Monday, September 26, 2011
When Rick Perry drops out: Ron Paul could be second place, Republicans enter the Wild West
When Rick Perry drops out: Ron Paul could be second place, Republicans enter the Wild West
By Brent Budowsky - 09/26/11 09:55 AM ET
I wrote in August that Rick Perry will self- destruct within 30 days. His prospects for the presidency were as phony as the fantasy of a two-person race was false. Perry is a phony conservative who is not conservative. He is a pay-for-play politician who gobbled up Obama stimulus like a hound dog eating a bone, and created oceans of new government jobs in Texas while his big donors mysteriously received big government contracts. The Texas deficit ballooned and the Texas jobless rate doubled on Rick Perry's watch.
I will not speculate about the reasons for Rick Perry's strange, weird and incoherent debate performance. Major new negative stories about Perry will soon emerge in the media. Trust me. Perry will drop out long before the year ends. If he dropped out today Ron Paul could well be in second place. Will pundits say it is a two-man race between Romney and Paul?
This is the most unpredicable campaign in many years. One insider recently asserted that if the election were held today Obama would certainly lose. Nonsense. Obama would cream Perry. I laughed when media pundits lauded the buffoon Donald Trump for a month as the great Republican hope.
This notion that the GOP contest was a two-man race was a mirage and pure pundit malpractice from the beginning.
Another mirage is Chris Christie, a not-very- popular freshman governor with zero national experience who could easily be defeated for reelection by dynamic Democratic Mayor Cory Booker.
Sarah Palin could jump in, but if she did, her motive would be to prevent any other Republican from winning. Obama would clean Palin's clock. So what next?
Mitt Romney is the Tom Dewey of 2012. He is qualified, presidential -- and distrusted by virtually everyone. Like Dewey he looks like the plastic man on the wedding cake. He could be elected. Remember, Dewey almost won in 1948, but if Obama plays Truman I suspect he beats Mitt, but I could be wrong.
When Perry drops out, Ron Paul could be in second place. It could be a magical moment for Ron Paul, and perhaps Herman Cain, for a clean shot at second place. Let's see what they do with it. Both Paul and Cain deserve far more respect from the major media. This is not a Soviet campaign where Pravda-like pundits treat certain candidates as though they do not exist.
If Jon Huntsman moves above the 10 percent he recently polled in New Hampshire, he becomes very serious. If not, he drops out by December and endorses Mitt.
The Republican battle is the exact opposite of a two-person race and always has been. It is wide open like the Wild West. The big question is who emerges as the leading conservative opponent to Romney, and whether Romney can make the leap to be trusted as a credible president.
Forget Chris Christie. The man to watch is Mitch Daniels, governor of Indiana. Daniels is trusted by all factions of the party, is highly qualified, and in my view has the best chance of defeating Obama. I have said it before. Remember where you heard it.
Rick Perry is toast. The two-man race is dead. The Republicans have entered the Wild West without Perry as a big-time player.
Fwd: ChrisInMaryville's Blog
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From: ChrisInMaryville's Blog
ChrisInMaryville's Blog <>
The Left Right Paradigm is Over: Its You vs. Corporations <#132a6acbfd5b8d82_1>
What Have We Learned, America? – Judge Andrew Napolitano (Kinetic Typography) <#132a6acbfd5b8d82_2>
More than a gaffe, Romney exposed <#132a6acbfd5b8d82_3>
"What If" Ron Paul Speech – MUST WATCH EYE OPENER! RP2012 <#132a6acbfd5b8d82_4>
Ron Paul Kicking @$$ (in 1 Min) <#132a6acbfd5b8d82_5>
Monday: Ron Paul Returns to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart <#132a6acbfd5b8d82_6>
Rasmussen poll: Ron Paul in third place – The State Column <#132a6acbfd5b8d82_7>
Fox News Deletes 'Who Won the Debate?' Poll Page After Ron Paul Wins <#132a6acbfd5b8d82_8>
The Law by Frederick Bastiat <#132a6acbfd5b8d82_9>
Conservatism, Libertarianism and Ron Paul <#132a6acbfd5b8d82_10>
The Left Right Paradigm is Over: Its You vs. Corporations <>
Posted: 25 Sep 2011 07:45 PM PDT
Not some new revelation but good to see the thought being shared. Source: Every generation or so, a major secular shift takes place that shakes up the existing paradigm. It happens in industry, finance, literature, sports, manufacturing, technology, entertainment, travel, communication, etc. I would like to discuss the paradigm shift that is occurring in [...]
What Have We Learned, America? – Judge Andrew Napolitano (Kinetic Typography) <>
Posted: 25 Sep 2011 07:22 PM PDT
More than a gaffe, Romney exposed <>
Posted: 25 Sep 2011 07:05 PM PDT
Source: here's more to this story. Potentially billions more... Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney confirmed his belief in man-made global warming last week during a town hall meeting in New Hampshire. Though not
"What If" Ron Paul Speech – MUST WATCH EYE OPENER! RP2012 <>
Posted: 25 Sep 2011 04:15 PM PDT
Ron Paul Kicking @$$ (in 1 Min) <>
Posted: 25 Sep 2011 02:09 PM PDT
Monday: Ron Paul Returns to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart <>
Posted: 25 Sep 2011 02:01 PM PDT
Source: Ron Paul will return to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart this Monday, September 26, at 11 pm EST. Last month, Jon Stewart had famously called out the mainstream media's disconnect from Ron Paul:
Rasmussen poll: Ron Paul in third place – The State Column <>
Posted: 25 Sep 2011 01:40 PM PDT
Source: A Rasmussen poll released Friday shows Texas congressman Ron Paul trailing former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and Texas governor Rick Perry in New Hampshire, the second poll to show Mr. Paul continuing
Fox News Deletes 'Who Won the Debate?' Poll Page After Ron Paul Wins <>
Posted: 25 Sep 2011 01:33 PM PDT
Source: September 25th, 2011 Update: You Can Actually Embed the Poll On Your Own Site—If You Want HAHAHA. Fox News. What a bunch of idiots. Code Someone will eventually sober up and take it down, but for now, it
The Law by Frederick Bastiat <>
Posted: 25 Sep 2011 12:54 PM PDT
This is one of those "must" read assignments that should be taught in schools. Here you have two flavors to choose from, so to speak. So pick your preference and get busy! The PDF version can be found here:
Conservatism, Libertarianism and Ron Paul <>
Posted: 25 Sep 2011 12:29 PM PDT
Source: A current CBS News headline reads "Paul blends conservatism, libertarianism in pitch to voters," reporting: "Paul's fiery libertarian rhetoric drew warm reaction at Orlando's Conservative Politic
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Re: NY Times Thinks Military Pensions Are Welfare Benefits
not so ... but still not wanted
public servant pensions need to be eliminated
they should mirror pensions in the private sector
On Sep 24, 1:46 pm, Travis <> wrote:
> **
> <>
> NY Times Thinks Military Pensions Are Welfare
> Benefits<>
> *Dr. Eowyn <>* |
> September 22, 2011 at 12:10 pm | Categories:
> Economy<>,
> Health Care <>,
> Liberals<>,
> Media <>,
> Military<>,
> United States <> | URL:
> <>
> The dictionary defines <>"welfare"
> as "Financial or other aid provided, especially by the government, to people
> in need." And according to *Roget's
> Thesaurus*,<>the synonyms
> for "welfare" include "public assistance, public works, social
> aid, unemployment benefits, child welfare, federal aid, poverty program,
> Social Security, the dole".
