical alliances, he might make note of the beam in his own eye.
Lord does not acknowledge any of this. I wouldn't, either, were I in his shoes.
2) Lord is obsessed with Ronald Reagan, and again condemns Ron Paul for opposing Reagan's expansion of government power. The weird cult of personality around the deceased former president reveals that Reagan has become the Right's Obama: a man whose every action is to be treated as ipso facto brilliant, perhaps even divinely inspired. Critics are mere heretics whose arguments need not actually be refuted; the mere fact that they have disagreed with the Great Leader is enough to condemn them forever.
How dare you say Ronald Reagan wasn't free-market enough! He supported the free market to the precisely correct extent, says the Supreme Neocon Council.
That Lord is more interested in someone's loyalty to a man than he is in loyalty to the principles that the man was supposed to represent, is the classic expression of a cult of personality.
3) In pointing out that Felix Morley, one of the founding editors of the weekly conservative newspaper Human Events, was himself a noninterventionist, it was obviously not my intention to argue that Human Events favors nonintervention abroad as an editorial position. I myself have been published and interviewed numerous times in Human Events, so I'm quite familiar with its editorial line. The point is that Lord describes nonintervention as a "liberal" (as in left-liberal, not classical liberal) position. As long as I can find some indisputably non-liberal supporters of nonintervention, I win. No one in his right mind would consider Morley a left-liberal. But Morley is simply Exhibit A.
4) Here's Exhibit B: Lord's own superior at The American Spectator, senior editor Angelo Codevilla. Speaking on the Mike Church Show about the bipartisan foreign-policy consensus to which Lord and Levin subscribe, Codevilla said:
- This is a radical departure from the way that America's status in the world was built in the first place. It was built by a founding generation and the statesmen of the nineteenth century who adhered to the traditional view that the governors of any country are the stewards of the interests of that country only, and they are not entitled in any way to interfere in the affairs of other countries….
- Beginning in the early part of the twentieth century, people like Woodrow Wilson began supposing that we had the right and duty to be the world's keepers, and they have proceeded to mess things up around the world ever since.
- What I try to do in this book [ A Student's Guide to International Relations] is to explain…that the world really is filled with people who are really different, who really do think differently, and that they work in an international system which gives them full rein, full capacity to be what it is they want, and that makes it impossible for foreigners to conduct their affairs.
- In other words, imperialism has always been something of a losing proposition, especially in the modern international system, and our ruling class's attempt to nation-build the world in their own image is doomed to failure and to creating one disaster after another….
- [Other countries] have, according to our Founding Fathers, every right to be as benighted, backward, and nasty to one another as they want. The Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal, all nations have the right to be who they are…. The Declaration of Independence claimed no special rights for the American people. It claimed for the American people the rights that the American people recognized in the rest of mankind….
- Americans, like the rest of mankind, have an inalienable right to self-determination. Now that's not simply a theoretical statement. It's also a practical one. Because it is utterly impossible for one people to transfer its own ethos, its own notion of good and evil, its own way of doing things, to another. The Afghans, the Arabs, are who they are; they have grown up in a particular culture. It is what they know, what they love. As John Quincy Adams would have put it, who has appointed us as judges over them?
5) For Exhibits C, D, E, and on through the alphabet, see Bill Kauffman's book Ain't My America: The Long, Noble History of Antiwar Conservatism and Middle American Anti-Imperialism, which I reviewed here.
6) Catholic University's Claes Ryn, who is more conservative than Lord and his entire circle of friends put together, has explained the difference between conservatism as classically understood on the one hand, and the militant Jacobin universalism to which Lord and the neoconservatives subscribe on the other. It should hardly be necessary to point out that the "global leadership" propaganda and the endless "democracy" project GOP candidates urge us to embrace is completely foreign to the finite goals and expectations of a conservative. A sample from Ryn's speech to the Philadelphia Society:
- Because universality manifests itself variously, the conservative is no narrow-minded nationalist. He is a cosmopolitan. This does not mean that he is a free floater, at home everywhere and nowhere. That describes the Jacobin ideologue. The conservative is a patriot, deeply rooted in the best of his own heritage. It is because he is so attached to what is most admirable in his own culture that he can understand and appreciate corresponding achievements in other cultures. He is able to find in different places variations on a common human theme. The culturally distinctive contributions of other peoples deepen and enrich his awareness of goodness, truth and beauty.
- The Jacobin is not interested in diversity, only in imposing his blueprint. What history happens to have thrown up is just an obstacle to what ought to be. Only what is "simply right" deserves respect. It's all so obvious.
