Wednesday, June 6, 2012
[I-S] stock market analysts BLOCKHEADED attitude
ANY logical person would have recognized that the Walker victory against out of control government and union power, would jump the stock market. In fact, recognizing YESTERDAY that Walker was likely to win, the market started its move up – today the jump is 200 points!
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Re: War Pig in a Poke
that is a Republican
I don't hate Ron Paul or similar republicans. In fact, I don't hate
any republican ... I just know better than to support the zionist
interventionist type republican.
Have a great trip and don't let the muzzies get ya!
On Jun 6, 8:03 am, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> Good Morning Michael, PlainOl' and all of the PF Group who might take the
> time to read this thread;
> I'm running out of time here, I am leaving back for Germany today, so I
> will be out of pocket probably for a couple of days, and I know I have
> been hit or miss the last week or two....Just too much to do before I leave
> to go back to Europe (and I will probably be not only in Köln, but also in
> Zurich, London as well as going over to the Middle East on this
> trip....this one is going to be at least a three month trip) but I digress.
> I didn't start this thread, nor did I even mean for this thread to get so
> focused on Newt Gingrich. It was your comment that Gingrich was somehow
> flip flopping on Romney now that the Republican nomination is pretty much
> sealed, where I took issue. Couple this with Plain Ol's hatred of anyone
> that is a Republican, and yes, I decided to point out several of the both
> of your foibles, (fallacies, choose whichever word you want).
> Below, is just a few short articles that you may (or may not) find
> interesting.....
> I'll be back, everyone have a great week/weekend!
> KeithInTampa (right now)
> ========
> January 31, 2012 12:00 A.M.
> *The Florida Smear Campaign:
> Mitt Romney's fraudulent attacks on Newt Gingrich.*
> By Thomas Sowell
> #
> The Republican establishment is pulling out all the stops to try to keep
> Newt Gingrich from becoming the party's nominee for president of the United
> States — and some are not letting the facts get in their way.
> Among the claims going out through the mass media in Florida, on the eve of
> that state's primary election, is that Newt Gingrich "resigned in disgrace"
> as speaker of the House of Representatives as a result of unethical conduct
> involving the diversion of tax-exempt money. Mitt Romney is calling on
> Gingrich to release "all of the records" from the congressional
> investigation.
> But the *Wall Street Journal* of January 28, 2012, reported that these
> records — 1,280 pages of them — are already publicly available online.
> Although Speaker Gingrich decided not to take on the task of fighting the
> charge from his political enemies in 1997, the Internal Revenue Service
> conducted its own investigation which, two years later, exonerated Gingrich
> from the charges. His resignation was not due to those charges and occurred
> much later.
> Do the Romney camp and the Republican establishment not know this, a dozen
> years later? Or are they far less concerned with whether the charges will
> stand up than they are about smearing Gingrich on the eve of the Florida
> primaries?
> There are also charges made about what Congressman Gingrich said about
> Ronald Reagan on March 21, 1986. But this too is a matter of public
> record<>,
> since his remarks are available in the Congressional Record of that date,
> so it is remarkable that there should be any controversy about it at this
> late date.
> On that date, Gingrich praised Reagan's grasp of the foreign-policy issues
> of the day but later questioned whether the way the actual policies of the
> Reagan administration were being carried out was likely to succeed.
> Gingrich was not alone in making this point, which such conservative
> stalwarts as George Will, Charles Krauthammer, and others made at the time.
> Since a column of my own back in the 1980s suggested that the
> administration's policies seemed to be to "speak loudly and carry a little
> stick," I can well understand the misgivings of others. But that is wholly
> different from saying that all who expressed misgivings were enemies of
> Ronald Reagan.
> One can of course lift things out of context. But if you want to read the
> whole context, simply go online and get the Congressional Record for March
> 21, 1986. Among the other places where the smears are exposed are the *Wall
> Street Journal* of January 29, Jeffrey Lord's article on the *American
> Spectator*'s blog of January 27, and an article by Heather Higgins on
> of January 29.
> Unfortunately, there are likely to be far more people who will see the
> smears than will have time to get the facts. But, if nothing else, there
> needs to be some understanding of the reckless accusations that have become
> part of the all-out attempt to destroy Newt Gingrich, as so many other
> political figures have been destroyed, by non-stop smears in the media.
> Gingrich is by no means above criticism. He has been criticized in this
> column before over the years, including during the current primary season,
> and he will probably be criticized here again.
> But the poisonous practice of irresponsible smears is an issue that is
> bigger than Gingrich, Romney, or any other candidate of either party.
> There have long been reports of people who decline to be nominated for
> federal judicial appointments because that means going before the Senate
> Judiciary Committee to have lies about their past spread nationwide, and
> the good reputation built up over a lifetime destroyed by politicians who
> could not care less about the truth.