> I have a question for FOTM readers who work for a non-government entity and
> has paid into its retirement system:
> *"Do you think of your pension as WELFARE?"*
> No?
> I have news for the retired and serving members of the United States
> Military:
> *The New York Times thinks your pension is WELFARE.*
> This is what the *Times*' reporters James Dao and Mary Williams wrote
> in "Retiree
> Benefits for the Military Could Face
> Cuts<>,"
> September 18, 2011:
> As Washington looks to squeeze savings from once-sacrosanct entitlements
> like Social Security<>and
> Medicare<>,
> another big social welfare system is growing as rapidly, but with far less
> scrutiny: the health and pension benefits of military retirees.
> Military pensions and health care for active and retired troops now cost the
> government about $100 billion a year, representing an expanding portion of
> both the Pentagon budget — about $700 billion a year, including war costs —
> and the national
> debt<>,
> which together finance the programs.
> Nice to know that the *New York Times t*hinks your military pension is
> synonymous with "public assistance" and the dole"!
> *~Eowyn*
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Fwd: [Hope4America] Attack Watch
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Re: Release prisoner of conscience Nasser Abul and Lawrence al-Rashidi Immediately
sentenced a Sunni activist to three months in jail for writing
remarks on
his Twitter account which was considered by the court as derogatory
a good example of why the USA doesn't have hate speech laws
On Sep 26, 11:18 am, William Gomes <> wrote:
> *
> *
> *September 26, 2011*
> *Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah*
> *Amir of the State of Kuwait*
> *Al Diwan Al Amiri,
> Sief Palace – Building 100
> State of Kuwait.*
> * *
> *RE: Release prisoner of conscience Nasser Abul and Lawrence al-Rashidi
> Immediately*
> *Dear Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah,*
> *I am William Gomes, human rights activist and journalist. *
> *Freedom of expression is the mother to all other freedoms.** Kuwait holds
> first place among Gulf States in terms of respect for individual freedoms,
> and particularly in respect of press freedom. According to Reporters sans
> frontiers, Kuwaiti media are undoubtedly the freest in the region and have
> been closely covering tensions between the government and the parliamentary
> opposition.*
> *Kuwait boasts a score of privately owned daily and weekly newspapers in
> Arabic and two English-language dailies. Kuwait's written press has for
> decades played a major role in the political debate and reflects a tradition
> of diversity and outspokenness, according to RSF***
> *Freedom of expression has been given a further boost by the liberalization
> of the broadcast sector and the creation of numerous satellite television
> channels as a result of several press law reforms.** However, criminal law –
> that does provide for prison sentences – still applies to some offences,
> such as "defamation" or "attacks on religion", according to RSF*
> * On the same time it is a very reality that in Kuwait there is widespread
> self-censorship in local press.*
> *According to press freedom barometer 2011of Reporters sans
> frontiers<,156.html>by the year there
> is no record of Killing, imprisonment of a single
> journalist or media assistants.*
> *I do wonder in the absence of democracy the journalist are enjoying the
> freedom and the life of journalist and media people seems comparatively safe
> in your country and that gives a hope that there is a deep seed of
> democracy in the region. *
> *I am deeply concern about the about the a local of Kuwait court yesterday
> sentenced a Sunni activist to three months in jail for writing remarks on
> his Twitter account which was considered by the court as derogatory to
> Shiites, according to local and international media
> reports<>.
> *
> *On June 7, Nasser Abul received a summons to go to Kuwait's Criminal
> Investigations Department. Authorities questioned him for a day, then
> transferred him to the state security prison. His lawyer, Khalid al-Shatti,
> said authorities detained Abul in connection with a series of postings on
> his Twitter page that sharply criticized and mocked the ruling families of
> Bahrain and Saudi Arabia for attacks on anti-government protests in Bahrain.
> *
> *Authorities beat Abul and subjected him to sleep deprivation while he was
> at the Criminal Investigations Department, and then held him in solitary
> confinement for two weeks. Authorities denied his client access to legal
> counsel during several interrogation sessions at the prosecutor's office,
> denied him family visits, and repeatedly insulted him for being a
> Shia, according
> to Human rights
> watch<>
> The lawyer said that Abul denied writing some of the more inflammatory
> tweets he was accused of writing himself and said that hackers had posted
> the messages.*
> *Nasser Abul was taken to his family's home on 14 June; the house was
> searched and his computer and phone were confiscated. During the search,
> Nasser Abdul told his mother he had been beaten during the first two days of
> his detention, insulted and threatened, adding that he was not permitted to
> turn off the light in his cell. He has been subject to harsh treatment
> during the first two days of his detention, according to AI *
> *He is a prisoner of conscience who has been detained purely for the
> peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of expression, according to Amnesty
> international<>
> *
> * On Sunday he was sentenced by the court with the charges of undermining
> the country's national interests and endangering Kuwait's relations with
> Saudi Arabia.*
> *Although the ministry of information claimed that** freedom of opinion was
> ensured to everyone as per Kuwaiti constitution and laws regulating mass
> media, according to ministry of
> information.<>
> *
> *The impulsive conviction of Nasser Abul by the local court breach Kuwait's
> international obligation to uphold freedom of expression as guaranteed in
> the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) to which
> Kuwait is a state party.*
> *I want to recall your memories on February 2011the pro-reform protests
> began in Bahrain that leads to the arrests of at least 500 people and four
> people have died in custody in suspicious circumstances. I hope you do
> remember that on 12 June a member of the Bahraini ruling family, Sheikh
> Abdullah Mohammad bin Ahmad Al-Fatih Al-Khalifa, announced that he will be
> suing Nasser Abul, for slandering and defaming his family.*
> *Human Rights Watch reviewed the postings on Abul's account, which express
> support for the anti-government demonstrators in Bahrain and sharp criticism
> of the Bahraini and Saudi governments and ultra-conservative Islamist
> ideology. Some messages used derogatory or profane language about Bahrain's
> ruling Al Khalifa family, but none expressed any support for violence.*
> *This is not an isolated case, Lawrence al-Rashidi was also arrested on June
> based on a YouTube video. Lawrence al-Rashidi in a YouTube video called you
> to step down, according to rashdi you were violating Kuwaitis' rights, and
> he predicts that you will be removed from power based upon events in Egypt,
> Tunisia, Libya, and Yemen.*
> *Kuwait jailed a blogger, Mohammad
> al-Jassim<>,
> in May and June 2010, after he criticized the country's prime minister.