- Conservatives see in Jacobin principles a hair-raising obliviousness of life's complexity. To implement such principles may devastate a society. A society may be wholly unsuited or unprepared for changes demanded of it. So what, say America's neo-Jacobins. We need moral clarity. What was there before does not matter. "Democracy" must take its place. One model fits all. To ensure a democratic world, America must establish armed and uncontested world supremacy.
- The will to power is here bursting at the seams. What argument could be better for placing enormous power in the hands of the neo-Jacobins than a grandiose scheme for remaking the world. At lunch yesterday we got to hear [from Max Boot] the pure, undiluted neo-Jacobin message.
- All Jacobins warn of the Enemy with a capital "E." The Enemy is the embodiment of evil, a force with which no compromise is possible. For the American neo-Jacobins the Enemy is Terrorism with a capital "T." Though the only superpower, America must be in a permanent state of emergency, be armed to the teeth and relentlessly pursue the Enemy.
- One current assumption about conservatives is nothing less than weird: that they are hawks, always looking for prey and always bullying. Conservatives are in reality normally doves, looking for ways to settle conflicts peacefully. They view war differently from neo-Jacobin desk-warriors. The suffering and destruction of war are frightful realities involving actual human beings. War is the very last resort.
- Conservatives harbor no illusions about the international arena. Bad people behave badly. So conservatives want to be prepared to handle threats to their own society and civilization or to international peace. But their normal way of interacting with other peoples is to try to defuse conflict and to pursue a common human ground. This is the cosmopolitan way.
- In domestic affairs, American conservatives have always feared unlimited power, partly because of their belief in original sin. Fallen creatures must be restrained by law. Government must be limited and decentralized, hence the separation of powers and federalism. The sprit of constitutionalism forms the core of the American political tradition. Unchecked power is an invitation to tyranny. The framers even wanted the U.S. Congress, which was to be the preeminent body of the national government, to have divided powers. Needless to say they disdained democracy.
- Jacobins see no need for restraints on virtuous power. Today American neo-Jacobins are promoting presidential ascendancy and great leeway for the executive. Old restraints and liberties must yield to the needs of the virtuous national security state.
7) Lord's discussion of the Cold War reads like something from 1974. It's as if the Soviet archives were never opened. As Sir Michael Howard (rather a credentialed historian) has noted, no serious historian any longer makes claims about Stalin's intentions abroad – claims I myself once believed, before the archives were opened and the evidence forced me to change my mind – that Lord repeats as if out of a Richard Nixon campaign brochure.
For example, we are told, breathlessly, about the communist threat to Greece in the late 1940s. In fact, Stalin specifically instructed Yugoslavia – which is where the aid to Greece was coming from, not from the Soviet Union – not to aid the Greek communists, who were not allowed to join the Cominform and whose Provisional Government was not recognized by the Soviet Union or indeed any other communist government. Senator Taft didn't see any US interest involved in Greece in any case.
As for Turkey, long before the Bolshevik Revolution the Russians had sought control of the straits. There was no military threat to Turkey at all, as George Kennan, the man who famously called for "containment" of the Soviets in his Long Telegram and his 1947 Foreign Affairs article, tried in vain to point out. In Lord's party-line world, we are evidently not even allowed to agree with George Kennan.
Throughout the Cold War, Soviet capabilities were consistently, almost ludicrously, inflated. It is hard to believe that so-called conservatives could in effect have shared the rosy view of Soviet productive capacity put forth by the likes of John Kenneth Galbraith and Paul Samuelson, but share them they did. It is as if they didn't actually believe the free-market rhetoric they otherwise used. They expected a gigantic, socialistic basket case to conquer the world. What it wound up doing was accumulating basket cases in Africa and elsewhere that in no way helped and surely intensified its own economic backwardness.
But Lord, never one to question the bipartisan foreign-policy consensus – we heretics, on the other hand, dissent from every bipartisan consensus – takes Truman, a middle-of-the-road Democrat, to be a model statesman. Question Truman and his grandiose statements and strategy? What are you, some kind of commie?
I realize that in questioning the Cold War consensus I am violating one of the long list of unforgivable sins in the official conservative movement. The Cold War, like Ronald Reagan, is one of those topics on which mainstream conservatism will admit no dissent. There is the Official Version of Events, and there are the heretics who question it.
The Cold War apparatus gave birth to a military-industrial complex that is evidently impossible to rein in, and which is constantly in search of further justifications for ever-greater levels of spending. (There's no fat to trim from the $1.2 trillion annual defense budget!) This is the one government program conservatives may never question. This one is run by omniscient angels who don't need to be audited. This one has no entrenched interests of its own that it might pursue at the expense of the common good. That's true only of the farm lobby and the education bureaucracies. This is the Department of Defense, citizen. Trust them. USA! USA!