> The same practices may well have something to do with the public's
> dissatisfaction with the current crop of candidates in this year's
> primaries — and in previous years' primaries. Character assassination is
> just another form of voter fraud.
> There is no law against it, so it is up to the voters, not only in Florida
> but in other states, to punish it at the ballot box — the only place where
> punishment is likely to stop the practice.
> *— Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the
> Hoover<>Institution.
> © 2012 Creators Syndicate, Inc.
> *
> **
> ========================
> An interesting viewpoint, and one that does in fact shed some light on Dr.
> Paul's nasty campaign:
> I take Fact Check with a grain of salt, because of their obvious bias
> against conservatives, and their obvious support for the Obama
> Administration. Nevertheless, I think their analysis on Gingrich's
> "flips" is close to accurate, albeit Fact Check goes into literally no
> detail as to how Gingrich "evolved" into supporting a number of issues (or
> being opposed to other issues) that he once supported, or now supports:
> On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 11:40 AM, plainolamerican
> <>wrote:
> > the best thing about Newt is that he is unelectable
> > On Jun 5, 9:52 am, plainolamerican <> wrote:
> > > the transgressions of Dr.
> > > Paul
> > > ---
> > > can't compare to the lies and deceit of Newt "The Hatchetman"
> > > Gingrich, who was having an affair while poking his finger at Clinton.
> > > yes ... he's a liar
> > > On Jun 5, 9:22 am, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> > > > Michael cites Moonbats, who, in typical Moonbat fashion, distorts the
> > > > truth.
> > > > Plain Ol cites a few Romney supporters who literally lied, and somehow
> > this
> > > > makes Gingrich a liar.....
> > > > I've become bored with this. You both forget the transgressions of
> > Dr.
> > > > Paul, continuously voting against earmarks that he even submitted for
> > his
> > > > own district after he was assured that the measure would pass.
> > > > On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 10:00 AM, MJ <> wrote:
> > > > > You mean those REPUBLICANS in the House and their spending? :)
> > *Debt
> > > > > Up $1.59T Under GOP House -- More in 15 Months Than First 97
> > Congresses
> > > > > Combined* By Terence P. Jeffrey June 1, 2012
> >
> > > > > guess (without looking) is that spending is an 'upward' curve from
> > the
> > > > > outset (1789). There may be a blip or two 'downward', but the trend
> > must be
> > > > > 'upward'.
> > > > > *Do you have the Mr. Bill versus W numbers?
> > > > > *Republicans (establishment certainly, but their apparatchiks by
> > default)
> > > > > demonstrate that they, too, want to spend with impunity ... ONLY the
> > > > > recipients are slightly different.
> > > > > This is WHY Paul, for instance, has been impugned, cheated,
> > distorted,
> > > > > smeared, etc. (read the Ron Paul's GOP Battle Reveals Some Truths
> > piece).
> > > > > Regard$,
> > > > > --MJ
> > > > > The record of the 105th Congress, Republican controlled in both
> > houses, is
> > > > > an abomination. Spending is up. No major program or agency has been
> > > > > significantly cut, much less eliminated. The tax code is more
> > complex than
> > > > > ever, loaded down with new conservative social engineering
> > initiatives. The
> > > > > balanced-budget agreement is an excuse not to cut taxes and, with the
> > > > > 'surplus' an excuse to increase spending. The GOP has seemed intent
> > on
> > > > > federalizing every crime on the books, indifferent to the
> > Constitution's
> > > > > clear direction that crime is a state and local responsibility….The
> > federal
> > > > > government is a machine designed to increase its control over the
> > lives of
> > > > > average Americans. It is constantly probing here, pushing there, and
> > > > > generally increasing its control. Without a philosophically sound,
> > > > > constitutionally based political party opposing that process, it is
> > going
> > > > > to continue to do so with impunity. The philosophical leadership
> > vacuum at
> > > > > the top of the GOP should be a source of major concern to all
> > > > > freedom-loving Americans. -- Edward H. Crane
> > > > > At 09:41 AM 6/5/2012,
> ...
> read more »
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Terror-linked CAIR says will wage legal jihad over NYPD surveillance
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William Gomes, Poetic Point Man on Human Rights, Battles Censorship: Experts Share Thoughts
"Very sorry to hear about the blocking of your site, surely an intolerable act. Very powerful words"
- Noam Chomsky
Gomes meets Warhol by Tim King |
(SALEM) - Comments on the poem 'Anti State' and Bangladesh's blocking of William Gomes Website for this radical expression, are for the most part, incredibly supportive. However there are those who believe he is 'rocking the boat' for a lack of better terms. But we are talking about the most fundamental problem; a government trying to silence its opposition, rather than addressing its own core issues.