> Al-Jassim appealed charges against him and was subsequently acquitted.*
> *I want to remind you as a party to the International Covenant on Civil and
> Political Rights, Kuwait is bound by article 19(2) of that covenant, which
> states: "Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right
> shall include freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas of
> all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print,
> in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice." Article 36 of
> Kuwait's constitution protects freedom of speech and opinion, stating that:
> "Every person has the right to express and propagate his opinion verbally,
> in writing, or otherwise, in accordance with the conditions and procedures
> specified by law."*
> *The government should decisively reject criminal prosecution for mere
> speech and stop expanding repression into the realm of social networking
> sites.*
> *I urge you to take immediate action to release Nasser Abul and Lawrence
> al-Rashidi. *
> *I trust that you will take immediate action into this matter.*
> * *
> *Yours sincerely,*
> * *
> *William Nicholas Gomes*
> * *
> *Journalist and Human Rights Activist*
> * *
> **
> *Skype: William.gomes9*
> *Face*
> **
> **
> *Links: <>*Release prisoner of conscience Nasser
> Abul and Lawrence al-Rashidi
> Immediately<>
> * *
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the fruits of a US interventionist policy
wounded another in an attack on a CIA office in Kabul
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Re: DS role model for youth, I 'just said no'. and it worked..2
It was funny to watch both Chris Matthews and Chris Wallace interview Ron Paul and worry that if pot was legal we would have people driving while high or using drugs while baby sitting
And you old ladies worry that tobacco must be regulated else people will get minors to smoke
It shows your retarded state controlled intellects and atrophied imaginations
If tobacco or pot or salt or fat or heroin or anything else was legal to sell or buy with no regulation it would still be illegal to neglect or abuse children. It would still be illegal to trespass on a road or sidewalk and use it while violating the owners safety rules
On Monday, September 26, 2011, <> wrote:
> I don't think anyone disagrees with regulating the tobacco and smoking as much as they think it's over regulated. I think they should be able to ban smoking to minors, just as they do alcohol. I think they go to far when they inter into a private business and decide that your patrons can't smoke in your establishment or home or backyard. Yes, before you get your horses all riled up, there were attempts at stopping people from smoking their own back yard and home if you have children at home or in the car.
> Never pet a dog that's on fire and never fry bacon naked.
> America First
> Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: GeriOhMy <>
> To: P00FUGO <>; cbhensler <>; microdhses <>
> Cc: conner2or <>; HogPod22 <>; Scorpi0Lady1 <>; vbboyd123456 <>; sergeantfreedom <>; Salemst <>; AudioLaw <>; lenaprimeaux <>; onepocketplayer <>; beau <>; paul.dunk <>; konola <>; echos70 <>; kol.altai <>; amancin <>; gods1stwitness <>; generalcongress <>; mccloediii <>; mckinneyhunter <>; postherguy <>; fkerogen <>; lascoti <>; carpbear <>; apassaro <>; clayton.purdy <>; kmcgee3 <>; dijon50 <>; gjorgejimenez <>; drecpa <>; rblaine_1941 <>; sergeantalvarez <>; chirho33 <>; srking <>; colony14 <>; maximus475 <>; sherrydawn06 <>; jpassgo <>; elliajt <>; whatnowgop <>; harleymanfl <>; jreed62254 <>; sjmark <>; baywife <>; ladywindsor1 <>; jmach499 <>; evedemian <>; stevenshamrak.e <>; churi1001 <>; rgellar000 <>; murray1833 <>; marckie13 <>; mike_stathas <>; bern30_06 <>; brewwwww <>; cougarden <>; edpals2 <>; freelancer514 <>; gaylesafe <>; hemilight <>; hillbillytrailer <>; ilester <>; jmills9786 <>; joelrachmiel <>; oldpolitico <>; predatorbc <>; rockysma1 <>; sandysbeau <>; sirguy2003 <>; lfeverest <>; d3869 <>; jimibee22 <>; twelve43 <>; trggerhppy13 <>; dagoodguys <>; jmach499 <>; patriot451 <>; sfrenegademanboy <>; vbrown1072 <>; wakeupwayup <>; majors.bruce <>; vandoran.heather <>; jeri006 <>; john_rice <>; justinsgma <>; pasharabit <>; info <>; algae5636 <>; majorhart <>; judyfuller007 <>; ea.richards <>
> Sent: Mon, Sep 26, 2011 6:01 am
> Subject: Re: DS role model for youth, I 'just said no'. and it worked..2
> those who smoke are using the most addictive powerful -but legal narcotic out there-and sadly it is that way because of the ingredients added by tobacco companies to help make them addictive. those same ingredients - from gun powder to keeping the lit to poisons like arsenic.
> if people were to smoke pure tobacco they would not smoke -it is to putrid and it would also not be addictive.
> then the FACT that second hand smoke is nearly as lethal as the smoker's inhaling in the first place,
> the bottom line- when smokers are done fulfilling their right to use the drug- they throw the remnants on the streets at intersections, set forest fires and set their own beds on fire- perhaps the only justice.