8) Russell Kirk, one of the most important conservative thinkers of the twentieth century, was critical of libertarians. I assumed everyone knew that. But just as interesting is that Kirk was no neocon like Lord and Levin, as I showed here.
More to the point: although Lord doesn't mention it, by the 1990s Kirk was praising libertarians for having "an understanding of foreign policy that the elder Taft represented."
That's right – the iconic Kirk praised libertarians for their foreign-policy views.
What other conclusion can we draw, then, except that Lord must now expel Kirk from the conservative canon? We can hope Lord's sense of the ridiculous is developed enough to stop him.
Is the War on Terror a Hoax?
Is the War on Terror a Hoax?
by Paul Craig Roberts
In the past decade, Washington has killed, maimed, dislocated, and made widows and orphans millions of Muslims in six countries, all in the name of the "war on terror." Washington's attacks on the countries constitute naked aggression and impact primarily civilian populations and infrastructure and, thereby, constitute war crimes under law. Nazis were executed precisely for what Washington is doing today.
Moreover the wars and military attacks have cost American taxpayers in out-of-pocket and already-incurred future costs at least $4,000 billion dollars – one third of the accumulated public debt – resulting in a US deficit crisis that threatens the social safety net, the value of the US dollar and its reserve currency role, while enriching beyond all previous history the military/security complex and its apologists.
Perhaps the highest cost of Washington's "war on terror" has been paid by the US Constitution and civil liberties. Any US citizen that Washington accuses is deprived of all legal and constitutional rights. The Bush-Cheney-Obama regimes have overturned humanity's greatest achievement – the accountability of government to law.
If we look around for the terror that the police state and a decade of war has allegedly protected us from, the terror is hard to find. Except for 9/11 itself, assuming we accept the government's improbable conspiracy theory explanation, there have been no terror attacks on the US. Indeed, as RT pointed out on August 23, 2011, an investigative program at the University of California discovered that the domestic "terror plots" hyped in the media were plotted by FBI agents.
FBI undercover agents now number 15,000, ten times their number during the protests against the Vietnam war when protesters were suspected of communist sympathies. As there apparently are no real terror plots for this huge workforce to uncover, the FBI justifies its budget, terror alerts, and invasive searches of American citizens by thinking up "terror plots" and finding some deranged individuals to ensnare. For example, the Washington DC Metro bombing plot, the New York city subway plot, the plot to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago were all FBI brainchilds organized and managed by FBI agents.
RT reports that only three plots might have been independent of the FBI, but as none of the three worked they obviously were not the work of such a professional terror organization as Al Qaeda is purported to be. The Times Square car bomb didn't blow up, and apparently could not have.
The latest FBI sting ensnared a Boston man, Rezwan Ferdaus, who is accused of planning to attack the Pentagon and US Capitol with model airplanes packed with C-4 explosives. US Attorney Carmen Ortiz assured Americans that they were never in danger, because the FBI's undercover agents were in control of the plot.
Ferdaus' FBI-organized plot to blow up the Pentagon and US Capitol with model airplanes has produced charges that he provided "material support to a terrorist organization" and plotted to destroy federal buildings – the most serious charge which carries 20 imprisoned years for each targeted building.
What is the terrorist organization that Ferdaus is serving? Surely not al Qaeda, which allegedly outwitted all 16 US intelligence services, all intelligence services of America's NATO and Israeli allies, NORAD, the National Security Council, Air Traffic Control, Dick Cheney, and US airport security four times in one hour on the same morning. Such a highly capable terror organization would not be involved in such nonsense as a plot to blow up the Pentagon with a model airplane.
As an American who was in public service for a number of years and who has always stood up for the Constitution, a patriot's duty, I must hope that the question has already popped into readers' minds why we are expected to believe that a tiny model airplane is capable of blowing up the Pentagon when a 757 airliner loaded with jet fuel was incapable of doing the job, merely making a hole not big enough for an airliner.
When I observe the gullibility of my fellow citizens at the absurd "terror plots" that the US government manufactures, it causes me to realize that fear is the most powerful weapon any government has for advancing an undeclared agenda. If Ferdaus is brought to trial, no doubt a jury will convict him of a plot to blow up the Pentagon and US Capitol with model airplanes. Most likely he will be tortured or coerced into a plea bargain.
Apparently, Americans, or most of them, are so ruled by fear that they suffer no remorse from "their" government's murder and dislocation of millions of innocent people. In the American mind, one billion "towel-heads" have been reduced to terrorists who deserve to be exterminated. The US is on its way to a holocaust that makes the terrors Jews faced from National Socialism into a mere precursor.
Think about this: Are not you amazed that after a decade (2.5 times the length of WW II) of killing Muslims and destroying families and their prospects in six countries there are no real terrorist events in the US?
