Wednesday, August 18, 2010

**JP** mojza HAZRAT MUHAMMAD(PBUH) video

**JP** Army Chief and Mir Zafar ullah Jamali


**JP** Same protocol in flood too

**JP** flood in Pakistan video


**JP** FREE JOBS ALERTS (18-08-2010) |

Supply Chain Improvement Manager jobs in USA


Lead Technology Architect jobs in USA


Planning Engineer jobs in USA


NOC Manager jobs in kuwait


Telecom Product Manager jobs in Dubai


Medial Staff jobs in Riyadh Saudi Arabia


Senior Account Executive jobs in Singapore


Project Manager jobs in Argentina


Inside Pre Sales jobs in Ireland


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**JP** Pakistani Youth Participating in Flood Relief Activities


Pakistani Youth Participating in Flood Relief Activities

he situation in our country makes us cry. Huge disaster of floods, unstopped rains, poverty, unstable financial conditions of business, corrupt and untrusted politicians and selfishness of Pakistani rich people. Allah is angry or our poor management caused these troubles, in any case the crises are sad. Worst situation is donations are also not like before from both international community and Pakistanis living abroad. Still there are some signs of hope, a few Pakistani Youth organizations doing good.

These organization were originally mentioned by

Pakistan Youth Alliancepakistan-youth-alliance

Pakistan Youth Alliance has been amazingly reaching out to the far flung areas, even those areas where no official relief has reached yet. The very trusted source which is bound to make the best use of your donations. Everything is transparent and crystal clear.

The guys have been fearlessly active in the relief work even though their recent relief convoy to Rajanpur was attacked by the looters. I myself happen to be a part of PYA as I provide them the web/social media support as much as I can.

Methods of donating to PYA:

Contact Syed Ali Abbas Zaidi, the chairman of PYA and pledge your contribution now. You can reach him using the
Email address:
Phone number: 0092-333-4532030

Future Leaders of Pakistan

Future-Leaders-of-PakistanFLP (Future Leaders of Pakistan) is another aspiring youth organization that is dedicated to the community service for the betterment of Pakistan. The guys over there have really worked hard to make relief deliveries to many areas including Charsadda, Nowshera, Swat and are now making efforts for the relief of the affected areas of Sindh and Punjab too. I also happened to volunteer in their relief trip to Swat and things were quite transparent. So a good and trusted channel to donate.

Ways to donate through FLP:

Usama Khilji 0092 332 513 3506
Zain Saadullah Khan 0092 345 856 2843
Atif Siddique 0092 333 555 2843
Waleed Riaz 0092 334 517 4577

Zimmedar Shehri

Zimmedar-ShehriZimmedar Shehri is also a trusted youth organization which has been actively participating in the efforts of betterment of the society. They actively took part to help the Swat IDPs during the military operation last year.

Contact them to pledge your donations:

Jalal Hussain: 0092 300 8429013 (
Murtaza Khwaja: 0092 333 4664373 (
Usama Mehmood: 0092 321 4558611 (
Shoaib Ahmed: 0092 321 9439787 (
Mubin Kumail: 0092 331 4503309

Pakistan Youth Renaissance

Pakistan-Youth-RenaissancePYR(Pakistan Youth Renaissance) is the brain child of Farhan Masood, the CEO of Solosmart. PYR's also been helping the flood victims and has been creating immense awareness. They have recently launched anonline donations portal through which you can donate online to them. Also, you can contact them at

Don't wait, start contributing immediately. Bloggers and Netizens, please help spread the word. I, Farhan Janjua, the founder of NAMP(Netizens' Action Movement) will continue updating this list and coordination with more of such youth organizations. Stay tuned!

More related to this at my blog

Best Regards

Yasir Imran Mirza

English Blog | Urdu Blog | Linkedin Profile | Onooz Profile | YouTube Channel | Flickr Photostream | Follow me Twitter
Please verify the truth yourself.Don't always trust the information shared on the internet. 

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**JP** There Is No 'Ground Zero Mosque' - 08/16/10

Keith Olbermann Special Comment: There Is No 'Ground Zero Mosque' - 08/16/10

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                                                          HISTORIC PIC

**JP** sr network engineer



              This is anshu from gtechnlgiesinc

Position : Sr Network Engineer

Location : NYC

Duration : 6months


This is a Senior Network Engineer position. The candidate will need to: Act in the capacity of a senior network engineer working on tasks, incidents, projects throughout the  datacenter networks per approved change window and architectural guidelines. The engineer will work on various network hardware/software such as Cisco and Nortel routers/switches, Cisco and Checkpoint firewalls and management servers, F5/Cisco load balancers, DNS UNIX servers/appliances. The engineer will work to ensure that network devices are implemented, maintained and highly available as deployed for the business' applications.  The engineer will configure and troubleshoot the network that supports connectivity to the business' applications. The engineer will produce detailed implementation instructions or carry out required changes to complete tasks/projects, resolve incidents/problems, and for changes/improvements requested by management and the architecture teams.  The engineer is required to update/maintain all documentation requested by management and will be tasked with improving such documentation as required. The engineer will participate in an on-call rotation schedule.


Essential Day-to-Day Responsibilities:


-- Configure and support the datacenter environment consisting of Cisco routers, switches, Cisco (PIX,ASA,FWSM)/Checkpoint firewalls, F5  GTM/LTM, Cisco load balancers (ACE module and appliance), UNIX and Infoblox appliance based DNS servers while staying within all architectural guidelines and Change Management procedures.

