One of my neighbors suffered with a Carbuncle, he took heavy doses of Anti-Biotics for 8-10 days but the wound never dried up, the strong bacterial infection seemed like RESISTANT to Antibiotics. Furthermore, he was having a permanent fever, with constipation & lack of appetite problems (as he had a habit of taking food from restaurants).
Hijamah was done & 8 cups were applied on the back, with 2 cups near the Carbuncle, after which we gave him pure Henna leaves powder for wound's dressing, & asked him to stay away from restaurants, refrain from animal proteins, fried & spicy foods, soda drinks, tea, coffee, pickles, etc. And based on his digestion problems, a blend was needed that could open his stomach, increase the urge of hunger, plus some herbs high in Vitamin "C" that would also help the wound to dry quickly, so formula "P2" was chosen (attached).
After Hijamah & the blessed medicine, his Carbuncle dried & disappeared within 10 days.
West says that "Generally, the direct cause of a carbuncle infection cannot be determined, poor personal hygiene, friction from clothing or shaving and poor overall health (troubles with immune system) are things that make carbuncle infections more likely". But we know the exact reason of a weak immune system, it is the septic blood that interferes, it spoils the tissues & organs, and reduces body's resistance to safeguard itself against diseases.
If you ask your body, it will shout that "ignoring Tibb-e-Nabawi is the biggest mistake". First of all, sins & mischief bring darkness & sickness, which is then strengthened further with the false diet, & finally you put the rubber seal on your problems by ignoring Hijamah.
Tibb-e-Nabawi is the combination of healing the heart & body with correct Yaqeen & A'amal-e-Salehaat, foods & herbs recommended by Prophet Muhammad Salallaho alaihe Wasallam & finally Hijamah, put them all together & have the cure for any kind of disease.
Website : www.tibbenabwi.com
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