Think for a minute how easy terrorism would be in the US if there were any terrorists. Would an Al Qaeda terrorist from the organization that allegedly pulled off 9/11 – the most humiliating defeat ever suffered by a Western power, much less "the world's only superpower" – still in the face of all the screening be trying to hijack an airliner or to blow one up?
Surely not when there are so many totally soft targets. If America were really infected with a "terrorist threat," a terrorist would merely get in the massive lines awaiting to clear airport "security" and set off his bomb. It would kill far more people than could be achieved by blowing up an airliner, and it would make it completely clear that "airport security" meant no one was safe.
It would be child's pay for terrorists to blow up electric substations as no one is there, nothing but a chain link fence. It would be easy for terrorists to blow up shopping centers. It would be easy for terrorists to dump boxes of roofing nails on congested streets and freeways during rush hours, tying up main transportation arteries for days.
Before, dear reader, you accuse me of giving terrorists ideas, do you really think that these ideas would not already have occurred to terrorists capable of pulling off 9/11?
But nothing happens. So the FBI arrests a guy for planning to blow up America with a model airplane. It is really depressing how many Americans will believe this.
Consider also that American neoconservatives, who have orchestrated the "war on terror," have no protection whatsoever and that the Secret Service protection of Bush and Cheney is minimal. If America really faced a terrorist threat, especially one so professional to have brought off 9/11, every neoconservative along with Bush and Cheney could be assassinated within one hour on one morning or one evening.
The fact that neoconservatives such as Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Condi Rice, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, John Bolton, William Kristol, Libby, Addington, et. al., live unprotected and free of fear is proof that America faces no terrorist threat.
Think now about the airliner shoe-bomb plot, the shampoo-bottled water plot, and the underwear-bomb plot. Experts, other than the whores hired by the US government, say that these plots are nonsensical. The "shoe bomb" and "underwear bomb" were colored fireworks powders incapable of blowing up a tin can. The liquid bomb, allegedly mixed up in an airliner toilet room, has been dismissed by experts as fantasy.
What is the purpose of these fake plots? And remember, all reports confirm that the "underwear bomber" was walked onto the airliner by an official, despite the fact that the "underwear bomber" had no passport. No investigation was ever conducted by the FBI, CIA, or anyone into why a passenger without a passport was allowed on an international flight.
The purpose of these make-believe plots is to raise the fear level and to create the opportunity for former Homeland Security czar Michael Chertoff to make a fortune selling porno-scanners to the TSA.
The result of these hyped "terrorist plots" is that every American citizen, even those with high government positions and security clearances, cannot board a commercial airline flight without taking off his shoes, his jacket, his belt, submitting to a porno-scanner, or being sexually groped. Nothing could make it plainer that "airport security" cannot tell a Muslim terrorist from a gung-ho American patriot, a US Senator, a US Marine general, or a CIA operative.
If a passenger requires for health or other reasons quantities of liquids and cremes beyond the limits imposed on toothpaste, shampoo, food, or medications, the passenger must obtain prior approval from TSA, which seldom works. One of America's finest moments is the case, documented on YouTube, of a dying woman in a wheelchair, who requires special food, having her food thrown away by the Gestapo TSA despite the written approval from the Transportation Safety Administration, her daughter arrested for protesting, and the dying woman in the wheelchair left alone in the airport.
This is Amerika today. These assaults on innocent citizens are justified by the mindless right-wing as "protecting us against terrorism," a "threat" that all evidence shows is nonexistent.
No American is secure today. I am a former staff associate of the House Defense Appropriations subcommittee. I required high security clearances as I had access to information pertaining to all US weapons programs. As chief economist of the House Budget Committee I had information pertaining to the US military and security budgets. As Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, I was provided every morning with the CIA's briefing of the President as well as with endless security information.
When I left the Treasury, President Reagan appointed me to a super-secret committee to investigate the CIA's assessment of Soviet capability. Afterwards I was a consultant to the Pentagon. I had every kind of security clearance.
Despite my record of highest security clearances and US government confidence in me including confirmation by the US Senate in a presidential appointment, the airline police cannot tell me from a terrorist.
If I were into model airplanes or attending antiwar demonstrations, little doubt I, too, would be arrested.
After my public service in the last quarter of the 20th century, I experienced during the first decade of the 21st century all of America's achievements, despite their blemishes, being erased. In their place was erected a monstrous desire for hegemony and highly concentrated wealth. Most of my friends and my fellow citizens in general are incapable of recognizing America's transformation into a warmonger police state that has the worst income distribution of any developed country.