Those who haven't been paying attention to this developing story about human rights and media freedom and Bangladesh, likely will now. Several notable world educators, journalists, authors and activists have signed their names and offered words in support of William Gomes, our human rights ambassador and assistant editor, over his Website, being blocked in his home country, Bangladesh.
This is a place stained in human rights abuse with a brutal, violent nature toward those in its government's grasp. Torture, intimidation; all sorts of daily violations of human rights color the air here with indifference. A strong-willed expatriate from this imprisoning place, is refusing to be silent or silenced.
William Gomes is a revolutionary, outspoken individual whose voice will be heard. We have asked Bangladesh officially, to stop its censoring of Mr. Gomes' Website and let it be seen by those people it most closely addresses. Please also bear in mind that William Gomes writes about issues affecting human beings in many countries; he is not singling out Bangladesh to be vindictive, he simply knows that we all must take care of problems in our own back yard as well of those in faraway places.
There is a reason that people like Professor Noam Chomsky, Dr. Frank Romano, Baseer Naweed and so many others took the time to comment over William's saga of media censorship and his fight for human rights advocacy; he has been working for years, preparing for a role where his work can move small mountains. It's obvious that Mr. Gomes has taken his gloves off, so to speak, and he is not messing around, and at the same time he is a gentleman and has the ability to discuss political issues with great intellect, and most importantly, provide the formula for governments to enact real resolution. The largest benefactors will be the governments that follow his lead, it is working.
We are breaking new ground as the first western news agency (that we know of) to designate a 'human rights ambassador' and one reason for this, is the importance of political meeting and dialog that must take place for this world to improve. We report about the abuse of human beings constantly, and we know at the same time, that journalism is not always enough; it takes more in many cases, and our media group is committed to helping the world find peace. To do this we must do more than just write and produce news. William Gomes is a central figure in the development of our new human rights program.
Experts Share Insight
Very sorry to hear about the blocking of your site, surely an intolerable act. Very powerful words.
Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, and activist.
In the poem by William Gomes, he poignantly describes not just an ill in Bangladeshi society, but a worldwide affliction: the buying and selling of souls in the name of progress. Let this man speak as his prophetic words will ring truth... Let's ask ourselves why its revelation bothers certain people? The key to Mr. Gomes' poem is in the answer.
Dr. Frank Romano
Dr. Frank Romano is the author of STORM OVER MOROCCO, autobiographical narrative about following spiritual path while living with extremist religious sect.
Congratulations William, it means that you are the real threat to the government which is generally represented by the powerful groups and elites of the country though they claim they are the people's representative. Keep it up, you are the real representative of the sentiments of people not only for Bangladeshis but of the oppressed people. William Gomes is the crusader of freedom of expression.
Baseer Naweed
Baseer Naweed is a Senior Researcher with Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
It is an attack on freedom of the press and free speech to block William Gomes website.
The government of Bangladesh should unblock it immediately.
Saul Landau
Saul Landau is Professor Emeritus at California State University, Pomona.
On the 28th of May, Memorial Day, I addressed the Democratic Club of Claremont, California, many of them veterans, on the same subject that William Gomes presented so eloquently in his poem, "Anti-state." That presentation is available on You Tube, titled "The Once Powerful Voice of the People." It is a condemnation of the United States' imperialistic status that is both illegal and contrary to the expressed principles and morals of the American Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights.
Needless to say, I find the bravery of William Gomes as enunciated in his poem an essential expression of human rights, a necessary expression that should be made by every person that considers himself/herself a free individual responsible for determining his/ her own fate, and an act that asserts for all the essence of freedom in a democracy. I encourage the government in Bangladesh to recognize his rights and through him the rights of all citizens by extolling his right to freedom of expression in a free state. Anything short of that is hypocrisy, an act not to be tolerated by any nation in the United Nations that identifies itself as upholding the rights of all citizens.
William A. Cook, Ph.D.
Dr. William A. Cook is author of The Plight of the Palestinians: a Long History of Destruction, writer, peace activist, and Professor of English, University of LaVerne.
It is one of many stupidities of our AL govt to ban his site. Patriotism is NOT mortgaged to anyone – everyone has the legitimate right to speak up.
Hasan Mahmud
Hassan Mahmud is an expert on Sharia Law who advocates that Sharia is inconsistent with modern time.
I am against censorships that are meant to protect the politicians. Censorships should be exercised for very limited purpose of preventing law and order violation or on such other reasonable restrictions. Everybody must be entitled to their opinion, however bitter that might be.
Irfan Engineer
Irfan Engineer is the Director of Institute for Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution
I read your different poem. It is full of emotions with the flare of aggression and overwhelming desire to change and an outstanding intention to resist the existing and established description of state. Well that is your personal expression and expression is purely a private affair. I personally feel that if we the journalists poets writers critics and intellectuals are convinced to change something as you proposed then we first turn
Dr. Naveed Shibli
Assistant Professor of Applied Psychology at Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Who is William Gomes?
