Funny how the progressives don't want the marriage issue to come to a vote by the citizens, especially in the States where left wing judges have legislated this issue from the bench, such as Massachusetts, Iowa, and Vermont.
===== Dogs Don't Bark at Parked Cars!
Ken Blackwell
That's some of the wisdom my Dad taught me. I thought of that saying when I read the attacks on Family Research Council president Tony Perkins. There's a concerted effort to marginalize those who think marriage is important. In doing so, the left wants to shut out millions of Americans at the grassroots. But Mr. Perkins never runs from a fight. He's out in front, leading. And all the dogs are barking at him.
Recently, Mr. Perkins was attacked as a big government backer. Apparently, if you try to defend marriage as the union of one man and one woman, that is supposed to make you an advocate of big government.
Perkins has been fighting for tax cuts and less spending for twenty years. He wants the federal government to stop interfering with the family, stop intruding into small businesses, and stop usurping state and local authority. How does that make him an advocate for big Government?
Some critics think that when you stand up for marriage, that makes you an ally of big government. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The wedding march began through the states in Hawaii. The Aloha State was America's first majority non-white, majority non-Christian state, and Hawaii voters strongly backed a referendum that prevented the state's Supreme Court from overturning marriage.
Conservative leaders have teamed up with the people against liberal powers in state after state. All too often, the top dogs of both parties opposed these people's initiatives, or else hung back.
These state and local groups have rack up popular victories for marriage in 31 states. Wherever the marriage issue appears on the ballot, the people say it loud, say it proud: Marriage is between one man and one woman.
There are no marriage questions on the state ballots this year. Liberal journos are trying to say the movement has lost steam. What? Is that why liberals are afraid to let the issue come to a vote in Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York?
Judges of the Iowa Supreme Court are hanging onto their hats and their seats, facing voter wrath because they decided to overturn marriage—and the people's voice be silenced.
Thirty-eight million Americans have voted to protect marriage. Marriage is more popular than any other issue on the conservative agenda. Marriage wins in liberal states, like Hawaii and Wisconsin, in conservative states like Kansas and Utah, and in middle-of-the-road states like Virginia and Ohio.
Marriage is no "wedge" issue. Some jounalists like to call it that, as if it's not important. But Marriage is a bridge issue. Marriage wins among blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and whites.
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