Friday, August 26, 2011
Granny Jan and Jihad Kitty: All Hail, Dear Leader's Feet on the Furniture
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Not exactly a Barbie Doll...
Not exactly a Barbie Doll...dcgere | August 24, 2011 at 5:55 pm | Tags: Herman Cain, Janeane Garofalo | Categories: Culture War, Idiots In General, Race | URL: |
Remember Janeane Garofalo's racist rant on Herman Cain? This was part of what she said:
Garofalo also said successful businessman Herman Cain is either being paid to run or is suffering from Stockholm syndrome because he is a "person of color" running as a Republican in the party's presidential primary.
Well, now you can have a doll of her likeness! Would make a good chew toy for your dog! Hopefully the thing doesn't actually speak...
h/t Big Government
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Illegal Aliens Kill more Americans than the Afghan War
Anyone remember when libiot icon and complete moron, Jimmy Carter, "compassionately" allowed the Cuban immigration wave? Castro emptied his prisons and asylums and got rid of his most poor and least educated and crime in South Florida skyrocketed. But, as per usual, there was no compassion for hardworking, law abiding native Americans.
Since socialism will never work effectively (it breeds mediocrity rather than excellence) and Mexico is totally corrupt, we've been seeing a steady repeat of the Cuban debacle. There are hardworking, good Cubans and Mexicans. However, what we're getting (with the help and support of the Mexican military) is a flood of Mexico's poorest, least educated and potentially most disease ridden segment of their society. Socialist handouts can't support them. They cause the greatest drain on the system (with no incentive to improve). So we are flooded with that drain and Mexico has fewer mouths to feed. Nor can our now largely socialist system support them. Then add the criminial element. And, of course, those who break our border LAWS, are equally likely to have no respect for any other laws (e.g. shoplifting, larceny, drug trafficing, human trafficing, et al). Americans are typically arrogant. And our "empire" will arrogantly implode as surely as the arrogant Roman one did.
Illegal aliens kill more Americans
- Posted by Judson Phillips on August 25, 2011
Illegal aliens continue to kill more Americans than Al Qaeda does in Afghanistan.
This week two families are mourning the killing of their children by illegal aliens.
First, a family in Massachusetts is mourning the death of their son, a recent college graduate, at the hands of an illegal alien.
From Fox News:
An illegal immigrant who allegedly killed a 23-year-old Massachusetts man in a hit-and-run accident Saturday is being held on $100,000 cash bail, the Milford Daily News reports.
Nicolas D. Guaman, 34, of Milford, Mass., was arrested Saturday after his vehicle struck Matthew J. Denice, who was on a motorcycle, according to police. Guaman's pickup truck had allegedly dragged Denice's body a quarter-mile, the newspaper reports.
Judge Robert Calagione entered a not guilty plea on behalf of Guaman in Milford District Court on Tuesday.
Michael Maloney, Denice's stepfather, is reportedly calling the accident a "murder." He described Denice, who had just graduated from Framingham State University with a computer degree, as a "great all-American kid," according to the newspaper.
Police in Milford confirmed that Guaman was in the country illegally, and Denice's family has called for him to receive a lengthy sentence in the U.S., rather than simply being deported.
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Perhaps the most heartbreaking story came earlier this week, when a four year old child was killed by an illegal alien.
Again, from August 23, on Fox News:
Charges have been filed against an unlicensed driver and suspected illegal immigrant who allegedly killed a 4-year-old boy in a hit-and-run accident, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.
The newspaper reports that prosecutors in Sonoma County charged 22-year-old Marcos Lopez Garcia with felony hit-and-run, two misdemeanors and vehicular manslaughter, among other charges, in the Thursday death of Christopher "Buddy" Rowe of Santa Rosa.
Garcia had two prior arrests for driving without a license, according to the newspaper.
Christopher was reportedly killed on his way to soccer practice while crossing the street with his mother and two sisters, including the boy's twin.
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Every day, every week, illegal aliens are in this country, committing crimes and the American people are the victims.
Of course, neither political party is committed to protecting American citizens. They are more interested in pandering to a voting block, so they hope they can get reelected.
While they pander, more Americans die.