Every journalist who lasts very long at it comes to realise that the profession has certain no-no's.
Cartoonist Aaron McGruder commented, "I want the news delivered unbiased. I thought that was the whole point with journalism."
Well yes, but the news organizations that hire journalists are full of biases. It doesn't take long to realize that not only news media but governments have rigid political positions that control what gets reported.
Ellen Goodman said "In journalism, there has always been a tension between getting it first and getting it right."
Many people wrongly believe that simply because a country is a democracy, with provisions for a free press, that news coverage is fair and objective.
Freedom of the press means freedom for those who control the press to publish what they like.
In a country like America, the illusion of a free press hides the control exercised by lobbyists (including Zionists), advertisers, and corporate interests.
America doesn't censor media, like some countries do, by closing newspapers or internet access down. They don't imprison or ban reporters thus creating the illusion of press freedom.
The man responsible for Wikileaks, Julian Assange commented "It is the role of good journalism to take on powerful abusers, and when powerful abusers are taken on, there's always a bad reaction."
Who is William Gomes?
The trouble that Assange has gotten himself and his sources into should be adequate evidence to support what he said about a bad reaction.
Bob Woodward had it right when he wrote "The central dilemma in journalism is that you don't know what you don't know."
Who is William Gomes?
William Gomes is a journalist from Bangladesh, where he is in trouble because he knew what he wasn't supposed to know.
Gomes has taken on what Assange called "powerful abusers" leading to a "bad reaction".
Bangladesh wants to silence Gomes by shutting down his internet presence as a journalist.
Bangladesh has charged Gomes with sedition, a crime punishable by death.
William Gomes is the conscience of Bangladesh. His crime? He has written truths unfavourable to those who want his voice muted.
Dr. Paul J. Balles
Dr. Paul J. Balles, a retired American university professor and freelance writer who has lived and worked in the Middle East for 40 years.
Well, this is an utterly reprehensible and a cowardly act by the government. It's clear that the regime finds itself cornered, with activists and writers breaking their silence. We need to speak in one voice against these bullying tactics adopted by the government and its agencies in Bangladesh.
I extend my full support to you Gomes.
Syed Zafar Mehdi
Senior Correspondent at Hindustan Times, New Delhi.
When the leaders of the world signed onto The UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, they never imagined "common people" would hold them to it!
The Preamble affirms that "disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people." Article 19 upholds that "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
Eileen Fleming is the author of Beyond Nuclear, journalist, peace activist, and Candidate in 2012 for the House of Representatives in Florida.
Does the daughter of Bangla Bundhu know about it? If yes then she is another female tyrant South Asian has hoisted to power. Do not worry. Have patience. Tyranny in Bangladesh always had a short run. This has been the history so far. Remember what Faiz Saheb said: "Jab takht ultaey jain gay, Taj uchhallay jain gay."
Mehmud Ahmed
Mehmud Ahmed is located in Brampton- Ontario Canada
Your poem is a cry from the heart expressing the frustration felt at the prevalence of corruption in the state authorities to the extent that it drives one to reject the state itself. It is right to reject corruption, so any attempt to block or suppress free expression of this kind is a human rights violation that would inevitably leave the state poorer in art, culture and awareness of the moral degradation eroding the credibility and dignity of the state itself.
In solidarity,
Angeline Shannan
You are wrong and you encourage fanatics like as the Jamat – BNP. So our Govt has done well. You should write for our Govt not for the Jamat – BNP.
Dr. Milton Biswas
Dr. Milton Biswas, is an Associate Professor at the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
I salute to them who was shaheed (died) in the war. Now I can say that you know better then me, right? How you think that the flag only the peace of cloth? It has lots of history which came through blood like's your father (shaheed in the war). Might be you thought the flag is only cloth. That is your opinion . That is your belief too. But I have one question from you – can you burn the flag or change the color? Not only Bangladesh including where you ……. physically stay in countries land. Never Never and never! Right! Try to understand brother. You can speak against political, corruption or govt system but not the nation identity.
Friends, Flag is a peace of cloth. Does not make any difference whether it is green and red or blue and violate. What means the most is the philosophy behind the flag. We said "Sob manusher ei desh amader." Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian- does not matter, this land belongs to us all. Even the people who do not believe what we believe and support. Let thousand flowers bloom. Let people think whatever they would like to believe. That is the freedom. That is the mukti. And that was the core of our "Muktijudhdho." I lost my father in this war. I think I have paid my dues in the liberation of this land enough. I do not like to see that we are walking back like "bhuts".If we try to stop other opinions then we would be following the same paththat the Pakistani army took to put our voices down. Let us relax and beconfident and free and accept other's opinions.
We do not have to buy their opinions but let us not shut them down either.