It is extraordinary that so many Americans, citizens of the world's only superpower, actually believe that they are threatened by Muslim peoples who have no unity, no navy, no air force, no nuclear weapons, no missiles capable of reaching across the oceans.
Indeed, large percentages of these "threat populations," especially among the young, are enamored of the sexual freedom that exists in America. Even the Iranian dupes of the CIA-orchestrated "Green Revolution" have forgotten Washington's overthrow of their elected government in the 1950s. Despite America's decade-long abusive military actions against Muslim peoples, many Muslims still look to America for their salvation.
Their "leaders" are simply bought off with large sums of money.
With the "terrorist threat" and Al Qaeda deflated with President Obama's alleged assassination of its leader, Osama bin Laden, who was left unprotected and unarmed by his "worldwide terrorist organization," Washington has come up with a new bogeyman – the Haqqanis.
John Glaser reports that, according to anonymous CIA officials, US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mike Mullen "exaggerated" the case against the Haqqani insurgent group when he claimed, setting up a US invasion of Pakistan, that the Haqqanis were an operating arm of the Pakistan government's secret service, the ISI. Adm. Mullen is now running from his "exaggeration," an euphemism for a lie. His aid Captain John Kirby said that Mullen's "accusations were designed to influence the Pakistanis to crack down on the Haqqani Network." In other words, the Pakistanis should kill more of their own people to save the Americans the trouble.
If you don't know what the Haqqani Network is, don't be surprised. You never heard of Al Qaeda prior to 9/11. The US government creates whatever new bogeymen and incidents are necessary to further the neoconservative agenda of world hegemony and higher profits for the armaments industry.
For ten years, the "superpower" American population has sat there, being terrified by the government's lies. While Americans sit in fear of nonexistent "terrorists" sucking their thumbs, millions of people in six countries have had their lives destroyed. As far as
any evidence exists, the vast majority of Americans are unperturbed by the wanton murder of others in countries that they are incapable of locating on maps.
Truly, Amerika is a light unto the world, an example for all.
Thank you for comments and emotions. I appreciate your kind effort. but my dear can you please specify that in current situation what are the other options we have except PPP, PML-N, MQM and ANP etc. On the other hand Imran Khan is a one man Show, and most of us even do not know about the other leaders and No.2 of Tehreek-e-insaf.--
Lets suppose the nation vote for independent candidates, and all those candidates win, then that particular parliment will face lots of problems to elect their leader of Parliments including (Prime Minister/Ministers/leader of opposition/speakers etc and so on. Every one will fight for themselves.
In last I must say that Imran Khan has been failed to produce quality leaders for this nation and tehreek-e-insaf. Imran Khan is having qualities of great leader, but what about his cabinet? Imran Khan has wasted last four to five years. I would not vote for a graduate who is new to politics, not familiar, no political records or achievements.
The turn over of our elections are always lower you know very well. some says (Sab chor hein) and not voting.
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 08:37:30 +0300
I request all Pakistani nation please don't elect these kind of politician next time…like zardari and gailani can bargain their own daughters and sisters for money and dollars………
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Re: Thought it couldn’t get any worse than Solyndra? Now look who’s awarded $1.37 billion ‘stimulus’ for another risky solar plant
stimulus is the same when trained properly, congrats plain ol', you
are now a well trained dog
On Sep 30, 5:00 pm, plainolamerican <> wrote:
> Every time you are accused
> of being a white power aryan thug you go off the deep end
> ----
> keep on with the accusations ... and throatfucking your dead jewish
> mother, bitch
> On Sep 29, 7:58 pm, Coach <> wrote:
> > oooohhhh, got a rise out of you plain ol. Every time you are accused
> > of being a white power aryan thug you go off the deep end. I'll just
> > keep pressing that button out of sheer pleasure. More to come. Sieg
> > Heil
> > On Sep 29, 2:30 pm, plainolamerican <> wrote:
> > > gfy and your dead mother really hard and like it, Coach
> > > your accusation says tons about your intellect and loyalty to America
> > > go home to israel and don't come back, bitch
> > > On Sep 28, 9:57 pm, Coach <> wrote:
> > > > Imagine that plain ol, wonder why the aryan brothers don't get
> > > > subsidized, oh yeah it's because you all sit around and listen to
> > > > death white power metal and pollute your brains with rot gut whiskey
> > > > in the hills of Idaho.
> > > > On Sep 28, 3:57 pm, plainolamerican <> wrote:
> > > > > Brightsource is an israeli company ... imagine that
> > > > > On Sep 28, 10:29 am, Travis <> wrote:
> > > > > > **
> > > > > > New post on *ACGR's "News with Attitude"*
> > > > > > <> Thought it couldn't get any
> > > > > > worse than Solyndra?
