Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Re: Trouble in ObamaLand: Democrats are saying Obama launched attack on Libya...for Oil!!!

Steve Lynch (D-MA), has been tearing Obama a new one for 2 days now,
and shows no sign of slowing down

On Mar 22, 1:50 pm, Travis <baconl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     <http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/author/scottystarnes/> Trouble in
> ObamaLand: Democrats are saying Obama launched attack on Libya...for
> Oil!!!<http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/2011/03/22/trouble-in-obamaland-de...>
> *Scotty Starnes
> <http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/author/scottystarnes/>*| March 22,
> 2011 at 11:30 AM | Tags: cap
> and trade <http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=cap-and-trade>,
> Libya<http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=libya>,
> oil <http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=oil>, President
> Obama<http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=president-obama>,
> renewable energy <http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=renewable-energy>,
> Rep. Edward Markey
> (D-Mass.)<http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=rep-edward-markey-d-mass>|
> Categories: Political
> Issues <http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?cat=35145> | URL:http://wp.me/pvnFC-4Ox
> He's breaking constitutional law. He's doing it for oil. Most would think
> his was being shouted by Republicans. However, these shouts are coming from
> Obama's own party. Trouble in ObamaLand.
> The Hill<http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/151041-key-dem-attac...>
>  reports:
> The United States military action against Libya is motivated by a desire for
> affordable and accessible oil, a top Democrat on environmental issues said
> Monday.
> *Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.), the ranking member of the House Natural
> Resources Committee, said that he agreed with President Obama's decision to
> launch, along with allies, attacks against Libya and its leader,
> Moammar Gadhafi. But Markey said the attacks were primarily motivated by
> oil. *
> "*We are in Libya because of oil," *Markey said on MSNBC. "It all goes back
> to the 5 million barrels of oil we import from OPEC on a daily basis."
> "I think all Americans know why the president made this strike," he said.
> "As long as no American soldiers are on the ground ... then I think it's a
> good decision for the president."
> Markey is the same Democrat trying to push the cap-and-trade scheme.
> Basically he is trying to say that if the U.S. had 'renewable energy,' Obama
> wouldn't have attacked Libya. However, being a dumb Democrats, Markey
> doesn't know that the U.S. doesn't import any oil from Libya.
> Political unrest in Libya and other Middle Eastern nations with high oil
> production contributed to higher prices per barrel of crude oil, which
> translates to higher energy costs — particularly in gasoline. (Oil was up to
> above $102/barrel as of midday trading on Monday.)
> The increased energy prices led Obama to hold a press conference earlier
> this month in which he renewed calls for *more production of renewable
> energy*, and said he would consider opening the Strategic Petroleum Reserves
> if oil prices continued to rise.
> Just don't ask him to allow U.S. companies to drill for our own oil. That
> would be common sense and go against his plans to make energy prices
> skyrocket.
> Continue reading>>><http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/151041-key-dem-attac...>
> Add a comment to this
> post<http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/2011/03/22/trouble-in-obamaland-de...>
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Sounds to me like this Wisconsin judge should have recused herself from her decision on the Walker law that was passed

Sounds like she has a wee bit of a dog in the hunt on stopping that
law from what I can see. She should have recused herself under these


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Gotta love socialized medicine - from Canada


The point he makes about Obamacare sounds about right to me.

US Justice Department logic: Bernanke is a domestic terrorist

US Justice Department logic: Bernanke is a domestic terrorist
by Simon Black
March 21, 2011
Denver, Colorado, USA

The United States Department of Justice delivered a very clear and unfortunate message on Friday:

"Attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism.  While these forms of anti-government activities do not involve violence, they are every bit as insidious and represent a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country."

These remarks were released by the US Attorney's office in the western district of North Carolina following the conviction of one Bernard von NotHaus, the creator of the ill-fated Liberty Dollar.

As you likely recall from a few years ago, Liberty Dollars were privately minted gold and silver rounds. Paper certificates, akin to warehouse receipts were also issued, effectively giving the bearer a right to claim a certain amount of gold or silver at the group's warehouse in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

This is traditionally how the system of money used to function– precious metals would be stored in private, secure storage facilities, and paper certificates were issued as a medium of exchange that entitled the bearer to redeem metal from the vault.  Liberty Dollars represented a return to that system.

Clearly, the Justice Department feels otherwise… instead viewing these silver rounds as an attempt by terrorists to undermine the US dollar.

Interesting choice of words.  Undermine? "verb [transitive]. to erode the base or foundation of something. to damage or weaken, especially gradually. "

Funny, this sounds a lot more like quantitative easing than anything else.  Ben Bernanke, in creating trillions of new dollars and debasing the value thereof, is guilty of the same insidious acts, and similarly, he represents a clear and present danger to the economic stability of the United States.

Somehow, though, I doubt that Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano or Attorney General Eric Holder will end up labeling Mr. Bernanke as a domestic terrorist.

Von NotHaus faces up to 15 years in prison on one count and 5 years on two others. Punitively, this is more serious than engaging in female genital mutilation (5-years, section 116 of Title 18, US Code), certain types of assault (as little as six months, section 113), or, ironically, bank robbery (10-years, section 2113b).

The US government obviously has its priorities straight.

As for the total amount of Von NotHaus' gold and silver booty? A whopping $7 million, roughly .000083% of Bernanke's $8.4 trillion money supply.  Von NotHaus was so insignificant he wasn't even in the ballpark of a rounding error.  By definition, this couldn't possibly constitute a danger to the economy.

Realistically, the government's 6-year effort to bring him down had one single purpose: to send a message. Uncle Sam is telling us very clearly, "You WILL use our rapidly depreciating dollars… and anything we don't like in our sole discretion, we will label as domestic terrorism."

If safeguarding the purchasing power of savings is considered domestic terrorism, what else is considered terrorism? I think this also begs the question of whether gold and silver confiscation is on the table… I'd love to hear your thoughts.


A Challenge to Representative William Lacy Clay

Monday, March 21, 2011
A Challenge to Representative William Lacy Clay
by Bob Wenzel

When Congressman Ron Paul, as chairman of the House Financial Services subcommittee on Monetary Policy, held the first hearing on the Federal Reserve, Congressman William Lacy Clay, who is heavy on the payroll of the banksters, made wild statements about Thomas DiLorenzo, absurdly implying that DiLorenzo, who is a libertarian and who has exposed President Lincoln's racist views, was somehow anti-black, and that therefore he did not want to hear anything DiLorenzo had to say about the Fed.