Washington, DC
Whats this Gomes Guy wrote that we have to be so sensitive! Let him write, he has freedom of speech. You may disagree on any message of his writing but you have no right to outcast a person in a democratic society – would be an act of a mean! Let him write, you are free to analyze and criticize his poetry with rational argument.What Bangladesh is now, we need to do self criticism and expression of honesty – not repeating "My mango is the best". be truthful! I hope Alapon is a neutral Yahoo group to facilitate equal right of expression.
Good luck,
That's sad. But you seem to be generating some anti-state (State of Bangla Desh) fan following. Does anything about this comment bother you?
Bangladesh is one such state which was born on the bodies of pro Pakistan patriots and it was now prosecuting those loyalists in the name of killing Bangladeshi killers. One must understand that cruel practices do not long last and this phase will also soon be over.:We may join you in the metaphorical war against those you call criminals in your poem. We may join you in setting ablaze the parliament. But what after that? Should we rather wait till the full impact of the revolutions of Tunisia and Egypt are before us?
Tara Prakash
I really impressed by ur heart touching poetry,after a long time I have seen magic in the verses,keep it up.
Nourang Hayat Shahi
Who are you Mr Gomes? You cannot write poem that provokes burning of national flag. GoB has done the right thing.
Dr Gholam Mostofa
Mr. Gomes you wrote a very good poem except you ended up burning the country and Constitution which is not the property of the corrupt rulers. The name Bangladesh has nothing to do with them either. Please correct that part and repostthe poem. I think everyone will like it.
If you have not seen the controversial poem by Mr. William Gomes, it is included below:
Yes, I am!
I am against the state, which runs on the basis of injustice
I am against the state which comes out of killings
I am against its every system
I am against its governments
I am against its Presidents, Prime Ministers
I am against its criminal hierarchy
I am against all those leaders of criminals in the parliament
Yes, they are criminals!
They are the traders of injustice,
They are the killers of justice
They are root and reasons of injustices
They are the creator of poverty
They create poverty
They are traders of poverty
Yes! When people are poor, they are powerful
Yes, they are powerful and I am poor!
Yes, I am people!
They are running the corporate state of injustice
They are traders of hatred,
They sell hatred
They sell riots!
They do everything for power!
They are traders of religions
They sell the ALLAH, RAM, BUDDHA, JESUS!
They have declared war on people
They have declared war on peace
I declared war on these criminals,
I declared war on their System
I declare that I am anti state
For sure, I am for the people!
I am people!
I will burn their RED and GREEN flag,
I will burn the constitution of injustice
I will burn down the parliament
I will burn down all into ashes
I dream no red and green flag
No traders of injustice
But a place full of peaceful of people!
No mater, if need to change the name of Bangladesh
I declare, I will change it!
I will change for peace, for people
I declare, I am anti state!
Journalist & Human Rights Activist
80/ B Bramon Chiron, Saydabad,
Dhaka-1203, Bangladesh.
Cell: +88 019 7 444 0 666
E-mail:William [at],editorbd[at]
Skype: William.gomes9
Face book:
Web site
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RE: **JP** Letter to Editor - Judge and the Son
Dear Shaikh Sahib,
If I have criticized CJ, that does not mean that I approve the corruption and misconduct of others. If you take some pain and scroll down and see that my comments are on an email discussing this issue only. When it comes to other issues, I would give my opinion. So please do not try to mix several issues in one issue. Two wrongs do not make one right. If others are doing wrong, it does not permit CJ to bypass the law.
International law and code of conduct suggests that he should not sit in the bench hearing this case.
I am not sorry for criticizing CJ only because I am discussing only this case in response to the letter below.
You may think otherwise. But does that matter?
Best Regards
Mohammad Khalid Rana
From: [] On Behalf Of Asan Deen
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: **JP** Letter to Editor - Judge and the Son
Dear Khalid Rana Sb. President of Thinker Forum,
Why don't you think in this line, The son (Mujram??) is in court of own Father, that is not a simple court, but highest of the state, Supereme Court, where free and open trial will be seen by national and international media and critics of all walks of life. If his son, proved convicted and mujram, than ultimately the nice rule of the land will be prevailed all over the country. Though it is very hard for him, being a Father. But let's see the history of our Salaf and Khalaf, where there are many examples you will find.. Don't see this with your biased mind...
What do you think about the breach of all law and orders of the country by the Prime Minister of Pakistan and open guilty of his sons corruption of millions, but no shame at all. Being proved a Mujram by CJ,, but still attach with PM ship. Afterall no shame, when he approved 2 or 3 crore of rupees for his own Gaddhi and Mazaars. Why not you think about much more high in that,,, President and his Corruption,,, where there is no shame, but Looting,,, Looting,,,, Looting is their main game. Did you talk anything about them all??? Did you give any thinking advice to the present rulers of Pakistan???