> > > > > > Now look who's awarded $1.37 billion 'stimulus' for another risky
> > > > > > solar plant<>by
> > > > > > Harold <>
> > > > > > Aaron Klein, KleinOnline 9/26/2011 President Obama's nominee for commerce
> > > > > > secretary served as chairman of the board of a solar energy company that
> > > > > > recently received a $1.37 billion federal loan guarantee – the largest the
> > > > > > Department of Energy has ever given for a solar power project. Now that
> > > > > > company, BrightSource Energy, is attempting to build the [...]
> > > > > > Read more of this post <>
> > > > > > *Harold <>* | September 28, 2011
> > > > > > at 7:55 am | Categories: Corruption <>,
> > > > > > Criminal Activity <>,
> > > > > > Energy<>,
> > > > > > Executive <>,
> > > > > > Financial<>,
> > > > > > Progressives <>,
> > > > > > Socialism/Communism<>,
> > > > > > Sovereignty <>, U.S.
> > > > > > Constitution<>| URL:
> > > > > > Comment <> See all
> > > > > > comments <>
> > > > > > Unsubscribe or change your email settings at Manage
> > > > > > Subscriptions<!/following/edit/>.
> > > > > > Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser:
> > > > > > Thanks for flying with <>
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HOLY TERROR! New superhero fights ‘Islamic’ Terrorism and isn’t afraid to say so
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No Rise in Home Prices Until 2020 – BUT – Foreclosure Starts Driven Higher By Bank Of America
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Hey! Barack Hussein Obama finally does one thing right and the left wing loons are apoplectic with rage over it
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Obama's uncle giggles in court
Onyango Obama made a brief appearance in Framingham District Court today on charges he was drunk when he nearly struck an unmarked police cruiser last month. Obama, 67, was visibly amused at the media spectacle, stifling laughter several times before his 30-second court appearance where a judge set a Nov. 17 pre-trial conference.
Lessee here... been living illegally in this country for almost 40 years, has committed Social Security fraud, owes thousands of dollars in back taxes, has an outstanding arrest warrant on him, and was order deported in 1992. Yet he, a man of very modest means, is being represented by a top-notch, very expensive Chicago immigration attorney? The same one that got his illegal alien sister, "Aunt Zeituni," off? No wonder he's laughing; he's getting privileges that ordinary, hard-working tax-paying American CITIZENS can't afford.
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Fwd: Pelosi's "We are going to make this the most ethical Congress.....!"
---------- Forwarded
Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law is given $737m of taxpayers' money to build giant solar power plant in middle of the desert
Obama administration approved $1bn in green energy loans days after failed Solyndra project due to be completed
$737m handed to Crescent Dunes project in Tonopah, Nevada, for 110-megawatt desert solar power plant
Investors include firm Minority leader's brother-in-law and major Solyndra stakeholder
Republicans warn Energy Department is 'rushing' $5bn in loans ahead of Friday deadline
Just in case you missed it..... CORRUPTION ABOUNDS! In the meantime, American's are suffering in the worst economic downturn and the politicians are NOT representing the people! Pelosi's brother-in-law must have done some lobbying to secure over 700 million dollars for a Solar Company!
Wasn't Solyndra's bankruptcy an eye opener! I understand that George Kaiser, one of Obama's biggest fund raiser's who was instrumental in securing the loan for Solyndra, is, also, involved with Pelosi's brother-in-law and is a major stockholder in this new company!
Tax payers are beginning to resemble the people who got on the Mayflower and left England because of high taxes and burdensome laws, etc. We have NO representation any longer! Politicians support minority special interest groups and do NOT do the will of the people any longer!
It is time Nancy Pelosi was sent back to California permanently! How does she smile this one away? I want a investigation in to the travesty at the Department of Energy! They are operating with borrowed money and are destroying the economy while pushing GREEN everything! Obama's last gasp effort to win reelection is falling on deaf ears!
Obama does not know how to govern, but, has found success on the speaking circuit! He draws big crowds but, you have to wonder how many of those applauding have lost their jobs or are dependent on big government. "Keep those tax dollars flowing and we will reelect you!"
Levon (Mema)
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Re: The Kiss Of Death?
Fuhrer in the next aryan election
On Sep 30, 7:34 pm, Keith In Köln <> wrote:
> Hey PlainOl!
> I got your "loser" hangin'....
> Don't even go there with me. I will slap you down like a dirt road walkin'
> red headed half breed adopted dirt road walkin', trailer park
> livin'.......Well, I hope you get my drift!
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:35 PM, plainolamerican <
> > wrote:
> > How sad..... (That is all you could come up with?)
> > ---
> > oh, there's plenty more
> > Reagan never "negotiated" with Iranian hostage takers.