Well, if that's what was really Representative Clay's reason for not wanting to listen to DiLorenzo, then let's find someone to testify, who is clearly not anti-black and has a studied understanding of the Federal Reserve. I challenge Representative Clay to call Louis Farrakhan as a witness to the next hearing of the Monetary Policy subcommittee.



Couple good comments by Jim Miller on Politics re corruption in states in the Midwest


Meanwhile, Back In Barack Obama's Illinois (6):  
A reformer, a real reformer, is giving up.  Here's a little about his long fight againstcorruption.
When Roger and Tina Keats drive away from their Sheridan Road home in Wilmette for the last time in a few weeks and head for their new home in Texas, they will be leaving behind a formidable political legacy.

Keats, who served as the Republican state senator for much of the North Shore from 1978 to 1992, worked closely with Harold Washington to enact legislation that adopt judicial sub-circuits for Cook County and cleared the way for minorities and Republicans to hold judgeships.

The reform, fought by many Democrats, was an integral part of the cleanup of corruption in the Cook County court system that was uncovered by Operations Greylord and Gambat.
And here's the letter he sent to explain why he is leaving
As we leave Illinois for good, I wanted to say goodbye to my friends and wish all of you well.   I am a lifelong son of the heartland and proud of it.  After 60 years, I leave Illinois with a heavy heart.  BUT enough is enough!  The leaders of Illinois refuse to see we can't continue going in the direction we are and expect people who have options to stay here.  I remember when Illinois had 25 congressmen.  In 2012 we will have 18.  Compared to the rest of the country we have lost 1/4rd of our population.  Don't blame the weather, because I love 4 seasons.
. . . 
We live in the most corrupt big city, in the most corrupt big county in the most corrupt state in America.  I am sick and tired of subsidizing crooks.  A day rarely passes without an article about the corruption and incompetence.  Chicago even got caught rigging the tests to hire police and fire!  Our Crook County CORPORATE property tax system is intentionally corrupt.  The Democrat State Chairman who is also the Speaker of the Illinois House and the most senior alderman in Chicago each make well over a million dollars a year putting the fix in for their client's tax assessments.
Barack Obama could have worked with people like Roger and Tina Keats to bring about much-needed reforms in Illinois — but chose not to.

(By way of the Washington Examiner.  Unfortunately, there are a couple of errors in their piece; Roger Keats was not elected Cook County Board President, though he ran for the office, and Illinois's population is declining relative to the rest of the United States, not absolutely.)
- 7:56 AM, 22 March 2011   [link]

Senator McCaskill Will Be Paying Some Back Taxes:  After making a couple of completely understandable mistakes.
Ah Senators, they're just like you and me!  Who among us hasn't forgotten to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes on our private aircraft, after billing the government to use it 88 times?  But because McCaskill is getting folksy with her admission of wrongdoing -- she said the word 'damn,' so clearly she takes this matter very seriously -- all is forgiven, right?
This all came out because McCaskill, accidentally I am sure, billed the federal government for a political trip.  (She's already reimbursed the taxpayers for that little $88,000 mistake.)

McCaskill is a Democrat so her mistakes have gotten surprisingly favorable coverage.  Or, perhaps I should say, unsurprisingly favorable coverage.   (For example.)

At best, the mistakes show incompetence.  And surprising incompetence in someone who served as Missouri's state auditor.

(There may be another scandal or two to investigate in her family finances.  Her husband, Joe Shepard, owns "dozens" of "affordable-housing" companies.  Typically, that kind of housing is heavily subsidized, and there are many opportunities for abuse, as Obama's former friend and ally, Tony Rezko, could tell you.)
- 6:58 PM, 22 March 2011   [link]

A Brief History of the United States -- From Beginning to End

The following is from: http://fredoneverything.net/AmericanHistory.shtml

A Brief History of the United States

From Beginning to End

March 21, 2011

In 1492 Columbus rediscovered America, and the settlers, destructively exploiting its vast resources, achieved a success which they attributed to their own near-miraculous virtues, some of which they actually had: courage, rude vigor, industry, and an independent spirit. Shortly after, they emerged from WWII unscathed due to the military genius embodied in two oceans while competitors—Europe, Russia, China, and Japan—lay prostrate. America’s intact military and an economy up and running allowed the establishment of a fairly benign empire and an astonishing commercial dominance, both being attributed to near-miraculous virtues and regarded as permanent.

They didn’t see it coming.

Japan revived and began producing something it called a Toyota while Detroit, sure of its market, manufactured lousy cars that arrived falling apart, final assembly by owner. Germany revived. Communism still protected America from China, and no one foresaw that this would change. Airbus Industries appeared, but no one believed that it could compete with American know-how and engineering. It did. One by one American manufacturers of airliners took shelter in the military market until only Boeing was left, more or less equal to Airbus. But Americans knew that Europe was socialist and had no work ethic.

Before long Japan had completely devoured the market for consumer electronics, cameras, and suchlike. Ship-building went, except for builders catering to the captive military market. The steel industry left for foreign shores. Few noticed. Americans knew that their prosperity sprang from their near-miraculous virtues, which foreigners could never achieve.

Eventually China gave up on communism and became 1.3 billion smart, hard-working people who saw nothing wrong with the idea of becoming the world’s dominant power. Brazil began making airliners and American airlines began buying them. Even India showed signs of life. Americans didn’t worry because they knew that these funny countries couldn’t compete with America’s democratic values.

Manufacturing jobs began flowing to Asia, first a trickle and then a torrent. Americans didn’t pay attention, not knowing exactly where Asia was. Anyway, those foreigners were comic little people with squinty eyes and ate with sticks. Who could take them seriously? Then design work and programming began emigrating eastward. American had invented the Internet and now would pay the price. Intellectual capital had broken free from physical capital. Oops.