Sorry, for your critics only for CJ.
On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Mohammad Khalid Rana <> wrote:
Dear Jafri Sahib,
CJ acts like a king and does not like to follow rules and regulations but insists others to do so. Morally, ethically and as per code of conduct of the SC of Pakistan and of all the superior judiciary of all the world, he should not hear this case. He should not be part of the bench hearing this case. Whatever the decision he takes in this case, will be controversial.
It is not his kingdom, so he is not above law. He should follow the law himself, though I doubt it very much that he considers himself under any law.
Mohammad Khalid Rana
Pakistan Thinkers Forum
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
From: [] On Behalf Of Riaz Jafri
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 11:26 AM
To: Join Pakistan
Subject: **JP** Letter to Editor - Judge and the Son
Dear Join Pakistan
June 6th, 2012
A Judge and the Son:
Mr. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Ch has embarked on a path that not many in the annals of the entire history of the mankind have dared to tread upon. He has taken suo-moto notice of the allegations making rounds against his own very son Arsalan Chaudhry. The hardest part of the melodrama is that the Honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan would himself be heading the bench hearing the allegations against the son.
The dilemma for him of being between the blue and the deep sea would be that even if the allegations are genuinely not proved and Arsalan is let go off, the critics are likely to raise fingers. And, therefore, in order not to be dubbed as a ‘father judge’ the CJP might sentence his son unwarrantedly or sentence him more severely than he deserved.
May Allah (SWT), the Ultimate Judge, guide and help the CJP in this matter.
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
Tel: (051) 5158033
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Re: War Pig in a Poke
Good Morning Michael, PlainOl' and all of the PF Group who might take the time to read this thread;
I'm running out of time here, I am leaving back for Germany today, so I will be out of pocket probably for a couple of days, and I know I have been hit or miss the last week or two....Just too much to do before I leave to go back to Europe (and I will probably be not only in Köln, but also in Zurich, London as well as going over to the Middle East on this trip....this one is going to be at least a three month trip) but I digress.
I didn't start this thread, nor did I even mean for this thread to get so focused on Newt Gingrich. It was your comment that Gingrich was somehow flip flopping on Romney now that the Republican nomination is pretty much sealed, where I took issue. Couple this with Plain Ol's hatred of anyone that is a Republican, and yes, I decided to point out several of the both of your foibles, (fallacies, choose whichever word you want).
Below, is just a few short articles that you may (or may not) find interesting.....
I'll be back, everyone have a great week/weekend!
KeithInTampa (right now)
January 31, 2012 12:00 A.M.
The Florida Smear Campaign:Mitt Romney's fraudulent attacks on Newt Gingrich.
By Thomas Sowell
The Republican establishment is pulling out all the stops to try to keep Newt Gingrich from becoming the party's nominee for president of the United States — and some are not letting the facts get in their way.
Among the claims going out through the mass media in Florida, on the eve of that state's primary election, is that Newt Gingrich "resigned in disgrace" as speaker of the House of Representatives as a result of unethical conduct involving the diversion of tax-exempt money. Mitt Romney is calling on Gingrich to release "all of the records" from the congressional investigation.
But the Wall Street Journal of January 28, 2012, reported that these records — 1,280 pages of them — are already publicly available online. Although Speaker Gingrich decided not to take on the task of fighting the charge from his political enemies in 1997, the Internal Revenue Service conducted its own investigation which, two years later, exonerated Gingrich from the charges. His resignation was not due to those charges and occurred much later.
Do the Romney camp and the Republican establishment not know this, a dozen years later? Or are they far less concerned with whether the charges will stand up than they are about smearing Gingrich on the eve of the Florida primaries?
There are also charges made about what Congressman Gingrich said about Ronald Reagan on March 21, 1986. But this too is a matter of public record, since his remarks are available in the Congressional Record of that date, so it is remarkable that there should be any controversy about it at this late date.
On that date, Gingrich praised Reagan's grasp of the foreign-policy issues of the day but later questioned whether the way the actual policies of the Reagan administration were being carried out was likely to succeed. Gingrich was not alone in making this point, which such conservative stalwarts as George Will, Charles Krauthammer, and others made at the time.
Since a column of my own back in the 1980s suggested that the administration's policies seemed to be to "speak loudly and carry a little stick," I can well understand the misgivings of others. But that is wholly different from saying that all who expressed misgivings were enemies of Ronald Reagan.
One can of course lift things out of context. But if you want to read the whole context, simply go online and get the Congressional Record for March 21, 1986. Among the other places where the smears are exposed are the Wall Street Journal of January 29, Jeffrey Lord's article on the American Spectator's blog of January 27, and an article by Heather Higgins on of January 29.