> to think the tobacco companies would curtail sales to minors on their own- or put warnings on the product without government regulations making them do so is to think Sarah Palin is qualified to be president of the PTA.
> denying they are targeting children in third world countries to keep their profit margin up is pro corporation ignorance .
> In a message dated 9/26/2011 10:38:29 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
> In a message dated 9/26/2011 10:37:01 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
> you are hopeless, why are you fighting so hard top protect these entities at the expense of actual human beings? why? Yes or no you think the tobacco companies/lobby targeted our youth? Yes or no. Do you think they mislead the population on the whole about how dangerous cigarettes are and the effects of secondhand smoke and what the actual ingredients were in their product? yes or no.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: D S <>
> To: cbhensler <>
> Cc: conner2or <>; HogPod22 <>; GeriOhMy <>; Scorpi0Lady1 <>; vbboyd123456 <>; sergeantfreedom <>; Salemst <>; AudioLaw <>; lenaprimeaux <>; onepocketplayer <>; beau <>; paul.dunk <>; konola <>; echos70 <>; kol.altai <>; amancin < --
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Release prisoner of conscience Nasser Abul and Lawrence al-Rashidi Immediately
September 26, 2011
Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah
Amir of the State of Kuwait
Al Diwan Al Amiri,
Sief Palace – Building 100
State of Kuwait.
RE: Release prisoner of conscience Nasser Abul and Lawrence al-Rashidi Immediately
Dear Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah,
I am William Gomes, human rights activist and journalist.
Freedom of expression is the mother to all other freedoms. Kuwait holds first place among Gulf States in terms of respect for individual freedoms, and particularly in respect of press freedom. According to Reporters sans frontiers, Kuwaiti media are undoubtedly the freest in the region and have been closely covering tensions between the government and the parliamentary opposition.
Kuwait boasts a score of privately owned daily and weekly newspapers in Arabic and two English-language dailies. Kuwait's written press has for decades played a major role in the political debate and reflects a tradition of diversity and outspokenness, according to RSF
Freedom of expression has been given a further boost by the liberalization of the broadcast sector and the creation of numerous satellite television channels as a result of several press law reforms. However, criminal law – that does provide for prison sentences – still applies to some offences, such as "defamation" or "attacks on religion", according to RSF
On the same time it is a very reality that in Kuwait there is widespread self-censorship in local press.
According to press freedom barometer 2011of Reporters sans frontiers by the year there is no record of Killing, imprisonment of a single journalist or media assistants.
I do wonder in the absence of democracy the journalist are enjoying the freedom and the life of journalist and media people seems comparatively safe in your country and that gives a hope that there is a deep seed of democracy in the region.
I am deeply concern about the about the a local of Kuwait court yesterday sentenced a Sunni activist to three months in jail for writing remarks on his Twitter account which was considered by the court as derogatory to Shiites, according to local and international media reports.
On June 7, Nasser Abul received a summons to go to Kuwait's Criminal Investigations Department. Authorities questioned him for a day, then transferred him to the state security prison. His lawyer, Khalid al-Shatti, said authorities detained Abul in connection with a series of postings on his Twitter page that sharply criticized and mocked the ruling families of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia for attacks on anti-government protests in Bahrain.
Authorities beat Abul and subjected him to sleep deprivation while he was at the Criminal Investigations Department, and then held him in solitary confinement for two weeks. Authorities denied his client access to legal counsel during several interrogation sessions at the prosecutor's office, denied him family visits, and repeatedly insulted him for being a Shia, according to Human rights watch
The lawyer said that Abul denied writing some of the more inflammatory tweets he was accused of writing himself and said that hackers had posted the messages.
Nasser Abul was taken to his family's home on 14 June; the house was searched and his computer and phone were confiscated. During the search, Nasser Abdul told his mother he had been beaten during the first two days of his detention, insulted and threatened, adding that he was not permitted to turn off the light in his cell. He has been subject to harsh treatment during the first two days of his detention, according to AI
He is a prisoner of conscience who has been detained purely for the peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of expression, according to Amnesty international
On Sunday he was sentenced by the court with the charges of undermining the country's national interests and endangering Kuwait's relations with Saudi Arabia.
Although the ministry of information claimed that freedom of opinion was ensured to everyone as per Kuwaiti constitution and laws regulating mass media, according to ministry of information.
The impulsive conviction of Nasser Abul by the local court breach Kuwait's international obligation to uphold freedom of expression as guaranteed in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) to which Kuwait is a state party.
I want to recall your memories on February 2011the pro-reform protests began in Bahrain that leads to the arrests of at least 500 people and four people have died in custody in suspicious circumstances. I hope you do remember that on 12 June a member of the Bahraini ruling family, Sheikh Abdullah Mohammad bin Ahmad Al-Fatih Al-Khalifa, announced that he will be suing Nasser Abul, for slandering and defaming his family.
Human Rights Watch reviewed the postings on Abul's account, which express support for the anti-government demonstrators in Bahrain and sharp criticism of the Bahraini and Saudi governments and ultra-conservative Islamist ideology. Some messages used derogatory or profane language about Bahrain's ruling Al Khalifa family, but none expressed any support for violence.
This is not an isolated case, Lawrence al-Rashidi was also arrested on June based on a YouTube video. Lawrence al-Rashidi in a YouTube video called you to step down, according to rashdi you were violating Kuwaitis' rights, and he predicts that you will be removed from power based upon events in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and Yemen.
Kuwait jailed a blogger, Mohammad al-Jassim, in May and June 2010, after he criticized the country's prime minister. Al-Jassim appealed charges against him and was subsequently acquitted.
I want to remind you as a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Kuwait is bound by article 19(2) of that covenant, which states: "Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice." Article 36 of Kuwait's constitution protects freedom of speech and opinion, stating that: "Every person has the right to express and propagate his opinion verbally, in writing, or otherwise, in accordance with the conditions and procedures specified by law."
The government should decisively reject criminal prosecution for mere speech and stop expanding repression into the realm of social networking sites.
I urge you to take immediate action to release Nasser Abul and Lawrence al-Rashidi.
I trust that you will take immediate action into this matter.