American industry largely ceased to exist, or at least ceased to be American. The big companies became free-floating international entities, adventitiously putting down roots wherever taxes were low and labor cheap, which wasn’t America. An HP laptop now consisted of a CPU from Intel but made perhaps in Ireland, the motherboard, hard drive, power supply and case made in Taiwan, RAM and screen from Samsung, assembled in Taiwan or China, but the label said HP, so it was American.

The trade balance went sour, and then very sour. The country had long since become captive to consumerism both national and individual, “He who dies with the most toys wins” being a bumper-sticker anthem. At every level America began living on credit, but America’s credit was good, which American’s attributed to near-miraculous virtues which they no longer had, if they had ever had them.

As the economy invisibly declined, the military’s budget grew and grew. The country could no longer afford it, but the Pentagon was so deeply embedded in the economy and Congress that the country couldn’t stop affording it. The five-sided money hole spent on, an aging kept woman with no obvious purpose since, with the fall of the Soviet Union, America had no military enemies.

Consequences sometimes arrive tardily. After WWII, Zionists had conquered Palestine and begun mistreating its people in the manner of white South Africans at their worst. Moslems, of whom it later turned out there were quite a few, came to hate Zionists and, by extension, all Jews. Since America supplied the bombs that Israel used to kill Moslems, these came to hate the US. Thus 9/11. This was used as a pretext for war by hawkish wimps, now called Neocons. The conflicts were  embraced by the Pentagon, which needed a raison d’etre in the face of the lack of enemies. The ensuing wars were enthusiastically supported by evangelicals, more Zionists, confused patriots, imperialists, military industry, and those who just wanted to kill some Arabs, any Arabs. President W. Bush with his eternal martial priapism and yokel grasp was just the man. The military budget now was about a trillion a year in a country that owed more money than it could ever repay.

Many things had changed since the arrival of Columbus and smallpox. Americans still imagined themselves as Marlboro Man, rugged individualists, though many had never actually seen a live horse. In fact the country had become a society of mass conformist consumerism with its tastes designed at corporate. America was still a land of opportunity, if you were an Ivy techy with an IQ in excess of 180, but everybody else was pretty much screwed. Most people lived in velvet serfdom, afraid of the boss and imprisoned by the retirement system. Few young males could any longer meet the physical requirements for induction. The Army softened training so they could appear to get through. So much for Davy Crockett.

Americans had become the Frightened People, afraid of terror, of Moslems, of an outside world they couldn’t find or, in many cases, spell. The government used this bounty from heaven to justify rapid elimination of civil liberties, telling the public that it was to protect them. They still prided themselves on their democracy, without any longer having one, and on being a light to the world, which hated them. “The whole world hates us. What is wrong with the whole world ?” they asked, deeply puzzled.

The looters came. In the past there had been an element of noblesse oblige, of concern for the nation, a sense among the upper classes that they ought to pay some slight attention to keeping the country alive while picking its bones.  This changed. The country was now ruled by the tightly interlocking directorates of Wall Street, Congress, the upper reaches of the executive branch, and the big corporations, none of whose members had ever worked a night shift at Walmart while living in a rented trailer. The worst and brightest went to Harvard and then into i-banking. Thus the sub-prime adventure. This catastrophe was regarded as a cyclical correction instead of as the first notes of the knell.

By this time the country was acquiring the attributes of the Third World. Impunity: financiers did not go to jail for financial crimes, nor generals for war crimes, nor congressmen for anything. National incapacity: The government handled natural disasters with the adroitness one might expect of Burundi. Intractable slums festered in the cores of its great cities. Over its age America had achieved greatly, done much that was admirable and much that wasn’t, and now, overreaching, still convinced of its miraculous virtues, was perilously close to falling on its face.

Never, ever interact with a government official without having a recorder running.

Trouble in ObamaLand: Democrats are saying Obama launched attack on Libya...for Oil!!!

Trouble in ObamaLand: Democrats are saying Obama launched attack on Libya...for Oil!!!

He's breaking constitutional law. He's doing it for oil. Most would think his was being shouted by Republicans. However, these shouts are coming from Obama's own party. Trouble in ObamaLand.

The Hill reports:

The United States military action against Libya is motivated by a desire for affordable and accessible oil, a top Democrat on environmental issues said Monday.

Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.), the ranking member of the House Natural Resources Committee, said that he agreed with President Obama's decision to launch, along with allies, attacks against Libya and its leader, Moammar Gadhafi. But Markey said the attacks were primarily motivated by oil.

"We are in Libya because of oil," Markey said on MSNBC. "It all goes back to the 5 million barrels of oil we import from OPEC on a daily basis."

"I think all Americans know why the president made this strike," he said. "As long as no American soldiers are on the ground ... then I think it's a good decision for the president."

Markey is the same Democrat trying to push the cap-and-trade scheme. Basically he is trying to say that if the U.S. had 'renewable energy,' Obama wouldn't have attacked Libya. However, being a dumb Democrats, Markey doesn't know that the U.S. doesn't import any oil from Libya.

Political unrest in Libya and other Middle Eastern nations with high oil production contributed to higher prices per barrel of crude oil, which translates to higher energy costs — particularly in gasoline. (Oil was up to above $102/barrel as of midday trading on Monday.)

The increased energy prices led Obama to hold a press conference earlier this month in which he renewed calls for more production of renewable energy, and said he would consider opening the Strategic Petroleum Reserves if oil prices continued to rise.

Just don't ask him to allow U.S. companies to drill for our own oil. That would be common sense and go against his plans to make energy prices skyrocket.

Continue reading>>>

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Apparently I Was Wrong


 At the Senior Citizens Center they had a contest the other day. I lost by one point. The question was where do women have the most curly hair? Apparently, the correct answer was Africa.
 One of the other questions was to name two things commonly found in cells. It appears that Negroes and Mexicans is not the correct answer either.
 I've heard that Apple have scrapped their plans for the new children's iPod after realizing that iTouch Kids is not a good product name.
 There's a new Muslim clothing shop opened in our shopping center, but I've been banned from it after asking to look at some bomber jackets.
 You can say lots of bad things about pedophiles but at least they drive slowly past schools.
 A buddy of mine has just told me he's getting it on with his girlfriend and her twin. I said "How can you tell them apart?" He said "Her brother's got a mustache."
 Just put a deposit down on a brand new Porsche and mentioned it on Facebook. I said, "I can't wait for the new 911 to arrive!" Next thing I know 4000 freakin' Muslims have added me as a friend!!
 Being a modest man, when I checked into my hotel on a recent trip, I said to the lady at the registration desk, "I hope the porn channel in my room is disabled." To which she replied, "No, it's regular porn, you sick bastard.
 The FBI have discovered how to weave Muslim prayer mats out of plastic explosives. Apparently prophets are going through the roof!!
 The Red Cross have just knocked at our door and asked if we could help towards the floods in Pakistan. I said we would love to, but our garden hose only reaches the driveway. 