> > ---
> > he admitted it, loser
> > Osama bin Laden was fighting Soviets during the Cold War when the CIA
> > assisted the Mujahadeen
> > ---
> > under Ronald "I Can't Recall" Reagan's orders
> > I dunno who Albert Alkek is,
> > ---
> > that figures ... he was a racketeer
> > George Steinbrenner was a great Tampanian, so
> > anything that Ronald Reagan did for him was well deserved.
> > ---
> > he's a jewish scumbag that should have been imprisoned
> > It's late, and I have to get up in about six hours. For all of the
> > menial
> > tripe that you have attempted to smear Ronald Reagan with, (and you
> > should
> > be ashamed!)
> > ---
> > he broke our laws, lied about it, admitted his lies, and should've
> > been removed from office for his warmongering.
> > Bush should've also been prosecuted ... before sealing Reagan's
> > records.
> > The 8 years Reagan was in office represented one of the most
> > bloody eras in the history of the Western hemisphere, as Washington
> > funneled money, weapons and other supplies to right wing death squads.
> > And the death toll was staggering — more than 70,000 political
> > killings in El Salvador, more than 100,000 in Guatemala, 30,000 killed
> > in the contra war in Nicaragua. In Washington, the forces carrying out
> > the violence were called "freedom fighters." This is how Ronald Reagan
> > described the Contras in Nicaragua: "They are our brothers, these
> > freedom fighters and we owe them our help. They are the moral equal of
> > our founding fathers."
> > In March 1987 a memo was written by Jim Cannon to Howard Baker,
> > Reagan's new Chief of Staff. His first recommendation: "Consider the
> > possibility that section four of the 25th amendment might be applied."
> > The amendment allows for the removal of the president when "the
> > president is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office."
> > Mayer and McManus reported that staffers told Cannon in confidence
> > that Reagan had become "inattentive and inept ... He was lazy; he
> > wasn't interested in the job ... he wouldn't read the papers they gave
> > him - even short position papers and documents ... he wouldn't come
> > over to work - all he wanted to do was watch movies and television at
> > the residence."
> > I can come up with ten-fold reasons why he was the greatest
> > American President of all time, but alas, a subject for another day.
> > ---
> > oh, like trickle down economics?
> > Reagan's response to the 1981-1982 recession, the worst economic
> > downturn since the Great Depression, was to declare ketchup a
> > vegetable, release federal cheese surpluses, and shackle the strike
> > leaders of the air traffic control union hand and foot and lead them
> > off to jail. My most pronounced memories of the Reagan years are the
> > three hour cheese line and the German care packages to unemployed
> > workers in Detroit. In the first two years of the Reagan
> > administration, his policy was a forced economic recession and de-
> > industrialization of the United Stated.
> > Reagan was battered and widely discredited. But, in the end, he was
> > not forced to resign (as Nixon had been). He was shoved to the
> > political sidelines of his own White House, and a new political team
> > (headed by Senator Howard Baker, and working closely with Vice
> > President Bush) took over the day-to-day operations of the U.S.
> > government.
> > On Sep 29, 5:20 pm, Keith In Köln <> wrote:
> > > How sad..... (That is all you could come up with?)
> > > Reagan never "negotiated" with Iranian hostage takers.
> > > Osama bin Laden was fighting Soviets during the Cold War when the CIA
> > > assisted the Mujahadeen.
> > > I dunno who Albert Alkek is, George Steinbrenner was a great Tampanian,
> > so
> > > anything that Ronald Reagan did for him was well deserved.
> > > It's late, and I have to get up in about six hours. For all of the
> > menial
> > > tripe that you have attempted to smear Ronald Reagan with, (and you
> > should
> > > be ashamed!) I can come up with ten-fold reasons why he was the greatest
> > > American President of all time, but alas, a subject for another day.
> > > On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 11:51 PM, plainolamerican <
> >
> > > > wrote:
> > > > Name one thing that you believe President Reagan did that you believe
> > > > was incompetent.
> > > > ----
> > > > 1 - he negotiated with iranian hostage takers with israeli weapons and
> > > > used the money to fund sandanista terrorists
> > > > 3 - funding Ossama bin Laden
> > > > 3 - he pardoned illegal alien/criminals, Albert Alkek , Gilbert
> > > > Dozier, George Steinbrenner, W. Mark Felt and Edward Miller, and host
> > > > of other convicted criminals
> > > > 4 - ran a massive criminal operation that imported hundreds of tons of
> > > > cocaine into the US and shipped arms illegally to the terrorist
> > > > Contras that Reagan affectionately called "Freedom Fighters"
> > > > the list is very long
> > > > The full extent of Reagan's crimes may never be known because George
> > > > W. Bush issued an executive order which countermands the 1978
> > > > Presidential Records Act and prevents the release of 68,000 pages of
> > > > Reagan era documents.