Yours sincerely,
William Nicholas Gomes
Journalist and Human Rights Activist
Skype: William.gomes9
Face book:
Links: Release prisoner of conscience Nasser Abul and Lawrence al-Rashidi Immediately
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The Gullible, Naive Right Wing
The Gullible, Naive Right Wing
Tom Woods
Well, at least the phony neoconservative variety. In his book Washington Rules, Andrew Bacevich, with me a contributing editor of The American Conservative, puts his finger on Americans' (though especially neocons') eagerness to embrace fantasy and propaganda when it comes to foreign affairs:
- As a boy growing up in the Midwest during the early years of the Cold War, I developed a clear understanding of what differentiated Americans from their communist adversaries. Simply put, we were pragmatists and they were ideologues. On our side flexibility and common sense prevailed; whatever worked, we were for it. In contrast, the people on the other side were rigid and dogmatic; bombast and posturing mattered more than results. The newsreels of the time told the tale: Communist leaders barked ridiculous demands; the docile masses chanted prescribed slogans. It was impossible to imagine Americans tolerating such nonsense.
- However belatedly, learning has overturned these youthful impressions. "Whatever works" no longer seems to guide everyday American behavior, if it ever did. Americans view it as their birthright that reality should satisfy desire. Forget e pluribus unum. "Whatever I want" has become the operative national motto. In the meantime, when it comes to politics, Americans do put up with nonsense. Week in and week out, members of a jaded governing class, purporting to speak for "the American people," mouth tired cliches that would have caused members of the Soviet Politburo to blush with embarrassment….
- The world -- we are incessantly told -- is becoming ever smaller, more complex, and more dangerous. Therefore, it becomes necessary for the nation to intensify the efforts undertaken to "keep America safe," while also, of course, advancing the cause of world peace. Achieving these aims -- it is said -- requires the United States to funnel ever greater sums of money to the Pentagon to develop new means of projecting power, and to hold itself in readiness for new expeditions deemed essential to pacify (or liberate) some dark and troubled quarter of the globe….
- At a deeper level [than merely monetary costs], the costs of adhering to the Washington consensus defy measurement: families shattered by loss; veterans bearing the physical or psychological scars of combat, the perpetuation of ponderous bureaucracies subsisting in a climate of secrecy, dissembling, and outright deception; the distortion of national priorities as the military-industrial complex siphons off scarce resources; environmental devastation produced as a by-product of war and the preparation for war; the evisceration of civic culture that results when a small praetorian guard shoulders the burden of waging perpetual war, while the great majority of citizens purport to revere its members, even as they ignore or profit from their service.
Re: Herman Cain wins straw poll in Florida
the rest of the gop field.
Go Ron Paul!!!
On Sep 24, 4:47 pm, Travis <> wrote:
> Perry 2nd.
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Re: Terrorist Front Group CAIR demands apology from California Councilman who named his dog Muhammad
promotes a racist agenda and puts the US and it's citizens in danger
you're either an American or something else
On Sep 25, 1:16 pm, Travis <> wrote:
> I would love to have two dogs named Aller and MoHAMhead.
> **
> <>
> Terrorist Front Group CAIR demands apology from California Councilman
> who named his dog
> Muhammad<>
> *barenakedislam <>
> * | September 24, 2011 at 3:57 PM | Categories: CAIR
> Nazis<>| URL:
> Apparently, Bill O'dhimmi'Reilly agrees. Sheeeeeesh! ORIGINAL STORY:
> liberal-dhimmi-councilman-has-his-panties-in-a-wad-because-a-colleague-dared-to-say-he-named-his-dog-muhammad
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Re: Fwd: News from The Hill: GOP to sink its teeth deeper into Solyndra and White House
California-based Solyndra.
BO pushed the loan and our politicians voted on it, only to find that
the business plan was a failure.
Coal and Oil rule!!!
On Sep 26, 4:24 am, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> Having trouble viewing this email? Click here
> <>
> News from The Hill:
> * GOP to sink its teeth deeper into Solyndra and White House *
> * By Andrew Restuccia *
> House Republicans have sunk their teeth into the bankruptcy of an Obama
> administration-backed solar firm, and they made it clear this week that
> they're not letting go.
> Unlike other GOP-led probes of the White House that quickly faded away,
> Republicans are vowing to intensify their investigation into the
> California-based Solyndra.
> Read the complete story
> here.<>
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Re: Biggest Losers in Palestine Veto? The American People
calls for its destruction.
that's israel's problem ... not ours
the US interventionist policy must end
On Sep 26, 7:50 am, GregfromBoston <> wrote:
> The UN CREATED Israel. Truman and Stalin jumped on board, and that
> was that.
> Not only does "Palestine" refuse to recognize Israel, their charter
> calls for its destruction.
> Good veto
> On Sep 24, 12:14 pm, Keith In Köln <> wrote:
> > By the same token, Israel is against the United Nations acknowledging
> > Palestine as a Nation-State....Uhm....The same mechanism that Israel was
> > acknowledged.
> > On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 4:18 PM, GregfromBoston <>wrote:
> > > So much for republicans being the Zionistas, eh? Maybe Rahm should
> > > have been a clue.
> > > "Palestine", wants to be recognized as a state, while refusing to
> > > recognize Israel as a state. Okey dokey.
> > > Bravo Mr President
> > > On Sep 24, 5:51 am, Moe <> wrote:
> > > > The biggest threat is the undermining of the representatives in the
> > > > Congress when it comes to decisions that affect the policies of the
> > > > United States. I was surprised to see a clip with Wolf Blitzer and
> > > > Netanyahu discussing the fact that during the speech of Netanyahu
> > > > before the Congress various Israeli politicians were sitting together
> > > > with American representatives to influence their voting. Blitzer asked
> > > > Netanyahu if this was correct and how would an Israeli react if Joe
> > > > Walsh sat in the parliament of Israel to assure that Israel walk the
> > > > line to American interest. Netanyahu said in a joking manner that he
> > > > has no control over the politicians in Israel. Netanyahu has gone so
> > > > far as to threaten various politicians about their re-election if they
> > > > did not pull the Israeli line. It is clear to everyone who can think,
> > > > Israel can do what it wants to disrupt the balance in the region. For
> > > > any mistake made then the USA will be called to bail Israel out. This
> > > > means US Taxpayers and members of the US Armed Forces will pay the
> > > > bill. This payment will be in the form of taxpayer's money and lives.
> > > > United States pays Israel 3.5 Billion Dollars per year in support.
> > > > They pay Palestine 500 million dollars a year. America does not have
> > > > this money. We should be investing in the USA. Look at the increased
> > > > costs due to securing the American interests on a worldwide basis.