  ï»¿Click for Edmond,                                             Oklahoma Forecast

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Obama: Consistently Anti-American

Why would a Kenyan muzzieshit like America?

Obama: Consistently Anti-American

Pamela Geller 3/21/2011 Well, you have to hand it to Obama, he is consistent in his extreme anti-Americanism. America is firing missiles into Libya just as the Telegraph reported that "statements of support for Libya's revolution by al-Qaeda and leading Islamists have led to fears that military action by the West might be playing into [...]

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H.R.1098 -- Free Competition in Currency Act of 2011

H.R.1098 -- Free Competition in Currency Act of 2011 (Introduced in House - IH)


1st Session

H. R. 1098

To repeal the legal tender laws, to prohibit taxation on certain coins and bullion, and to repeal superfluous sections related to coinage.


March 15, 2011

Mr. PAUL introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means and the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned


To repeal the legal tender laws, to prohibit taxation on certain coins and bullion, and to repeal superfluous sections related to coinage.

      Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


      This Act may be cited as the `Free Competition in Currency Act of 2011'.


      (a) In General- Section 5103 of title 31, United States Code (relating to legal tender), is hereby repealed.

      (b) Clerical Amendment- The table of sections for subchapter I of chapter 51 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by striking the item relating to section 5103 and inserting the following new item:

            `5103. [Repealed].'.


      (a) In General- Notwithstanding any other provision of law--

            (1) no tax may be imposed on (or with respect to the sale, exchange, or other disposition of) any coin, medal, token, or gold, silver, platinum, palladium, or rhodium bullion, whether issued by a State, the United States, a foreign government, or any other person; and

            (2) no State may assess any tax or fee on any currency, or any other monetary instrument, which is used in the transaction of interstate commerce or commerce with a foreign country, and which is subject to the enjoyment of legal tender status under article I, section 10 of the United States Constitution.

      (b) Effective Date- This section shall take effect on December 31, 2011, but shall not apply to taxes or fees imposed before such date.


      (a) In General- Title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking sections 486 (relating to uttering coins of gold, silver, or other metal) and 489 (making or possessing likeness of coins).

      (b) Conforming Amendment to Table of Sections- The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 25 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking the items relating to the sections stricken by subsection (a).

      (c) Special Rule Concerning Retroactive Effect- Any prosecution under the sections stricken by subsection (a) shall abate upon the taking effect of this section. Any previous conviction under those sections shall be null and void.

Never, ever interact with a government official without having a recorder running.

The Neoconservative Obama Administration

The Neoconservative Obama Administration
by Sheldon Richman, Posted March 22, 2011
This article originally appeared in the December 2010 edition of Freedom Daily.

President Barack Obama was far from candid when he announced the end of combat operations in Iraq in August ­ 50,000 troops and a large number of mercenaries remain ­ but in his speech he did nothing to hide his neoconservative outlook on the American empire.

This was not lost on leading neoconservatives, who tend to prefer Republicans. William Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, told a colleague that while he would have phrased the speech differently, "his basic response was: 'All hail Obama!'"

John Podhoretz, editor of Commentary magazine, wrote in his New York Post column, "President Obama did something amazing. He delivered ­ dare I say it? ­ a rather neoconservative speech, in the sense that neoconservatism has argued for aggressive American involvement in the world both for the world's sake and for the sake of extending American freedoms in order to enhance and preserve American security."

Just to be clear, the neocons were among the key architects of the war against Iraq in 1991, followed by the embargo that killed half a million children. That war and embargo set the stage for the 9/11 attacks, which were then used to justify the invasion and occupation of Iraq (an ambition long predating 9/11) and the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, American's longest military engagement ­ all of which have killed more than a million people, wreaked political havoc, and made life in those countries (and elsewhere) miserable. Let's not forget the drone assassination and special ops programs being run in a dozen Muslim countries. The neocon achievement also has helped drive the American people deep into debt.

Nice crowd Obama is hanging with these days. And that's no exaggeration. Frederick Kagan, one of the top neocon brains and a signatory of the Project of the New American Century imperial manifesto, now works for Gen. David Petraeus.

The U.S. government has left Iraq a physical wreck and squarely in Iran's sphere of influence, but Obama propagates the neocon myth that Iraq was a great success. Yet 3.5 million refugees show no signs of returning to their homes. It's not the only myth he propagates: "Americans across the political spectrum supported the use of force against those who attacked us on 9/11." That left the clear implication that Saddam Hussein's regime was involved in those attacks ­ which it was not. For Obama that is just the beginning:
But this milestone should serve as a reminder to all Americans that the future is ours to shape if we move forward with confidence and commitment. It should also serve as a message to the world that the United States of America intends to sustain and strengthen our leadership in this young century.... Our combat mission is ending, but our commitment to Iraq's future is not.
People throughout the Muslim world must be cringing, since that is where U.S. "leadership" will be most felt. Of course, what Obama calls "leadership" others would call mass murder. It all depends on where you sit.

It's not enough that the Bush and Obama administrations made messes of Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama promises more. "And because of our drawdown in Iraq," he said, "we are now able to apply the resources necessary to go on offense."

That means more Predator and Reaper drones shooting Hellfire missiles at so-called insurgents, who always seem to include innocent civilians. For the record, an "insurgent" is anyone who objects to U.S. troops or cluster bombs in his country.

Shaping others' destiny

As though his speech was written by the neocon brain trust, Obama intoned, "We must use all elements of our power ­ including our diplomacy, our economic strength, and the power of America's example ­ to secure our interests and stand by our allies. And we must project a vision of the future that's based not just on our fears, but also on our hopes ­ a vision that recognizes the real dangers that exist around the world, but also the limitless possibilities of our time." (Emphasis added.)

