Thursday, August 16, 2012
**JP** Job Required in Karachi to Needy Person
Humour: We the honorable men
We The Honorable Men
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Anchor Babies Threaten Their Parents With Deportation If They Don’t Get Their Way
Scotty Starnes posted: " Had a good laugh reading this so I had to share. From There's a stunning trend happening within the immigrant community around the country and in New Mexico. Many undocumented parents are fearful not just of immigration officials, but o"
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Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Issue Executive Order to Block IDs, Benefits for Illegal Immigrants in Response to Obama’s Executive Ordered Amnesty.
Scotty Starnes posted: " Giddy up! PHOENIX - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer on Wednesday ordered state agencies to deny driver's licenses and other public benefits to young illegal immigrants who obtain work authorizations under a new Obama administration policy. After the order"
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Your Burkha, Ms. Fluke!
felinity1 posted: " -- Obama's politically correct spin on Islam grows more and more buffoonish. At the very moment he accuses Christians of waging a "war on women," he casts Islam as a benevolent religion to which the Sandra Flukes could take refuge.Â"
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Thousands of Young Illegal Immigrants Line Up for Amnesty Nationwide
Harold posted: "Tony Lee8/15/2012President Barack Obama's executive order on illegal immigration went into effect on Wednesday, and the nation's biggest cities -- and some of its most important swing states -- saw lines of illegal immigrants who lined up to get a work "
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Boehner Calls Opponents To TARP "Knuckledraggers"
Posted on August 14, 2012
Boehner Calls Opponents To TARP "Knuckledraggers"
[video at link]
VAN SUSTEREN, FOX News: People think of him as hawkish on the budget, on expenses, but he voted for TARP. He voted for the auto bailout, voted for two stimulus in '08, voted against the '09 -- February '09 President Obama stimulus. How does -- I mean, how does he explain those, or I mean, how does -- politically, how does he sell that?
BOEHNER: I mean, I think that he's a practical conservative. He's got a very conservative voting record, but he's not a knuckle-dragger, all right? He understood that TARP, while none of us wanted to do it, if we were going to save -- save our economy, save the world economy, it had to happen. I wish we didn't have to do it, either, but he understood that.
Radford business owner declines request from Joe Biden's entourage to stop in store
What a great story! We have a corrupt and moronic administration that claims "somebody else" built your business and wants to tax it more to boot. One of its political stooges then wants to use your business as a political prop for his electoral advantage, and you tell him to get lost. At last, a businessman with moral courage. Hallelujah! -- Lawrence Reed
Radford business owner declines request from Joe Biden's entourage to stop in store
The owner of Crumb and Get It says he doesn't agree with the Obama administration's policies.
Orlando SalinasWDBJ7 New River Valley ReporterWDBJ7
5:59 p.m. EDT, August 15, 2012
RADFORD, Va.'s-entourage
Would you say no to the Vice President?
One New River Valley business owner turned Vice President Joe Biden down.
This might happen more than you think from both political parties, most businesses just don't talk about it. The owner of "Crumb and Get It" - did.
Chris McMurray's bakery has been open only since May, barely three months.
Wednesday morning, advance teams for Vice President Joe Biden walked in.
"I approached her she said Joe Biden is coming to town today," McMurray said.
"Crumb and Get It" is a mom and pop store. Literally. Chris and his wife Kelly run the place and need all the business they can get.
McMurray said the Vice President's entourage got to the point and made its pitch.
"She said they have selected 'Crumb and Get It" to be his stop on his way to Blacksburg and was wondering if that was ok."
Here's the part that might make other business owners crazy.
"This is an opportunity of a lifetime but essentially I said 'No offense to you or the campaign but I just decline you guys coming in here. At that time she said 'Are you sure? There's going to be a lot of press, a lot of activity,'" McMurray said.
Why in the world would a new business owner say "no" to a photo op with the Vice President of the United States?
McMurray said it was President Obama's recent remarks about small business and who built what.
"Very simply, 'you didn't build that'" McMurray said. "Speaking of small businesses and entrepreneurs all across this country and actually last night my wife was up all night. No sleep, she's worked a full 24 hours."
When "Crumb and Get It" said 'no', "River City Grill," just around the corner, said 'yes' and has the pictures to prove it, and didn't care about the politics.
"If you want to throw in some libertarians as well that's fine too. Stop in as well," Chris Bell said. "Just bring your money. Sure, right!