> > > > Name one terrorist that President Reagain negotiated with.
> > > > ---
> > > > Islamic Jihad (that later evolved into Hezbollah)
> > > > On March 4, 1987, Reagan, in a nationally televised address, took full
> > > > responsibility for actions that "what began as a strategic opening to
> > > > Iran deteriorated, in its implementation, into trading arms for
> > > > hostages."
> > > > In 1981, The CIA began selling arms to Iran at high prices, using the
> > > > profits to arm the Contras fighting the Sandinista government in
> > > > Nicaragua. President Reagan vows that the Sandinistas will be
> > > > "pressured" until "they say 'uncle.'" The US also sends military
> > > > advisors to El Salvador.[36]
> > > > In July 1985, Israel sent American-made BGM-71 TOW antitank missiles
> > > > to Iran through an arms dealer named Manucher Ghorbanifar, a friend of
> > > > Iran's Prime Minister, Mir-Hossein Mousavi. Hours after receiving the
> > > > weapons, the Islamic fundamentalist group Islamic Jihad (that later
> > > > evolved into Hezbollah) released one hostage they had been holding in
> > > > Lebanon, the Reverend Benjamin Weir.[26]
> > > > ----
> > > > reagan was a liar and a warmonger who should have been removed from
> > > > office because of mental inabilities
> > > > the worms should have been allowed to eat his sorry carcase
> > > > On Sep 29, 4:14 pm, Keith In Köln <> wrote:
> > > > > Uhm?? PlainOl?
> > > > > Name one thing that you believe President Reagan the greatest
> > President
> > > > of
> > > > > our lifetime, did that you believe was incompetent.
> > > > > Name one terrorist that President Reagain negotiated with.
> > > > > Didn't happen.....You have been listening to too many Moonbats and
> > > > > Crackpots!
> > > > > On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 10:14 PM, plainolamerican <
> > > >
> > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > he was also a liar who negotiated with and funded terrorists
> > > > > > On Sep 29, 3:07 pm, Keith In Köln <> wrote:
> > > > > > > On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 8:35 PM, plainolamerican
> > > > > > > <>wrote:
> > > > > > > > Sorry, Mrs. Reagan. We remember
> > > > > > > > ---
> > > > > > > > unlike your dead husband
> > > > > > > > he should have removed from office for mental inabilities
> > > > > > > > On Sep 29, 1:33 pm, MJ <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > The Kiss Of Death?Posted byChristopher Manionon September 29,
> > > > 2011
> > > > > > 12:21
> > > > > > > > PM
> > > > > > > > > Nancy Reagan, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and
> > > > former
> > > > > > > > President George W. Bushare all urgingNew Jersey Governor Chris
> > > > > > Christie to
> > > > > > > > run for president.
> > > > > > > > > And after Christie crashes and burns, they will continue to
> > throw
> > > > > > anyone
> > > > > > > > else they can at Ron Paul, whose support has remained
> > remarkably
> > > > > > steady,
> > > > > > > > even growing, in all parts of the country.
> > > > > > > > > Mitt Romney probably has paid staff in every precinct
> > nationwide.
> > > > He
> > > > > > > > receives all the glowing press he wants. He can personally pay
> > all
> > > > his
> > > > > > > > campaign expenses through 2012. Yet the establishment is afraid
> > > > that he
> > > > > > will
> > > > > > > > collapse. All the other candidates have done their best to
> > parrot
> > > > Dr.
> > > > > > Paul,
> > > > > > > > who does not need a puppeteer or a speechwriter. Eventually,
> > the
> > > > > > > > establishment fears, Americans are going to want the real
> > thing.
> > > > > > > > > If Christie stays out, expect Mitch Daniels to be the next
> > Toast
> > > > of
> > > > > > the
> > > > > > > > Hot Tub Crowd. If he refuses, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.
> > When
> > > > he
> > > > > > > > fades, Senator Marco Rubio. After him, Big-Money heavyweight
> > Haley
> > > > > > Barbour,
> > > > > > > > who will fade just as quickly.
> > > > > > > > > That brings us up to February. Plenty of time for Dr. Paul to
> > > > become
> > > > > > the
> > > > > > > > consensus candidate.
> > > > > > > > > Sorry, Mrs. Reagan. We remember Dick Darman and Jim Baker.
> > Thanks
> > > > but
> > > > > > no
> > > > > > > > thanks.
> > > > > > > > --
> > > > > > > > Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> > > > > > > > For options & help seehttp://
> > > >
> > > > > > > > * Visit our other
> ...
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