Again, the people in the Middle East and Central Asia may not interpret those words the way Americans do. "Secure our interests" is likely to be understood as "secure American access to resources" and "making sure the Chinese and Russians stay away." "Stand by our allies" means primarily "defend Israel." Americans may think that sounds benign, but in the Muslim world it means the U.S. government will continue to do everything to support Israel's denial of the rights of Palestinians and its ability to intimidate its neighbors.

If people in the rest of the world would rather shape their own future, too bad. Obama has a date with destiny: "New markets for our goods stretch from Asia to the Americas." Oops. Were foreigners supposed to hear that mercantilist line?

"As the leader of the free world, America will do more than just defeat on the battlefield those who offer hatred and destruction ­ we will also lead among those who are willing to work together to expand freedom and opportunity for all people," he wrapped up.

Here Obama reinforces the myth that those who wish the United States ill do so because they hate Americans' freedom. He expects the American people to go on believing that, even though many in the government have concluded that anti-American violence is retribution for U.S. foreign policy, not hatred of our domestic liberties (those that remain).

"Throughout our history," Obama concluded, "America has been willing to bear the burden of promoting liberty and human dignity overseas, understanding its links to our own liberty and security."

That burden fell on those without power or influence, the deceived military personnel who were asked to kill and die for their country, and the taxpayers who footed the bill. For the politicians, generals, and military contractors, it wasn't much of a burden at all. National narcissism

Nor is Obama the only member of his administration to hold neocon views. In fact, he may be exceeded in this by his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton. At an appearance before the Council on Foreign Relations, she said,
And now, after years of war and uncertainty, people are wondering what the future holds at home and abroad. So let me say it clearly: the United States can, must, and will lead in this new century. Indeed, the complexities and connections of today's world have yielded a new American moment, a moment when our global leadership is essential, even if we must often lead in new ways, a moment when those things that make us who we are as a nation ­ our openness and innovation, our determination and devotion to core values ­ have never been more needed. This is a moment that must be seized through hard work and bold decisions, to lay the foundations for lasting American leadership for decades to come.

A new American moment -- the national narcissism that underlies the necons' Wilsonian evangelism hits new heights with Clinton's words. Has it crossed her mind that perhaps other people might want to create their own moments without the help of American politicians who, while telling themselves how much they love peace, wreak havoc and misery wherever they go?

No, it hasn't:
Now there should be no mistake. Of course this administration is also committed to maintaining the greatest military in the history of the world and, if needed, to vigorously defend [sic] ourselves and our friends.... We are advancing America's interests and making progress on some of our most pressing challenges. Today we can say with confidence that this model of American leadership, which brings every tool at our disposal to be put to work on behalf of our national interest, works, and that it offers the best hope in a dangerous world.
Clinton went on like that for some time, couching in the most hackneyed and pretentious phrases that hubris characteristic of those who never have grasped classical liberalism's insights about spontaneous social and cultural order, and the natural resistance to outside elitist intervention.

"America," she said,
has made generational commitments to building the kind of world that we wanted to inhabit for many decades now. We cannot turn away from that responsibility. We are a nation that has always believed we have the power to shape our own destiny and to cut a new and better path, and frankly to bring along people who were like-minded from around the world. So we will continue to do everything we can to exercise the best traditions of American leadership at home and abroad, to build that more peaceful and prosperous future for our children and for children everywhere.
America's military, diplomatic, and economic power will, in Clinton's view, remake the world, as though societies are created the way Lego villages are.

This is a far cry from what another secretary of state, John Quincy Adams, declared in 1821 -- that America "goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own."

Let's understand that the Obama-Clinton program continues their predecessors' imperial blueprint for unlimited government -- to be precise, executive -- power. The Obama administration again demonstrates that while presidents come and go, the permanent regime rumbles on. Woe to anyone who gets in its way.

Sheldon Richman is senior fellow at The Future of Freedom Foundation, author of Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare State, and editor of The Freeman magazine. Visit his blog "Free Association" or send him email.

New Worker ID System on Drawing Board

New Worker ID System on Drawing Board
"The federal government is exploring the possibility of using a credit rating giant like Equifax to verify the identity of American workers, a move that could make it far more difficult for undocumented immigrants to get work using stolen Social Security numbers." ( Washington Post)

Got to watch out for those unauthorized workers. They produce unauthorized wealth!

Thoughts on Freedom
Absorbing Immigrants
Does America Have the Space and Resources to Allow Open Borders?
Donald J. Boudreaux
June 2002 • Volume: 52 • Issue: 6 • Print This Post 14 comments

America should re-open its borders to immigrants.

Not until 1924 did the government generally limit the number of people who could come to America and make it their home. If America's borders had been closed, say, a century earlier, the civilization that we now call "American" would not exist. The Irish, Germans, Italians, Scandinavians, central and eastern Europeans, and many Asians arrived here in bulk during the nineteenth century. Most would have been turned away under the restrictive regime followed since 1924.

When I talk with people about immigration, everyone agrees that the open-borders policy of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and early twentieth centuries was a great boon to America. Without it, we would today be unimaginably poorer and less vibrant. So I then ask: If open borders in the past generated enormous benefits, why not open our borders today? I always get the same answer: "Times change. America had more room and resources then. We could then absorb immigrants better than we can today."

I disagree.

Room for Immigrants

Since 1820 the years that witnessed the greatest influx of immigrants as a proportion of America's population were the early and mid-1850s, when annual immigration was about 1.6 percent of the resident population. This figure was approached again in the 1880s and during the first decade of the twentieth century. Today, annual immigration is about 0.25 percent of the resident population­less than one-sixth its level during the first half of the 1850s, and about one-sixth its level during much of the 1880s and the first decade of the twentieth century. (Some people argue that illegal immigrants are undercounted today. Taking the largest estimate I've seen of uncounted illegal immigrants, total annual immigrants as a proportion of the U.S. population today would be 1.25 percent of the resident population. While likely overblown, accepting this figure as accurate means that, as a percent of the resident population, immigration today remains well below that of any of the peak years of the past.)

What about our ability to "absorb" these­and even more­immigrants?