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AWG - The Angry White Guy's Blog
AWG - The Angry White Guy's Blog |
Posted: 25 Aug 2011 05:49 PM PDT
You've got to be f**king kidding me – Marines can't fart because it might offend a bunch of dirty ragheads? I swear I'd eat beans, cabbage and drink cheap beer (I know that don't have beer in Afghanistan but you get the idea) every damn day. We liberated these ungrateful mountain monkey's from tyranny of the Taliban and that are going to be offend if someone has a natural body function of passing gas. Like they don't? Give me a f**king break. If these medieval madmen don't like the way we live then defend your damn self and live in total oppression. I'm telling you I get so sick of bending to every other culture on the planet while ours is being trampled right here at home… that offends me and it's high time some other assbackwards culture puts up with ours – like it or not. Frankly, I think the fart ban an unlawful and unenforceable order and it is one I'd go out of my culinary desires and wishes to spite. What is the Marines HQ going to do if you do fart? Someone point out to me which article in the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) flatulence violates… I'd love to see the Court Marshall on that charge. And who is the ass sniffer fart free enforcement officer that's charged with finding the perp? This country is getting dumber and dumber everyday… Farting is not a crime it's a bonding event…
Click here to view the embedded video. h/t ItsmeMr Wright for the reminder
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Urban Nightmare: Giant 3 ft Rats in New York
Urban Nightmare: Giant 3 ft Rats in New YorkEowyn | August 26, 2011 at 9:59 am | Tags: Brooklyn, Gambian pouched rat, Jose Rivera, Marcy Housing Project, Norway rats, Paul Calle, Wildlife Conservation Society | Categories: Animals, Insanity, United States | URL: |
This is not an urban legend. This really happened - and we have the picture to prove it.
Giant mutant-looking rats are roaming a city housing project in Brooklyn, New York.
Barry Paddock, Mark Morales and Mike Jaccarino report for the NY Daily News, August 25, 2011, that Housing Authority worker Jose Rivera, 48, speared a giant rodent with a pitchfork at the Marcy Houses. The rat's covered in white fur and looks well-fed. It appears to be about three feet long, including its hideously dangling tail.
Rivera says it's not the only one. While he was filling a rat hole last week, three came running out - but he was only able to nail one, "I hit it one time and it was still moving. I hit it another time and that's when it died. I'm not scared of rats but I was scared of being bitten."
Naomi Colon, head of the Marcy Houses Tenant Association, said there have been sightings of the outsize rat for at least six years. "The residents have told me that they've seen it running around with other rats. She lived with them. She ran into the same hole they ran in."
Animal experts who viewed the picture identified the animal as a Gambian pouched rat, which is a fairly common pet rat. They're nocturnal, can grow to three feet and four pounds or more, and live seven or eight years. Imports have been banned since 2003, when they were blamed for a monkeypox outbreak that sickened 100 people in the United States.
Dr. Paul Calle, director of zoological health at the Wildlife Conservation Society, said the Marcy Houses specimen was probably an escaped or discarded pet who decided to join the regular rat race. "They are a very social animal and live in big groups in the wild. Our Norway rats are the closest big rodents it could accompany. They can even be trained to sniff out landmines or even tuberculosis. They're pretty remarkable animals."
But the housing project's tenants fear that the Gambian rat has been breeding with the Norway rats and spawning a super-breed of rodents - but zoo officials say not to worry. The imported rat probably wouldn't mate with local rats, and it couldn't reproduce if it did, because each is from a different genus, Calle said.
Residents say that while the monster-sized rat may be the stuff of horror movies, the run-of-the-mill rats are an even bigger nightmare at the project where Jay-Z grew up. "Even the cats are afraid of the rats. They get together and gang up on the cats, said resident Stephanie Davis, 44. Pam Davis, 43, added, "They're here day and night. We don't dodge bullets. We dodge rats.They're so big, they should charge them rent."
The New York City Housing Authority had no immediate comment.
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Podcast interview re Afghanistan w/ Ronald E. Neumann, former U.S. Ambassador to Kabul (2005-2007)
Ambassador Ronald E. Neumann, a career diplomat whose last assignment
was as Ambassador to Kabul (2005-2007).
If you're interested in what they're thinking about Afghanistan inside
the U.S. government, this interview is a fairly good indicator.
If you like the podcast please feel free to forward the link.
Thanks for listening!
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Hi Team!
*? 2 ALL:
(above): Jeffrey Immelt, Obama
Liberty Underground News reports:
"Congressman Dennis Kucinich has called for the resignation of White House jobs czar Jeffrey Immelt, and urged the White House to fire him if he doesn't step down. 'Jeffrey Immelt has a conflict of interest,' Kucinich said in a statement. 'He cannot ethically advise the president on how to create American jobs and promote American competitiveness, while at the same time leading a company that is exporting American technology and, along with it, American jobs.'
"True, but President Obama needs the General Electric money for his reelection campaign. Does anybody doubt why Immelt got the job? How could anybody on the planet believe Immelt cares if Americans have jobs? These questions don't get asked in our hopelessly corrupt mass media, and any reporter knows they'd lose their job just by asking them.