Unfortunately, there are likely to be far more people who will see the smears than will have time to get the facts. But, if nothing else, there needs to be some understanding of the reckless accusations that have become part of the all-out attempt to destroy Newt Gingrich, as so many other political figures have been destroyed, by non-stop smears in the media.
Gingrich is by no means above criticism. He has been criticized in this column before over the years, including during the current primary season, and he will probably be criticized here again.
But the poisonous practice of irresponsible smears is an issue that is bigger than Gingrich, Romney, or any other candidate of either party.
There have long been reports of people who decline to be nominated for federal judicial appointments because that means going before the Senate Judiciary Committee to have lies about their past spread nationwide, and the good reputation built up over a lifetime destroyed by politicians who could not care less about the truth.
The same practices may well have something to do with the public's dissatisfaction with the current crop of candidates in this year's primaries — and in previous years' primaries. Character assassination is just another form of voter fraud.
There is no law against it, so it is up to the voters, not only in Florida but in other states, to punish it at the ballot box — the only place where punishment is likely to stop the practice.
the best thing about Newt is that he is unelectable
On Jun 5, 9:52 am, plainolamerican <> wrote:
> the transgressions of Dr.
> Paul
> ---
> can't compare to the lies and deceit of Newt "The Hatchetman"
> Gingrich, who was having an affair while poking his finger at Clinton.
> yes ... he's a liar
> On Jun 5, 9:22 am, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> > Michael cites Moonbats, who, in typical Moonbat fashion, distorts the
> > truth.
> > Plain Ol cites a few Romney supporters who literally lied, and somehow this
> > makes Gingrich a liar.....
> > I've become bored with this. You both forget the transgressions of Dr.
> > Paul, continuously voting against earmarks that he even submitted for his
> > own district after he was assured that the measure would pass.
> > On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 10:00 AM, MJ <> wrote:
> > > You mean those REPUBLICANS in the House and their spending? :) *Debt
> > > Up $1.59T Under GOP House -- More in 15 Months Than First 97 Congresses
> > > Combined* By Terence P. Jeffrey June 1, 2012
> > >
> ...> > > guess (without looking) is that spending is an 'upward' curve from the
> > > outset (1789). There may be a blip or two 'downward', but the trend must be
> > > 'upward'.
> > > *Do you have the Mr. Bill versus W numbers?
> > > *Republicans (establishment certainly, but their apparatchiks by default)
> > > demonstrate that they, too, want to spend with impunity ... ONLY the
> > > recipients are slightly different.
> > > This is WHY Paul, for instance, has been impugned, cheated, distorted,
> > > smeared, etc. (read the Ron Paul's GOP Battle Reveals Some Truths piece).
> > > Regard$,
> > > --MJ
> > > The record of the 105th Congress, Republican controlled in both houses, is
> > > an abomination. Spending is up. No major program or agency has been
> > > significantly cut, much less eliminated. The tax code is more complex than
> > > ever, loaded down with new conservative social engineering initiatives. The
> > > balanced-budget agreement is an excuse not to cut taxes and, with the
> > > 'surplus' an excuse to increase spending. The GOP has seemed intent on
> > > federalizing every crime on the books, indifferent to the Constitution's
> > > clear direction that crime is a state and local responsibility….The federal
> > > government is a machine designed to increase its control over the lives of
> > > average Americans. It is constantly probing here, pushing there, and
> > > generally increasing its control. Without a philosophically sound,
> > > constitutionally based political party opposing that process, it is going
> > > to continue to do so with impunity. The philosophical leadership vacuum at
> > > the top of the GOP should be a source of major concern to all
> > > freedom-loving Americans. -- Edward H. Crane
> > > At 09:41 AM 6/5/2012, you wrote:
> > > And let's compare the alternative:
> > > On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 8:18 AM, MJ <> wrote:
> > > At 11:25 PM 6/4/2012, you wrote:
> > > As MJ says, the fallacy never ceases with you. Again, we've been here,
> > > gone over this, and you can't name one, purported lie.
> > > "The Republican revolution is a failure, a dismal failure. Despite the
> > > Republican rhetoric about the virtues of conservatism, the benefits of the
> > > free market, and the need for less government intervention in the economy
> > > and society, the Republican majority in both houses of Congress did nothing
> > > but further increase the size and scope of government."
> > > What Republican Revolution? By Laurence M. Vance November 11, 2006
> > > Since the Democrats took control of the Congress in the recent midterm
> > > elections, we have heard and seen numerous references to the Republican
> > > victory in the 1994 midterm elections as the Republican revolution of 1994.
> > > What Republican revolution?
> > > We can see the results in history of revolutions like the American
> > > Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Russian Revolution, but what
> > > evidence is there of a Republican revolution?