An important element of the ability to absorb is living space. Americans today enjoy record levels of residential living space. For example, in 1915, the typical dwelling in America housed 5.63 people; today it houses fewer than half of that number -- 2.37 people. Combined with the fact that the square-footage of today's typical dwelling is, on the most conservative estimate, 20 percent greater than it was a century ago, our ability to "absorb" immigrants into our residential living spaces is today more than twice what it was during the era of open borders.

What about land? Contrary to a widely mistaken belief, the amount of land devoted to urban and suburban uses is a tiny percentage of America's land (even excluding largely unsettled Alaska). While such land use has grown significantly during the past century, today it is at most about 3 percent of the land area of the lower 48 states. (The 3 percent figure is an overestimate because, since about 1960, cities have increasingly incorporated lands that remain largely rural in character but that are classified as "urban.")

And since at least 1950, the amount of land devoted to public recreation uses and to wildlife refuges has increased faster than has the amount of land devoted to urban and suburban uses. Today, the land area devoted to national and state parks, and to wildlife refuges, is more than seven times greater than it was in 1900. America is nowhere close to being crowded.

Also, we're much better able to feed ourselves today, even though the amount of land used to grow crops and to pasture animals is no larger now than in 1900. Extraordinary increases in agricultural productivity enable American farmers and ranchers to produce vastly more output on the same amount of land. For example, each acre planted with wheat today produces three times more output than it did a century ago. Similar, and even greater, productivity increases have occurred for nearly all other agricultural products. This productivity explosion is reflected in a much more abundant food supply and lower food prices.

Absorbing Workers

Immigrants, of course, come to America not only to consume but also to work. A measure of our ability to "absorb" workers is capital invested per worker­the amount of machinery and other tools in place for workers to use. Today, the amount of capital invested per worker is more than nine times greater than in 1880 and about 8.5 times greater than in 1924. Because a worker's productivity rises when he has more capital to work with and his pay is tied closely to his productivity, workers entering the American economy today produce and earn more than workers entering during the open-borders era.

Don't lose sight of our labor market's great flexibility. It easily absorbed the massive increase of women workers during the second half of the twentieth century. Over this time, 46 million jobs were created for women, which is more than half of the 80 million jobs created during that same time.

In many other ways, America today is far better able than in the past to absorb more immigrants. For example, compared to 1920, per person today we:
  • have greater than ten times more miles of paved roads;
  • have more than twice as many physicians;
  • have 50 percent more dentists;
  • have almost three times as many teachers;
  • have 540 percent more police officers;
  • have twice as many firefighters;
  • produce 2.4 times more oil­as known reserves of oil grow;
  • produce 2.67 times more cubic feet of lumber­as America's supply of lumber stands grows;
  • have conquered most of the infectious diseases that were major killers in the past.*

The fact is America today is much wealthier, healthier, spacious, and resource-rich than it was a century ago. And we owe many of these advances to the creativity and effort of immigrants. If open immigration worked until 1924 to enrich America, it can do so now with even greater certainty. Let's welcome more immigrants so that they can help themselves, and us, build even better lives.

*My principal data sources for this article are Julian L. Simon, ed., The State of Humanity (Blackwell, 1995), and Julian L. Simon, The Ultimate Resource 2 (Princeton University Press, 1996), as well as various U.S. Census Bureau reports


Attack On Libya: The Barbarism Of Buffoons

Attack On Libya: The Barbarism Of Buffoons

"The grotesque competition between Britain, France and America to see who can fire the most missiles at Libya confirms the emergence of a new form of Western militarism. This is not the return of the politics of Empire or a re-flourishing of Western colonialism in north Africa, as some have claimed. Rather it is the barbarism of buffoons. This is an act of violence driven not by clear geopolitical interests, but by the utter failure of modern Western governments to work out what their geopolitical interests are and to act accordingly. In the rubble of various compounds and airfields in Libya, we can spy the incoherence of the Western political elites, and their elevation of the reckless, narcissistic politics of short-term gain over anything resembling a strategy or aim."

Never, ever interact with a government official without having a recorder running.

Confiscating Liberty, Who Are The Real Criminals?

Confiscating Liberty, Who Are The Real Criminals?

"There is also the crime perpetrated by the federal government against thousands of people who had bought precious metals from American Liberty Dollar. These metals were 'confiscated' by federal 'authorities' when the American Liberty Dollar offices and the mint they do business with were raided. These people still have not yet received their product. They have the receipts and the metal really did not belong to Bernard von NotHaus or his company, it belonged to the people who paid for it. They deserve their product. At the very least, they deserve to be compensated for their product at today’s value, not at the price they paid for it."

Never, ever interact with a government official without having a recorder running.

Re: Wringing-the-Neck of Empty Ritual.

Capitalism is the FOUNDATION of a successful USA!  You
aren't telling me anything that I don't tout, daily.  You are probably
doing so to make the readers think it is you who have the right Ideas
and I the converse. 

It only takes a cursory review of those pieces you have offered to see how it fails to embrace capitalism -- much less utilize it as a foundation.
Capitalism is the system in which people are free to use their private property without outside interference.
Your 'constitution' is filled with intervention.


 "Bureaucrats write memoranda both because they appear to be busy when they are writing and because the memos, once written, immediately become proof that they were busy" -- Charles Peters.