"When GE can make more profit by hiring people they will do it, meanwhile they will grab every dime they can from the treasury while paying no taxes themselves and offshoring American jobs as fast as they can make a dime in profit from it."
Kucinich calls for resignation of White House jobs czar - what are your comments?
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Fwd: OMG
I was eating lunch on the 20th of February with my 7 year-old granddaughter and I asked her, "What day is tomorrow?"
She is a smart kid.
I was waiting for something about Washington or Lincoln ... etc.
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Re: "Feral children"
An excellent article by Melanie Phillips in the Brit newspaper the Daily Mail about the recent riots and it's causes.
She makes some very valid points. But. Is it to later to turn around our society? Or is the decay to far gone.
It's not surprising that the lefties are such an angry lot, when they see all that they believe in being proven wrong day after day.
"So now the chickens have well and truly come home terrifyingly to roost. The violent anarchy that has taken hold of British cities is the all-too-predictable outcome of a three-decade liberal experiment which tore up virtually every basic social value"."There has been much bewildered talk about 'feral' children, and desperate calls upon their parents to keep them in at night and to ask them about any stolen goods they are bringing home.
As if there were responsible parents in such homes! We are not merely up against feral children, but feral parents."
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"Feral children"
She makes some very valid points. But. Is it to later to turn around our society? Or is the decay to far gone.
It's not surprising that the lefties are such an angry lot, when they see all that they believe in being proven wrong day after day.
"So now the chickens have well and truly come home terrifyingly to roost. The violent anarchy that has taken hold of British cities is the all-too-predictable outcome of a three-decade liberal experiment which tore up virtually every basic social value".
"There has been much bewildered talk about 'feral' children, and desperate calls upon their parents to keep them in at night and to ask them about any stolen goods they are bringing home.
As if there were responsible parents in such homes! We are not merely up against feral children, but feral parents."
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Re: Maxine Waters has been there and back several times over !
threatening to sue the committee.
All show, or dunce?
Its a pick 'em
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Do Conservatives Hate Their Own Founder?
Do Conservatives Hate Their Own Founder?
by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
May 18, 2007
Toward the end of his life, Russell Kirk, one of the great founders of American conservatism, became contemptuous of Republican militarism. Didn't know that? Neither do most readers of National Review, for which Kirk wrote for so many years.
Kirk's opposition to relentless war makes him a "liberal" in NR's lexicon. Now it'd be kind of hard to describe the key founder of modern American conservatism as a liberal harder even than NR's task of making the obviously corrupt (and personally sleazy) former federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani seem like something we should want in a U.S. president. So the whole Kirk problem is simply passed over in silence.
Young conservatives, take note: what you are about to encounter is the voice of the real thing, whose opinions are worth more than those of a million talk-show ignoramuses put together. That these views would never, ever get published in the typical "conservative" magazine today tells you all you need to know about the state of the "conservative movement": so remote is it from the genuine article that Kirk himself would be unwelcome.
The remarks from which I draw here are taken from a 1991 speech to the Heritage Foundation. What a difference a decade and a half can make: these opinions would never be permitted at Heritage today. Of that you can be sure.
Oh, once in a while you'll still get tributes to the great Kirk, but his foreign-policy views will be ignored -- or greeted with awkward smiles and a cough, if anyone is so discourteous as to break the silence on the subject.
Now remember, this is 1991, so Kirk is speaking of George H.W. Bush, not the current president, for whom these remarks could be amplified many times over.
"Presidents Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, and Lyndon Johnson were enthusiasts for American domination of the world," Kirk said in his speech. "Now George Bush appears to be emulating those eminent Democrats. When the Republicans, once upon a time, nominated for the presidency a 'One World' candidate, Wendell Willkie, they were sadly trounced. In general, Republicans throughout the twentieth century have been advocates of prudence and restraint in the conduct of foreign affairs."
President Bush, Kirk said, had embarked upon "a radical course of intervention in the region of the Persian Gulf. After carpet-bombing the Cradle of Civilization as no country ever had been bombed before, Mr. Bush sent in hundreds of thousands of soldiers to overrun the Iraqi bunkers -- that were garrisoned by dead men, asphyxiated."
And why, exactly? "The Bush Administration found it difficult to answer that question clearly. In the beginning it was implied that the American national interest required low petroleum prices: therefore, if need be, smite and spare not!"