-- Coordinate upgrades and changes with business entities and other technology infrastructure groups.

-- Be detail oriented and produce regular documentation to effectively manage the datacenter environment.

-- Opening work tickets and providing support with production outages, assisting with product migrations/installations as the business requires.

-- Responsible for gathering/coordinating resources from other technology teams when necessary to complete project deadlines.

-- Review project specifications and make design/implementation recommendations for improvements.

-- Follow through on assigned project tasks and consultations/conference calls.

-- Monitor the incident queue and take ownership of issues needing resolution.

-- Please Note:  Required to be "on call" On call defined as following: Probably once every 5 weeks on *average*. Sometimes it could mean just being available a particular day to deal with an implementation going on . Just having your phone ready to pick up sometimes when a project is getting critical after hours…things like that.




College degree in a technical (engineering/science/mathematics) field

• 5 - 7 yrs experience as a Network Engineer using Cisco technology, must include 3+ yrs experience in Web-Hosting environment and minimum 1 year using F5 LTM/GTM and Cisco Ace technologies

• Analytical and detail oriented.

• Excellent written and verbal communications.

• Independent-thinker and self-starter, who still can work well within team environment.

• Have a thorough knowledge of F5 (LTM,GTM) and Cisco (ACE) load balancing in a geographically dispersed environment.

• Have senior/expert knowledge of Cisco routers, switches, firewalls; EIGRP/BGP/VRF routing concepts, IP/ARP/MAC/Spanning-tree issues and configurations, troubleshooting VLAN or physical connectivity for servers and other devices, troubleshooting Cisco access-list, NAT issues.

• Have thorough knowledge of TCP/IP protocols, flags and be able to troubleshoot connectivity issues using Wireshark/Tcpdump/snoop.

• Have thorough knowledge of DNS, SSL certificate, Cookies, HTTP protocol issues, HTTP compression, F5 IRULE usage.

• Able to use network management tools and systems such as OPNET, Ciscoworks, HP-NA(Opsware), Sevone, Netflow, etc...


Cisco and F5 certification a plus



Thanks and Regard'
IT Recruiter
G technologies
4340 Stevens Creek Blvd
San Jose , CA 95129
Office: 408-414-2032 Ext: 204
Fax: 408-716-8873

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**JP** 9....



**JP** 0...10


**JP** 8....


Re: **JP** Praise to MUSHARRAF for free Media

Total stupidity by Riaz Ch.
If you count the poor decisions made by Musharaf against such economic developments you will find that it will take another 20 years to eridicate its after effects.
Musharaf has really destroyed our beautiful Pakistan in order to prolong his rule.
Musharaf should be brought to jutice for killing so many innocent people and involving in so called war on terror.
Shame for MUSHARAF lovers.

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 8:51 PM, chaudry <> wrote:

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Well Wisher!
Ihsan ur Rehman
+92 300 6452830
+92 333 8176956

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**JP** I am observing fast

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**JP** How the US created al Qaeda

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**JP** No comments

                                                                    NO COMMENTS

**JP** UNO & Flood situation

                                       Ya Allah Pak help us and forgive our sins.  Aamin.

**JP** lhe news 17/8/2010




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Are we proud of this head lines in the London News paper.

 Sub.Where it hurts the MOST... 
 Daily Mail - UK





It is requested to the Nation, to help Flood Victims.
As it is more than Tsunami and Earth Quake.
The priority of goods is as follows:
Mineral Waters
Dry Foods
Medicines (anti allergy, Cough, Fever, Flu, injury wounds recovery etc)
And some other items.
Male Volunteers should come freely and work with their full efforts.
Female Volunteers contact:
Maj. Anas Cell: 0346-3279336
Phone: +92-21-9547645
Collections of Funds, Goods, Packets, Raashan (Pulses, Rice, flour etc) are also carried out over here.
It is to advice you that run a campaign over in your area, society, apartment, block, and lane or with some neighbors and then collects goods, funds then come over here submit it and work with us.
Youngster may also come to work only regardless collections.

**JP** Fw: Air Blue Facts and Crash Mystery Resolved?...!!!

----- Original Message -----
To: Undisclosed recipients
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 6:58 AM
Subject: FW: Air Blue Facts and Crash Mystery Resolved?...!!!

Air Blue Facts


Crash Mystery Resolved‏...

**JP** URDU COLUMNS 18.8.10

Assalam o Alaikum warahmatullah,
Plz arrange to forward the Editorial to your friends and family members..... .
Best Wishes...
If any person is not interested to receive my mails plz ask me to discontinue

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Re: **JP** FW: ye hain mustqbil k leaders ????

So Mr. Aijaz Ali,
What is correct information???

On 18 August 2010 13:57, Aijaz Ali <> wrote:
It is wrong information

On 8/18/10, Rashid Ahmed <> wrote:


From: [] On Behalf Of Nadeem Ahmed
Sent: 17 August 2010 10:52
Subject: [Pindi-Islamabad:53877] ye hain mustqbil k leaders ????



zardari ne joota khanay k baad england main kaha k mustaqbil k leaders asifa , bilawal aur bukhtawar hain , faisla ap khud karain k aesay hotay hain leaders ??


fwd it to ask from your friends too.



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aijaz memon

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M. Jamshaid Zafar
QA/QC Engineer

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