> > > > American taxpayers cover the increased costs and the host countries
> > > > pay their part. After Obama took office, USA has reduced threats. Due
> > > > to recent actions by Israel, the threat level has increased for all of
> > > > America´s allies in addition to that of the US.
> > > > Israel is looking at Iran. Israel might take action to destroy these
> > > > plants. They have asked or oppressed the US for F-18s and the armament
> > > > to destroy the nuclear plants in Iran. Israel has received addition
> > > > armaments and cooperation from the United States to the level where
> > > > the interest of the United States are in question. Look at the case of
> > > > F-15 plans that Israel received from the United States. After USA
> > > > terminated the project, Israel then sold the plans to China. China
> > > > then had a great technological leap forward with their efforts to gain
> > > > American military expertise. Look at the spying cases of Jewish
> > > > Americans and the attempts to free the convicted individuals by
> > > > putting pressure on Congress members.
> > > > If you look at the Israeli population in Israel, 800.000 of their
> > > > register citizens are living in the United States. How many of
> > > > Israel's citizens are living else where due to the daily risk. The
> > > > amount of money made is tremendous for selling homes to Israelis in
> > > > who have USA, as their first address. Another case is the cheaper
> > > > access to the American market for medical devices and software
> > > > products. This costs the average American not only his job but also
> > > > increase taxes for services he is not getting. What is it costing us
> > > > for a government that has more interest in appeasing Israel and not
> > > > supporting the infrastructure of the United States? How many American
> > > > lives will be spend for any of the foolish steps that Israel might
> > > > take in the region? What are the additional costs to Europe and the
> > > > United States due to the Israeli failed action with the Turkish aid
> > > > ships? What is the cost of an American Congress that is more
> > > > interested in supporting Israel's follies than that of support the
> > > > interests of the American people?
> > > > On Sep 23, 2:26 pm, MJ <> wrote:
> > > > > Biggest Losers in Palestine Veto? The American PeoplebyPhilip Giraldi,
> > > September 22, 2011
> > > > > If the Palestinian application for United Nations full membership
> > > actually takes place Friday and the United States uses its Security Council
> > > veto to stop the process, it will be the final step in a predictable and
> > > preventable tragedy playing out. Some are arguing that Washington might
> > > actually abstain, thereby gaining considerable favorable sentiment from much
> > > of the world and also sending a signal to Israel that there are limits to
> > > the bilateral relationship. But it is far more likely that President Barack
> > > Obama, who has stated over and over that he will protect Israel in
> > > international forums, will not flinch when he calls on Susan Rice to cast
> > > the fatal vote. Any expectation that the president might hesitate either
> > > because it is the right thing to do or because it benefits the United States
> > > is fanciful, particularly with a presidential election looming in 2012.
> > > > > Washington's attempts to "mediate" the situation have really been
> > > limited to pressuring the Palestinians to back off. Sending National
> > > Security Council officialDennis Ross, "Israel's lawyer," to Ramallah to talk
> > > around the Palestinian leadership should, if anything, indicate to the
> > > Palestinians that Washington is, as it always has been, firmly in the
> > > Israeli corner. So let us assume that Palestine will feel compelled to seek
> > > full U.N. membership as the world's 194th nation and that Washington will
> > > then veto the application. The first question then has to be whether the
> > > entire process had any meaning at all or it was just kabuki, a stylized show
> > > played out to an appreciative audience with a predictable ending. The short
> > > answer is that the Palestinians will certainly be on the losing end as they
> > > have been for more than 60 years but the real losers will be the United
> > > States and Israel.
> > > > > The mainstream media has echoed Israeli and American arguments that
> > > Palestinian statehood is meaningless without a negotiated settlement of
> > > issues on the ground. But Israel has made it clear that it has no desire to
> > > negotiate anything while it continues to occupy the West Bank, so the
> > > Palestinian choice is to accept the status quo, in which it is powerless and
> > > voiceless, or attempt to line up the international community more solidly
> > > behind it and shift the playing field.
> > > > > Israel has been working hard to stop the process, or, at worst, to
> > > mitigate its impact by having a number of important nations, mostly in
> > > Europe, either abstain on the vote or vote no. Prime Minister Benjamin
> > > Netanyahu made a glad-handtourof European capitals earlier this year with
> > > that express purpose, and he received positive signals from the Italians,
> > > the Dutch, the Poles, and the Germans, though it is by no means clear how
> > > they will vote. It was for Israel a top national priority, which it has
> > > conveyed clearly to its friends in the United States.
> > > > > Washington, at the urging of Israel, also joined in the effort,
> > > starting withwarningslate last year to Latin American nations that
> > > recognizing Palestine as a state would be "unacceptable." More recently, the
> > > State Department and the White House have repeatedly expressed their desire
> > > that the Palestinians shelve their plans to seek a U.N. seat, and they have
> > > been assiduously working both in front of the TV cameras in New York and
> > > Washington and behind the scenes to convince the Palestinian leadership to
> > > cease and desist. The dialogue has been given some teeth by Congress, which
> > > is determined tocut all aidto Palestine if the U.N. action goes through. One
> > > congressmen, Joe Walsh of Illinois, is preparing amotionthat will provide
> > > congressional support for an Israeli annexation of much of the West Bank if
> > > the Palestinians proceed. Walsh describes Palestinian statehood as
> > > "absolutely outrageous."
> > > > > So Israel sees the Palestinian plan as a major threat and the United
> > > States appears to be on board, but many would reasonably observe that Israel
> > > often cries wolf and greatly exaggerates what it perceives as threats
> > > against it. Is that true in this case, making it just another instance where
> > > Tel Aviv is adopting an extreme position in hopes that Washington will
> > > deliver the goods? It may not be. Israel sees danger precisely because the
> > > Palestinian bid will do a couple of things that call into question some
> > > significant aspects of the status quo. First of all, since it will certainly
> > > pass with a huge majority in the General Assembly if the Palestinians opt to
> > > go that route, it will provide overwhelming international confirmation of
> > > Palestinian rights with the U.S. and Israel standing on the wrong side on
> > > the issue. It will also severely undermine Israel's moral position, such as
> > > it is, and emphasize the illegality of the Israeli occupation of parts of
> > > the West Bank. The process is already illegal in the eyes of the rest of the
> > > world, including the United States, but it will be even less tenable if a
> > > convincing majority of the
> ...