Kirk then recalled Edmund Burke's rebuke to the Pitt ministry in 1795, when the British government seemed to be on the verge of going to war with France over the issue of navigation on the River Scheldt in the Netherlands. "A war for the Scheldt? A war for a chamber-pot!" Burke said. Today, said Kirk, one may as well say, "A war for Kuwait? A war for an oilcan!"
Since a war for an oilcan turned out to be not so popular, President Bush "turned moralist; he professed to be engaged in redeeming the blood of man; and his breaking of Iraq is to be the commencement of his beneficent New World Order." Kirk said Bush had embarked on what Herbert Butterfield called "the war for righteousness." "It has been held by technicians of politics in recent times," Butterfield wrote in Christianity, Diplomacy, and War, "that democracies can only be keyed up to modern war -- only brought to the necessary degree of fervor provided they are whipped into moral indignation and heated to fanaticism by the thought that they are engaged in a 'war for righteousness.'"
"Now indubitably Saddam Hussein is unrighteous," said Kirk,
- but so are nearly all the masters of the "emergent" African states (with the Ivory Coast as a rare exception), and so are the grim ideologues who rule China, and the hard men in the Kremlin, and a great many other public figures in various quarters of the world. Why, I fancy that there are some few unrighteous men, conceivably, in the domestic politics of the United States. Are we to saturation-bomb most of Africa and Asia into righteousness, freedom, and democracy? And, having accomplished that, however would we ensure persons yet more unrighteous might not rise up instead of the ogres we had swept away? Just that is what happened in the Congo, remember, three decades ago; and nowadays in Zaire, once called the Belgian Congo, we zealously uphold with American funds the dictator Mobutu, more blood-stained than Saddam. And have we forgotten Castro in Cuba?
Now here is Kirk: "We must expect to suffer during a very long period of widespread hostility toward the United States -- even, or perhaps especially, from the people of certain states that America bribed or bullied into combining against Iraq. In Egypt, in Syria, in Pakistan, in Algeria, in Morocco, in all of the world of Islam, the masses now regard the United States as their arrogant adversary; while the Soviet Union, by virtue of its endeavors to mediate the quarrel in its later stages, may pose again as the friend of Moslem lands. Nor is this all: for now, in every continent, the United States is resented increasingly as the last and most formidable of imperial systems."
Well, away with Russell Kirk, then: he "blames America" for terrorism! To be sure, anyone who is both 1) truthful, and 2) has an IQ above 50, knows he's done no such thing, but since our politicians and journalists do not distinguish themselves in either of these qualities, we can imagine their pretense of shock at the outrageous Kirk.
Oh, and what kind of leftist said the following? "Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace comes to pass in an era of Righteousness -- that is, national or ideological self-righteousness in which the public is persuaded that 'God is on our side,' and that those who disagree should be brought here before the bar as war criminals."
The founder of American conservatism, that's who.
These are the words of a civilized man. I have my differences with Kirk on important questions, to be sure, but this is a learned, serious thinker whose work and thought anyone can and should respect which is more than can be said for the sloganeering Ministry of Propaganda that now dominates official conservative media.
So who plans to be first in line to denounce even the deceased Russell Kirk as an "unpatriotic conservative"?
Thanks to Chris Rhoades for bringing this particular speech to my attention.
Re: Fwd: [New post] Who's Afraid of Ron Paul?
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**JP** Dear Nadeem Imtiaz Sahab
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 4:22 PM
Subject: RE: **JP** Death of my younger brother Altaf Hussain.
(Hisnul Hasin)
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 1:53 PM
To: nadeem
Subject: **JP** Death of my younger brother Altaf Hussain.
Assalam o Alycum Today I got sad news that my younger brother died by firing in Karachi Mr. Altaf, one of employee of KWSB. Please pray for him Allah SWT forgive his mistakes and give him his mercy and give sabar to all of family and those who have link to him so that they get ajjar from Allah SWT. KARACHI: Nine more people fell prey to violence and torture in Karachi on Monday including four employees of Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (KWSB) pushing the toll to 91 in six days, Geo News reported. The fresh firing incident took place in the Garden area where the armed men opened fire at the KWSB office that killed four employees while two others sustained injuries. The two officials named Anwarullah and Chaudhry Altaf, and two clerks Arif Usman and Abdul Qadir were killed in the attack.KARACHI: Nine more people fell prey to violence and torture in Karachi on Monday including four employees of Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (KWSB) pushing the toll to 91 in six days, Geo News reported. The fresh firing incident took place in the Garden area where the armed men opened fire at the KWSB office that killed four employees while two others sustained injuries. The two officials named Anwarullah and Chaudhry Altaf, and two clerks Arif Usman and Abdul Qadir were killed in the attack. |
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