Back at the bakery, a couple of guys said they'd hoped to see Biden and didn't care that the VP had been turned away.
"I mean it really doesn't matter to me. Everyone has their own views so I love the food here anyway. I agree. Everybody's different so I could care less," said Spenser Critterton of Radford.
Here's the back story, we're told that shortly after Crumb and Get It told Biden's advance people 'no' -- the secret service walked in and told Chris McMurray ''Thanks for standing up and saying 'no' -- then they bought a whole bunch of cookies and cupcakes.
McMurray said he's hoping folks will understand he just didn't want to be part of a photo op for an administration whose policies he doesn't agree with.,0,4370357.story
Politics: PQ's conspicuous signs of intolerance
QMI Agency
First posted: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 08:00 PM EDT
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When the separatist Parti Quebecois was elected for the first time in 1976 under the fiery leadership of Rene Levesque, corporate Quebec celebrated by packing up its assets and getting the hell out of Dodge.
Today's PQ leader, Pauline Marois, is no Rene Levesque.
She's worse.
While there was always a racist component in Levesque's plan to break up Canada to secure and preserve francophone dominance, it did not have the overt stink of Marois' over-the-top secularism.
No longer is it just Quebec vs. the Rest of Canada for Marois' PQ, she has now drawn an internally divisive line between Quebecers themselves as they prepare to go to the polls next month in the provincial election called by Liberal Premier Jean Charest.
Either they are "nous," as she puts it -- as in "us" -- or they're the enemy of a nationalist Quebec.
What Marois calls her party's plan for a Charter of Secularism is no more than an odious chapter ripped from the book of Marine Le Pen, the fascist leader of France's anti-immigrant National Front.
There is no other way to explain Marois' outrageous plan to prohibit public-sector employees in Quebec -- everyone from school teachers to transit drivers -- from wearing "conspicuous religious signs." If Quebecers buy into this racist-based intolerance, it will be forbidden in Quebec for public servants to wear a Muslim hijab, a Jewish yarmulke, or a Sikh kirpan unless they want to join the unemployment line.
The exception? Why, the Christian cross, of course, and preferably one hanging from a chain around a Roman Catholic and francophone neck.
Couple that with the PQ leader's threat to introduce new legislation within 100 days of taking power that would close a loophole that allows companies to operate in English, and the 1976 post-Levesque exodus of anglophones and businesses to Toronto and the west could end up looking like a trickle.
Even during the best of economic times, corporations are adverse to both uncertainty and risk, and these are certainly not the best of economic times considering all the global fragility.
Quebecers had best realize this, and write off Pauline Marois' PQ as both dangerous and unacceptable.
Quebec's future hinges on it.
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Fwd: Harvard Food Law Clinic Releases New Farmers Market Regulatory Report Commissioned by Keep Food Legal
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German city grants Muslims Islamic holidays
With all the religious and cultural holidays in the world, this will become a scheduling nightmare.
German city grants Muslims Islamic holidays
2Elisa Oddone, Reuters
First posted: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 04:18 PM EDT | Updated: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 04:29 PM EDT
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BERLIN - Hamburg has become Germany's first city to recognize Islamic holidays, a move meant to encourage the integration of a religious minority often vilified by opponents of immigration.
Muslim employees and students will be allowed days off to celebrate their holidays and Islamic classes will be allowed in state schools, authorities and Islamic groups said after negotiations lasting five years.
"We hope that the introduction of Muslim religious classes in the northern city-state will be a signal for the other fifteen German states," said Daniel Abdin from Hamburg's council of Islamic communities. "This agreement is an important step towards a recognition of Islam in the country."
The agreement will come into force next year, the first of this kind in a country home to some 4 million Muslims, about half of whom have German citizenship.
The total population is around 82 million in Germany where religious and ethnic tolerance is a sensitive issue.
Federal conservative lawmaker Volker Kauder, a close ally of Chancellor Angela Merkel, said earlier this year that Islam was not part of Germany's tradition and identity.
A court in Cologne banned circumcision on young boys in July, sparking criticisms from the Muslim and Jewish communities.
Muslim groups in Hamburg, representing some 150,0000 Muslims, said the agreement was a historic sign of acceptance.
"Muslims consider Hamburg their home," said Zekeriya Altug, from Hamburg's Turkish-Islamic Union of the Institute for Religion.
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