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Re: Biggest Losers in Palestine Veto? The American People
concessions before,
their country ... their problem
the US should stay out of their affairs
On Sep 23, 3:20 pm, THE ANNOINTED ONE <> wrote:
> Like any nation, Israeli demands are few.... (they made all these
> concessions before, only to be turned down and bombed) they demand to
> be recognized as legal by the new neighbor and to have
> recognized inviolable borders negotiated directly with the
> Palestinians, the people that are to be those neighbors... It is
> Palestine that refuses and sets up missile sites in schools and
> hospitals.
> On Sep 23, 10:41 am, plainolamerican <>
> wrote:
> > we all know why some DC politicians side with israel
> > what we can't do is make them change their vote
> > they must be replaced asap by any means necessary
> > On Sep 23, 7:26 am, MJ <> wrote:
> > > Biggest Losers in Palestine Veto? The American PeoplebyPhilip Giraldi, September 22, 2011
> > > If the Palestinian application for United Nations full membership actually takes place Friday and the United States uses its Security Council veto to stop the process, it will be the final step in a predictable and preventable tragedy playing out. Some are arguing that Washington might actually abstain, thereby gaining considerable favorable sentiment from much of the world and also sending a signal to Israel that there are limits to the bilateral relationship. But it is far more likely that President Barack Obama, who has stated over and over that he will protect Israel in international forums, will not flinch when he calls on Susan Rice to cast the fatal vote. Any expectation that the president might hesitate either because it is the right thing to do or because it benefits the United States is fanciful, particularly with a presidential election looming in 2012.
> > > Washington's attempts to "mediate" the situation have really been limited to pressuring the Palestinians to back off. Sending National Security Council officialDennis Ross, "Israel's lawyer," to Ramallah to talk around the Palestinian leadership should, if anything, indicate to the Palestinians that Washington is, as it always has been, firmly in the Israeli corner. So let us assume that Palestine will feel compelled to seek full U.N. membership as the world's 194th nation and that Washington will then veto the application. The first question then has to be whether the entire process had any meaning at all or it was just kabuki, a stylized show played out to an appreciative audience with a predictable ending. The short answer is that the Palestinians will certainly be on the losing end as they have been for more than 60 years but the real losers will be the United States and Israel.
> > > The mainstream media has echoed Israeli and American arguments that Palestinian statehood is meaningless without a negotiated settlement of issues on the ground. But Israel has made it clear that it has no desire to negotiate anything while it continues to occupy the West Bank, so the Palestinian choice is to accept the status quo, in which it is powerless and voiceless, or attempt to line up the international community more solidly behind it and shift the playing field.
> > > Israel has been working hard to stop the process, or, at worst, to mitigate its impact by having a number of important nations, mostly in Europe, either abstain on the vote or vote no. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a glad-handtourof European capitals earlier this year with that express purpose, and he received positive signals from the Italians, the Dutch, the Poles, and the Germans, though it is by no means clear how they will vote. It was for Israel a top national priority, which it has conveyed clearly to its friends in the United States.
> > > Washington, at the urging of Israel, also joined in the effort, starting withwarningslate last year to Latin American nations that recognizing Palestine as a state would be "unacceptable." More recently, the State Department and the White House have repeatedly expressed their desire that the Palestinians shelve their plans to seek a U.N. seat, and they have been assiduously working both in front of the TV cameras in New York and Washington and behind the scenes to convince the Palestinian leadership to cease and desist. The dialogue has been given some teeth by Congress, which is determined tocut all aidto Palestine if the U.N. action goes through. One congressmen, Joe Walsh of Illinois, is preparing amotionthat will provide congressional support for an Israeli annexation of much of the West Bank if the Palestinians proceed. Walsh describes Palestinian statehood as "absolutely outrageous."
> > > So Israel sees the Palestinian plan as a major threat and the United States appears to be on board, but many would reasonably observe that Israel often cries wolf and greatly exaggerates what it perceives as threats against it. Is that true in this case, making it just another instance where Tel Aviv is adopting an extreme position in hopes that Washington will deliver the goods? It may not be. Israel sees danger precisely because the Palestinian bid will do a couple of things that call into question some significant aspects of the status quo. First of all, since it will certainly pass with a huge majority in the General Assembly if the Palestinians opt to go that route, it will provide overwhelming international confirmation of Palestinian rights with the U.S. and Israel standing on the wrong side on the issue. It will also severely undermine Israel's moral position, such as it is, and emphasize the illegality of the Israeli occupation of parts of the West Bank. The process is already illegal in the eyes of the rest of the world, including the United States, but it will be even less tenable if a convincing majority of the world's countries recognize Palestine as a state with defined borders and a national identity.
> > > Second, recognition of statehood carries with it recognition that the state exists within defined space, in this case the 1967 borders. This has enormous significance because those borders include many areas being colonized by the Israelis, as well as East Jerusalem. It means that any Israeli settlement that is on the other side of that border is considered completely illegal and that Israel is therefore a rogue state that is occupying and settling lands belonging to a neighboring state 44 years after the cessation of hostilities. Even theNew York Timesin anarticleon Sept. 10 regarding the recent unrest in Egypt, noting that Islamic groups were not involved, conceded that criticism of Israel has a basis in the widespread popular perception that "Muslims, Arabs, and indeed many around the globe believe Israel is unjustly occupying Palestinian territories, and they are furious at Israel for it." The rejection of Palestinian statehood and the debate surrounding it will only heighten that sentiment.
> > > If the Palestinians are in the United Nations as a full member or even with limited rights, they will have access to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, where they can take legal steps against Israel and against individual Israelis. Even though Israel doesn't recognize the legitimacy of the court, when it reaches the point where no senior Israeli government official, present or retired, can travel without concern over being arrested, it will have a major impact on how Israel sees itself and how the rest of the world sees Israel. The clear depiction of Israel as an occupying power in violation of the Geneva Conventions, to which most of the world's nations are signatories, would also fuel the Israel divestment campaign, which is another major concern of the Israeli government, and also legitimately so, as it could have a serious impact on the Israeli economy.
> > > The Palestinians would also have recourse to other United Nations bodies. They would, for example, be able to appeal to UNESCO to stop the Israeli demolition of Muslim and Arab historical sites and the renaming of villages and other landmarks, a considerable benefit.