If you agree with me say something like this:  "I
applaud your New Constitution!  We need less, more efficient
government and the return of lost civil liberties.  Outlawing career
politicians from Congress seems like a great place to start.  Good
luck in everything you are seeking to do for the good of the country!
— J. A. Armistead  —
On Mar 21, 11:54 am, Jonathan Ashley <jonathanashle...@lavabit.com>
> John,
> eBay is a perfect example of capitalism at work. Over 2,000 transactions
> are performed every minute throughout the world with no need for
> government. Both parties involved in those transactions report they are
> happy with the transaction 96% of the time.
> There is no need for government involvement in commerce.
> On 03/21/2011 07:15 AM, NoEinstein wrote:
> > Socialism and communism are the anti-thesis of a representative
> > republic or a democracy.  My New Constitution RETURNS civil liberties
> > to the People and will fire, jail or hang those in government who
> > support socialism and communism.  When you attack my New Constitution
> > with your "include me" talk, you are attacking THE most pro capitalism
> > and pro civil liberties person on the planet!  Get lost, Jonathan!  �
> > J. A. A. �
> > On Mar 19, 10:57 pm, Jonathan Ashley<jonathanashle...@lavabit.com>
> > wrote:
> >> Civil liberties require government permission. As I choose to be a free
> >> sovereign, I do not consent.
> >> As for free enterprise, I sell on eBay. No government interference, 96%
> >> successful transactions worldwide. That is as pro free enterprise as it
> >> gets.
> >> On 03/19/2011 07:45 PM, NoEinstein wrote:
> >>> Jonathan Ashley isn't pro civil liberties nor pro free enterprise.
> >>> So, like I first assumed, he is a socialist-communist bent on tearing
> >>> down this country rather than saving it.  He should be railroaded out
> >>> of the USA!  � J. A. A. �
> >>> On Mar 18, 5:49 pm, Jonathan Ashley<jonathanashle...@lavabit.com>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>> Wanna-Be-Dictator John A. Armistead has spoken once again!
> >>>> He wants to close down all news networks and outlaw political parties.
> >>>> He also thinks world government proponent Newt Gingrich has "the smarts
> >>>> and the temperament to be President."
> >>>> On 03/18/2011 02:35 PM, NoEinstein wrote:
> >>>>> Bill O'Reilly and Chris Wallace get hot-under-the-collar if a "guest",
> >>>>> like Sarah Palin, avoids answering questions that tie her hands on
> >>>>> issues that are in flux.  Those two Fox jerks suppose that since they
> >>>>> are high paid and elitist, that people must do exactly like they say
> >>>>> or face ridicule.  Within one week after my New Constitution is
> >>>>> ratified, the entire Fox News Network will likely be closed down for
> >>>>> not being in the best interest of the country.  But not to worry!  The
> >>>>> other News Networks will be shuttered as well.  The "problem" is that
> >>>>> NEWS, and commentary on that news, cannot occur on the same network.
> >>>>> Of course that is only for news relating to elections or "politics".
> >>>>> I put that word in quotes, because political parties will be
> >>>>> outlawed!  Socialism will become a non issue, because any "politician"
> >>>>> proposing anything like socialism will be hanged for TREASON!  Believe
> >>>>> me, people, I can straighten out this country faster than any yellow-
> >>>>> livered politician.  Newt Gingrich has the smarts and the temperament
> >>>>> to be President. But he is too much in love with our FAILED system of
> >>>>> government to save the country from economic doom.  The Donald has a
> >>>>> good idea to make IRAQ pay for all we have done for those people.  We
> >>>>> should do those things AND tell China they will get back ONLY the
> >>>>> principle on their loans to the USA.  �Walk tall and carry a big
> >>>>> stick!�  Only tough-love can save this country... NOT more God-damned
> >>>>> politics and wasted campaign money... as usual.  After Barack Obama
> >>>>> has been hanged and has rotted to the ground for TREASON, this country
> >>>>> will be on the path to economic recovery!  � John A. Armistead �
> >>>>> Patriot
> >>>>> On Mar 16, 3:38 pm, Jonathan Ashley<jonathanashle...@lavabit.com>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>> As usual, "no specifics are open for discussion." What an ego this guy
> >>>>>> has. Mustn't let anyone ask any questions. His head might explode.
> >>>>>> On 03/16/2011 11:53 AM, NoEinstein wrote:
> >>>>>>> Folks:  The vast majority of the still apt portions of our original
> >>>>>>> Constitution remains within my New Constitution.  Issues relating to
> >>>>>>> having government be deferential to the people, and placing reasonable
> >>>>>>> limits of the type and scope of the laws that may be passed, is the
> >>>>>>> subject of much that I have expanded on in my New Constitution.  I've
> >>>>>>> placed great importance on seeing to it that the corruption in
> >>>>>>> government�state, local and federal�which I have observed first hand,
> >>>>>>> shall never again negatively impact any law-abiding citizen.
> >>>>>>> There are dozens of well-defined, unconstitutional acts by government
> >>>>>>> employees or elected officials that will either get the persons fired
> >>>>>>> or sent to prison.  Working for government, even for the President, is
> >>>>>>> not a license to violate laws, or to have privileges that good
> >>>>>>> citizens don't have.  Other than my eliminating the unconstitutional
> >>>>>>> (in the SPIRIT) US Senate, and excluding 'career politicians',
> >>>>>>> lobbyists and elitist media from ever setting foot in the Capital, the
> >>>>>>> changes in the daily operation of government won�t be too obvious to
> >>>>>>> most Americans.
> >>>>>>> Not specifically written into the New Constitution, I am personally
> >>>>>>> recommending that Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Unemployment
> >>>>>>> Insurance ALL be privatized�while continuing to "cover" only those
> >>>>>>> older or sicker people who have no other means of surviving or of
> >>>>>>> getting first rate care.  When most taxes and restrictions on the FAIR
> >>>>>>> operation of businesses in this country have been removed, the US
> >>>>>>> economy will experience a BOOM so large, that most people will be
> >>>>>>> making enough money (Prosperity!) to provide for their own futures
> >>>>>>> without needing to look to government for any handouts.
> >>>>>>> The next sentence will assure that socialism�now closely associated
> >>>>>>> with the Democratic Party�will never again influence any future action
> >>>>>>> taken by government: "Fair play and democracy shall have supremacy in
> >>>>>>> the USA!"  Those in government employment must swear, on penalty of
> >>>>>>> death, to agree with that one sentence and to act accordingly.
> >>>>>>> Democrats, who consistently want better things without requiring any
> >>>>>>> work on their part, must learn that they will get no more free lunches
> >>>>>>> or free medical care.  It is my sincere hope that the hard-core 40% of
> >>>>>>> socialist democrats in this country will realize that they will be far
> >>>>>>> better off working in an efficient capitalist economy than from
> >>>>>>> continuing to seek government-doled, socialist mediocrity.
> >>>>>>> I invite the readers to comment on the general people-oriented-tone of
> >>>>>>> my document.  *** However, no specifics are open for discussion. ***
> >>>>>>> � John A. Armistead �  Patriot
> >>>>>>> On Mar 15, 9:36 pm, NoEinstein<noeinst...@bellsouth.net>        wrote:
> >>>>>>>> Folks:  I've now presented over 50% of my New Constitution.  That,
> >>>>>>>> plus the following, should give you a good idea of the love and
> >>>>>>>> devotion I've put into this long project.  My efforts, aided by
> >>>>>>>> computer, exceed the combined total time spent by the actual
> >>>>>>>> contributers to writing the original Constitution by a factor of ten.
> >>>>>>>> At each step, I asked myself what the Founding Fathers would say.  I'd
> >>>>>>>> bet they are happy people!
> >>>>>>>> "Article VI:
> >>>>>>>> Section 1, 2, 3, 4&        5:  Laws in effect at the time of the adoption of
> >>>>>>>> this New Constitution shall remain in effect while such are
> >>>>>>>> systematically reviewed, debated and revoted in the House.  Whether
> >>>>>>>> for the revoting of existing laws and regulations or for new bills,
> >>>>>>>> early and conspicuous public notice in the media shall invite Public
> >>>>>>>> input.  Bills passing without broad and substantiated Public input,
> >>>>>>>> especially by those law-abiding Citizens most affected by the
> >>>>>>>> legislation, shall not become laws.  The House shall make new laws and
> >>>>>>>> define procedures for implementing this New Constitution.  Federal
> >>>>>>>> functions to be returned to local or state governments shall be phased
> >>>>>>>> out gradually and considerately for those to be displaced or relo-
> >>>>>>>> cated.  Under this New Constitution the future state taxes of Citizens
> >>>>>>>> or businesses, typically, shall not exceed their com-bined former
> >>>>>>>> total of state and federal taxes.  At any level of services provided,
> >>>>>>>> streamlining government and minimizing bureaucracy via wise laws shall
> >>>>>>>> always be primary goals.
> >>>>>>>>          Local, state and federal law enforcement, the courts, or any
> >>>>>>>> branch or branches of the military or their respective parts shall at
> >>>>>>>> no time be used in support of corruption in government by any public
> >>>>>>>> official(s) at any level.  Legal authority of law enforcement or the
> >>>>>>>> courts over the Citizens is voided if used in support of corruption.
> >>>>>>>> Local, state and federal law en-forcement agencies shall not be
> >>>>>>>> organizationally affiliated, and persons or groups, therein, shall not
> >>>>>>>> be presumed by law enforcement to be acting lawfully solely because of
> >>>>>>>> such auspices.
> >>>>>>>>          All local, state and federal officer holders and employees�upon
> >>>>>>>> taking office or assuming employment�shall take the following oath:
> >>>>>>>> �I, (Name), promise to serve and be deferential to the People, and to
> >>>>>>>> be unbiased toward any group with a pro democracy, pro fairness
> >>>>>>>> ideology.  I swear to honor and uphold the full civil rights of the
> >>>>>>>> citizens, as guaranteed by the Constitution, and I shall expect my
> >>>>>>>> coworkers and superiors to do the same.   I understand that my
> >>>>>>>> employment in or by government is conditional upon my adherence to
> ...
> read more »