> > > When the 104th Congress began in January of 1995, it was the first time
> > > since the 83rd Congress of 1953-1955 that the Republicans had control of
> > > both the House and Senate. They had never controlled the House during the
> > > forty-year period of Democratic rule, and only briefly controlled the
> > > Senate, during the 97th through 99th Congresses of 1981-1987. After forty
> > > years of being out of power, a revolution was certainly in order. True, the
> > > Republicans did not yet also control the White House as they did during the
> > > 83rd Congress when Dwight Eisenhower was president, but it is Congress that
> > > writes the laws, not the president. And unlike the Congress under
> > > Eisenhower, which reverted to Democratic rule in the next election, the
> > > Republican control of the Congress under Bill Clinton continued unabated
> > > through the end of his second term.
> > > When what looked like a Republican revolution seemed to stagnate under
> > > Clinton, excuses began to be made for the fact that the Republicans were
> > > acting like anything but the conservatives who voted them into office.
> > > Republican control of the White House, we were told, and a larger
> > > Republican majority in Congress, were needed to complete the revolution.
> > > After all, Clinton could veto any bills passed by a Republican Congress,
> > > and the Republicans did not have a veto-proof majority. It turns out that
> > > in eight years Clinton only vetoed seventeen bills, making Republican fears
> > > unfounded.
> > > And then came George W. Bush.
> > > Republicans were ecstatic. A Republican president was once again elected.
> > > This time, however, things were different. When George Bush was inaugurated
> > > in 2001, he had a Republican-controlled Congress. This is something a
> > > Republican president had not had for forty-five years. The millennium was
> > > now here. The Republican revolution was now ready to be completed.
> > > Enter Jim Jeffords.
> > > The Republican controlled 107th Congress (2001-2003) had a weak link: the
> > > Senate. Jeffords was a Republican senator from Vermont. Early in Bush's
> > > first term, Senator Jeffords switched from Republican to Independent,
> > > changing the 50/50 balance of power in the Senate. Although the House
> > > remained in Republican hands, those hands were tied, so we were told,
> > > because the Republicans no longer controlled the Senate. The Republicans
> > > always seem to have an excuse. Big government, intrusive government it is
> > > always the fault of those evil Democrats.
> > > But then, finally, no more excuses. The midterm elections of 2002 gave us
> > > a new Congress (the 108th, 2003-2005) that was once again solidly
> > > Republican. This gave the Republicans an absolute majority for the last two
> > > years of Bush's first term. This scenario was confirmed by Bush's
> > > reelection and the further increase of the Republican majority in the 109th
> > > Congress. Republicans could no longer blame everything on the Democrats
> > > like they did for so long before they gained their absolute majority.
> > > So, now that the Republicans have controlled the House since 1995, now
> > > that the Republicans have controlled the Senate for the same period except
> > > for about a year and a half, now that a Republican president has been
> > > elected and reelected, and now that we have had several years of an
> > > absolute Republican majority, a simple question needs to be asked: What
> > > Republican revolution?
> > > Jacob Hornberger<>,
> > > the president of the Future of Freedom Foundation <>,
> > > recently asked some pertinent questions about the Republicans: How many
> > > departments were abolished when Republicans controlled the presidency and
> > > both houses of Congress? How many agencies? How many spending bills were
> > > vetoed? How many pork-barrel projects were jettisoned? How much was
> > > federal spending reduced? The answer to every question is, of course, a
> > > big fat zero. No egregious legislation was repealed, and the
> > > welfare/warfare state is bigger and more intrusive than ever. Some
> > > revolution.
> > > Although many Republicans who claim to believe in a limited government can
> > > talk a good conservatism, especially when it comes time for an election,
> > > one statistic is all it takes to see that there has been no limit to the
> > > growth of government under the Republican Party.
> > > On the eve of the new Republican-controlled Congress in 1995, the national
> > > debt was just under $5 trillion. At the time of Bush's first inauguration
> > > in 2001, the national debt stood at $5,727,776,738,304.64. At the time of
> > > his second inauguration in 2005, the national debt stood at
> > > $7,613,772,338,689.34. On the day of the recent midterm elections, the
> > > national debt was up to $8,592,561,542,263.30.
> > > The Republican revolution is a failure, a dismal failure. Despite the
> > > Republican rhetoric about the virtues of conservatism, the benefits of the
> > > free market, and the need for less government intervention in the economy
> > > and society, the Republican majority in both houses of Congress did nothing
> > > but further increase the size and scope of government.
> > > This, of course, comes as no surprise, since the history of the Republican
> > > Party is not one of real conservatism at all; it is the history of
> > > interventionism, big government, the welfare state, the warfare state,
> > > plunder, compromises, and sellouts, as Clyde Wilson<>and Thomas
> > > DiLorenzo <> have
> > > showed us in great detail.
> > > Those who voted for a third party candidate for Congress in the recent
> > > election are not the ones who wasted their vote. Republicans who voted for
> > > Republican
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