> > > So Israel is right in understanding that the U.N. entry could have a profound impact, but the United States would hardly escape collateral damage from its veto and could turn out to be the biggest loser. Policymakers in Washington like Joe Walsh forget Newton's Third Law of Motion, though that assumes that they have ever heard of Newton. Newton said that every action produces an equal and opposite reaction. It is true in international relations just as it is true in physics, only in the real world it has come to be known as blowback.
> > > What would be the possible blowback from an American veto? John Whitbeck has correctlydescribedthe veto by Washington as a "shotgun blast in both of its own feet." The United States is already perceived negatively in every Arab nation except Kuwait. It is seen as on one hand supporting liberalization and democratization of some Arab governments while at the same time suppressing fundamental rights in places like Palestine. Worse still, if Washington cuts aid to the Palestinians because of their going to the U.N., it will be widely perceived as ade factopartner and enabler of the occupation of the West Bank.
> > > The unfortunately well-deserved perception of blatant hypocrisy will alienate emerging "Arab spring" regimes even more from Washington and will almost certainly lead to anti-American violence, possibly extreme, in places like Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turkey. American goods and services will, as a consequence, undoubtedly become less welcome in many parts of the world, while the U.S. veto will inevitably provide a recruiting bonanza for groups that use terror, including al-Qaeda.
> > > And it could make every American traveler less safe when he or she goes abroad, while American soldiers stationed in foreign lands will inevitably become targets of militants, inspired by yet another example of Washington's hypocrisy. Vice PresidentJoe Bidenand Gen.David Petraeushad it exactly right when they
> ...
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Re: Federal Policy on “Illegals” Arbitrary, Bewildering
illegal alien/criminals are subject to our immigration laws ...
regardless of their universal or natural righs
On Sep 26, 8:10 am, MJ <> wrote:
> Federal Policy on "Illegals" Arbitrary, Bewildering"The government said it plans to reconsider the status of 300,000 illegal residents under the new guidelines, including many who already received deportation orders. But sometimes in Washington, a solution isn't necessarily a fix. Even with the guidelines in place, there is no way for illegal immigrants to apply for review, and the government has yet to announce which cases will be reevaluated, when, and by whom. The new guidelines are not a law or a bill or even a policy; they are a suggestion that will be interpreted day by day, case by case." (Washington Post)They are human beings with alienable natural rights!The Goal Is FreedomNatural, Not National, RightsSheldon Richman
> Posted September 26, 2011
> Somewhere in my reading about immigration, someone made the deceptively simple point that it's not immigrationwe should be talking about butmigration. That's another way of saying the focus has been on us, when it should be on the people coming to the United States. The discussion has proceeded as iftheyhave no rights in the matter butwedo. We will let them come here if and only if we have a use for them. And we doesn't refer to a group of free individuals, but rather to a collectiveBorg-likeentity with rights superior to any held by its constituents. The collectivist, and therefore statist, nature of the discussion indicates how far we've drifted from our individualist and voluntarist moorings.
> You can see what I mean in most of the commentary about what is prejudicially called the immigration problem. By that I don't mean such real dangers as migrant-exploitation and migrant-smuggling, which are products not of thelackof border control but precisely the opposite. No one would choose to cross the border at a cost of thousands of dollars and squeezed into a gas tank if he could walk or take a bus.
> No, the problem that we presumably must solve is that too many of the wrong kind of people are coming here. Neoconservative columnistCharles Krauthammer writes, for instance, Do liberals [he means Democrats] believe that the number, social class, education level, background and country of origin of immigrants the kinds of decisions every democratic country makes for itself -- should be taken out of the hands of the American citizenry and left to the immigrants themselves and, in particular, to those most willing to break the very immigration regulations the American people have decided upon democratically?
> I'm sure Krauthammer doesn't think of himself as a collectivist, but could his question be more saturated with collectivism? What does he mean when he says a democratic country should decide what kind of people may move to the United States? An abstraction, such as a country, doesn't make decisions. It requires prodigious evasion to take the self-serving, log-rolling, rent-seeking, voter-pandering, incumbent-protecting activities of a gaggle of legislators, who don't even read the bills they vote on, for the decision-making of The Country. Considering the long and winding road from an election of a congressman to the passage of an immigration bill, it's laughable to claim that the decision over who may enter the country lies in the hands of the American citizenry. Textbook political cliches can't change the facts.
> Krauthammer goes on: There are tens of millions of people who want to leave their homes and come to America. We essentially have an NFL draft in which the United States has the first, oh, million or so draft picks. Rather than exercising those picks, i.e., choosing by whatever criteria we want -- such as education, enterprise, technical skills and creativity -- we admit the tiniest fraction of the best and brightest and permit millions of the unskilled to pour in instead.
> Imagine that. We're giving up a golden opportunity to engineer the composition of our society. It's this sort of thinking that attracted many respectable people toeugenicsin the early twentieth century. Krauthammer presumably would oppose central planning in other respects. But he's all for centrally planning the migrant component of the U.S. population. It's hard to see how centralized decision-making is bad in most matters but good in this one.Bad Rights Drive Out GoodThe synthetic right of The Country or Citizenry to decide who comes here nullifies the real, natural rights of flesh-and-blood individuals -- those very rights that we believe set us apart from the rest of the world. Judging by the discussion, migrants have no rights to speak of; the Bush administration even demands that the Mexican government block its people from leaving Mexico. Forbidden entry requires forbidden exit. An American whose land borders Mexico apparently isn't entitled to think of that boundary as his border and to invite people from the other side to live or work on his property. Instead, it's our border, with our including people thousands of miles away. Then there's the popular view that if migrants couldn't find jobs here, they wouldn't come. Thus the Lou Dobbses of the country want to imprison employers who have the gall to hire migrants not in possession of tamper-proof government papers. So much for freedom of association and contract. So much for free and private enterprise.
> Americans, we apparently are in need of reminding, are not the only people with rights, which are universal and natural, not national. As Robert Higgs says, [T]he Bill of Rights makes no mention of anyone's citizenship status. (FEE has been saying this from the beginning. SeeThe Freedom to Move,1951, by Oscar W. Cooley and Paul L. Poirot.)
> And a country is not a country club. What separates a true liberal from everyone else is his or her belief that freedom is not a luxury for some, to be enjoyed only when they approve of the outcome, but a necessity for individual human flourishing.
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