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This Is Insane. You Are Either At War, Or You Are Not.

I have never understood how anyone can justify the mass murder of civilians in order to "save" them.

Sovereign Man
Notes from the Field

Date: March 22, 2011
Reporting From: Denver, Colorado, USA
Have you ever seen the devastation from a BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missile? It's beyond description. Standing in the impact area, it's as if nothing has ever existed there before.

It's naive to think that something with so much destructive power is unlikely to cause 'collateral damage.' I can only imagine the consequences of 159 and counting, the amount of force that has been unleashed in Libya as yet by western governments.

This morning, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates shrugged off any implication that military strikes are responsible for significant civilian casualties in Libya... while at the same time playing down America's role and the time line for continued action.

This is insane. You are either at war, or you are not. Warfare requires clearly defined objectives, competent generals, and well-resourced fighting forces... it cannot be waged with half-measures and stammering equivocation.

Yet, here we are again, watching bureaucrats tap dance in front of voters, playing down the long-term ramifications of engagement and outright rejecting the idea of regime change as an intended objective.

They feel 100% justified in their decision to wage a half war without getting their hands dirty, rejecting any consequences to civilians, all under the auspices of protecting civilians... but only Libyan civilians.

Much praise has been heaped on Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy, and the UN Security Council for their 'political courage,' taking action in the face of popular backlash to defend Libyans.

"Political courage" is an oxymoron. Everything these people do is for their professional gain, to be reelected, and the fallout of these decisions costs lives and economic misfortune. The cost of the munitions alone so far is over a quarter billion dollars, let alone the human cost.

Barack Obama himself said in 2002, "What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks... to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income?--?to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics."

Sounds great. Spoken like a true Nobel Laureate.

The intellectual dishonesty and hypocrisy involved is phenomenal.  The UN Security Council resolution (#1973) which 'authorized' this invasion, expresses condemnation for Qadaffi's deleterious actions against his own people...

... never mind that the exact same thing is happening in Bahrain (which produces only 10% of Libya's oil) where the US Navy's 5th Fleet is headquartered with front row seats to the show;

... never mind that governments have hardly uttered a word about the situation in Bahrain or Saudi Arabia;

... never mind that the western world has proven itself incompetent at regime change after the occupations of both Iraq and Afghanistan;

... never mind that 10-years of warfare have worn out the spirit and morale of fighting forces to the point that they are twisted into taking trophy photos of dead civilians like a 16-point buck;

... never mind that you can't just step in, bomb some targets, step out, and expect a peaceful, stable, democratic, pro-Western society to materialize out of thin air;

... never mind that the coalition forces lack the moral authority to cherry pick which countries to invade and which civilian populations to ignore.

When they lack moral authority, they simply create it out of thin air. Politicians and bureaucrats equate morality with legality. If something is legal, it must be just... and if it's not legal, they'll pass a law or resolution making it legal... and hence just.

This is the way they operate-- using regulatory technicalities to wrap themselves in a blanket of righteousness in order to execute their agenda. As Tacitus said, "the more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws."

Simon Black
Senior Editor, SovereignMan.com

Never, ever interact with a government official without having a recorder running.